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by Ian Winterton

cover & interior art Paul Carrick

plans & maps Drashi Khendup

playtesters Navtage Gill, Jason Landinaff,

Clair Littlejohn, Nigel Mills

editorial Lynn Willis

design & layout Shannon Appel
copyedltlng Janice Sellers and David Mitchell

Chaosium Inc.
Table of Contents
LAST RITES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 17 McKinley Boulevard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32
The People of Runville [Box] ........... 6 17 McKinley Boulevard [Plan #1] . . . . . ... 33
Last Rites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 17 McKinley Boulevard [plan #2] . . . . . . . . 34
The Ennis House [plan] ............. . . 9 Removal of Favor [Box] .... ..... .. .. . . 38
Runville [Map] . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . .. 10 Death & Rebirth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39
The Aftennath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. II Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 40
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . .. 14 TIlE PRIESTESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43
Psychic Power [Box] . . . . • . .. . . • . . . .. 15 A University Town . ..... .. ...... . ...... 43
LE11IAL LEGACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Northern Vermont. . ..... . . . .. . . . . .. .... 47
Tuneline [Box]. . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . .. 18 About Jerinnana [Box] ................. 48
Lich Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 19 The Zellweger Mansion [plan] ..... .. . . . 49
The Horror in the Dark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 Weapons in the Mansion [Box] ........ .. 50
The Kalms House [Plan] . ......•... . . 23 The Mace of Agade [Box]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shambling Sorcery [Box] ... . ... . .... . 27 HANOOU'fS . . . . . • . • • • . . . • • • • . • • . . . .• 55
TIlE HOUSE ON MCKINLEY BLVD.... 29 Last Rites Handout Index [Box] ......... 55
Preliminary Investigations ................ 30 INDEX . ............................. 61

Last Rites is published by Chaosium Inc.

Last Rites is copyright C I999 by Ian Winterton; all rights reserved.

Additional tex.t 101999 by Chaosium Inc.; all rights reserved.

Last Rites is published as a supplement to Call of Cthulhu®.

Chaosium Inc.'s trademarked roleplaying game of horror and wonder.

fucept in this publication and related advertising. the illustrations original to Last Riles remain
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The Victorian home visited in "MclGnley Boulevard" was adapted from Sloan,
The Model Architect, E. S. Jones & Co .• Philadelphia. 1852.

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ISBN 1-56882-137-9

Chaosium Publication 2379

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I First Edition.

Printed in Canada.
Last -Rites
Wherein the investigators attend a funeral, and soon find other, and, much more rarely, young children. In 1979,
//lore lllall one candidate for the burial. Sophia Ennis, Lucinda's younger sister, became such a vic-
The draw for Ibis scenario is the death of Professor tim. Her battered, bruised, and sexually abused young body
Henry Ennis, a fonner associate of the investigators. Ennis was discovered on the beach. Nicole could not recover from
was socially and academically active. Almost any Iype of her death.
