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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación Superior.

Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rómulo Gallegos”
Health Sciences Area. Medicine Program.
Monagas-Maturín Nucleus
Cathedra: English

Present and past tense

Teacher: Integrants:
Elvis Salazar.
Avila Oriana CI: 29.589.975
Barbato Gerard. C.I: 27.559.023
Chauran Juan C.I:30.290.060

Section: “5”
May 2023
Gerard Barbato
1. Write your daily routine.
My daily routine is mainly focused on after waking up having a good breakfast, then
organizing the environment where I live and finally getting ready to attend the university.
There are days that I work and others I have free that I focus on having moments of
distraction or simply to study.
2. Answer these questions
¿ what does a surgeon do?
A surgeon is a doctor who is specially trained for procedures that involve surgical
¿Where do the doctors work?
Doctors work in health institutions, hospitals, insurers, hospital centers, companies
or organizations with a high attendance of people with health problems. You can also find
doctors at universities and educational centers.

¿How does diabetes affect people?

Diabetes raises the level of sugar in the blood to a higher level than normal. After
many years, too much sugar in the blood can cause problems in the body. It can damage the
eyes, kidneys, nerves, skin, heart, and blood vessels.

¿Did your mother take you to the pediatrician when you were a child?
Yes. My mother took me to the pediatrician in my childhood.

¿ Did you ever get hurt or sick when you were a child?
Yes. I got hurt while playing mostly and got sick a few times.
Juan Chauran
1. Write your daily routine.
I currently study and work, I work at farmapaz of the avenues and perform my work as a
shift worker, for which my routine is based on getting up in the morning to sweep, take out
the garbage and order everything so that when my superiors arrive I am everything tidy,
then I go home walking since it is only a few blocks from my work, when I get home I
change my clothes and take a shower to be more comfortable, I prepare breakfast and then
process to eat, once I eat I go to bed to rest for about 4 or 5 hours, then I get up to go to the
university, I see the classes and I return home to catch up with the activities that
correspond to me, I take advantage of lunch and once I'm done It's 6pm I get ready to go
back to work.

2. Answer these questions

¿What is a surgeon?
A surgeon is any doctor who is capable of preventing, diagnosing and curing
diseases by performing surgery.

¿Where do the doctors work?

The health professional can work in Institutions belonging to the health sector,
federal and state. Also in, centers and community groups, educational institutions among

¿How does diabetes affect people?

Over time, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.
Adults with diabetes are at two to three times the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

¿Your mother took you to a pediatrician when you were a kid?

¿Have you ever been hurt or sick as a child? Tell us your story.
Yes, when I was 9 years old I was playing top in the patio of my house with my
brothers, then it happened to me that my top fell into a hole that was full of debris, I went
to get my top and when I put my foot in to get it out I I cut the fourth toe of my foot, the
truth is that I had not even felt that I had been cut, it was my brothers who told me that my
toe was cut, to be exact I cut my toe almost completely, that is, even the bone was cut Then
my mom got very worried and asked my neighbor for a favor to take us to the medicine,
there they anesthetized me and proceeded to cook, thank God I didn't lose my finger.
Oriana Ávila

1. Write your daily routine.

I Get up in the morning, I help my brothers prepare their breakfast before they go to
school, I exercise by taking my dogs for a walk, then I get home, I study about the topic that
I will cover in class, I take a shower, I prepare I have lunch and prepare my things to go to
the university.

2. Answer these questions

What does a surgeon do?

A surgeon is a doctor who specializes in performing surgery. Their job is to evaluate

and diagnose physicians who require surgical intervention, and then plan and carry out
surgical procedures to treat or correct those problems.

¿Where do the doctors work?

Physicians can work in a variety of settings, depending on their specialty and personal
preferences. Some of the places where doctors can work are Hospitals, Medical offices,
Clinics, Research centers, Pharmaceutical industry.

¿How does diabetes affect people?

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body processes glucose (sugar) in the
blood. When a person has diabetes, their body either does not make enough insulin (a
hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels) or cannot use insulin effectively.

Diabetes can affect people in various ways. Some of the most common effects are High
blood sugar levels, Vision problems, Kidney problems, Nerve problems, Cardiovascular
¿Did your mother take you to a pediatrician when you were a child?

Yes, my mother always took me to the pediatrician to make sure that I was developing
in a healthy way, to be able to detect any medical problems early and also to have guidance
on my nutrition.

¿Have you ever been hurt or sick as a child? Tell us your story.

Yes, when I was a child I suffered a lot from asthma and the times I had to go to the
clinic were very frequent, cold places affected me too much and they had to nebulize me

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