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ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

1. 1 torr is equal to :
a) 1 atmosphere b) 1 bar
c) 1 mmof Hg d) l cmof Hg

2. Force 
F1 and F2 act on a point mass in two mutually perpendicular directions. The magnitude of resultant force
on the point mass will be :
a) F1+ F2 b) F12 + F22
c) F 1 -F 2 d) F12 + F22 – 2F1.F2
3. The distance travelled by a body starting from rest in first, second and third seconds are in the ratio of:
a) 1:2:3 b) 1:3:.5
c) 1:4:9 d) 1:3:15
4. The work done on a body does not depend upon:
a) Displacement
b) Force applied
c) Angle between force and displacement
d) Initial velocity of the body
5. Two satellites Si and S2 revolve around the earth at distances 3R and 6R from the centre of earth. Their periods
of revolutions will be in the ratio:
a) 1:2 b) 2:1
c) 1:23/2 d) 1:22/3
6. A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure reading of 50 cm and 90 cm of mercury at 0°C and 100°C
respectively. When the pressure reading is 60 cm of mercury, the temperature is:
a) 25°C b) 15°C
c) 40°C d) 12.5°C
7. A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is heated, the size of hole:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains unchanged
d) First decreases and then increases
8. A cold cole bottle is left open on the pan of a balance and its weight observed from time tp time. The weight:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Increases, reaches a maximum and then starts decreasing
d) Remains unchanged
9. In a thermodynamic process, the volume remains constant. The process is called:
a) Isothermal b) Isochoric
c) Adiabatic d) Isobaric
10. Newton's law of cooling refers to:
a) Conduction b) Convection
c) Radiation d) All of above
11. Bells are made of metal and not of wood, because:
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) The thermal conductivity of metal is greater than that of wood

b) The density of metal is greater than that of wood
c) The sound is not conducted by metal but is radiated
d) Wood dampens vibration while metals are elastic.
12. A man moves towards a plane mirror, with a velocity V in a direction making an angle 0 with the normal to the
mirror. The magnitude of velocity of the image relative to man normal to mirror will be:
a) 2V b) 2V cos
c) 2V sin d) 2V7cos
13. A plane glass slab is placed on the letters of different colours, the letters of w hich colour are raised by maximum
a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Blue
d) Equally raised for all colours
14. If half of the body of a lens is covered with black paper, the image produced by lens will:
a) Disappear
b) Remains almost unaffected
c) Have its size reduced to half
d) Have its intensity reduced
15. In lithium nitride, the numbers of protons and electrons in nitride ion are:
a) 7p + 7e– b) 10p + 7e–
c) 7p+10e– d) l0p + 10e–
16. A compound contains 28% nitrogen and 72% of a metal by weight. If 3 atoms of the metal combine with 2 atoms
of nitrogen, the atomic weight of the metal is:
a) 24 b) 28
c) 32 d) 42
17. The e/m value of neutron is:
a) +9.5 79 x 104 C/g
b) 1.6 × 10-19C/g
c) 0
d) It cannot be determined
18. An electrovalent compound is made up of:
a) Electrically charged particles
b) Neutral molecules
c) Neutral atoms
d) Electrically charged atoms or group of atoms
19. Which of the following bonds has the most polar character?
a) C – O b) C – S
c) C – F d) C –Br .
20. Water is a:
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) Protophobic solvent
b) Protophilic solvent
c) Amphiprotic solvent
d) Aprotic solvent
21. When Zinc reacts with hot and concentrated nitric acid, it gives:
a) NO2 b) NO
c) N2O d) NH4NO3
22. The molecular formula of Lunar caustic is:
a) NaCl b) AgNO3
c) Ca(OH)2 d) CH3COOH
23. With the increase of atomic number in a period:
a) Chemical activity decreases
b) Chemical activity increases
c) Electropositive character decreases
d) Electropositive character increases
24. Chemical substances that decrease the temperature of the body are:
a) Antipyretic b) Analgesic
c) Antibiotic d) Anaesthetic
25. Compounds having same molecular formula but different properties are called:
a) Isotopes b) Isomers
c) Isobars d) Ailotropes
26. Malachite is an ore of:
a) Iron b) Copper
c) Mercury d) Zinc
27. Silicon is the main constituent of:
a) Rocks b). Alloys
c) Animals d) Plants
28. Collar cells (flagellated cells) are characteristics of:
a) Roundworms b) Earthworms
c) Sponges d) Pinworm
29. Parasites which can live only as parasites and hence die with the death of the host are called:
a) Facultative b) Pathogenic
c) Obligatory d) Incidental
30. Which one is incorrect?
a) Pennatula-Sea pen
b) Fungiaa-Mushroom coral
c) Meandrina- Brain coral
d) Gorgonia- Se mouse
31. Which of the following is exclusively marine?
a) Mollusca b) Coelenterata
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