person could have come into close contact with him. The The now-aging cultists still live in Runville. Using her
keeper has plausible rcasons for introducing previously recently acquired mind-reading powers, Lucinda has learned
unacquainted investigators to onc another, making this an who they are. She plans to kill them unconventionally, via a
ideal starting scenario for a campaign, or onc into which concoction brewed for her by her ex-lover, Jason. With it she
new investigators are introduced into a team recently deci- plans to reanimate the corpse of her father so that he
mated by eldritch horrors. becomes her undead instrument of revenge. It pleases her
Interaction with the people of Runville is of importance that her revenge can be double-edged.
to this scenario, as most of the mystery unfolds. in true
whodunnit style. after the investigators arrive. The follow- HENRY ENNIS AND THE INVESTIGATORS
ing sections discuss the Professor as the investigators knew He was a handsome man. The investigators who knew
him, his daughter Lucinda, and key figures among the Ennis think of him as a lover of all aspects of life, and also
Runville townsfolk. There are quite a few non-player char- as a man who paid special attention to women. Keep reiter-
acters. The keeper is urged to read their brief descriptions ating this foible to the investigators. Encourage
with some care. them to believe that it is inextrica-
bly linked to the mystery, because
it isn't, at least not directly.
Keeper Information The NY Times obituary of
LUCINDA'S REVENGE Ennis, found a little further on in
Though he never knew it, Professor Ennis was touched by the scenario. is accurate. The inves-
the Mythos through his only child, Lucinda. While studying tigators also know that Ennis suf-
at Oxford, she met a young cultist, Jason, who seduced her fered from high blood pressure,
and schooled her in the Mythos, a study she kept up when which led to his first heart attack in
she returned to Massachusetts to be 1994. A few years later, he retired
with her ailing father. to Runville, Massachusetts, and
Lucinda loathed her father. As PROFESSOR HENRV El'o'NIS began to pay careful allention to
his health fai led, she amused herself his health. By then much damage had been done. He died
by creating subtle tonnents for him. there following his sixth infarction.
Her hatred for her father started The investigators also know that Ennis' family life was
with the death of her mother, Nicole not a happy one. Like so many public men, he reserved
Ennis, who hanged herself in 1980. nothing for his wife and children.
Her mother's suicide note men-
tioned her husband's womanizing. OTHER WAYS OF INVOLVING SOME OR ALL OF
Helping him into the gmve was a THE INVESTIGATORS
LUCINDA ENNIS conclusion she found appropriate These ideas assume no investigator knowledge of Professor
for a professor of ethics who was a hypocrite. Ennis.
The key to Nicole's and Lucinda's instability lies in a
• Someone with police connections may be called in after
dark secret harbored for decades in Runville. Since World
the murder at Ennis' grave. A journalist investigator may
War Two, a cult of diabolists who refer to themselves as the
be sent out on the Ennis story. One of the investigators
Children of Satan has been active in the village of Runville,
may see Lucinda in Manchester, Arkham, or Gloucester
perfonning dubious sexual rites involving livestock. each
6 - Last Rites

