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by the decision of the Academic Council
Protocol №____________


Discipline name: Propedeutics of Internal Medicine

Discipline code: PVB 3301
Specialty: 6В10102 "General Medicine"
Number of credits: 8
Course: 3
Compiled (s):
Ass Prof ____________ Veklenko G.V.

Аss. Department of Medicine ________ Biyasilov N.S.

Discussed at a meeting of the department

Protocol N _____ dated "____" ____________ 20 ___.

Head of the Department, Ass Prof ______ Veklenko G.V.

Agreed with the AK in the specialty "General Medicine"

Protocol N____ dated "____" ___________ 20___.
Chairman, Ass Prof ___________ Abenova N.A.

Agreed with DAW

Protocol number ____ dated "___" ___________ 20 ___.
Head – Ass Prof ____________ Alikenova N. U.

Aktobe, 2021

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Information about teachers

      Year of Total Teache Doctor academic Information of

No FULL NAME. position universitygrad exper r categor degree professionsl
uated ience experie y development in
nce last years
1 Veklenko Galina Leader/ 1986, 35 32 Higher CMS. FPK, 2015
Viktorvna Head Medical Assistant HFC 2018
Faculty professor
2 Akhmetov Prof. 1965, MF 53 45 Higher Ph.D., FPK, 2015
Kairgali ZhAlelovich professor HFC, 2009
3 Seitmaganbetova Assistant 1994, MF 24 12 Higher Ph.D. HFC, 2018
Nazgul Asylbekovna FPK, 2015
4 Biyasilov Assistant 1995, MF 2 3 18 Higher Ph.D. HFC, 2018
Nurzhan Seyilkhanovich FPK, 2014
5 Aliyev Ondasyn Assistant 1996, MF 22 16 First Master of Master's2016-
Minbaevich Medicine 2018
6 Kurmasheva Gulnara Assistant 2000, MF 19 7 First - FPK, 2013
Serikovna HFC, 2014
7 Zhaubatyrova Aigul Assistant 1995, MF. 23 10 Higher Master FPK 2018
Amangeldiyevna   Degree HFC 2018
8 Tleumagambetova Assistant 2012, general 6 4 - - Resident of RA,
Bibigul Bibolatovna Intern medicine 2014-16
9 Tanmaganbetova Azhar Assistant 1978,MF 40 9 - - -
10 Khibina Mirshat Assistant 1999, MF 18 2 - MD FPK, 2018
. Almukhambetovna HFC 2019
Contact Information The Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics is located on the basis of
the cardiological and multidisciplinary departments of the emergency hospital. Aktobe at the
following address: 7 Patsaeva Str., 2nd floor. The office of the head of the department, training
rooms, laborantsky are located on the 2nd floor of a polyclinic building. The bungalow for
students is located in the basement of the medical emergency room.
Telephone 54 63 4 6 (kaf.) . e - mail : propedp@
Discipline policy:
The Syllabus sets out the principles for conducting Practical Exercises, SROPs and SROs, including
the transition to a remote mode when the epidemic situation changes.
The general requirements for students in the learning process comply with the Internal
Regulations for Students at NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov”.
All educational materials (Syllabuses, textbooks and manuals, presentations for training
programs and lectures, videos, etc.) are posted on the Moodle platform in three languages (Kazakh,
Russian and English) for the purpose of equal access for students with different languages of
All students must have access to the Moodle platform.
Students who have been fully vaccinated are allowed to attend classes in the clinic and
contact with patients. In the absence of vaccination, contact with patients is limited.
Students with signs of an acute respiratory infection (fever, cough, runny nose) are not
allowed to attend classes. Sick students who have a supporting document and are at home can be
allowed to study remotely in agreement with the head of the department and the teacher.

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
The educational process is organized in such a way that no more than 2-3 groups of the 3rd course
are in the clinic at the same time, another 2-3 groups are engaged in the CPS. Groups change every
During classes, students are required to obey the internal regulations and observe the safety
precautions of the medical institution (BSMP) in quarantine.
In clinical departments, it is necessary to comply with the anti-epidemic regime, the rules of
ethics and deontology.
• in the clinical department, the appearance and form of clothing is observed:
- long nails and bright makeup, strong perfume aromas are not allowed;
- a dressing gown, a cap, under which long hair is removed;
- changeable shoes regardless of the weather (shoe covers and flip-flops are not allowed),
- mask (at each lesson);
• Students who do not comply with the requirements for appearance (nails, hair, fragrances, make-
up), without change of shoes and / or without a mask, are not allowed to the practical lesson, a
report is submitted to the appropriate dean's office. The student is not allowed to work out the

