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Rodnor’s life story thus far.

(year?) Rodnor (meaning Noble Fire) was born to Orofinwe Ethand, Son of Fingolfin and
Celebrindal, and Aldalome _____, daughter of ________ and ________.

(1 year old) Orofinwe gave Rodnor the Father-Name of Finellach (flame of hair and eye) In the
latter part of his first year, he can speak, walk, dance, and is mentally mature.

(3 years old) Aldalome gave Rodnor the Amilesse of Gil-Galad (Star of radiance).

(5-110) Starts learning the way of the glaive, bow, dagger, and sword. Along with helpful
survival skills including stealth, how to start a fire, hunting, how to find water, foraging, making a
shelter, and many others. Due to Fingolfin’s request he was also taught martial arts (Called?). In
many future years he would learn and memorise the basic laws of elven kingdoms. Rodnor had
a large interest in nature which made him disagree with the ill-treatment of the more animalistic
races. He also takes the advanced versions of all the classes he could: Elvish, Common,
Draconic, Dwarvish, History (what little of it there is at that time), Diplomacy, War Strategy,
Weaponry, Geography, and Herbology (Edible herbs only).

(50) He is at his current height and physical puberty is over. He learns basic healing
skills and what herbs to use, but he failed to fully pass the class and so only knows the basics
(such as poison). When he attempted to learn magic beyond his own shape water, he was
never accepted by the school, even with his nobility, he tried to gain knowledge around the law
(Without breaking it) to gain the knowledge, but it was all fake and soon stopped trying.

(70) Celebrigon (Silver Prince) was born, when he was at the age of 150 he left home never to
be seen from again. Rodnor could not guess why he left home. I heard rumours of him being a crime
boss somewhere, but that stopped after Atheon.

(200) Rodnor purchases his first house, and it is relatively fancy.

(213) Curumiel (Daughter of Skill) was born to rivals of Rodnor’s family.

(293) Rodnor starts having feelings for the much younger 80 year old Curumiel but keeps them

(294) Every time that Rodnor and Curumiel speak, she calls him Finellach instead of Rodnor.
He thought that she was trying to pick on him, when she was actually flirting with him.

(300) For Rodnor’s 300th birthday he had a party in the forest grove near his house to
celebrate his age. Curumiel was invited and was present along with giving each other their first
kiss. They officially started dating a few days later. In that year he also learned how to properly
ride a horse from her, and frequently rode with her.
(301) Curumiel’s parents force them to break up. Rodnor’s parents were happy with their
relationship. Her parents also tried to kick Rodnor’s entire family out of the kingdom, but it never
happened. Due to her strict parents he was only able to communicate to her by carrier pigeon
until they found out and beat Rodnor (he didn’t fight back because he still loved Curumiel).
When Rodnor’s parents found out, they fought with her parents, with Rodnor and Curumiel
trying to be the peacekeepers. Curumiel wants to run away from home, but Rodnor convinces
her otherwise.

(305) After 4 years of being unable to see or visit Curumiel, Rodnor starts to drink wine
excessively. He eventually started to visit another village and try to find a new girlfriend, but
nobody wanted the young drunk elf. This incident soiled his reputation for many years.

(306) Rodnor’s family are finally able to get him off the bottle. He sees his wrong doing
caused by the drinking. He vows to never get addicted again, and only to drink in times of
celebration. To quench the thirst when he wants to drink it, he eats part of a lemon to remind
him of the grace of nature. One day he saw Curumiel who was looking outside from the window
on the top floor of her parents house and blew her a kiss, but Rodnor did not receive one back.
This causes him to believe that she no longer loved him, and this feeling was even stronger
when he saw a young elf come and pull her from the window and kiss her. Rodnor saw this
same elf a few days later and asked him what his relationship with her was. He said that they
were to be married. This was a new elf that came to town by the name of Draugnir. As the
sense of grief fell upon Rodnor he stealthily climbed up the walls of Curumiel’s house and broke
in just to talk with her. She informed him that she was being forced to marry him by her parents.
The next day Rodnor anonymously informed the authorities, and her parents were forced to call
off the wedding and were heavily fined, along with making it so Curumiel could have her
freedom’s back. When Draugnir heard of this he attacked Rodnor with his sword, this time
Rodnor fought back, bare handed, and bested the coward Draugnir, who was revealed to be a
changeling. What happened to him after the duel was unknown but Rodnor believes that he is
out there somewhere plotting revenge. Curumiel and Rodnor’s relationship resumes.

