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Research on

Motivation and English Language Learning at the HSC Level: a Case Study

Questionnaire for Students


A: Personal details of the respondents and History

Name:. b) Ageyrs. c)Sex: f) group... Male / Female d) Occupation e) institution......

A.1: personal details of the respondent a)

A.2: History 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am a student of Bangla / English medium English is a subject that always interests me Yes / no I always score in English My score in English (SSC) I find English is a subject difficult moderate easy & interesting good (70%) medium(50%) sometimes poor(35- 45%) all through my educational career.


B: level involving learning context

Yes / no

B.1: syllabus and course book

6. I think the syllabus is good enough and well designed to make us proficient 7. I find the syllabus interesting and motivating Yes / no If no why?

8. The course book we have is not interesting, tough to approach, and not clear in instruction Yes / no / a bit If no why?

9. I think both syllabus and course book are helpful to make us creative and active in the class room Yes / no / a bit

B.2: performance of the pupil 10. I always try to respond or participate actively in the classroom Yes / no / sometimes 11. I like to be silent in the class bcause 12. I am satisfied with my performance Poor performance feel shy Yes / no teacher scolds me if I mistake

13. I attend the English classes regularly Yes / no B.3: classroom environment and teaching 14. My classmates and friends are always helpful and cooperative in and outside the class If I need help in my studies Yes / no 15. I am satisfied with my class room environment Yes / no 16. The teacher uses English in the classroom Sometimes always never

17. The teachers underestimate, insult and scold me if I am wrong Yes / no 18. I need extra care in this subject outside the class and go for private coaching Yes / no 19. I am motivated with some of my teachers personality and try to follow the way they behave and instruct us Yes / no


C: level involving outside the class & instrumentality

rarely frequently not at all Yes / no / sometimes

20. I try to use English everyday Slightly

21. I read or love to read English Newspaper or other composition 22. My first target to read English is to only pass the exam 23. I think speaking in English makes people smart

Yes / no

Yes / no Yes / no

24. I think English is a subject that will help me to get a good job 25. I like English Peoples company Yes / no

26. I want to go abroad for my higher studies

Yes / no

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