Research For The Videographers Guide To Full-Time Freelance

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Research for the videographers guide to full-time freelance

These are some questions for me to better understand what is holding videographers back as well as their
daily struggles trying to transition to doing video full-time.
I am trying to make the quickest and easiest guide anyone can follow to go from working a job full time, living
with their family or at a flatshare - To doing video full time and having more time and flexibility to do what they
want. For this reason, I need to understand in detail what their situations are. To be as effective as possible
and ensure they can achieve their desired outcome. So please answer the questions as honestly as possible
and feel free to go into detail.

How would you describe yourself?

What keeps you awake at night staring at the ceiling?

What are they frustrated/angry about? Or who?

What are you afraid of?

What do you secretly, ardently desire the most?

What trends will occur in your life if a significant change isn’t made?

What are your top 3 most significant pain points?

What are your top 3 most significant goals in life?

What is a specific quantifiable end goal that you would like to achieve in your videography career? Be
as specific as you possibly can.

What are your primary motivations for achieving this goal? Emotional, financial, social, etc.

What are other people in similar situations doing to achieve this goal and how is it working for them?
This can be people who are succeeding or failing at it.

How would you briefly tell your story and describe your beliefs and motivations?

How do you spend your week?

What do you do outside of work?

What are your concerns in life?

What do you hate? This can be something about your career, your actual habits, your lifestyle, anything.

What are the things that you do not want to do? This is what you’re not willing to do in your journey or even
things you’re doing that you no longer want to do. For some people this could be waking up early in the
morning, would be working for someone else, working every day, spending all their time in one city and not
being able to travel, etc.

What happened in the past that led you up to this point?

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