(307) Curumiel’s parents found out again. This time Rodnor and her parents fought over
her and he told them things such as how they don’t own her. This didn’t sway them. “She ran
away” and started to live at Rodnor’s place, seperate rooms because she is still not classified as
an adult and they were both not wanting to break any laws. When her parents found her,
Rodnor was once again assailed. This time he used his physical strength to carry and run with
Curumiel to Rodnor’s hidden spot in the same forest grove from 7 years ago, and lived there
using the skills they learned in school until Curumiel was an adult and free to make her own
decisions (16 years). During this time they went through other villages to get resources and built
an elegant but quaint treehouse. Rodnor also continued to teach Curumiel the things that she
would have learned in those 16 years of school.

(318) After spending 11 years away from home, Rodnor decided to visit home again, but
only visited his grandfather. Fingolfin told him to wait until Curumiel was an adult to come back
to town, as he had to do something similar at that same age. Fingolfin started to write a play
about Rodnor and Curumiel using different names and similar details, such as a race change for
secrecy. This was known as The Courting of the Sprite. Fingolfin would often visit the two in
their treehouse at the late hours of the night so he wouldn’t be noticed as easily..

(320) The Courting of the Sprite has been finished and is quite famous in the city.

(323) On the 3rd anniversary of The Courting of the Sprite, there was a special version
of it where Rodnor’s family and Curumiel’s family as actors and common folk actually playing
their part. This was called the interactive play, a new idea that they were trying out at the time.
Although nobody knew who was playing the two “sprites'' that fell in love. Rodnor and Curumiel
practised their parts to get it perfect, and to plan for what to do if things went south. The scene
was set, the lights were lit, and the pieces were moving. When Curumiel and Rodnor stepped
on the stage, her father could barely contain his anger, but continued with the play. When
Rodnor’s parents saw them they were overjoyed and stayed in character as well. When the play
was over Curumiel’s mother was happy, and to Rodnor’s surprise very proud of him, she was so
happy that they were safe. Meanwhile her father was much less happy. When he came over to
Rodnor, he shouted at him, but he stood firm against the much older elf saying that he was just
trying to help Curumiel from an abusive father. He stormed off in a cloud of anger, to go home
and recollect his thoughts, only to come to the realisation that he was being rude and abusive.
The rest of that year was perfectly fine for the young couple. The Courting of the Sprite was now
a fan favourite.

(332) The couple get betrothed, in preparation for Marriage.

(333) A few months after Rodnor’s birthday, the young couple decided to marry. They
had put together a great deal of plans and got everything prepared along with being married at
the forest grove. They were extremely happy and excited. It was the day of the wedding,
Curumiel was to wear Rodnor’s Mother’s wedding dress, Rodnor was to wear silver armour with
a beautiful blue cape and under clothes. Rodnor had one of his closest friends help him get
dressed for the ceremony. Rodnor noticed he was not acting himself, but ignored it as wedding
jitters. He unfortunately noticed too late that it was not his friend at all, it was his enemy from 27
years ago, Draugnir. Before the first layer of clothes were applied to Rodnor, he is nude for
ceremonial purposes, Draugnir stabbed him with a long dagger through the right shoulder and
into the rib cage in a downward angle, causing Rodnor to shout in pain. There would always be
a scar there. After the attack Draugnir fled with the knife still in Rodnor’s body. Rodnor’s body
went into shock and he fell on the floor. Curumiel’s father was the first to enter, and found his
body. Everybody knew where he was before the attack, but some still belived that it was he was
responsible for the murder attempt and called for a court trial. Rodnor’s body was failing, and
stopped breathing a few times. Rodnor claimed to have seen a great war that would rip holes
into the fabric of the world. But in the real world, it had been guessed that the subclavian artery
had been severed. This was proven true and was extremely difficult to mend due to some dark
sorcery on the dagger, but made easier due to light magic. This led to suspicions that it was
actually his best friend that attacked him out of jealousy that Rodnor was being married and he
hasn’t. This was quickly laid to rest when he was found bound and gagged in a closet near the
attack. But there was still the possibility that Curumiel's father had killed him, with blood on his
hands when they found him and his anger with Rodnor in the past. There were many trials with
him pleading innocence, but magic disagreed with him even though he did no harm to Rodnor. It
was only when Rodnor spoke for himself saying that Curumiel’s father did no harm to him, along
with making sure that Rodnor was under no spell. The wedding would be postponed for at least
a few years. The Changeling Draugnir is of course dead now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he found a way to
come back.

