Academic Task 1

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Academic Task 1

Academic Task Number: 1 Course code: MGNM801

Date of allotment: 25 Apr , 2023 Course title: Business Analytics-I

Date of submission: 12- May- 2023

Maximum Marks: 30 Academic Task Type: Offline
Detail of Academic Task Course Outcome Bloom’s level Maximum
Based on the Python- explain the following concepts with
• Variables
L1: Identify, 30
• Keywords
• Identifiers L2: Apply
• Operators
CO1, CO2, L3: Articulate
Evaluation Parameters: Research Capability-3 marks, Ability to CO3, CO4 L4: Demonstrate
describe-2 marks, Clean coding-5 marks
2. Show 1 to 10 counting with the help of for and while loop
Evaluation Parameters: Ability to elaborate-5 marks, Ability to
create code-5 marks
3. Write a program to describing the major methods we can apply
on the following datatypes:
1. Lists
2. Strings
3. Tuples
4. Dictionaries
Also describe each datatypes in brief
Evaluation Parameters: Understanding of dictionaries-3 marks,
understanding of lists-3 marks, understanding of tuples-1 mark,
1) understanding of strings-3 marks
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