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Schedule: MTuWThFS 12:00-1:30pm

Course and Year: BSN-2F

SAQ 1.1

1. Give three specific examples of potential energy and how it is converted to

mechanical energy.
1. The water held behind the dam has potential energy because of its position.
When flow starts from the dam it's potential energy converted into kinetic energy of
the moving water turns turbines within the dam.
2. A ball held in the air has gravitational potential energy. If released, as the
ball moves faster and faster toward the ground, the force of gravity will transfer
the potential energy to kinetic energy.
3. A yoyo before it is released is a potential energy, when the yoyo is released
and it pulled downward to the force of gravity and will be then converted to kinetic

2. Discuss the implications of the two laws of thermodynamics in organisms.

The first law of thermodynamics is Energy conservation, Energy cannot be created or
destroyed. All biological organisms require energy to survive. In a closed system, such as
the universe, this energy is not consumed but transformed from one form to another. For
example, A man ate a fruit from an Apple Tree the man gets the energy by eating the fruit
from the tree while the tree gets energy from the sun. In photosynthesis, the energy is
supplied by the sun. Light energy is absorbed by cells in plant leaves and converted to
chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose, which is used to
form complex carbohydrates necessary to build plant mass.

The second law says that everything goes from order to disorder, that is an increase
in entropy. Living things die when the disorder in the system of the living
organisms increases to the point where the system can no longer function. The only known
closed system that exists is the entire universe and thus the law applies to the universe as a
whole. The notion centered around the idea that when energy is transferred from one form
to another, entropy increases as a result. A living organism contains information in the DNA
that allows the system to obtain energy from outside the system. This makes a living
organism an open system. The energy from outside the system is used to overcome
entropy, the spontaneous breakdown of organization within the cells and systems within
the living organism. Human organisms are not a closed system and thus the energy input
and output of an the organism is not relevant to the second law of thermodynamics directly.

SAQ 1.2

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NAME: WONG, LECERY C. Schedule: MTuWThFS 12:00-1:30pm
Course and Year: BSN-2F

1. What do you think will happen if decomposers are not present on earth?
The stability of an ecosystem depends on the actions of the decomposers.
Examples of decomposers include mushrooms on a decaying log. Bacteria in the soil are
also decomposers. If there were no decomposers. Wastes and the remains of dead
organisms would pile up and the nutrients within the waste and dead organisms would
not be released back into the ecosystem. Producers would not have enough nutrients.
The carbon and nitrogen necessary to build organic compounds, and then cells,
allowing an organism to grow, would be insufficient. Other nutrients necessary for an
organism to function properly would also not be sufficient. Essentially, many organisms
could not exist.

2. What can man do to ensure that the NPP will be available to all organisms?
It is a well accepted fact that human beings are the integral part of the nature
and they are tied to it through a serious of interactions. Man can start protecting himself
adequately to properly protect other organisms or living things. Environmental control is
needed to protect the man and the man will then ensure the species are not at risk.
With changes to the everyday lifestyle, man can help protect the ecosystem and the
organisms in it. Reduce or eliminate the use of household chemicals and pesticides that
can hurt the environment. Start using non plastic things in the house because plastic can
be really harmful to the environment and the organisms living in it.

SAQ 1.3

1. What simple activities can you do to reduce your carbon footprint? You can
start from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep.

1. Save Water. When I brush your teeth, I make sure to shut off the water
while I lather up. I Don’t leave it running I only turn it on when it’s time to rinse your
mouth out.
2. Take shorter showers. A fun way to do this is by listening to a 5 to 10
minute song, then shut the shower off when it’s over.
3. I eat seasonally, locally, and more plants. Eating seasonal also means eating
local, which is great for the environment. I support local farmers.
4. I use rechargable batteries. To prevent from throwing away used batteries.
5. I use bicycle instead of using a car when I’m going out. This is to lessen
pollution in a little way.