Rules of conduct in the classroom

• attendance of all types of classroom activities is mandatory;
• practical classes (in person and remotely) begin strictly according to the schedule;
• being late for classes by more than 25 minutes is counted as a missed class.
• at each lesson you must have a phonendoscope, notebook, pen;
• students are responsible for the safety of their personal belongings and order in the locker room in
the basement of the emergency medical care unit, for this each group leaves a duty officer in the
locker room for the duration of the practical lesson.
• Under quarantine conditions, 1 person on duty remains in the locker room for all groups in class
(2-3 groups). In case of absence from the dressing room, the attendant shall be counted as a skip of
the practical lesson;

Organization of the educational process

- the department organizes the educational process, improves the forms of its conduct and the
quality of the curriculum, creates conditions for the implementation of research and development
work for employees and students;
- the department works in close cooperation with the clinical base and provides practical training for
thematic patients;
- the department works in close cooperation with the CPS and methodically ensures the
development of practical skills
- the assessment for the PC consists of the assessment for the entrance control (tests, questions), the
assessment of activity during the lesson and the final control (tests, questions, tasks).
- The SROP is performed during school hours, is carried out in the form of practicing practical
skills independently by the student, the teacher provides advice if necessary. SROP is assessed by a
single assessment with a corresponding practical lesson. In distance learning, practical skills are
mastered using audio, video materials in Moodle, after which students report on the implementation
(video, solving problems, tests, etc.)
- the grade for PС + SROP is announced at the end of the lesson and entered into Platonus.
- SRO is performed at any extracurricular time at the student's choice, assessed during RC and
intermediate control, in the form of practicing practical skills.
- students who have missed two or more classes are allowed to the educational process only with
the permission of the dean's office. For such students, a report is submitted to the dean's office.
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
• Midterm control is carried out:
- with full-time training - in the form of oral questioning / testing / written control (solving a clinical
problem) in a testing center, on the Moodle or Platonus platform and / or assessment of practical
skills (OSKE) in classroom time;
- for distance learning - in the form of solving a clinical problem and / or making videos with
mastered practical skills;
- If the midterm control coincides with the holidays, it is planned to be held the previous week in
accordance with the academic calendar.
• Intermediate control (exam) is carried out:
- with full-time training in 2 stages: the theoretical part in the form of testing at the Testing Center
or a written exam on the Moodle / Platonus platform; the practical part in the form of OSKE at the
department or at the CPN.
- for distance learning, the exam is conducted in writing on the Moodle / Platonus platform.
• Final grade for the discipline: 60% RD plus 40% intermediate control (calculated automatically
by an electronic journal);
The department promotes the participation of students in international conferences, programs,
projects, etc., subject to active scientific activity

Criteria for practicing missed practice sessions

- Classes missed for no valid reason are not completed.
- Classes missed for a valid reason, confirmed by the relevant documents (business trip, due to
illness, participation in competitions, etc.), are worked out with the permission of the dean's office
before the midterm control (academic policy of WKMU named after M. Ospanov 2020).
All types of additional classes / workouts are carried out:
- at the department on Fridays from 17.00 to 20.00. (with full-time study outside of quarantine);
- by agreement with the teacher (remotely / internally in quarantine and distance learning).
Eligibility criteria for exams, etc.
- Students with an admission rating below 50% are not allowed to take the exam.
For violation by a student of the principles of academic honesty, violation of the points of the
code of honor, penalties are provided in accordance with the Academic Policy and the Policy of
Academic Integrity of WKMU named after M. Ospanov.

1. Introduction
• Propedeutics of internal diseases - Propedeutics (propedeo - I enter) - an introduction to the clinic
of internal diseases
• A course in propaedeutics teaches research methods, ie. methods of identifying signs of diseases,
methods of diagnosing internal diseases in accordance with the State Standard of Education 2019.
• The discipline is studied over two semesters: 5th semester - methods of physical research; 6
semester - diagnostics of the main syndromes of pathology of internal organs.

 2. Purpose of the discipline:

The purpose of studying the propaedeutics of internal diseases is to master the skills of using the
basic methods of patient research to establish a preliminary syndromic diagnosis and determine the
required minimum volume of laboratory and instrumental examination.