c) Echinodermata d) Porifera
32. Protonephridial system is found in:
a) Fasciola b) Pheretima
c) Ascaris d) Nereis
33. Sex of human child is determined by:
a) Size of sperm
b) Sex chromosome of mother
c) Sex chromosome of father
d) Size of the egg
34. In elephants, Tusks are:
a) Two incisors of upper jaw
b) Two premolars of upper jaw
c) Two incisiors of lower jaw
d) Two premolars of lower jaw
35. In mammalian heart, the pulmonary circulation is powered by:
a) Right atrium & right ventricle
b) Left atrium & right ventricle
c) Only right ventricle
d) Only left ventricle
36. The polio virus enters the body through:
a) Msoquito bites
b) Tick bites
c) Contaminated food & water
d) Saliva & secretion from nose
37. Which part of the brain is concerned with voluntary actions and control?
a) Cerebrum b) Cerebellm
c) Limbic system d) Medulla oblongata
38. Separation of homologous chromosome during meiosis occurs at:
a) Metaphase– I b) Anaphase – I
c) Metaphase– II d) Anaphase – II

39. Branch dealing with the study of fungi is:

a) Phycology b) Mycology
c) Mycetology d) Both b and c
40. Spirogyra is so named because:
a) Pyrenoid is spirally arranged
b) Plasma membrane is spiral
c) Chloroplast is spirally arranged
d) All of the above
41. Plant lacking seed and vascular tissue but forming spores and embryo are:
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) Pteridophytes b) Gymnosperms
c) Bryophytes d) Thallophytes
42. Ginger is not a root bt a stem because:
a) It stores food material
b) It has pungent taste
c) It has nodes & internodes
d) It is not green in colour
43. The manufactured food in green plants moves from leaves to other parts through:
a) Pith b) Xylem
c) Cortex d) Phloem
44. Osmosis involves:
a) Cell to cell movement of water
b) Movement of water through cortical cells
c) Active absorption of water through roots
d) All of the above
45. Cross between F1 hybrid and recessive parents is :
a) Back cross
b) Test cross
c) Monohybrid coross
d) Dihybrid cross
46. The two daughter cells produced at the end of meiosis when compared to the parent diploid cells will have:
a) Same amount of DNA and same number of chromosomes
b) Same amount of DNA and half number of chromosomes
c) Half amount of DNA and half number of chromosomes
d) Half amount of DNA and same number of chromosomes
47. Trophic level in which producers belong to are:
a) first b) second
c) third d) fourth
48. The function of xylem is:
a) to conduct water and minerals from root to leaves
b) to conduct food from leaves to all parts of the plant
c) to remove waste products from plant
d) Both a and b
49. Prokaryotic unicellular organism lies in:
a) Protista b) Monera
c) Mycota d) Plantae
50. Yeast is rich in:
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D
51. The equation whose roots are twice roots of equation 4x2 + 8x – 5 = are:
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) 5x2 + 8x – 4 = 0 b) 3x2 – 5x + 8 = 0
c) 2x2 – 8x + 5 = 0 d) x2 + 4x – 5 = 0
52. The sum of roots of equation x + px + q = 0 is equal to sum of their squares, then:
a) p2 + p = 2q b) p2 + 2p = q
c) p2 – 2q = 2p d) p2 + q2 = 1
 
