Haykal - 10622178 - Full Draft 12

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Project 12

Outline Friday, 14 July 2023

Full Draft Sunday, 16 July 2023
Peer Review Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Revised Thursday, 20 July 2023

Name: Haykal

Class: 1SA01

NPM: 10622178

How cyberbullying become one of the threat to society

(Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences)

Cyber-bullying, a form of harassment and intimidation occurring through digital means, has
become a pervasive issue in today's society. To address this problem, it is necessary for cyber-bullying to
carry legal consequences, as it serves to protect individuals' mental well-being and foster a safer online
environment. This essay will argue that legal consequences for cyber-bullying are essential by examining
the emotional and psychological impact on victims and the role of legal repercussions in promoting
responsible online behavior.

Implementing legal consequences for cyber-bullying creates a deterrent effect, discouraging

potential offenders from engaging in harmful behaviors. Laws can act as a tool to educate the public on
the importance of responsible online behavior and set clear boundaries for acceptable digital conduct
(Navarro, R., & Jasinski, J. L. 2013). By holding perpetrators accountable for their actions, legal
consequences send a powerful message that cyber-bullying will not be tolerated, fostering a culture of
empathy, respect, and kindness in online spaces.

Cyber-bullying can have severe emotional and psychological consequences for its victims. The
anonymity provided by the internet often emboldens bullies, leading to more frequent and vicious
attacks (Smith et al., 2018). This constant harassment can cause victims to experience anxiety,
depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. By establishing legal consequences, society
acknowledges the seriousness of cyber-bullying and sends a message that such behavior will not be
tolerated (Hinduja & Patchin, 2018).

Critics argue that legal consequences for cyber-bullying might infringe upon freedom of speech.
However, it is important to note that freedom of speech does not grant individuals the right to harm or
harass others. Legal measures can be designed to target only the most severe and harmful instances of
cyber-bullying, while protecting legitimate expression of ideas and opinions. Laws can be carefully
crafted to strike a balance between protecting individuals' well-being and safeguarding freedom of
speech. Moreover, concerns about potential misuse of laws should not undermine the need for legal
In conclusion, legal consequences are vital in the fight against cyber-bullying. The emotional and
psychological toll it takes on victims necessitates a robust legal framework to protect individuals' mental
well-being. By promoting responsible online behavior and deterring potential offenders, legal
consequences help foster a safer online environment for all. It is crucial that society recognizes the
importance of addressing cyber-bullying through legal means and works towards implementing effective
legislation and enforcement mechanisms.


1. Navarro, R., & Jasinski, J. L. (2013). Legal consequences of cyberbullying. Victims and offenders in the
digital age. In: R. Navarro & J. L. Jasinski (Eds.), Cybercriminology: Exploring Internet Crimes and Criminal
Behavior (pp. 205-221). CRC Press.

2. Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2018). Cyberbullying and Suicide: A Retrospective Analysis of Ten
Adolescent Cases. Journal of School Violence, 17(1), 42-56.

3. Smith, P. K., Mahdavi, J., Carvalho, M., Fisher, S., Russell, S., & Tippett, N. (2018). Cyberbullying: Its
nature and impact in secondary school pupils. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(4), 376-385.

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