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PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you only type in Green Cells. Do not clear formula or manipulate White
cells. Do not delete any rows/columns from the spreadsheet. To start over and remove data. Please
click the “Reset” button.

First, enter the three parameters at the top of the page: Problem Statement, Average Sale Price,
Population Size. Next, click the Reset button. The text in Step 1 should update to the problem
statement and the population/revenue numbers should update accordingly.

Write out the rest of the steps and %’s (current and objective) in the table. Add new steps beyond
step 2 by typing in the next row underneath the table. This will automatically create a new row in
the table and section in the funnel charts.

Then write out the Marketing actions (weapons), manager in charge, and budget numbers.

Expected Results

Adjust the “objectives” inputs by typing in the green cells to test where you can put investment to
have the most impact.
To analyze a different customer journey, click the reset button and start back at the beginning.

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