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Chapter 3: Position Analysis: Part I

As position of links is altered, mechanism is forced

into a d/t configuration and motion proceeds.

The independent parameters are the positions of the

“driver” links or points.

Primary goal of Position Analysis:

to determine resulting positions of links/points on a
mechanism as a function of the position of these
“driver” links or points.

Displacement Analysis
• Locating the position of all links as driver link(s) is
(are) displaced.
• For 1 DOF, determining the position of all links as
one link (input link) is displaced.

Position Analysis
A. Graphical Position Analysis
B. Analytical Position Analysis

A. Graphical Position Analysis
New Configuration:
• All links are rigid; rigidity means that the links do not change
length or shape during motion.
• Relocating all moving links in their respective new positions.
• Simple links rotate about fixed centers, relocated by drawing
arcs, centered at the fixed pivot (Possible Paths of Points).
• Constrained path of a point connected to the frame with a slider
joint is a straight line, parallel to the direction of the sliding
• Complex links that are attached to the frame also must be
• For complex links, relocate only one line of the link; other
geometry of link can then be reconstructed, based on the
position of the line that has already been relocated. 3
Rotating a Complex Link
• The fig. below illustrates the process of rotating a
complex link.
• In fig. (a), line AB of the link is displaced to its desired
position, Δθ2 = 800, clockwise.
• The relocated position of point B is designated as B’.

Rotating a Complex Link
• The next step is to determine the position of the relocated point
C, which is designated as C’.
• Because the complex link is rigid and does not change shape
during movement, the lengths of lines AC and BC do not change.
• Therefore, point C’ can be located by measuring the lengths of
AC and BC and striking arcs from points A and B’, respectively
(see figure below).

Rotating a Complex Link
• A second approach can be employed on a CAD system.
• The lines that comprise the link can be duplicated and
rotated to yield the relocated link.
• All CAD systems have a command that can easily
rotate and copy geometric entities.
• This command can be used to rotate all lines of a link
about a designated point, a specified angular
• It is convenient to display the rotated link in another
color and place it on a different layer.

Example 1

• Typical displacement analysis problem:

- Determining the position of links 3 and 4 as link 2
moves to a specified displacement.
- Driving displacement: angular, say, Δθ2 = 150 CW.
Example 1
• The fig. shows link 2 relocated to its displaced location, which
defines the position of point B’. The constrained path of point C
has also been constructed.
• B/s of its rigidity, the length of link 3 does not change during
• Although link 2 has been repositioned, the length between points
B and C (rBC) does not change.

Example 1
• To summarize the facts of this displacement analysis, the
following is known:
– Point B has been moved to B’.
– Point C must always lay on its constrained path (length rCD
from D) and
– The length between B and C must stay constant (C’ must be a
length rBC from B’.
• From these facts, the new position of link 3 can be
• An arc of length rBC is constructed with its center at B’.
• Sweeping this arc, feasible path of point C’ can be
• Point C must also lay on its constrained path. 9
Example 1
• Point C’ must be located at intersection of the two arcs.
• The two arcs will also intersect at a second point.
• This second point of intersection represents a second
geometric inversion for this linkage.
• The linkage must be disassembled and reassembled to
achieve this alternate configuration, so it can be ignored.
• It is possible that the two arcs do not intersect at all,
indicating that length of the individual links prevents driver
link from achieving the specified displacement.
• Once C’ has been located, the position of links 3 and 4 can
be drawn.
• Thus, the configuration of the mechanism as the driver link
is repositioned has been determined 10
Example 2
Fig. illustrates KD of a mechanism.
Links 2, 4, and 6 are all pinned to the frame.
Points B, C, and E, constrained paths can be readily constructed.

The constrained path of pt. B is a circular arc, centered at pt. A.

The constrained paths of C and E determined in a similar manner.
Example 3
• The fig. shows a KD of a mechanism driven by moving
link 2. Graphically reposition the links of the
mechanism as link 2 is displaced 300 CCW.
• Determine the resulting angular displacement of link 4
and the linear displacement of point E.

