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1a - Reading (pg:6)
break up, fall out with, get engaged, get married

-Phrasal verbs:
freeze up, get on with, hang out with, hear from, let down, make up

-Other words/phrases:
awkward, be in trouble, conference, depend on, do part, face-to-face, far away, get wrong, graduate(v),
have a rough time, have difficulty, in need, in person, keep together, promotion, problematic, tender

1a - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:8)

-Phrasal verbs:
bring up, cheer up, dig up, grow up

-Adjectives describing feelings:

angry, depressed, embarrased, frightened, glad, shocked

-Verbs related to speaking:

argue, complain, discuss, gossip, lie, nag, quarrel

-Other words/phrases:
delicious, development, flatmate, lightning, magnificent, slipper, stroll, thunder, tutor, typical

Present Simple & Present Progressive,
Stative Verbs

1a - Listening & Speaking (pg:12)

I have to rush.

-Other words/phrases:
he retired, carefree, confide in, disappointed, overhear, pick up, resolve, return, seem, settle back into,
share, snorkelling, snowboarding, tension, upset

1b - Reading (pg:12)
-Adjectives describing people:
courageous, independent, resourceful

-Other words/phrases:
access, ancestor, Bedouin, constantly, descend from, fellow traveller, force(v), generosity, grace, hand
down, harsh, herd, honour, hospitality, maintain, nomad, outskirts,related, respect, shortage, spiced,
tribe, wanderer, generation

1b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:14)

-Adjectives describing people:
creative, generous, hospitable, imaginative, intelligent, patient

have second thoughts

-Other words/phrases:
assure, blow, creativty, go for, imagination, passenger, patience, suburb, inhabitant, traveller, warmth,

Comparative & Superlative Forms

1b - Listening & Speaking (pg:16)

-Words and phrases:
available, caller, face(v), familiar, helpline, information pack, put through, staff, suffer, support, take
time off, traumatic, turn to, volunteer

1b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:17)

acquaintance, classmate, colleague, ex-husband, fiancé, mother-in-law, stepmother

-Other words/phrases:
annoying, come to an understanding, comment, critical, deal with, divide, equally, fairly, guilty, help out,
ignore, overcome, set aside, tend to

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

1b - Writing (pg:18)
-Wedding-related vocabulary:
honeymoon, preparations, reception, seating arrangements, wedding gift

make a weekend out of it, sounds great, have a look around

-Other words/phrases:
charming, confirm, cottage, definitely, look around, mention, participant, pick out, stressed out,
linking words:and,but,so,because

2a - Reading (pg:24)
-Words/Phrases related to skiing:
(ski)chalet, chairlift, ski pole, slope, snowboard, snowfall, ski run

-Other words/phrases:
admission fee, alike, amount, attached to, availability, be subject to, belongings, book(v), concultation,
client, contact, corporate, deluxe, deserve, discount, disposable, ensure, extension, extraordinary,
feature(v), first timer, fitness regime, helmet, ideal, in advance, individual, indoor, infinity swimming
pool, instructor, lie(v), locker, luxurious, minimum, note(v), observation tower, outing, priority,
purchase(v), refresh, regular, relate, rental, requirement, reserve, resort, shuttle service, spacious, suite,

2a - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:26)

acommodation,active, altitude, exhausting, expedition, fare, fee, flourish, hostel, hot spring, merchant,
resort, rule(v), seaside, take control, spice trade, surrender, thermal baths, twists and turns

Past Simple & Past Progressive

2a - Listening & Speaking (pg:28)

holiday destination, fireworks display, seating preference

2a - Writing (pg:29)
a night on the town, ancient, architecture,bathe, bubble up, bustling, elegant, exceptional, far and wide,
fascinating, filling, fond, healing, interior, intriguing, landmark, memory, notable, packed with, pastry,
pasty, remarkable, spot, stroll, undoubtedly

2b - Reading (pg: 30)

-Words related to geographical features/landscapes:
barren, pathway, plain

-Other words/phrases:
amongst, companion, grizzly bear, indicate, inhospitable, miserable, nothingness, prevent, rifle, rub,
spread(n), strecth(v), sunken, worn(adj)