3. Final learning outcomes:

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Formed competence
Discipline learning outcomes
(Dublin descriptor) *
knowledge and understanding; - to know the main clinical manifestations of
syndromes of the pathology of internal organs and
the mechanisms of their development
- know the methodology of the examination,
examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation
of a patient with diseases of internal organs
- know the diagnostic capabilities of laboratory and
instrumental methods of research in diseases of
internal organs

application of knowledge and understanding; -to conduct an objective study of the patient, using
all the basic research methods (spread, inspection,
palpation, percussion, auscultation) for diseases of
internal organs
- develop a plan for the minimum required
laboratory and instrumental examination in order to
confirm the identified clinical syndrome

the formation of judgments; -interpret the results of an objective study of the

patient and formulate a preliminary syndromic
- interpret and evaluate the results of the minimum
laboratory and instrumental examination of the

communication skills; - apply basic communication skills when interacting

with the patient
learning skills or ability to learn. - effectively use all available sources of information
to prepare for practical exercises and complete tasks
of self-regulatory organizations.
- effectively present the results of their activities
(essays, essays, presentations, etc.)

4. . Prerequisites : Introduction to the clinic   n. anatomy, n.physiology

   Post requisites: Internal diseases

5. Lesson plan
Discipline Qty Clock Including     form of control
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Propaedeutics 8 240 24 / 56 80 80 - with full-time training
in 2 stages: testing /
writing exam + OSKE
internal - for Distance Learning:
written examination.

Thematic plan of lectures
Form № 1
№ Lecture Title Training format Number
of hours
5th semester
1 The tasks of the propedeutic clinic. General scheme of a On-line 1
clinical study of a patient. The value of questioning in the on the ZOOM
study of the patient. Patient complaints (major and minor). platform
Concepts about symptoms and syndromes.
2 Features of collection of complaints, medical history and On-line 1
life in a patient with respiratory diseases on the ZOOM
3 Methods of physical examination of the respiratory system: On-line 1
examination and palpation of the chest. Chest percussion on the ZOOM
4 Methods of physical examination of the respiratory system: On-line 1
rules and technique of auscultation. on the ZOOM
5 Interrogation and examination of patients with pathology of On-line 1
the cardiovascular system, examination and palpation of the on the ZOOM
precordial region. Apical impulse, its properties are normal. platform
6 Percussion of the heart. The boundaries of the heart are On-line 1
normal and pathological. Diagnostic value. on the ZOOM
7 Research methods of the cardiovascular system: On-line 1
auscultation of the heart. Characteristics of heart sounds in on the ZOOM
normal and pathological conditions, the mechanism of their platform
occurrence is normal.
8 Auscultation of the heart: Heart murmurs, diagnostic value. On-line 1
on the ZOOM
9 The concept of an ECG study and its diagnostic capabilities. On-line 1
on the ZOOM
10 Collection of complaints, medical history, life history of On-line 1
patients with digestive system pathology on the ZOOM
11 General examination of patients with pathology of the On-line 1
digestive system. Superficial and deep palpation of the on the ZOOM
abdomen platform
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
12 Methods of physical examination of the urinary system On-line 1
on the ZOOM
6th semester
1 Lung tissue hardening syndrome. Lung tissue cavity On-line 1
syndrome. on the ZOOM
2 Syndrome of impaired bronchial obstruction On-line 1
on the ZOOM
3 Syndrome of accumulation of fluid and air in the pleura. On-line 1
Respiratory Failure Syndrome on the ZOOM
4 Syndrome of defeat of the valvular apparatus of the heart. On-line 1
Causes. Hemodynamics. Symptoms Basic diagnostic on the ZOOM
methods. platform
5 Syndrome of acute coronary insufficiency and arterial On-line 1
hypertension. Causes, symptoms. Basic diagnostic methods. on the ZOOM
6 Essential arterial hypertension syndrome. Causes, On-line 1
symptoms. Basic diagnostic methods.. on the ZOOM
7 Syndrome of acute left ventricular and chronic total heart On-line 1
failure. Acute vascular insufficiency (fainting, collapse, on the ZOOM
shock). Causes, symptoms. Basic diagnostic methods. platform
8 Syndromes of dysphagia and, gastrointestinal dyspepsia. On-line 1
Causes. Symptoms Diagnostics. on the ZOOM
9 Syndrome of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Causes. On-line 1
Symptoms Diagnostics. on the ZOOM
10 Syndromes of jaundice, liver failure. Causes. Symptoms On-line 1
Diagnostics. on the ZOOM
11 The main clinical syndromes of lesions of the urinary On-line 1
system: urinary, nephritic, nephrotic on the ZOOM
12 The main clinical syndromes of urinary tract damage: On-line 1
chronic renal failure on the ZOOM
Total 24

Thematic plan of practical classes and independent work of students under the guidance of a
teacher (SRTP) Form № 2
№ Name of the topic of the lesson Knowledge Number