Example 3 Graphical Solution
1. Calculate (DOF) Mobility
– To verify that the mechanism is uniquely positioned by
moving one link, its mobility can be calculated.
– Six links are labeled.
– A total of six pin joints; one sliding joint connects links 1
and 6. No gear or cam joints exist:
n = 6; jp = (6 pins + 1 sliding) = 7; jh = 0.
M = 3(n - 1) - 2jp - jh = 3(6 - 1) - 2(7) - 0 = 15- 14= 1
• With one degree of freedom, moving one link uniquely
positions all other links of the mechanism.

Example 3 Graphical Solution
2. Reposition The Driving Link
Link 2 is graphically rotated 300 CCW, locating the position of
point B’. This is shown in figure a below.

3. Determine Paths of All Links Directly Connected to The Frame

The constrained paths of points on links connected to the frame
(B, C, & E) are drawn. This is also shown in figure a.
Example 3 Graphical Solution
4. Determine the Precise Position of Point C’
• Being rigid, length of link 3 cannot change, distance b/n points
B and C (rBC) remains constant.
• An arc drawn of radius rBC, centered at B’ represents feasible
path of point C’.
• The intersection of arc with constrained path of C yields the
position of C’. This is shown in figure b.

Example 3 Graphical Solution
5. Determine the Precise Position of Point E’
• The length of link 5 cannot change, distance b/n points
C and E (rCE) remains constant.

• Point C has been moved to C’, so an arc can be drawn

of radius rCE, centered at C’.

• This arc represents the feasible path of point E’.

• The intersection of this arc with the constrained path of

E yields the position of E’ (Figure b).
Example 3 Graphical Solution
6. Measure the Displacements of Link 4 and Point E’
• Finally, with the position of C’ and E’ determined, links
3 through 6 can be drawn.
• The displacement of link 4 is angular distance b/n the
new & original position, measured as Δθ4 = 260, CCW.
• The displacement of point E is linear distance between
the new and original position of point E.
• The distance between E and E’ is measured and
adjusted for the drawing scale.
ΔRE = 0.9544 in. to the left.

Graphical Position Analysis of Four-bar Linkages
• For any one – DOF linkage, such as a four-bar, only one
parameter is needed to completely define the positions of all
the links.
• The parameter usually chosen is the angle of the input link
(θ2). We want to find θ3 and θ4. The link lengths are known.

Graphical Position Analysis of Four-bar Linkages
• Draw linkage to scale with ruler, compass & protractor
in the given position (θ2), then measure angles of links
3 and 4.
• All link angles are measured from the positive X – axis.
• A local xy axis system, parallel to the global XY system
created at point A to measure θ3.
• Your accuracy is limited by care, drafting ability and
crudity of the protractor used.
• Nevertheless, a very rapid approximate solution can be
found for any one position.

Graphical Position Solution of Four-bar Linkages
• 1st, the ground link 1 and the input link 2 are drawn to a
convenient scale such that they intersect at the origin O2 of
the global XY coordinate system with link 2 placed at the
input angle θ2. Link 1 is drawn along the X axis.
• 2nd, the compass is set to the scaled length of link 3, and an
arc of that radius swung about the end of link 2 (point A).
• 3rd, the compass is set to the scaled length of link 4, and a
second arc swung about the end of link 1 (point O4).
• 4th, these two arcs will have two intersections at B and B’
that define the two solutions to the position problem for a
four-bar linkage which can be assembled in two
configurations, called circuits, labeled open and crossed.
Graphical Position Solution of Four-bar Linkages
• The four link lengths a, b, c, and d and the angle θ2 of
the input link are given.

