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Since Industrial Revolution, human started making new things that

makes the life easier. For a long time that was helpful; but as the time
passed we invented things that made us lazy. What technology has done to
our lives is that we do not bother ourselves to go out of home and buy
something anymore. It is like that we do not need any new invention any

One of the inventions that made us lazy is elevator. I know that in very
tall buildings elevator is needed, but these days mostly people use elevator
for even one floor. Also in some buildings that only has a few floors,
elevators are used. This machine made people intend to be lazy and not to
bother themselves climb up or down the stairs. We need to be thankful that
lazy people can stand for some seconds until the elevator reaches the floor
they want.

The second invention that I think was successful in making us lazy is the
internet. This invention is used for about 30 years and recently everyone on
planet earth knows it so good. This great invention made us not to leave
our homes anymore. With this invention you don’t need to walk, go to
school, pay bills by leaving the sofa, get food by cooking or even going to a
restaurant and even you can find love without dating.

Technology is making us lazier and lazier. Truth hurts, but we know

that we do not walk and move as we used to and if it is not laziness, I do
not know what it is. You just need to think about that how much
technology you use in a day. You do not need to push a button even. All
you have to is to use your larynx!

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