(334) Rodnor can more easily use his right hand now, but he had to learn to use his left
hand when Curumiel couldn’t help him. The dark sorcery used on the dagger was hard to trace,
so much so that Rodnor was never told of its origins. Due to the dark power, and his working
habits he had to have it resown and checked by magicians weekly, even with his natural elven
resistance. During this year Rodnor pushed for the wedding to take place again, but Curumiel
was scared that something like that could happen again, except fatal. After this attack Rodnor
made sure that wherever he went, that the people he knew were actually them. With Rodnor’s
best friends he made rings and they would have to tell him what they symbolise, and vice versa.
With Curumiel, he made her recall an obscure detail from their past.

(339) Rodnor goes to a neighbouring village alone and with only a sword and basic
clothing. He knew the neigboring village was riddled with thieves and murderers, so he was
going to do something about it. He promised himself to not kill anybody, but punish them via the
village's court system. He went and started to help by capturing the thieves and interrogating
them on his own to see if they were trying to help their family or if it was for the money. Most of
them were to help family, those he let go and gave them food and money to help them. Others
were greedy as he could tell, and he gave them to the courts to deal with. The same was for the
murderers. He attempted to help other villages, but the plans were never fully carried out,
partially due to the injury. But mostly because Curumiel was worried for his safety.

(345) Rodnor once more tried at learning magic from the great wizards, but they felt he
was not worthy of such power or that he would use it for evil. Rodnor did not argue with them for
they were also among the greatest and most influential people in the vast elven cities of old. He
did however manage to increase his water shaping skills. If they were truly wise they would have
taught me, as there would eventually be few who knew it. As for the water it is back to how it started, due to the
Bildelgian Scholarly Alliance.

(453) Rodnor meets an elf by the name of Modonal, he is a very powerful elf who
teaches Rodnor many things that he believed to be out of his reach. His sword excellence is
vastly improved, along with not feeling the need for a shield as it was mainly an obstacle. The
only reason I carry one now is to conceal my identity, and make my power seem lessened. Can’t cause a scene.
(????) Rodnor rebegan studying maps in this time. The Kings have decided that
commanders must begin to polish and select their troops. Due to not having been a favourite of
the kings, other than his grandfather Fingolfin, he got close to last pick, having only beat a few
other nobles. The remaining soldiers were permanently crippled, or had other exploitable
weaknesses. But Rodnor made the most of it. He put himself in their shoes and tried to
understand them. He took as many of them as he could, about 50 people. He had about 5
normal soldiers, lucky for him they all had different professions. Bows, Double sided axes,
spears, swords, and a mage. Rodnor met with each of the 5 and got them to be the division
leaders and teach 9 different people each. He would oversee and help as frequently as
possible, but stayed away from the mage as he knew he couldn’t help. He also made sure to get
everybody into marching formation and practised with them as often as possible. Rodnor’s troop
was lucky to fall under Modonal’s command, who in turn was under Fingolfin’s. He made them
into very fine troops wielding their weapons with ferocity. When they sparred against other
leaders and troops, Rodnor’s troops defeated them with ease. This caused Rodnor to rise in the
ranks and in power. His warrior numbers nearly doubled in size, the 5 division leaders had also
gained more power.