Graphical Position Solution of Four-bar Linkages
• The angles of links 3 and 4 can be measured with a
• One circuit has angles θ3 and θ4, the other θ3’ and θ4’.
• A graphical solution is only valid for the particular
value of input angle used.
• For each additional position analysis, we must
completely redraw the linkage.
• This can become burdensome if we need a complete
analysis at every 1 or 2 degrees increment of θ2.
• In that case, it is better to derive an analytical solution
for θ3 and θ4 which can be solved by computer.
B. Analytical Position Analysis
• Analytical methods can be used in position analysis to
yield results with a high degree of accuracy.
• This accuracy comes with a price of intensive numerical
• Position analysis Methods: Trigonometric Laws;
Algebraic Manipulations; Complex Number Method
(Vector Loop Eqn. Method).
• For the typical design engineer, the simplicity of the
methods far outweighs all inaccuracies.
• Trigonometric Laws for Triangles method of position
analysis will be used first.
Analytical Position Analysis: Trigonometry
• This method involves inserting reference lines within a
mechanism and analyzing the triangles.
• Laws of general and right triangles are then used to
determine the lengths of the triangle sides and the
magnitude of the interior angles.
• This information is assembled to analyze the entire
• Analytical methods, specifically when implemented
with spreadsheets or other computer-based tools, can
update solutions quickly.

Example 4
Fig. shows a toggle clamp used to securely hold parts.
Analytically determine the displacement of the clamp
surface as the handle rotates downward, 150.

Example 4 Analytical Solution
1. Draw a Kinematic Diagram
The kinematic diagram is given in figure a. The end of
the handle was labeled as point of interest X.

Example 4 Analytical Solution
2. Analyze the Geometry in the Original Configuration
• For this slider-crank mechanism, a triangle is naturally
formed between pin joints A, B, and C.
• This triangle is shown in figure b.

Example 4 Analytical Solution
Prior to observing the mechanism in a displaced configuration, all
properties of the original configuration must be determined. The
internal angle at joint C, ∠BCA, can be determined from the law of

The interior angle at joint B, ∠ABC can be found because the sum of all
interior angles in any triangle must total 1800:
∠ABC = 1800 – (300 + 38.680) = 111.320
The length side AC represents the original position of the slider and can
be determined from the law of cosines:

Example 4 Analytical Solution
3. Analyze the Geometry in the Displaced Configuration
The displaced configuration is shown in figure c when the
handle is rotated downward 150. Note that this
displacement yields an interior angle at joint A, ∠C’AB’, of
150. The law of sines can be used to find the interior angle
at joint C’, ∠B’C’A:

Again, the interior angle at joint B’, ∠AB’C’, can be found

because the sum of all interior angles in any triangle must
total 1800:
∠AB’C’ = 1800 – (150 + 18.880) = 146.120
Example 4 Analytical Solution
The length side AC’ represents the displaced position of
the slider. As before, it can be determined from the law
of cosines:

4. Calculate the Desired Displacement

The displacement of point C during this motion can be
found as the difference of the triangle sides AC’ and
ΔRC = AC’ – AC = 86.14 – 74.52 = 11.62 mm to the left.
Example 5
Fig. below shows a hand pump used for increasing oil
pressure in a hydraulic line. Analytically determine the
displacement of the piston as the handle rotates 150

Example 5 Analytical Solution
1. Draw a Kinematic Diagram
The KD is shown in figure (a).

Example 5 Analytical Solution
2. Analyze the Geometry in the Original Configuration
• An offset slider-crank mechanism.
• Focus on the two right triangles shown in figure b.
• Original configuration, consider lower right triangle, sides
AD and BD can be determined:

Example 5 Analytical Solution
By focusing on the top triangle, the length of side CE can be found
as the sum of the offset distance and the length of side AD from
the lower triangle:
CE = offset + AD = 1.0 + 0.87 = 1.87 in.
Use the Pythagorean theorem, to determine side BE:

Original position of the piston, point C, determined by:

LC = BD + BE = 4.92 + 3.54 = 8.46 in.
Although not required in this problem, the angle that defines the
orientation of link 3 is often desired.
The angle ∠BCE can be determined with:

Example 5 Analytical Solution
3. Analyze the Geometry in the Displaced Configuration
Displaced configuration, figure (c) with the handle rotated
downward 150; yields an angle at joint A of 250, and its
complement, 65°, also shown.