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Key questions of the topic Skills of hours
5th semester
Module "Respiratory system"
1 PC. Case history diagram. Concept of major and Off-line 2
minor complaints, medical history and life, general
examination. The idea of a general examination of Know the scheme of the
patients (consciousness, condition, position in bed, history, be able to conduct
the patient's appearance, skin, edema, examination oral questioning of the
of parts of the body) patient, examination of the
IWST. Questioning and general examination of 2
2 PC. Questioning patients with respiratory pathology. Off-line 2
Main complaints, mechanism, characteristics: chest
pain, cough, sputum, hemoptysis, shortness of Know the main complaints
breath, choking, fever. of patients with respiratory
IWST. Examination, palpation of the chest 2
pathology, interview the
patient, examine and palpate
the chest
3 PC. The physical basis for percussion. Methodology Off-line 2
and technique of percussion. The concept of
percussion, history of appearance, technique of Know the methodology and
finger-finger percussion. 2
technique of lung
IWST. Comparative and topographic percussion of percussion, master the
the lungs. Diagnostic value technique of comparative
and topographic percussion
of the lungs
4 PC. Lung auscultation, physical substantiation of the Off-line 2
method, method and technique Lung auscultation:
definition, basic respiratory sounds (vesicular and The main breathing sounds
bronchial respiration, mechanism of appearance, are normal and pathological.
listening sites). Method and technique of Adverse respiratory noises
auscultation of the lungs. (wheezing, crepitus, pleural
IWST. Main respiratory sounds in health and friction noise).
disease. Adverse respiratory noises (wheezing, 2
Bronchophonia. Diagnostic
crepitus, pleural friction noise). Bronchophonia. value
Diagnostic value
Module "Cardiovascular system"
5 PC. Interrogation and examination of patients with Off-line 2
cardiovascular diseases. The main complaints in the
pathology of the cardiovascular system: pain in the To know the causes, clinic
heart, palpitations, interruptions in the heart, and methods of diagnostics
shortness of breath, cardiac asthma, edema, of consolidation and cavity
cyanosis, dyspeptic disorders, headaches. syndromes in the lung. To be
Characteristics of complaints able to diagnose induration
and cavity syndrome in the
IWST. Examination and palpation of the heart area. lung
Pulse study, determination of arterial and venous
pressure. Examination of the heart area:
examination of the face, cervical vessels (Musset 2
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
symptoms, pulsations-carotid), heart area (heart
hump, apical impulse). Palpation of the heart area:
determination of the apical impulse, pathological
pulsation, the phenomenon of "cat's purr".
6 PC Heart percussion. Heart percussion: Off-line 2
determination of the boundaries of the relative and
absolute dullness of the heart (right, left and upper Know the technique and
boundaries), the boundaries of the vascular bundle, technique of heart
the configuration of the heart percussion, master the
IWST. Determination of the configuration of the technique of heart percussion
7 PC. Auscultation of the heart: heart sounds are Off-line
normal. Heart sounds are normal: 1st and 2nd heart 2
sounds, the mechanism of formation. Projection Know the technique of
sites, listening points. The concept of 3 and 4 heart auscultation of the heart,
tones. The concept of the heart cycle. conduct auscultation of the
IWST. Auscultation of the heart: heart sounds in heart, identify changes in
pathology. Change in I and II heart sounds: heart sounds.
weakening and strengthening, causes. Pathological
bifurcation of I and II tones: causes. Pathological
tones III and IV: gallop rhythm. Pendulum rhythm..