2b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:32)

bandaged up, continental, coracle, gather, grab, optimistic, vertical
-Adjectives describing people and places:
enormous, miserable, lonely, dull, pale, weak, optimistic, amazing, unpleasant, luxurious, attractive,
spectacular, dangerous, scared, continental, useless, mysterious

Past Perfect Simple & Past Perfect Progressive

2b - Listening & Speaking (pg:34)

go off, hassle, spoil, trekking, troublesome, think deeply

2b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:35)

-Adverbs of manner:
fortunately, suddenly, incredibly, naturally, probably, possibly, luckily

Used to - Would - Was/Were going to

2b – Writing (pg:36)
anxious, screen(v)

-Linking words/phrases(pg:163):
Time: before, before long, when, as soon as, just as, the moment that, while, as, during, in the
meantime, immediately, after, afterwards, after that, later, some time later, soon, then, next, in the
beginning, at first, in the end, finally, eventually, at last, until, by the time
Concession-Contrast: although, even though, in spite of, despite, however, no matter how/what,
whatever, but, while, whereas, nevertheless, regardless of
Result-Consequence: so..that, such..that, therefore, so, otherwise, for this reason, under the
circumstances, consequently, as a consequence, as a result
Cause-Reason: because (of), as, since, due to, owing to
Emphasis: in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, to tell you the truth, strangely enough


3a - Reading (pg:42)
adrenaline rush, appeal to, audition, baggy, buck off, commercial, compete, concussion, consider,
convict, create, criminal, database, degree, entertain, essential, evidence, exhausted, fascinated,
fingerprint analyst, glamorous, have an eye for, hire, identify, loose, mike(microphone), obvious,
opportunity, post-secondary, ranch, recording, require, rodeo, satisfaction, script, silliness, sketch,
stitch, unique

3a - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:44)

-Jobs (Nouns describing occupations):
archaeologist, artist, babysitter, biologist, designer, economist, electrician, engineer, scientist, manager,
mathematician, musician, politician, psychologist, receptionist

-Words related to occupation:

apprentice, earn, job, resign, retire, work

-Other words/phrases:
brand, contestant, disaster, financial, fortune, host, household item, involved, music label, remain,
survive, win

Present Perfect Simple & Present Perfect Progressive

3a - Listening & Speaking (pg:46)

make ends meet

application form, beneficial, benefit(v), duty, efficient, flexible, job qualification, independence,
major(v), research, responsibility, valuable, wage

3a - Writing (pg:47)
take into consideration, with regard to

applicant, appreciate, attend to, currently, curriculum vitae, customer, demanding, dependable,
enclose, job candidate, negotiate, possess, provide, reference, raliability, reliable, till, working

3b - Reading (pg: 48)

-University or school subjects/courses:
Current Affairs, Interior and Fashion Design, Journalism, Mass Media, Webpage Development

-Other words/phrases:
access, actively, apart from, branch, concern, course planner, criticise, curriculum, curriculum designer,
digital, educator, focus, influential, keen, lack, largely, minority, nevertheless, oppose, optional,
powerful, press, prevent, principle, repeatedly, rumour, shape(v), viewer

3b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:50)

-Words related to studies:
certificate, course, degree, Fine Arts, grant, instructor, lesson, mark, professor, scholarship, subject

-Collocations Verb + Noun:

get a mark/certificate/a grant
make a mistake/an effort/progress
do an experiment/homework/course/a project
take a class/exam/course/a test/lesson/certificate/grant
study a language

-Other words/phrases:
appealing, appropriate, award, confess, desperate, earnings, firsthand, occupation, release, suitable,
values, welcoming

Defining & Non-defining Relative Clauses

3b - Listening & Speaking (pg:52)

audio-visual material, certified, convention, effective, extensively, focused, handicap, interact,
interaction, lottery ticket, Master’s degree, one-to-one, pace, special needs

3b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:53)

-American -British English
apartment flat
cell phone mobile phone
check bill
elevator lift
fall autumn
fries chips
garbage rubbish
gas petrol

-American English -British English

line queue
pants trousers
sidewalk pavement
sneakers trainers
soccer football
store shop
stove cooker
sweater jumper
truck lorry
vacation holiday