earlier in the week. be attracted by her, and try to find her. Lucinda ElIlIis: age 26, daughter of the deceased. She is an
A parcel sent to Lucinda by Jason contains the reanima- attractive young blonde woman who tends toward sensuous
tion potion, but is delivered by mistake to a similarly and revealing clothes, enough that all eyes are on her when
named investigator. who obligingly brings her the con- she walks to the beach. She is also is absent-minded about
tents and thereby puts himself on her murder list. dressing and undressing at her windows, also annoying
some of the townsfolk. Her face has a SUllen, secret beauty.
• The investigators' boat pulls into Runville Cove for
It is rarely animated or pleasant. She inherits the Ennis
repairs on the ni ght of Ethel Goodson's murder. Ashore, estate, worth more than a million and a half in property and
they see the cadaverous Ennis lurch into the fog and dis- cash as rumo r has it.
appear. This approach means that the keeper must find
ways to fill in much of the RunviLie background. Hamey Dmm: age 45, a jovi al, chubby man, owner of the
Constable Talboll is up to the task. Lobster Pot Inn. He is a source of gossip, much of it accurate.
He was one of the Professor's favorite drinking partners.
Much of Ru nville descends from Catholic selliers who ned
Lois Drum: age 42, a female version of her husband, wider
at the hips. Her favorite topic is her son, Daniel, a law stu-
England and Ireland in the seventeenth century to escape
dent at Boston University.
persecution. With few exceptions the present descendants
are good, honest individual s whose vices are minor. They Toby Ettri1lger: age 40, part-time deputy Eltringer is a
love to gossip, so conversation with them should be an inte- blundering, muscle-bound fool, tolerated by Talbott
gral part of the adventure. A description of the key figures because no one e lse wanted the job. Toby's father is Dr.
follows. All of these people will be at the funeral and at the Alan Ellringer, one of the cultist-diabolists. It will take a
wake. The keeper can add to this infonnation as he or she great deal to convi nce Toby that hi s beloved father is any-
wishes, but should kee p it simple. thing other than a kind, benevolent man.
Dwight and Ethel Goodsoll: ages 40 and 35, res pectively.
Dwight is the proprietor of a bank in Manchester. He is a
The People of Runville pompous, kindhearted man. Although he considers himself
\0 be one of Professor Enni s' close friends, the good
Following is a quick reference listing the people of Professor had been having an affai r with Goodson's wife,
Runville relevant to this adventure. Ethel, since his retirement to Runville. Most people in the
Drum, Bam e)'-owner of the Lobster Pot. town know this. Ethel has diffi culty hiding her grief. (She
is sprawled across Ennis' grave when he ri ses, and is the
Drlllll, Lois- wife of Barney Drum.
first to die at the zombie's hands.)
Ennis, Henry-professor. fonne r associate of the
investigators, now murdered. Rlldy Goodson: age 18, the son o f Dwight and Ethel, Rudy
was befriended by Professor Ennis and tutored by him. He
Ennis, Lllcillda-daughter of Henry Ennis and secret
hopes 10 allend Boston University next semester and is cur-
Mythos de\'otee
rently studying at a minor college in Gloucester. He is
Ettrillger, Alall- town doctor and cllilis/. stricken with grief by Ennis' death. He has a severe crush on
Ettrillger, Toby-pan-time deputy and son of Dr. Lucinda; she uses that to her advantage when convenient.
Allan Euringer. Georgette Greigsoll: age 29, the local schoolteacher,
Flalll!rty, David- retired postal worker and cllltist. responsible for educating all Runville children until the age
Goodson, Dwight-bank proprietor. of ten, at which age they take the bus to Manchester.
Georgelle is rumored to be no better than she ought to be,
Goodson, Ethel-wife of Dwight Goodson and mis-
though in reality she remains faithful to her fiancee,
tress of the late Henry Ennis.
Clarence, curre ntly on the American Antarctic Survey. The
Goodsoll, Rudy- college stude nt and son of Dwight Professor o ften invited her 10 dinner. Though she enjoyed
and Ethel Goodson. his company, she always refu sed his advances.
Greigson, Georgette- local schoolteacher. Sheldoll O'Hearne: age 39, owner of the local store and
O'Hearne, Sheldoll-store and gas station owner. gas station, he is a pensive, introverted man, especially
Rook, Edward-old friend of the late Henry Ennis. nervous and distrustfu l of women. As a minor businessman,
he has some small influence over matters within the town.
Smith, Katarilla-former magistrate and ClIllisl leader.
His store stocks everything, from meats to hardware, from
Springer, Bernadette-widow and clIltist. alcohol to groceries.
Talbott, Maurice- town constable.
Father Edward Rook: age 55, a harsh man, with a scowl-
ing. weather-r.J.vaged face. He was close friends with
Professor Enni s. whom he believes to have been a good
Last Rites - 7