One day one of the nobles who had less power than Rodnor had declared an official
challenge. This took place in front of the other nobles, commanders and their troops. Modonal
had advised not to enter the combat, but most of the others advised otherwise. Fingolfin offered
Rodnor his sword in this battle, but he politely declined even though it was highly tempting.
Fingolfin recognised this and he actually encouraged the fight more than Rodnor had expected.
His opponent was a known half elf-half dragonborn warrior. Rodnor donned light iron armour as
it has a high melting point. He bore a sword in one hand, and a spear in the other. Each fought
with valour, neither came out unscarred. Midway through the duel, Rodnor’s shoulder wound
opened back up as he overexerted his arm on a swing. Angarato noticed this and started
attacking his right side with stronger swings. Rodnor had to dodge more than attack, Rodnor
threw his spear at Angarato, only for him to catch it and throw it back. While he did miss,
Rodnor fell to the ground. Angarato thought he was at a new advantage and started to charge
Rodnor. Rodnor grabbed the spear and lifted the blade part up with the blunt end in the ground
and stabbed Angarato in the chest. All the air left his chest as it pierced his armour, he would
be saved by magic soon after. This caused Rodnor to increase ever more in power and respect.
This duel caused an imbalance in power as Rodnor’s was nearing that of Modonal’s, and almost
ousting him of the power he wielded. Rodnor noticed this, and he soon stopped taking duels as
he still respected Modonal and knew he was still a far better leader than Rodnor. Rodnor still
had much to learn about commanding an army. He started taking his troops into more advanced
practice attacks. He faltered at first, but made a quick comeback in later battles, and through
unorthodox ways became very skilled in warfare. He was not fond of using traditional battle
tactics, he thought of them as being stuck in the past and not evolving with the times. Although
soon, I would be the one stuck in the past.

During this time, Curumiel enhanced her power over the Dark Magics, in secret, partially
to find out what was used against Rodnor those many years ago, but also due to her love of the
night sky and its festivities. She wanted the power to protect those who she loved from whatever
may come. Around this time, Rodnor got suspicious that she was up to something, but did not
worry about it.

The 4 elven warriors, and the Loxodon: Thranopher, the archer, Orowen, the Loxodon
mage, Mithfin, the axeman, Thindan, the spearman, and Mithrimbor, the swordsman.
Thranopher was as strong as rhino, and showed it. He was able to shoot 4 arrows from his bow
at a time, he more so aimed at the enemy group and fired away with no real target in mind,
covering the battlefield with arrows. He carried quivers on both hips, and 2 quivers were also on
his back. But with 1 arrow he could shoot a mouse a mile away. But due to Thranopher missing
an eye, he was always blindsided. He was also as thin as a stick insect, causing people to
underestimate him. Meanwhile, Orowen was a skillful mage who suffered a brain injury at a
young age. The injury made him exceptionally powerful with magic, but not a very likeable and a
very wrathful person. Mithfin lost his right arm, making him lopsided, but no less a hero. He
made wild but heavy hits with each swing of his copper axe. Thindan had a peg leg. He always
supported his friends in battle, and in times of hardship. But betray Thindan and you will meet a
most unfortunate ending. And finally there was Mithrimbor. Mithrimbor had no physical or mental
negatives, but he was short for his race, and didn’t look very strong. But neither did Rodnor in
his youth. These warriors were very respectable, and loyal to the bitter end. However, Thindan
and Mithfin were definitely not friends. They didn’t show it around Rodnor, but he knew. They
were always butting heads, and trying to prove that they are better than the other to Rodnor, but
he knew they were both powerful. He never got to tell them how important they were to him as
they were like parts of a body, each needed the other. Of these 5, only 2 would survive the next year…
If only I had been a better leader, perhaps they would still be alive.