-Other words/phrases:
swerve, deer, slippery, overlook

Should – Ought to – Had better

3b - Writing (pg:54)
-Linking words:
in comparison to, summing up

-Linking words/phrases(pg:165):
Listing points: firstly, to begin/start with, in the first place, last but not least
Adding more points: in addition to this, furthermore, moreover, what is more, also, apart from this,
besides, another point worth mentioning is..
Giving an example: for example, such as, particularly, especially, take for instance
Emphasizing: in fact, as a matter of fact
Expressing contrast: although, in spite of, despite, however, but
Expressing cause/reason: because (of), as, since, due to, owing to
Expressing result consequence: therefore, in this case, for this reason, consequently, as a result
Summing up: in conclusion, to sum up, all in all, on the whole, taking everything into account

-Other words/phrases:
adjust, anxiety, as well as, award(v), balance, briefly, co-worker, Department of Labour, employer, extra-
curricular,graduate(n), income, initial, issue, join, keep up with, left behind, overwhelmed, percentage,
positive, punctuality, put off, selection, steady, submit, trend, unemployed


4a - Reading (pg:60)
-Words/Phrases related to flying:
air route, emergency landing, onboard, parachute, take off

- Other words/phrases:
affect, amuse, back up, combine, comparable, consumption, cruising(adj.), decade, delay, determine,
dramatically, exhaust fumes, external, feature(n), fuel, guard(v), impact, inefficient, inevitable, install,
internal, lightweight, locate, maximum, means of transport, negotiate, operate, parking lot, persuade,
propane, property, reduce, replace, run on, rural, state(v), simultaneously, therefore, urban, vehicle,
version, warn
in the event of

4a - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:62)

-Verbs + Prepositions:
verb+from: benefit, differ, protect, prevent, suffer, save, translate
verb+with: compare, connect, replace, cope, combine, negotiate, mix
verb+into: bump, crash, translate
verb+against: warn, guard, protect

-Nouns deriving from verbs:

connection, replacement, communication, arrangement, invention, operation, improvement,
production, protection, reduction

-Adjectives ending in –able:

believable, dependable, predictable, preferable, noticeable

Future Tenses:
The Future will, The Future Progressive, The Future Perfect

Other Future Forms:

The Present Simple, The Present Progressive, The Future going to

4a - Listening & Speaking (pg:12)

affection, breakthrough, chase, defective, gadget, laboratory, scratch, test tube

4a - Writing (pg:65)
you name it

fingertip, generation, global, necessity, post, socialise, surrounded

4b - Reading (pg:66)
-Phrasal verbs:
carry out, come up, do without, put up with

-Words/phrases related to health and medicine:

diagnosis, discomfort, dress(wound), medical, operate on, operation, pain, physician, surgeon, surgery,
-Other words/phrases:
aim(v), ambitious, complex, crop, distracted, engrossed, error, expertise, generate, investigate, keep an
eye on, lessen, minimise, monitor, parameter, pot, presently, procedure, prototype, recreate, restore,
result in, revise, revolutionise, scan(v), simulation, spare, updated, virtual reality

4b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:68)

-Expressions with the word ‘eye’:
catch one’s eye, close one’s eye to, see eye to eye

-Prefixes and suffixes:

endless, rebuild, painful, incorrect, unimportant, careful, harmful, ineffective, uncomfortable,successful,
helpful, homeless, reconstruct

-Other words/phrases:
earthquake, incorrect, judge, motivate, poisonous

Conditional Sentences: Type 0, Type 1 and Type 2

4b - Listening & Speaking (pg:70)

-Other words/phrases:
accurate, aware of, biometric, data, facilitate, high-tech, identification, identity, physical, privacy,
rechargeable, secure, state-of-the-art

4b - Vocabulary & Grammar (pg:71)

-Expressions with ‘in’ and ‘out of’:
in addition, in agreement, in detail, in order, in particular, in progress, in the future, in touch, in use, out
of control, out of date, out of order, out of the ordinary, out of the question, out of touch, out of use

Must – Have to - Need

4b - Writing (pg:72)
-Words related to buying products:
charge, guarantee, refund

to begin with, in fact, finally

-Other words/phrases:
aggressive, aspect, be entitled to, claim, deduct, misleading, overlook, state(v), transfer, unsatisfactory
4b - Round Up - Listening (pg:76)
annual, approximately, charismatic, compulsory, deafness, debate, enormous, headphones, insight,
stimulate, volume

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