Catholic to the last, dismissing all rumors to the conlrary as

vicious gossip. His favorite topic for discussion is "the last
President worth a damn," JFK. Usuall y taciturn, Rook 's
tongue is best loosened with a few shots of whiskey.
Maurice Talbott; age 62, constable for the town and the
surrounding countryside. Talbott is a wise old coot. Though
Henry Ennis, Humanitarian, Dies at 58 Ano
the crimes were mostly a matter for
the state police, he dealt with the Leading humanitarian and academic Dr. Hellry Four
child abductions of two decades Ellllis, 58, died yesterday in Rundlle, why
before, and is one of the few who " lasstlChusetts, after a lengthy illness. He is SlIr- Im·e
know the details of Sophia Ennis '
vived hy 11 daughter, Lucinda. His wife, Nicole, is it '
fate. The abductions and murders

-it--as::his::t:luty_"to. -
"I al] Clt-dlOlic family ' fled
look after Lucinda. Talbott is liked
ques by all of Runville. He makes an the New World. Dr. Ellnis had re tired to
whm CONST. f,IAUR1CE TA LHOTr excellent ally for the investigators. RUJlville earlier in this decade, after several
Ollt ( dcuililating hean itUacks.
For! T HE DIABOLISTS He was for many years deeply involved in
Wby These four unpleasant individuals, though depraved and humanitarian relief, organizing aid programs for
G evil, have no powers from or knowledge of the mighty stan'ing mlliolls ill Africa , and contributing
so w. Cthulhu Mythos. Since old age has set in, they restrict their great comfort to Bosnian Mnslim refugees. He
The . activities to a few bizarre sexual rites and the occasional pllblbhed more than a d07.ell books on the phi-
is th; sacrifice of a chicken. Nobody in the town will believe tbat losophy of ethics, and twice delivered the
Thar they are devil-worshipers unless presented with conclusive Clerkellwell Lectures on Ethics, at Oxford.
almo evidence. Since his doctorate from Hrtn·ard , he has
with Dr. Alall Bltril/ger: age 67, Ettringer is more sprightly than traveled widely, silldying and teaching at insti-
litde his cultist friends, and he possesses more intellect and wit. tutions as diverse as Princeton, Oxford, New
and ~ Since he was a friend of the Professor, the investigalOfS Delhi, rlJld the Sorbollne.
StOp probably will come into contact with him. As the town's Dr. EnJlis was the only son of theologian
what doctor, he is subject to constant rumors about malpractice Justin Ennis (1915·1977).
suits that have been brought against him, none of which
~ rs
were taken before the Commonwealth's medical practice
board. The investigators will hear this so often from so
many different people that they may come to believe the Investigator Information
Doctor is a victim of vicious gossip. The Professor's obituary appears in the national edi
tion of
David Flah erty,· age 70. On the surface Flaherty seems like the NY Times. See Last Rites Papers #1 .
arrival. a kindly old man, spending his days nursing his wife, The keeper must orcheslrate the investigators'
fTercnt Barbara, who has been paralyzed by a series of strokes. In Do they know each other? Have they traveled from di
.t least reality Flaherty is a sadist. Before his retirement he was a points of the country? Do they arrive separately? P
mend . postal worker in Gloucester. one must be present in Runville the day before the fl
ad-end Runville is tiny and isolated. A narrow, lumpy de
od the Kataril/a Sm itll: age 72, leader of the diabolists. She and road winds through dreary marshes that often no
n with Dr. Ettringer have long been lovers, though this is known to road in winter. In the summer, the road is a-swan
no one. Once notorious as Runville's loose woman, Smith insects. Inland, the road joins a state highway.
1st and has retained the attractive features of her youth. She is a The highway connects Gloucester to the northe,
ham is cold, unfriendly woman. Until recently she was the town's Manchester to the southwest. Via Manchester, Ark
lassen- magistrate and an associate of the Professor. about ten miles distant. Arkham is also the nearest r
er and ger lrain connection . The bus between Gloucest·
BCTIladette Spril/ger: age 68, a widow. Her late husband Ted
larking Manchester runs regularly each day, but the disemt
was ignorant of his wife's pecu liar hobby for the forty years
estate traveler must trudge a mile and more between th
of their marriage. Mrs. Springer hides behind a charade of
highway and the hamlet on the sea.
senility, talking constantly about Ted, particularly how the
laching Runville is home to perhaps a hundred souls. Apprc
two of them met in 1944 while serving in the army. Ted died
lse. for the hamlet by road, at first one sees only the Ennis hOI
of prostate cancer in 1990, as can be found in Dr. Ettringcr's
t of the it is high on a bluff. The rest of the town is carved ou
case notes.
8 - Last Rites

