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Messrs Follies nose co a 3. Stomata: Small pores present on the leaves wi tke coral ki found in the epidermis of leaves and green stems and are used for gas exchange. the planta 4, Transpiration is the loss of water in the form of water vapour from aerial parts of ¢ Stomatal Transpiration: Loss of water vapour from the minute pores called stoma of the leaves that are regulated by specialized guard cell. 90% of total water loss is through the stomata. ¢ Cuticular Transpiration: It is the transpiration that takes place from the outer walls of epidermal cells. These cells are impermeable to water but some water is lost through evapouration (around 10%). © Lenticular Transpiration: It occurs through the lenticels that are present in woody plants. Loss of water is about 1-2%, Lenticels are pores that are present in the bark of woody stem, and they are always open. 4, Advantages of Transpiration: n of water. It causes transpiration pull which helps @ It produces a cooling effect. @ It helps in the ascent of sap. © It stimulates root growth. © It induces plant resistance by hardening the cells. ‘© Helps in the development of mechanical tissues, Disadvantages of Transpiration: # Excessive loss of water causes wilting. © Excessive loss of water also causes premature fall of leaves and also reduces the production of flowers and fruits. It causes stunted growth. ¢ Lot of energy is lost as the plants utilizes it to absorb water. Factors affecting Transpiration: External Factors (a) Intensity of light: It causes the opening of stomata and so transpiration takes place. More transpiration occurs during the day than at night. (b) Temperature: Increase in temperature, increases the rate of transpiration, as more water evaporates from leaves. When temperature is reduced, the rate of transpiration is also reduced. (0) Velocity of wind: Fast moving wind removes water vapour given out by the leaves due t0 transpiration and no saturation occurs around the leaf, thereby increases the rate of ‘transpiration. Slow wind reduces the rate of transpiration as water vapour is not removed from around the plant leaves. (d) Humidity: More humidity reduces the rate of transpiration as water vapour around the leaves and in the air is high. High humidity enhances more saturation and thereby lessens transpiration. Less humidity in the air increases transpiration. (e) Carbon dioxide: Increased level of CO, in the atmosphere promotes stomatal closing while decreased level of CO, favours opening of the stomata. (f) Atmospheric pressure: Increase in atmospheric pressure decreases the rate of transpiration and vice versa. Both are inversely proportionate to each other. IL, Internal Factors (a) Water content: Increase in water content increases transpiration and if the water content is less then transpiration also reduces. (b) Leaf area: Large leaf area increase transpiration rate. (c) Leaf structure: Presence of cuticle or wax coat restricts the loss of water through transpiration. (d) Suceulence: Presence of latex in stem and leaf tissues reduces transpiration rate. (c) Rolling, twisting and curling of leaves also reduces transpiration to a certain level. 7. Adaptations in plants to reduce transpiration (a) Sunken stomata (6) Less number of stomata (c) Narrow leaves (d) Modification of leaves into spines (©) Thick cuticle 8. Rate of transpiration can be measured by Ganong’s potometer. 9. Limitation of Potometer: © It does not measure water lost by transpi It is a difficult process and requires accurate observation. © Introduction of the air bubble is not easy. © Some water that is used up by the plants for its metaboli jon, ctivities is not measured, 10. Guttation: Loss of water in the form of droplets through hydathodes. This water contains dissolved salts. Hydathodes are special tissues (pore-bearing structures) present at the end of the veins of a leaf. 11. Bleeding: Exudation of plant sap from the injured part of a plant. Bleeding occurs due to the Toot pressure. (Bleeding) Latex in Poppy Seed

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