8. PC. Auscultation of the heart. Heart murmurs: Off-line 2

organic and inorganic. Heart murmurs:
determination of organic and inorganic heart Know the technique of
murmurs. Causes of occurrence. The mechanism of auscultation of the heart,
formation. Listening places, characteristics of heart conduct auscultation of the
murmurs. The concept of functional heart murmurs, heart, identify heart murmurs
extracardiac heart murmurs
IWST. Diagnostic value of heart murmurs.
Diagnostic value of organic and diastolic heart
murmurs, functional murmurs. Pericardial rubbing
9. Electrocardiographic research method. Technique Off-line 2
and method of registration. Know the technique and
Practical ECG analysis. Signs of heart hypertrophy. method of recording ECG,
The concept of X-ray and ultrasound methods for the main teeth and intervals
examining the heart. of the ECG, be able to
analyze the ECG, interpret
IWST. Midterm-1. Research methods of the
the ECG signs of atrial and
respiratory and circulatory organs. OSKE at 5
stations: interrogation of a patient with pathology of ventricular hypertrophy.
the respiratory and cardiovascular system, 2
examination of the chest and heart area, palpation
of the chest and heart area, percussion of the lungs
and heart, auscultation of the lungs and heart
Module "Digestive system"
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
10 PC. Questioning and examination of patients with Off-line
diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Know the main complaints 2
Interrogation of patients with diseases of the of patients with diseases of
esophagus, stomach and intestines: pain syndrome, the esophagus, stomach and
dyspeptic disorders (dysphagia, heartburn, belching, intestines, examine patients
nausea, vomiting, regurgitation), constipation, with pathology of the
flatulence, gastric and intestinal bleeding. esophagus, stomach and
Examination of patients with pathology of the intestines, master the
esophagus, stomach and intestines: appearance, skin technique of superficial and
deep palpation of the
IWST. Technique of superficial and deep palpation.
The technique of deep palpation of the abdomen
according to Obraztsov-Strazhesko. Determination
of the lower border of the stomach (percussion,
ausculto-afriction and auscultopercussion). The
value of auscultation in the study of the
gastrointestinal tract

11 PC. Superficial and deep palpation of the abdomen: Off-line 2

technique and technique. (observance of 4 points of
deep palpation of the abdomen). Diagnostic value. Carry out superficial and
IWST. Technique of superficial and deep palpation. deep palpation of the
The technique of deep palpation of the abdomen abdomen, master the
according to Obraztsov-Strazhesko. technique of superficial and
deep palpation of the
12 PC. Interrogation of patients with diseases of the On-site 1
liver and biliary tract: pain in the right Know the main complaints
hypochondrium, dyspeptic disorders, jaundice, of patients with liver and
pruritus, fever. Examination with diseases of the biliary tract diseases,
liver and biliary tract: consciousness, position in examine a patient with liver
bed, appearance, condition of the skin, the presence and biliary tract diseases,
of edema, ascites. master the technique of
IWST. Percussion and palpation of the liver. Pain palpation and percussion of
points. Methods for determining ascites. the liver and gallbladder
13 PC. Questioning, examination and palpation of On-site 1
patients with diseases of the gallbladder and
pancreas. Complaints in the pathology of the Know the main complaints
pancreas. of patients with pancreatic
IWST. Examination of a patient with pathology of diseases. Examine a patient
the gallbladder and pancreas, palpation of the with pancreatic pathology,
gallbladder master the technique of
palpation of the pancreas.

Module "Urinary System"

14 PC. Interrogation and examination of patients with On-site 1

pathology of the urinary system. Palpation and Know the main complaints
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
percussion of the kidneys, bladder. with diseases of the urinary
system: pain in the lumbar
IWST. Examination of a patient with kidney and
region, impaired urination,
urinary tract pathology. Auscultation of the renal
headaches, itching, edema.
To master the technique of 3
palpation and percussion of
the kidneys, bladder,
auscultation of the renal
Module "Endocrine System"
15 PZ. The main complaints of patients with diseases Off-line 1
of the endocrine system.
SROP. Palpation of the thyroid gland: technique, Know the main complaints
the degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland. of patients with diseases of
Diagnostic value of blood glucose the endocrine system, the
technique of palpation of the
thyroid gland
Module "Hematopoietic system"

16 PC. Interrogation and examination of patients with On-site 1

blood diseases. The main complaints are the Know the main complaints
condition of the skin and visible mucous of patients with blood
membranes, peripheral lymph nodes. diseases. Conduct an
IWST. Palpation of the lymph nodes, palpation and examination of patients with
percussion of the spleen. The diagnostic value of anemic syndrome, palpation
changes in the general blood test: reticulocytosis, of the lymph nodes.
anisocytosis, micro-macrocytosis, poikilocytosis,
hemoglobin, color indicator. acceleration of ESR.
The value of the number and quality of leukocytes in
the peripheral blood (leucoformula, leukocytosis,
leukopenia, toxic granularity).
Module "Musculoskeletal system, skin and skin
17 PC. The main complaints of patients with diseases On-site 1
of the musculoskeletal system, skin and skin
appendages Know the main complaints,
IWST. Midterm-2. Research methods and clinic and diagnostic
diagnostics of gastrointestinal tract and MVS methods of the
pathology (OSKE). musculoskeletal system, skin
and skin appendages.
Total: PC – 28, IWST - 40

Thematic plan of practical classes and independent work of students under the guidance of a
teacher (SROP)