bluff below, well above the sea but the streets are built on tiers of bourbon, blissfully unaware of everyone else's awk-
like a lopsided wedding cake. The fishennen live on the low- wardness. Ethel slips away later on and can be found sob-
est level. Below them is a shingle-covered beach and a shel- bing over the Professor's body.
tering cove from where fishing smacks come and go. Dr. Ettringer discusses heart disease, rather too matter-
A lighthouse, situated on a notorious shoal few miles out of-ractly for most people. Barney Drum eventually tells
into the Atlantic, warns off sea tr"dffic in the area. Typically, him bluntly to keep quiet.
a chill fog emerges from the Atlantic in the afternoon and Shortly after midday, the Professor's coffin is sealed up
obscures the area until mid-morning of the next day. and is borne down the lane to the churchyard by Barney,
Rudy, Maurice, Toby, and two younger men. Father Rook
perfonns the graves ide ceremony with a suitably solemn
air. Ethel Goodson faints as the coffin is lowered. Puzzled,
Last Rites her husband takes her back to the house. Somewhat awk-
wardly, Lucinda invites everybody back to the house for
drinks and food.
The Ennis House The following few hours can be spent as the investiga-
tors wish, probably being plied with alcohol by Barney and
See the plan on the opposing page. The current Ennis fam- stuffed with food by Lois . Continue conversations as possi-
ily home is a new one, built to take advantage of the ble. The majority of people slip away in the next hour or
sweeping views granted by the site. None of the rooms two. It is essential that constable Talbott and Father Rook
contain things of importance, with the exception of stay until darkness falls .
Lucinda's bedroom. A separate sub-section later in the
adventure discusses that room. The living room hosts the
open casket of Profess or Ennis.
The Terror Begins
Present at the house during the day before the funeral As darkness falls, the younger Euringer pounds on the door
arc Father Rook, Barney Drum (who keeps everybody's of the house and asks for {he constable. The stanunering,
glasses topped up with liquor), and Mrs. Drum, waddling to wide-eyed deputy [ends everyone who will come to the
and from the kitchen preparing food for the wake. Lucinda grnveyard. There, a flashlight dis-
is present, though she is withdrawn and rarely speaks. closes that the Professor's grave has
Mrs. Drum says that Lucinda has offered the conserva- been violently excavated. Dirt, sod,
tory tonight and tomorrow night (and the living room and fragments of the coffin-lid have
tomorrow night) to anyone wishing to stay overnight. The been tossed all about. The rest of the
investigators may, if they prefer, stay at the Lobster Pot for open, empty coffin is still in the pi\.
a small amount. ·'It's convenient to have your own rooms," Ennis' body has been stolen.
she encourages. Most shocking of all is the
On the mantelpiece, several photographs depict the smashed body of poor Ethel
Professor and his family. The photos remind the investiga- Goodson, bleeding to death fTom a
tors of Mrs. Ennis' suicide and infonn them that there were deep wound in her stomach (Sanity
two daughters in tlle family. loss of 011 02 to all witnesses).
Whether the investigators stay at the Ennis house or at While Futher Rook delivers the last
the Lobster Pot, introduce them to as many residents as rites, she mutters, "They took him ... they took him ...."
seems appropriate. She expires seconds later. ~
Apart from Ethel's high-heels, anyone with a successful
The Funeral Track roll is able to distinguish one set of boot prints,
though the area is so churned up that it is difficult to be
Mourners begin to arrive at the house on the morning of the sure. The boot prints end at a sidewalk, and cannot be
second day, gradually filling up the dining room. Make sure picked up again.
the investigators are involved in conversations, and intro- Lucinda takes to her room and locks the door.
duce them to the guests for which infonnation exists or is
created. They notice the following minor frictions . LUCINDA'S INFLUENCE
Rudy Goodson follows Lucinda about the room, bab- For the two hours following this inexplicable murder and
bling about how much he v.alued her father's tutelage. vandalism, Lucinda sits cross-legged in her room. Using her
Exasperated, Lucinda sharply says, "Why don't you go psychic powers she is in a trance-like communication with
bother someone else, you little dork?" Rudy, inconsolable, her father's cadaver. The door to her room is locked, though
leaves the room in tears. Everyone puts Lucinda's behavior the keyhole is empty (the key being on a chain around
down to grief. Lucinda·s neck). Any investigator wishing to peek needs a
Ethel Goodson trembles as though trying to suppress successful Sneak roll. A failure alerts Lucinda, and she reads
her grief. Allow investigators a Psychology roll to notice the offending investigator's mind. Attempts to get her to
this. In contrast, her husband is relatively cheerful and full open the door are met with a sulky, "Leave me alone."
Last Rites - 9