2 months later, Curumiel wanted to attempt marriage again. Rodnor was probably the
happiest he’d ever been, so he said yes. His life was at an all time high. Rodnor is now a well
respected leader of the people. The attendees were: Rodnor, Curumiel, Rodnor’s parents,
Curumiel’s parents, Fingolfin, 1 other legion commander, Modonal, Rodnor’s guards, Curumiel’s
magic teacher, and Angarato.
This would have been a great day, had it not been when Atheon reached Fingolfin’s Kingdom.
Atheon comes toward Lasgalen
One month ago the Bildelgian Scholarly Alliance had struck the Elven kingdoms forming
Ethand. They were turning elven villagers into their slaves. These assaults were sudden, and
effective. With one strike, they felled many elves. Fingolfin accepted many survivors, and pulled
in all troops within the safety of the kingdom. He had the outer wall defended with trebuchets
using burning ammunition along with large siege ballista that could easily be moved; these are
called Haehadron. The walls were hollow with spikes in the front so they could not be climbed,
these walls were well taken care of. The main/public entrance was guarded with 7 gates, as told
in my “Questions for Will.” Fingolfin recruited every able person, animalistic or humanoid, male
or female, to prepare for the future battles. There were many swordsmen who excelled at the
profession, and they became known as the Megilherdir. They wore heavy armour and wielded
beautiful elven blades. There were many excellent archers amongst them also, they became
known as the Cumaethyr. And of course the glaivesmen of this fine kingdom were exceptional.
They were typically used to cut down hordes of goblins when they came down from the
mountains. They were used to follow them, and find their point of origin, so a larger host could
sweep through the goblin tunnels and eradicate them. These glaivesmen became known as the
Theladagnyr. Next were the palace guards. These people were placed throughout the city when
the war first began, but they were frequently called back to the palace. This select group of
warriors used spears and shields. They became known as the Tamastirnyr. The elk riders were
elite warriors who bore axes and bore armour that was dangerous to attack. These were
typically veterans of other wars. They were known as the Tawartirio.

The Aarakocra have nests to keep eyes on mountain ranges, a range of traps were laid
in the mountain years before for protection. Such as large boulders, and pit traps. The
mountains had some forests with light amounts of snow. There were also small caves that
dwarves dwelled in as war crept ever closer to Fingolfin’s realm.

The city lies in a mountain valley, with one main entrance. The entrance was called
Uswevande, it was a pass in the mountains guarded by 7 gates. The first was the Gate of
Wood, guarded by swift archers. The second gate was the Gate of Stone, guarded by slightly
better armoured archers. The third gate was the Gate of Bronze, these guards were refugee
axemen, red armour and weapons. The fourth gate was the Gate of Silver, guarded by silver
armoured longbowmen. The fifth gate was the Gate of Writhen Iron, guarded by bowmen using
black armour and bows, along with black swords. The sixth gate was the Gate of Gold, guarded
by spearmen who had golden armour. The last gate was the Gate of Azuresilver, this gate had
about 200 archers and swordsmen defending it. Each gate had a horn that let the next one
know it was under assault. While the Gate of Azuresilver let the city know.

The city was the first of its kind, an elven ruled city with no racial prejudices. They had
many non-elves in places of power, and in the army. The only downfall was that the dwarves
were still loyal to their home of Fimd, even those in the Lasgalen army (Unbeknownst to
Fingolfin). Every intelligent race played their part in the defence or assault of the city.

The Fall of Lasgalen

Rodnor and Curumiel are to be married on Nost-na-Lothion. This is that day.
Nost-na-Lothion is a Spring festivity to celebrate the creation of the valley they dwell in. This day
the guard of Uswevande would be lessened. The Aarakocra were still on duty, and the dwarves
were still in the mountain caves. While it is true that this is a day of celebration, everybody was
still on guard from the war. The wedding ceremonies were starting, Gil-Galad was putting his
armour on when he heard the horn from the Gate of Azuresilver. They had prepared for this, the
armies moved themselves to the outer wall, and the people who were unfit for battle were taken
to the Citadel’s secret escape tunnel. The Gate of Wood lasted a very short time, being burned
by a dragon. The survivors were shooting arrows at the hordes, and retreating to the next gate,
but the distance was so far that none made it. The guards of the Gate of Stone saw the Gate of
Wood burn and they retreated to the Gate of Bronze. The Bronze and Stone guards fought
valiantly to give the other gates time to retreat to the sward of the valley. Sacrificing themselves
to slow down the enemy. The dragons attempted to burn the Guards of the other gates, but
many were still able to survive. Meanwhile the Mountains around them were ablaze. The
dwarves in the mountains had joined their kin, and showed them better paths to take in the
mountains. The remaining Guards of the Gates went into the mountains near the entrance of
the sward so they could counter charge the behind forces. But their vibrant colours gave them
away to the generals on wyverns. The archers aimed their arrows at them, and took down a few,
but not enough. They were seen by the forces and attacked. They slew many, but the dragons
were the bane of the Guards of the Gates. The commanding officer of each gate fell one by one
as the enemy hordes pushed them ever more into the mountains. This meant that the Gates
had fallen under enemy power.