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
№ The name of the topic of the lesson Qty Learning Format
Main questions of the topic hours
6 semester
“Respiratory system” module
1 PC. Syndrome of compaction of lung tissue. Definition of 2 On-site
pneumonia. Causes, clinical picture and diagnostic methods of
lobar and focal pneumonia
SROP. Cavity syndrome in the lung. Causes. Symptoms, their
mechanism. Diagnostic methods. Sputum examination 2
2 PC. Syndrome of impaired bronchial conduction. Syndrome of 2 On-site
increased airiness of the lung tissue. Causes. Symptoms of their
mechanism. Diagnostic methods. The concept of COPD, chronic
obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema. Causes,
clinic, diagnostic methods.
SROP. The concept of insufficiency of the function of external
respiration and its study: spirometry, spirography, peak
3 PC. Hydrothorax, pneumothorax. Causes, clinic, diagnostic 2 On-site
methods. Examination of the pleural fluid.
SROP. Examination of the pleural fluid.
Module "Cardiovascular system"
4 PC. Mitral valve syndrome (stenosis and MV insufficiency). 2 On-site
Causes. Hemodynamic disorders. Symptoms, their mechanism.
SROP. Tricuspid valve insufficiency. Causes. Hemodynamic
disorders. Symptoms, their mechanism.Пана
5 PC. Aortic valve syndrome (stenosis and insufficiency) Causes. 2 Оn-site
Hemodynamic disorders. Symptoms, their mechanism.
SROP. Stenosis of the tricuspid valve. Causes. Hemodynamic
disorders. Symptoms, their mechanism.Пана
6 PC. Syndrome of acute coronary insufficiency (angina pectoris, 2 Оn-site
myocardial infarction). The concept of atherosclerosis. Causes.
Symptoms, their mechanism. Diagnostic methods
SROP. Practical ECG analysis. The concept of the main ECG
changes in myocardial infarction. 2
7 PC. Syndrome of essential arterial hypertension. Causes. 2 Оn-site
Symptoms, their mechanism. Diagnostic methods.
Classification of arterial hypertension.
SROP. Syndrome of acute and chronic heart failure (left
ventricular and right ventricular). Causes. Symptoms. Cardiac 2
asthma, pulmonary edema. Basic diagnostic methods. Acute
vascular insufficiency (fainting, collapse, shock).
8 PC. Diagnostic value of laboratory research methods for the 2 Оn-site
diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases: AST, ALT, CPK, LDH,
troponins, total protein, protein fractions, C-reactive protein,
seromucoid, antistreptokinase, cholesterol, triglycerides and
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
SROP. RK No. 3. Methods of research and diagnosis of
syndromes of pathology of the digestive and urinary systems.
Conducting OSCE at 5 stations: interviewing a patient with 2
pathology of the digestive and urinary systems, examination of
the abdomen and lumbar region, palpation of the abdomen and
kidneys, percussion of the abdomen and kidneys, auscultation of
the abdomen and renal arteries
Digestive system module
9 PC. Syndrome of dysphagia, gastric and intestinal dyspepsia, 2 Оn site
esophageal and gastrointestinal bleeding. Causes. Symptoms,
their mechanism.
SROP. The concept of Ph-metric study of the stomach. Research
methods of Helicobacter Pylori (histological, bacteriological, 2
etc.) Coprological examination and its diagnostic value.
10 PC. Jaundice syndrome, inflammation of the liver, hepatocellular 2 Оn site
insufficiency, portal hypertension. Causes. Symptoms, their
mechanism. Diagnostic methods.
SROP. Determination of indicators of pigment, fat, carbohydrate
and protein metabolism: total bilirubin, liver enzymes ALT, AST, 2
lipoproteins, etc. Study of enzymes and excretory function of the
Module "Urinary system"
11 PC. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the urinary 2 Оn-site
syndrome, nephritic, nephrotic and pyelonephritic syndromes.
SROP. Laboratory and instrumental methods for diagnosing
urinary syndrome: the presence of leukocyturia, hematuria,
cylindruria, Nechiporenko test, bacteriuria and urine culture. 2
Collection of analyzes in a patient with kidney disease Diagnostic
value. Test of Zimnitsky, Reberg. application of the Cockcroft-
Gold formula. Diagnostic value
12 PC. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of acute and chronic 1 Оn-site
renal failure. Symptoms, diagnosis
SROP. Syndrome of arterial hypertension in kidney diseases.
Module "Endocrine system"
13 PC. Clinical and laboratory manifestations of the syndrome of 1 Оn-site
hyper- and hypoglycemia: main complaints, features of the
anamnesis of the disease and life, symptoms of type 1 and 2
diabetes mellitus, normal glucose levels, the method of
conducting a glucose tolerance test. Symptoms of a
hypoglycemic state
SROP. Clinical and laboratory manifestations of hypo- and
hypercortisolism. (Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome). Main symptoms. 3
The reasons for their occurrence. Laboratory and instrumental
research methods.
14 PC. Clinical and laboratory manifestations of hyperthyroidism 1 Оn-site
syndrome. Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, examination of the neck,
thyroid gland, level. thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH).
SROP. Clinical and laboratory manifestations of hypothyroidism
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Module "Hematopoietic system"
15 PC. Laboratory and instrumental research methods in blood 1 Оn-site
anemic syndrome. Signs of iron deficiency and B12 deficiency
SROP. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of hemorrhagic
and myelo-lymphoproliferative syndromes Increased peripheral 3
lymph nodes. Hepato-, splenomegaly. Diagnostic value of
changes in the coagulogram: bleeding time, blood clotting time,
partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen level, prothrombin index.
The concept of puncture of the bone marrow, lymph nodes,
Module "Musculoskeletal system, skin and skin appendages"
16 PC. Basic methods for studying the musculoskeletal system, skin 1 Оn-site
and skin appendages. Syndrome of inflammatory changes in the
joints (RA and gout). Causes, symptoms.
SROP. The value of instrumental and laboratory research
methods in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the joints 3
(rheumatoid arthritis, gout). RF factor, immunological methods,
uric acid, P-diagnostics.
17 PC. Syndrome of degenerative joint changes (DOA). Causes, 1 Оn-site
symptoms in deforming osteoarthritis. The value of instrumental
and laboratory research methods in the diagnosis of degenerative
joint diseases (DOA).
SROP. Midterm- 4. Medical record protection