T.v. Room Dining Room

wate r main
closet entrance


Professo r's Den

Professor's Bedroom


Main Guest Bedroom

Old Nursery
Sophia's Luxurious
Old Room Bathroom
10 - Last Rites

~' ''''k l ~
I Eruli, Hou, e /


Last Rites - II

After finishing the instructions to her

dead father, Luc inda emerges from her The Atduction and Murde r ot Miss Sophia Ennis
room, though she remai ns uncommu- -
nicative and withdrawn. - Mis_s S~.!.t age 6..1 vas reported lIdseinK. on the ni8ht or
01.03 .79 by her Parents. Her bod,y _ diaooveied on RWiV1i.i.i""
For her Psychic Powers skill. sec the - - -teaoh-ift-the- ellt"ly ,"rnin8- o£!.-OS-. O). 19- bJ Lewel-.J&!'Yie-.-+--- -
notes on p. 15 (" Psychic Powers. a new ! - - tieherman • .J:he...9E:l'O!!!.r dec~ the c~ bad M:!-_
for several da,ya . An autopsy revealed. sexual injuries, thOugh-
skill"), o-fluid -...p1ee-V&J"& l-ouod , ftOl'-tiftprprints . , ............ ..
marlted bnds1ng to her neck. arDIS, anr:1 ebeat. Her T-abirt ...
WHAT DOES TALBOTT DO? missing anif1ii8--noTliileri?ound. cause otQeath Viia-roum w "
As Talbott, who is the immediate repre- - - be: st-rangulation.-A IIUl'derer wa.s never aceuud nGr arrested.--
sentative of the law. the keeper can -- -
make some suggestions if the investiga- - - --- - - -
tors seem baffled, but Talbott would pre- --- - --
fer to observe what the investigators
attempt. Since he knows that the state
--- - -
- - -
C ••
police will soon be at the scene. it is his
- .
duty to stand guard over the site and not
allow the body or other evidence to be
- . -
- -- - -
moved or contaminated. and he can
anempt nothing until control of the The Death or Kre. Nicole Ennis, nee Bortillion
scene passes from his hands.
Talbott does not want his personal Hi'll . Nicole Ennis Jaahad been depreaaed since her daugbter's
1IIUl'tbJr -.- ynr bat'ore . A nDtb "beside har 1:i'od;y 1Iim---uonea: Wi. --
regrets about this murder to parallel
those he still fee ls about the death of I- attain with WOIQ8Il in the cc-aunity. Ethel Ooodaon vas:
~He. _s .... -alao eupreeaee--di. . . . .t ~

Sophia Ennis. As he can see his way to spilCU'1biIJ.lY nailed in the nOt.iI, "liQ't'Dii' na.' lIfU Jci
I'MOl'd f.op ,.8.OD8 of' priucIiJ'. 1M oo..... r-tound f.~~.
do it, Talbott will gather information
suicide . eauae ot death ..... selt-infiicted. by • broken DMk- aDa
abo ut people in town who might be con- MrS . 'Rniiii"Di1 taal.enEia a rope roiiiidMr neck aM'J\BD.ped-
nected with the murder. His suspicions
wil I tend toward the four diabolists,
r f l'Olt-a ladcler.
- - .
- - -
since he has long thought that they were
- - .- - - - --
. ..
connected with Sophia's death, and
- .- ---- - - ..
since the havoc at the grave site seems
to call for more than one perperrator.
If the investigators might be helpful. --
. - T "

' - - - .- - - - ---- -
--- --- --
. ---

he will try to ally them to his personal

- - -- - -- -
investigation. Ifhe succeeds, he can al so
offer summaries of information from his
--- -- - - - -.
files (see LlIst Riles Papers #2 and LlISI
Riles Papers #3). and of his suspicions concerning me four people who may
have committed the crime. This gives me investigators a
place from which to start.
He also is able to tell them a detail from the coroner's
The Aftermath repon that is not publicly announced. Ethel Goodson's
stomach wound was nOi made by a knife or other metal
weapon, but by something like a claw that punctured the
body wall, then was dragged with enormous force across the

he Commonwealth's police soon arrive and take
charge of the investigation. As he was duri ng the torso to open me entire belly. The ragged incision is more a
child abductions, Constable Talbott is pushed aside, rip than a slice. Never has the coroner seen such a wound.
obviously lacking the resources and the personal experi-
ence needed for a major investigation. As much drawn by Flaherty's Death
the grave-robbing as the murder, local journalists and pho-
While the investigators go about their business. perhaps
tographers also appear. They search persistemly for unex-
tonight or perhaps tomorrow night, the undead professor
ploited angles. Everyone at the fune ral is questioned . the
claims his second victim, David Raherty: his head is ripped
investigators among them.
from his shoulders. and his sitting-room sprayed with arte-
Did the investigators conduct themselves reasonably
rial blood. Viewing this scene costs 1/1 06 Sanity. In her
well at the scene of Ethel Goodson's murder? Once the
bath-chair, soaked in gore, Barbara Flaherty. sits, alive and
county and state police shove Talbott aside, he compensates
unharmed. a beatific smile on onc side of her disfigured
by telling the investigators the story of Sophia Ennis' death,
12 - Last Rites