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NAME: WONG, LECERY C. Schedule: MTuWThFS 12:00-1:30pm
Course and Year: BSN-2F

SAQ 1.4

1. If you see or know someone using chemical fertilizers, what would you do?
Why are you going to do such action or actions?
We also own a rice farm we ensure that the fertilizers and pesticide are all organic
because with long-term and large-scale use of chemical fertilizer, some environment issues
will appear, such as soil acidification and crust. Because of using quantities of nitrogen
fertilizer, instead of organic fertilizer, some tropical farmland is in severe soil crust, leading
to ultimately lost the farming value.
As human pressure aggravated resource use conflict, most policy-makers chose an
easier but short-term benefits to alleviate the growing threats of food insecurity. I will
educate the farmers especially does who work on large scale farm lands about the use of
chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. I will include the disadvantages and advantages
of using chemical based fertilizers and tell them that the effects of chemical fertilizers on
soil are great and irreversible.

SAQ 1.5

1. What actions are you going to do to conserve freshwater available for future
1. Turn off the taps, Leaving a tap running while brushing teeth uses 6 litres of water a
minute. And by fixing a dripping tap you can save over 60 litres of water a week.
2. Boil what you need, Only boil as many cups of water as you need for your tea round –
you’ll be saving money and energy.
3. Shower with less, It’s easy to linger in the shower when you’re sleepy in the morning –
four-minute timers can help. And switching to an efficient shower head will allow you to
lather up in less water.
4. Save up your dirty clothes, Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and
energy than two half-loads. This means lower bills as well.
5. Steam your veggies, As well as using less water than boiling, steaming retains more
nutrients. If you do boil, try adding the water used as a tasty stock to soups. Or let it cool
and use it to water house or garden plants.

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NAME: WONG, LECERY C. Schedule: MTuWThFS 12:00-1:30pm
Course and Year: BSN-2F
6. Time your gardening, Water outdoor plants in the early morning or at the end of the day.
This stops water evaporating straight away in sunlight and heat. Also, water onto the soil
rather than leaves. This makes sure the liquid goes straight to the roots, where it’s needed.
7. Catch rainwater, Installing water butts saves you turning on the tap. And your plants will
thank you for rainwater rather than treated tap water. You can also cut water use by 33% by
watering plants manually instead of using automatic sprinklers.

SAQ 1.6

1. What do you think is the driving force for humans to alter and affect the
different terrestrial ecosystems? Support your answer.

Human activities are rapidly altering the terrestrial ecosystem. Aggravated by

pressure to keep up with other businesses, to make money and be happy. For example, we
are changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere, converting natural landscapes
to urban areas. Climate change affects ecosystems at the same time as other potential
stresses,agricultural expansion, air pollution, deforestation. Humans have greatly impacted
the rates of supply of the major nutrients that constrain the productivity, composition, and
diversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Sometimes Human doesn’t care about what will hapen in
the long term run as long as they are satisfied of what they are doing and they benefit from

SAQ 1.7

1. What could be done to save the remaining coral reefs in our country?

1. Recycle and dispose of trash properly. Marine debris can be harmful to coral reefs.
Recycle your trash at home and on the go (especially plastic), and remember the three R’s
(reduce, reuse, and recycle). When disposing of trash, do it properly in bins, to avoid trash
being blown or washed away into waterways and oceans. On beaches, make sure you leave
no trash behind, and never throw or leave any cigarette butts in the sand.
2. Minimize use of fertilizers. EPA diver swimming over a coral reef outcrop showing stony
corals and soft corals (sea fans).The overuse of fertilizers on lawns harm water quality
because nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from the fertilizer are washed into waterways
and eventually end up in oceans. These nutrients pollute the water and can harm coral reefs.
3. Use environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. Instead of driving a car, try to
walk, bike, or use public transport (like buses and trains) more often. If you are planning to
buy a car, choose a fuel-efficient vehicle like a hybrid or electric car. Using these cleaner

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NAME: WONG, LECERY C. Schedule: MTuWThFS 12:00-1:30pm
Course and Year: BSN-2F
transportation methods can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that are emitted
into the atmosphere.
4. Be conscious when buying aquarium fish. Avoid purchasing living coral and if you buy a
marine aquarium fish, make sure that it has been collected in a sustainable manner.


Anthropogenic Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. (2020). Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

Chemical Fertilizers Effect on Soil and Environment. Reliable Fertilizer Machinery

Producer|Experienced Fertilizer Plant Designer. (2020). Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

Improving plant nutrient management for better farmer livelihoods, food security and
environmental sustainability. (2020). Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

Society, N., & Society, N. (2020). Terrestrial Ecosystem. Retrieved 23

June 2020, from

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