53. Two vectors A and B will be perpendicular if:

a) 
A .
B =1 b) 
A .
B =0

c) 
A ×
B =1 d) 
A ×
B =0
       
54. If two vectors A = 1 i + 4 j – 2 k and B = 3 i – 2 j + n k are perpendicular to each other, n =
a) 2 b) –2
c) 1 –1
55. If 3sin + 5 cos = 5, then the value of 5sin – 3 cos is:
a) 3 b)  5
c)  8 d)  2
56. If  ABC, a = 5, b = 6 and c = 30°, area of  is:
3 3
a) b) 6.5
c) 7.5 d) 4
57. 2 angles of a  are cot 2 and tan
-1 -1 rd
3 . The 3 angle is :
 
a) 4 b) 6

2 3
c) 3 d) 4

58. Two sets A and B are disjoint if:

a) A = B =  b) A  B = 
c) A – B =  d) A  B = 
59. If f(x) = x + 1 and g(x) = 2x + 1, gof (x) is :
a) 2x2 + 2 b) 2x2
c) 2x2 + 4x + 3 d) x3 + 1
2 2 2 2
60. If the circles x + y = 9 and x +y + 2ax + 2y + 1 = 0 touch each other externally then value a?
a) – 3 b) 1
3 1
c) 4 d) 3
2 2
61. The equation of pair of lines passing through (1,1) and parallel to x – 5xy + 4y + x + 2y – 2 = 0 is:
a) 4x2 – 3xy + 7y2 = 0
b) x2 + 5xy + 7x + 7x + 7y = 0
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

c) x2 – 5xy + 4y2 + 3x – 3y = 0
d) 4x2 + 5xy + y2 + 7x + 4y = 0
62. The length of perpendicular from the oint (a, 3) on line 3x + 4y + 5 = 0 is 4 then a =
a) 1 b) –3
c) –3/4 d) 2
63. The orthocenter and centroid of a  are (– 3,5) and (3, 3) respectively. The circumcentre is:
a) (2,4) b) (1,5)
c) (6,2) d) (–1,3)
64. The inverse of a diagonal matrix is:
a) Diagonal matrix b) Scalar matrix
c) unit matrix d) Null matix
65. The sum up to infinity of a geometric series is 15, the first term is 3, common ratio is:
a) 5/4 b) 4/5
c) 5/3 d) 3/5
66. If AM's be inserted between a and b, the common difference is:
b+a b+a
a) b)
n n+1
b–a b–a
c) n d) n + 1

67. In a G.P. (n + n)th and (m – n)th terms are p an d respectively then mth term is:
a) pq b) 0
c) pq d) 2

68. A cube is cut into smaller cubes such that each side of the smaller cubes is half of other cube. The total surface
area is increased by:
a) 100% b) 200%
c) 300% d) 400%
69. If A's income is 10% more than B. How muchis B's income less than A?
1 1
a) 9 11 % b) 10 4 %

c) 11% d) 13%
70. How many degree are there in angle formed by hands of clock at 2: 30 ?
a) 100° b) 105°
c) 110° d) 115°
71. If 2lbs. of tea costs F3, 1kg = 2. lbs. and f2 = Rs. 500 What will be cost of 1 kg tea in ruees?
a) Rs. 825 b) Rs. 800
c) 850 d) 925
72. If the price of milk is reduced form Rs. 22.5 per litre to Rs. 18 per litre, in what proportion water is mixed?
a) 2:1 b) 3:1
c) 4:1 d) 5:1
73. What is the probability of an importion water is mixed?
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

