Task 2-Advertisement

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1. Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life.

Is this a positive or
negative development?

It is widely believe that adverts are becoming more and more popular in our daily life. While I accept
that this tendency has positive impact on both customers and companies, I would believe that this
phenomenon is likely to have more detrimental effects.

One the one hand, advertisements exert some benefits to both enterprises and customers. Since
promotions support companies to introduce their new products or services to potential customers,
marking their marketing strategies complete as their expected. As a result, this campaign generates big
profit and significantly contributes to organizational success. Besides, customers now can easily access
to variety of product information, whether they are on online resources or magazines, enabling them to
make consideration if it is worth to invest. Consequently, these savvy customers will make wiser
decisions when it comes to purchase necessary things.

One the other hand, I would argue that these promotion drawbacks are outweigh its benefits. Because
advertisements appear almost on our communication channels, from online social media to street
panels, customers who obtain these excessive information find it irritability as they encouter them
everyday and everywhere. This leaves a bad impression on customers about the products or services
that companies are trying to promoting. Moreover, enterprises tend to exaggerate the fact related to
product’s quality in order to convince or attract customers. Therefore, loyal customers may have a sense
of confusion regarding the product and worse they may lose their faith these brand names.

To conclusion, advertisements have both advantages and disadvantages in our daily life. However, it
seems to me that its drawbacks are more significant then benefits.

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