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Matt L.


Reflection Paper for LASARE1

I learned a lot in LASARE1, more than I honestly thought I would. I was able to
learn both from the speakers, the new friends I was able to make, and also myself. The
most important thing I learned from everyone was to value ourselves for who we are. It’s
honestly the most important thing that is under looked nowadays. I also learned to
appreciate myself more and take it easy on myself too when times are rough as
everyone goes through this too and that the best thing to do is ask for some help and
help others too.

My realization with the relationship I have with myself is that I feel more distant
with myself that I really think. This is because for the most part, I thought that I’m the
truest I could be with myself but through LASARE1, I realized that I am not. There are
still things or issues that I hide from myself or I try to ignore just because I feel
somewhat uncomfortable with dealing with it when it would be better if I try to overcome
it. Relationships with other in the other hand is already good to be honest, but there are
still somethings that I could definitely improve on. For one, I tend to be slow to approach
others openly. This isn’t entirely bad in my opinion but to be honest I feel like if I’m more
open, I could possibly help others more and quicker. Obviously, I also have to have
some sense respect with their personal space, but if the opportunity arises then I should
try to take it to build more relationships with others. Lastly, I feel like my relationship with
God is kind of one sided-ish. I say this because I feel like I reach out to Him specifically
on those times that I am in need of something. So I feel like I only really talk to Him
when it is convenient with me when I should be more open and talk to Him like friend or
an older brother. I have already had recollections in high school and the one I had for
my last year in year 12, the main take away we all had is that God or Jesus is like
someone close to us like an older brother. Hence, they encourage us in the recollection
to call him brother Jess (Jesus) which kind of shows us that we should be more close to
Him than how we really are now. Through LASARE1, I remembered all these but also
learned more on how I should see and treat my relationship with God, not someone i
only reach out to when I need something but involve Him more in my days.

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