Total PC – 28 SROP – 40

The list of topics for independent work of students (SRO) Form №3

IWS topic and main issues of the topic Number
Т of
1 Patient supervision and preparation of a fragment of the medical history 20
"Examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation of the respiratory
organs and CVS".
2 Patient supervision and registration of a fragment of the medical history 20
"Methods for the study of the digestive and urinary system"
3 Patient supervision and registration of a fragment of the medical history 20
"Diagnostics of the syndromes of diseases of the respiratory system, blood
circulation by the main research methods."
4 Patient supervision and registration of the final clinical history of the 20

Assessment of the development of SRO topics is carried out at midterm controls and intermediate
Dates of midterm controls and terms of the examination session: (from the academic calendar)
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
Summer session - 28.05.2022-19.06.2022

Consultation details: one week before the exam

7. Criteria and rules for assessing knowledge: Academic achievements (knowledge, abilities, skills
and competencies) of students are assessed in points on a 100-point scale (A, A - "excellent", B-, B,
B +, C + "good", C , С-, D +, D- "satisfactory", "FX", "F" - "unsatisfactory", with the
corresponding digital equivalent.
The letter system for assessing the educational achievements of students, corresponding to the
digital equivalent on a four-point system.
 Letter system score Digital equivalent of % content Assessment according to the
points traditional system
А 4,0 95-100 Excellent
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Good
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74
С 2,0 65-69
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D- 1,0 50-54
FX 0,5 25-49
F 0 0-24

8. Literature (according to the book supply map for the current academic year)
Main literature:
In Kazakh language
1.Есенжанова Г.М. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы; оку күралы/Г.М.Есенжанова,
С.У,Умарова.- Алматы; АҚНУР,2015.-180б.
2. Мухин Н.А. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы: оқулык+СД/
Н.А.Мухин,В.С.Моисеев;пер.:Б.А.Өміртаева, Қ.к.Елешева, Л.А.Абдрахманова;
3. Ахметов К.Ж. Объективный структурированный клинический экзамен по внутренним
болезням: Учебно-методическое пособие/ К.Ж.Ахметов, Г.В.Векленко, Г.А.Смагулова.-
Москва, изд. «Литера», 2016., 355с. (каз, русс).

In Russian:
1.Мухин Н.А. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: учебник+СД/Н.А.Мухин,В.С.Моисеев.-2-
е изд.,перераб. и доп.-м:ГЭОТАР-Медиа,2012,2015.-848стр.
2.Основы семиотики заболеваний внутренних органов: учебное
пособие+СД/А.В.Струтынский, А.П.Баранов и др.-М:Медпресс-информ,2011.-304с.
3. Василенко В.Х. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: учебник,Т1/В.Х.Василенко,
В.В.Василенко.-Алматы: Эверо,2015.-400с.
4. Василенко В.Х. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: учебник,Т2/В.Х.Василенко,
В.В.Василенко.-Алматы: Эверо,2015.-212с.
5. Василенко В.Х. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: учебник,Т3/В.Х.Василенко,
В.В.Василенко.-Алматы: Эверо,2015.-208с.