In the city, the Haehadron were given azuresilver poison bolts to kill the dragons and
wyverns. The trebuchets were loaded with their burning ammunition. The entire lower flet was
prepared for battle. But the highest level of the city, where the civilians were escaping to, was
not and therefore exposed to the secret forces led by the dwarves. They only had the
Tamastirnyr and a few low rank generals. Rodnor, his guards, Modonal, and Curumiel rushed
out to defend the city. Orowen the mage went to the higher levels to cast spells from a safe
distance from the enemy. The other warriors went with Rodnor. The Haehadron and trebuchets
were firing as the enemy forces came closer. The Cumaethyr were firing at the forces from the
direction of the Uswevande, while the Theladagnyr prepared to cut down their massive forces.
The Megilherdir were prepared to take on the stronger forces and generals. The Tawartirio were
prepared to charge out of the front gate. The Tamastirnyr and Orowen were not prepared to fight
for their lives on the highest level of the city. On the outermost wall the Cumaethyr and many
captains were firing arrows at the opposing forces. They retreated their forces to regather and
push out. That is when the Fingolfin opened the great gate of Lasgalen and the Tawartirio
chased them down and killed as many as they could without being harmed. The Tawartirio soon
retreated when they started fighting back in force. But the gate had been sabotaged by the
dwarves loyal to Fimd, it would not shut. This was terrible, but both forces were regathering their
strength, that was the end of the assault that night, or so they thought. The enemy camp was
heavily watched, but they made no advance. But the force from the mountains did. They killed
almost all of the innocent women and children. The Tamastirnyr were slaughtered, and Orowen
was taken captive for some strange reason. This got the force to attempt a retaking of the upper
city, but they were too strong, and when the host that destroyed the Seven Gates heard, they
charged as well. The Tawartirio, Gil-Galad, and his guard (Minus Orowen and Thranopher)
decided to charge the upper city to get there faster, while the other leaders, Cumaethyr,
Megilherdir, and the Theladagnyr continued defending the lower level. Both forces were feeling
the loss of war. The city was only lit by the burning of the buildings. The dragons have been
mostly felled by the Haehadron and Thranopher.

In the middle level of the city was another escape tunnel built by Fingolfin when Atheon
began. It was time to flee the city. The Tawartirio were down to 40 in number, Rodnor watched
as Mithfin was slain by a wyvern riding commander. And Thindan disappeared. The horns of
retreat were then sounded, Rodnor got Mithrimbor out, and they ran to the middle level. The first
level guards were being pushed back, Thranopher ran as fast as he could to the middle level.
The Cumaethyr, Megilherdir, and the Theladagnyr were nearly eliminated. The retreat was led
by a Lizardfolk general, he fought all the enemies, and saw to it that he could save anybody he
could. Rodnor was with him, Fingolfin was not seen, it was assumed that the king was dead.
They had escaped, with few survivors. Eventually lies would be told about Fingolfin and he
would be defamed from the great leader he was. There would be a small number of survivors,
and almost all civilians were slaughtered or taken captive.

So fell the great elven realm of Lasgalen.

Survivors: Rodnor, Curumiel, lizardfolk general, Mithrimbor, Thranopher, the last few civilians of
many different races, about 20 of each kind of warrior.

Fallen or captured: Angarato, Fingolfin, Curumiel’s parents, Rodnor’s mother, Orowen, Mithfin,
Thindan, all dragons, countless warriors and civilians.

Rodnor In Atheon
The remaining survivors fled to the capitol. Only to find out that it would be under attack
as soon as things got situated for these survivors.

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