a) c b) 1
c) 1/2 d) 0
74. In the figure, side AB of a square ABDE is extended to C. If BC = 8, and CD = 10, what is perimeter of ACD?
a) 18 + 6 2 E D
b) 24 +6 2
c) 26 + 6 2 A B 8

d) 30
75. What is minimum number of rectangular tiles each 12cm by 18cm needed completely to cover 5 flat rectangular
surfaces cach 60 cm by 180cm?
a) 100 b) 200
c) 150 d) 250
76. She as well as her children …..going for a film.
a) are b) were
c) is d) have
77. The cattle……for sale.
a) are b) is
c) has d) have
78. Love: adore::
a) affection: indifference
b) hit: suffer
c) fight: war
d) pride: prejudice
79. She was as happy as……………
a) us b) we
c) them d) her
80. The corner of the street stood a policeman………an umbrella.
a) on, with b) near, under
c) by, in d) at, under
81. When they …here, we had already left.
a) had come b) came
c) come d) would come
82. She stood………first in her class.
a) a b) the
c) an d) none
83. We could have played tennis yesterday if it…………
a) did not rain b) had not rained
c) would not rain d) does not rain
84. Hardly does she talk to me,……..?
a) doesn't she b) won't she
c) will she d) does she
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

85. The passive form of ''we must write to her'' is

a) She must be written by us.
b) She must be written to.
c) She has to be written.
d) We must be written by her.
86. She dressed as if it….Winter
a) is b) was
c) were d) had
87. It is an anomalous situation.
a) usual b) worthy
c) advancing d) unusual
88. The antonym of extravagant is
a) expensive b) thrifty
c) unlimited d) proud
89. A book or paer written in hand….
a) handwritten b) calligraphy
c) manuscript d) draft
90. ''To raise a dust'' means
a) to talk nonsense
b) to make pieces
c) to make no effect
d) to create confusion
91. Choose the correct spelling
a) Colloquial
b) to make pieces
c) to make no effect
d) to create confusion
92. The wrongly spelt word is
a) criticized b) curiosity
c) attendance d) condemned
93. Arrange the disarranged sentences
P) before their enchanted mates
Q) he saw
R) fromorchard to his residence
S) peacocks dancing
94. Interviews for the post of lecturer will
begin from Monday. No error
ST. Xavier’s College +2 Science Entrance Exam Model Question Set with Solutions in Help For SEE App.

95. He putim his own name for President.
a) proposed b) wrote
c) gave d) told
96. If the alphabet is in reverse order, which letter will be eighth letter to the left of the seventh letter counting from
the right end?
a) O b) P
c) N d) Q
97. She acted as though she……….. a good speaker.
a) was b) were
c) had been d) is
98. Whether or not he is culpable will be determined by jury.
a) Innocent b) Dangerous
c) Guilty d) Thief
99. The antonym of ''Acquittal"" is:
a) Warrant b) Condemnation
c) Punishment d) Castigation
100. ''A bolt from the blue" means
a) Something unavoidable.
b) a sudden and unexpected occurrence.
c) timely help from someone.
d) to get good assistance.

1.c 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.a 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.c
11.d 12.b 13.c 14.d 15.c 16.a 17.c 18.d 19.c 20.c
21.a 22.b 23.c 24.a 25.b 26.b 27.a 28.c 29.a 30.d
31.c 32.a 33.c 34.a 35.a 36.c 37.b 38.d 39.d 40.c
41.c 42.c 43.d 44.d 45.b 46.b 47.a 48.a 49.b 50.b
51.d 52.a 53.b 54.d 55.a 56.c 57.d 58.b 59.c 60.a
61.c 62.a 63.c 64.a 65.b 66.d 67.c 68.c 69.a 70.b
71.a 72.c 73.d 74.b 75.d 76.c 77.c 78.c 79.a 80.b
81.b 82.d 83.b 84.d 85.b 86.b 87.d 88.b 89.c 90.d
91.a 92.c 93.c 94.d 95.a 96.b 97.c 98.c 99.c 100.b

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