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Committee: The United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic: Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Peaceful Protests
Main submitter: Kingdom of Norway
Co-submitters: New Zealand, Sweden, The Kingdom of Spain
Signatories: Czech Republic, French Republic, Swiss Confederation

The Human Rights Council,

Acknowledging the Peaceful Protest Resolution, formulated by the UNHRC in 2018 in all
Member States of the UN,

Noting with deep regret the fact that a lot of children do not attend school,
Recognizes the lack of Constitutions that include peaceful protests, even though it can be a part
of the following human rights: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of
Acknowledging the Resolution 12/16 of 2009, where the rights from the International Covenant
of Civil and Political Rights were reaffirmed,
Supports Resolution 19/35 of 2012, where the Council acknowledged that peaceful protests can
occur in every society and that the responsibility to protect the protesters is entirely received
by the State,

1. Encourages elaborating a program which verifies the accuracy of information spread all
over social media and warns people that enter the site;
2. Promoting the freedom of expression through social media, having limits in relation to
offensive, illegal and dangerous content;
3. Endorses the creation of events on social media with the purpose of raising awareness
among the population with regards to social campaigns and movements in order to plan
them in real life;
4. Expresses its hope with regards to establishing NGOs that would tackle this issue all over
the States in order to raise awareness regarding civil and political knowledge or issues;
5. Recommends the provision of basic information about the current country’s policy and
the common procedures regarding civil and political rights and procedures, including
peaceful protests;
6. Encourages the introduction of a curriculum about policy at a national level, as well as a
global one and through this, promoting peacefulness and democratic ideas by:
a. approaching the matters in a positive way, in order to raise awareness regarding
the great importance of basic political knowledge and evoking the national spirit;
b. providing citizens with proper materials in order show the importance of
7. Further recommends the introduction of classes for children about important moral
principles and promoting the good and peace;
8. Supports the fact that young children should be encouraged to respond to every abusive
and offensive content with peace and an open-mind in order for them to become
exemplary citizens;
9. Requests that special authorities will verify gun possession
10. Expresses its hope for implementing a program for security officials to be trained about
human rights;
11. Further requests the punishment of protesters that put other peaceful protesters in
danger by:
a. imposing fees;
b. keeping them in custody if they instigate the others to violence or commit acts of
violence and vandalism;
c. imposing time in prison;
12. Calls upon all Member States of the Council to participate in a meeting regarding the
Peaceful Protest Resolution in order to make things more specific and easy to follow.
13. Supports measures of prevention such as, but not limited to:
a. authorities taking into consideration the suggestions of the protesters, regarding
social, economical and political changes, keeping in mind the democratic principles;
b. imposing greater surveillance by security officials and drones;
c. prohibiting alcohol consumption during protests;
d. prohibiting weapon use for citizens;
e. ensuring proper condition such as place, local health services for organizing protests

14. Emphasizes the need of creating movies and documentaries that describe the image of
the protests in a very peaceful and positive manner,
15. Encouraging the special rapporteur to make and submit the reports more often and in
16. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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