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
6. Ахметов К.Ж. Объективный структурированный клинический экзамен по внутренним
болезням: Учебно-методическое пособие/ К.Ж.Ахметов, Г.В.Векленко, Г.А.Смагулова.-
Москва, изд. «Литера», 2016., 355с. (каз, русс).
 In English:
1.Kumar & Clark´s Clinical Medcine/ 8 Edition/ed. P.Kumar, M/Clark: Elsevier,2012.-1286p.
2. Douglas G.Macleod´s Clinical Examenation/ G.Douglas, F.Nicol, C.Robertson: Elsevier, 2013.-
3.Glynn M. Hutchison´s Clinical Methods An integrated approach to clinical practice/M.Glynn?
4.Ivashkin V. T.,Okhlobystin A.V. Internal diseases propedeutics textbook: «ГЭОТАР-
Additional literature:
1. Жаманкулов Қ.А. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы: клиникалық лекциялар/ Қ.А
Жаманкулов. -2-ші бас.,өнделген.- Актөбе,2010.-432б.
2. Ахметов Қ.Ж. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы пәнінің клиникалық дәрістері:оку
3. Ахметов Қ.Ж. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасында жұйке жұйесы ауратын наукастарды
тексеру әдістері: :оку кұралы/Қ.Ж.Ахметов, Ғ.Ә.Смагулова, Г.В.Векленко.- Актөбе,2012.-
4. Ішкі аурулар. Тест. Тестілер және жағдаяттық есептер: оку кұралы+
СД/В.И.Маколкин (и др.); пер. Қ.А Жаманкулов. –М.:ГЭОТАР –Медиа,2014.-296 б.
5. Ахметов Қ.Ж. ОҚКЕ Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы пәнінің студенттердің тәжірбиелік
дағдыларын бақылау әдісі: оку-әдістемелік кұрал/Қ.Ж.Ахметов, Г.В.Векленко,
Ғ.Ә.Смагулова.- Актөбе,2014.-184б.
6. Ахметов К.Ж. ОСКЭ как метод контроля практических навыков студентов по
пропедевтике внутренних болезней: учебно-методическое
Literature on digital media (additional)
In library

 1 Внутренние болезни: приложение к учебнику/ ред.: Н. А. Мухин, В. С. Моисеев, А. И.

Мартынов. - М.: Гэотар - Медиа, 2006,2011. -59,1 Мб. (149)
2 Әйтбембет Б.Н. Ішкі ағза ауруларының пропедевтикасы : оқулық/ Б. Н. Әйтбембет. -
3-ші бас. - Алматы: Кітап, 2006. -232 Мб. (11)
3 Мухин Н.А. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: приложение к учебнику/ Н. А.
Мухин , В. С. Моисеев. -2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Гэотар - Медиа, 2007. -32,7 Мб 101
4 Мухин Н.А. Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: электронный учебник/ Н. А. Мухин,
В. С. Моисеев. - М.: ГЭОТАР - Медиа, 2009. -65,8 Мб. (5)
5.Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: приложение к учебнику "Основы семиотики
заболеваний внутренних органов"/ А. Струтынский и др. - М.: МЕДпресс, 2011. -1,65 Гб.
6 ИС «Юрист»
7 ИС «Юрист – Медицина»
8 БД «Консультант студента»
9 БД «Консультант врача»
10 БД «Scopus»
11 БД «Springer»
12 БД «Букап»
13 БД «Ebsco»
14 БД «Электронный абонемент медицинской библиотеки им. И.М. Сеченова»
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.
15 БД «Elibrary»
16 Казахстанская национальная электронная библиотека «КазНЭБ»
17 Платформа «Web of science»
On the platform Moodle
ПВБ_Руководство к ПЗ_1
ПВБ_Руководство к ПЗ_2
Секреты клинической диагностики_С.Маджони
ЭКГ_для врача_СЫРКИН
Clinical signs
ECG Beginne_engl.
ECG Notes_engl.
ECG Questions_engl.
Oxford American Handbook
Macleod s Clinical Exam
Профессиональные стандарты
General Propedeutics_Nemtcov
Specific Propedeutics_Nemtcov
Clinical Cases_engl

Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-20-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-03-2020. Силлабус (Бакалавриат, интернатура, резидентура, магистратура, докторантура). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-03-2020. Sillabus (Bachelor's program, internship, residency, Master’s and Ph Doctor Degrees). Fifth edition.

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