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The Lottery

by Shirley Jackson
The Lottery - Questions
− What are the reactions to the lottery win?

− What are the reactions of the villagers?

− What is the reaction of Bill Hutchinson? What is the reaction of Tessie Hutchinson?

− Why do you think she considers the lottery as unfair?

− If her husband won, why does she want a rerun of the lottery?

10 min
The Lottery - Questions
1. How does your initial understanding of the term "lottery" differ from the lottery in the story?

2. What do you think is the purpose of the lottery in the village? Why do you think people continue to
participate in it?

3. What would you have done in Tessie Hutchinson’s situation?

15 minutes
Code of Conduct
1. We demonstrate courtesy to others at all times.
2. We listen respectfully when others are talking.
3. What is told in the group remains in the group. Each person decides for him- or herself what
information he or she wants to make available to whom and when.
4. We treat different perspectives and realities of life with respect.
5. We deal with different perspectives and realities of life in an appreciative way.
6. When we say something, we raise our hand, otherwise we do not interrupt when others are
7. Our language is appreciative and does not contain inappropriate language.
Code of Conduct
8. We do not hurt anyone with our words, and we use non-discriminatory language.
9. Your opinion will not be judged, but make sure you express it in a respectful manner by using
appropriate language.
10.We do not raise our voices when we speak to each other.
11.We communicate in English in order to understand each other.
12.We work together to ensure that the agreed rules are followed.
13.People who break the rules must bear the consequences.
14.After two warnings participation points will be deducted.
The Lottery


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