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No Question A B C D
1 _ of research is to identify the problem. Basic Goal Objective Aim
research establishes cause and effect
2 Descriptive Explanatory Causal Historical
3 Applied research is _. Result oriented Solution oriented Customer oriented Objective oriented
4 Research is for . Objective Solution Answer Knowledge
5 Qualitative research is . Economical Costly Profitable Loss-making
Research design is a _ of whole research
6 Plan Blueprint Method Structure
Sampling involves both design and choice and
7 Qualitative Research Sample Quantitative
In sampling method, sampling units are
8 Probability Snowball Non-probability Quota
selected at random.
9 Two variables are called variables. Continuous Dependent Independent Static
hypothesis establishes no relationship among
10 Null Complex Empirical Analytical
11 Observation method gathers data. Secondary Primary Requisite Tertiary
12 _ question offers limited choice. Alternative Multiple Dichotomous Open ended
13 Primary data is . Economical Costly Affordable Cheap
In observation, subjects do not know they are
14 Unstructured Structured Disguised Undisguised
being observed.
Social media is the collection of
15 Offline Personal Non-personal Online
_ data should be used after careful scrutiny and
16 Secondary Primary Raw Impartial
should not be accepted at its face value.
17 The backbone of personal interview is . Interviewer Questionnaire Setting Onsite Scenario
For telephonic survey, the questionnaire should be
18 Detailed Comprehensive Short Long
Sr. No Question A B C D
Experimental method of data collection is and Quick and
19 Easy and Safe Costly and Lengthy Flexible and Safe
. Economical
Both telephone and
20 Traditional mail panels are now replaced by . Internet panels Telephone panels Radio panels
Radio panels
implies editing, coding, classification and
21 Data processing Data analysis Data interpretation Data calculation
tabulation of collected data.
22 _ is truth in processing Validity Reliability Consistency Objectivity
Accuracy of data means the degree to which bias is absent
23 Data processing Data analysis Data collection Data interpretation
from _.
24 The first task in data processing is data _ Tabulation Coding Editing Interpretation
_ is the process of eliminating errors in the
25 raw data collected so that the data may subsequently Tabulation Classification Editing Coding
undergo tabulation and classification
26 _editing means editing of data at record level Micro Major Purposive Field
The ultimate purpose of of data is to see
27 that data selected for analysis is accurate, complete, errorfree, Coding Editing Processing Tabulating
consistent and relevant
_ editing is also possible at the level of
28 Field Laboratory Executive Managerial
29 Coding is next to of data. Editing Classification Tabulation Calculation
_is the procedure of classifying the answers to a
30 Tabulation Coding Editing Classification
question into meaningful categories.
Sr. No Question A B C D
question into meaningful categories.
is a technique or process of summarizing and Graphic
31 Processing Tabulation Classification
arranging the data in a compact form for further analysis. presentation
32 In tabulation only one variable is involved. Univariate Bivariate Multivariate Random Variate
is used to measure the relationship
33 Correlation ANOVA Factor analysis Cluster analysis
between two variables.
Sr. No Question A B C D
34 Mean is a measure of _. Central tendency Dispersion Segregation Regression
Median is the_ _value that separates the higher
35 Repeated Middle Highest Lowest
half from the lower half of the data set.
is the most frequently occurring value in the
36 Mean Mode Median Spread
data set.
_is the average of the squares of the deviation
37 Observed value Range Frequency Variance
of each measurement from the mean.
Standard deviation is the square root of the_ of a
38 Variance Range Frequency Mean
set of scores.
39 Variability is also called . Dispersion Range Mean Frequency
Alternative statement to null hypothesis is called
40 Complex Null Statistical Alternative
as hypothesis.
Type 1 error is when the null hypothesis is rejected when it
41 Sometimes False Sometimes True FALSE True
is _.
A small p- value is an indication that the null hypothesis is
42 TRUE FALSE Sometimes false Sometimes true
value is the value which separates the critical
43 Original Logical Critical Observed
region from the non critical region.
Chi - square test is used to determine whether there is a
significant difference between the expected and
44 Hypothetical Observed Original Logical

45 _ is the outcome of the entire research process. Hypothesis Report Abstract Interpretation

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