Focus on lower right triangle, the sides AD’ and B’D’ can be
determined from the following trigonometric functions:

Focus on top triangle, length of side C’E’ can be found as:

C’E’ = AF + AD’ = 1.0 + 2.11 = 3.11 in.
Example 5 Analytical Solution
Side B’E’ can then be determined:

The displaced position of the piston can be determined by

summing B’D’ and B’E’:
L’C = B’D’ + B‘E’ = 4.53 + 2.52 = 7.05 in.
4. Calculate the Resulting Displacement
The displacement of the piston, point C, during this
motion can be found by subtracting the length L’C
from LC:
ΔRC = 8.46 – 7.05 = 1.41 in. downward.
Example 6
The figure below shows a toggle clamp used for securing
a work-piece during a machining operation.
Analytically determine the angle that the handle must be
displaced in order to lift the clamp arm 300 CW.

Example 6 Analytical Solution
1. Draw a Kinematic Diagram
The end of the handle was labeled as point of interest X.
The clamp nose was identified as point of interest Y.

Example 6 Analytical Solution
2. Analyze the Geometry in the Original Configuration
This mechanism is the common four-bar linkage.
Figure b focuses on the kinematic chain ABCD. A
diagonal is created by connecting B and D, forming
two triangles.
Prior to observing the mechanism in a displaced
configuration, all properties of the original
configuration must be determined.
Notice that the lower triangle, ΔABD, is a right triangle.
The length of BD can be found using the Pythagorean
Example 6 Analytical Solution
The internal angles, ∠ABD and ∠BDA, can be
determined from the following basic trigonometric
The internal angles,
∠ABD and ∠BDA,
can be determined from
the following basic
trigonometric functions:

Example 6 Analytical Solution
For the top triangle, the internal angle ∠BCD can be
found from the law of cosines:

The internal angle ∠CBD can be determined from the law

of sines:

Example 6 Analytical Solution
The interior angle ∠BDC at can be found because the
sum of all interior angles in any triangle must total
1800. Thus
∠BDC = 1800 – (103.90 + 31.70) = 44.40
he total mechanism angles at joint B (b/n links 2 and 3)
and at joint D (between links 1 and 4) can be
At joint B: ∠ABC = ∠ABD + ∠CBD
= 64.40 + 31.70 = 96.10
At joint D: ∠CDA = ∠BDC + ∠BDA
= 44.40 + 25.60 = 70.00

Example 6 Analytical Solution
3. Analyze the Geometry in the Displaced Configuration
Displaced configuration (link 2, rotated clockwise 300).
This leaves the interior angle at joint A, ∠DAB’, as 600.
Also, the lower triangle is no longer a right triangle.

Example 6 Analytical Solution
The length of diagonal B’D can be found by using the
lower triangle, ∠ABD, and the law of cosines:

The internal angle ∠AB’D can also be determined from

the law of cosines:

The total of the interior angles of any triangle must be

1800. Therefore, angle ∠B’DA is:
∠B’DA = 1800 – (∠DAB’ + ∠AB’D)
= 1800 – (600 + 91.30) = 28.70 44
Example 6 Analytical Solution
Focusing on the top triangle, the internal angle ∠B’C’D
can be found from the law of cosines:

The internal angle ∠C’B’D can be determined from the

law of sines:

Example 6 Analytical Solution
The final interior angle, ∠B’DC’, of the upper triangle can
be found by the following:
∠B’DC’ = 1800 – (∠C’B’D + ∠B’C’D)
= 1800 – (42.00 + 74.90) = 63.10

The total mechanism angles at joint B (b/n links 2 and 3)

and at joint D (b/n links 1 and 4) can be determined by
the following:
At joint B’: ∠AB’C’ = ∠AB’D + ∠C’B’D
= 91.30+ 42.00 = 133.30
At joint D: ∠C’DA = ∠B’DC’ + ∠B’DA
= 63.10 + 28.70 = 91.80 46
Example 6 Analytical Solution
Original and displaced angles at B:

Example 6 Analytical Solution
4. Calculate the Resulting Displacement
The angular displacement of the handle, link 3, can be
determined by focusing on joint B, as shown in figure d.
For the original configuration, the angle of link 3 above
the horizontal is expressed as:
∠ABC – 900 = 96.10 – 90.00 = 6.10

For the displaced configuration, the angle of link 3 above

the horizontal is expressed as:
∠AB’C’ – 1200 = 133.30 – 120.00 =13.30
Finally, the angular displacement of link 3 is:
Δθ3 = 13.30 – 6.10 = 7.20, CCW. 48

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