face as though she had been freed of a great burden. She A successful Idea roll reminds
swears she heard nothing, and no amount of questioning the investigators that a coven of
shakes that story. black magicians traditionally num-
bered twelve, with the Old Goat
LEADS TO THE CHlLDREN OF SATAN himself making up the thirteenth. A
When he was attacked. Flaherty was reading a Satanic text, successful Occult or another Idea
Night of the Goat. It is on the floor. roll reminds them (as is the case
blood-stained but readable. The with the Children of Satan) that
title should pique the investigators' some groups hold the number five
interest. A search through Fla- sacred, relating them to the penta-
herty's house uncovers robes hid- gram and the pentangle. Such
den in a suitcase beneath his bed, groups would require four mem- KATARINA S~lrrH

together with an ebony-handled bers, and Flaherty was one.

dagger in the shape of a goat's
head. A successful Occult roll tell s
the investigators that the symbols
Reactions of the Cultists
etched into the blade are homages The three cultists deny any Satanic connections, though suc-
10 the Prince of Light. DAVID FLAHERTY cessful Psychology rolls show them to be lying. Si mil ar
More sinister is a child's brightly patterned T-shirt in the trappings 10 those found in Flaherty's house are to be found
suitcase. With a successful Idea roll, the investigalOrs rec- in the bottom of wardrobes and beneath beds. Doctor
ognize it from the photograph on the mantel in the Enni s Ettringer has converted the cellar of
house. The garment once belonged to Sophia Ennis. If his house into a temple, complete
Talbott sees the shirt he immediately connects it with the with purple velvet drapes, a huge
case, as her shirt was never recovered. pentagram painted on the floor and
Enterprising investigators. may think to check Flaherty's an allar stained by the blood of
telephone/address book. [t is siuing on a desk in his narrow many animals. Towering above the
hallway, beside his old-fashioned dial telephone. Only the room is an intricate fresco depicting
first page holds entries. They can lead to uncovering the a maniacally grinning goat head.
other three cultists. as well as to an innocent citizen. See Viewing this scene costs 0/103
Last Rites Papers 1/4. Sanity.
If faced with incontrovertible
Last Rites Papers #4 ALAN ElTR1NGER evidence the cultists react in differ-
ent ways. Bernadette Springer breaks down in tears and
begins bl aming the othe rs for
coercing her. She cooperates fu lly
with authorilies.
Dr. Ettringer becomes subdued
'At,." ,
.' ~ \ ' , .
and does not resist. He takes his
• own life at the earliest opportunity. ~,.,.I ,1 J'
Katarina's cool fa~ade crum-
, .'
• • bles and she becomes hysterically
violent, scratching and biting at If
anyone present. After her capture
" . she si ts silently, brooding, waiting L. .. :'!';.:
for a chance to escape. if she does BERNADF.:lTE SPRINGER
escape, she returns at a later date to mete out revenge
against the investigators.

•" Lucinda's Bedroom

At some point the investigators may want to search
Lucinda's bedroom. She will oppose this and do her utmost
to prevent it, resorting to violence if pushed. She has an auto-
matic pistol under her pillow. If outnumbered, she flees the
house and, once in a secluded spot. uses her mind powers to
direct her falher against the investigators.
A spiral-bound. laser-printed manuscript has been
locked in a drawer of Lucinda's writing desk. The title of
Last Rites - 13
14 - Last Rites

If her plan has been discovered,

Lucinda flees Runville, intending to
return in some roundabout way to Oxford
,._, _ . nUhAon .penet.fI 1_ _
","u , Frl. 1 ""V 1'" 11,14151 -0700 I PIlT I and her beloved Jason. As is her nature,
1Ioo. . _ I d , <In'OIOIOIU .&u.100171 ........
1'o11Ncy&nniol lJla.,I.a.
_t. fb
she will then seek revenge against the
investigators for interfering with her
Runville revenge.
I<> Vlod to lieu <ion yOII'''' Iwpt up you • • tl••U ••. o....rjoy1Od to ~r
yOII've t>.lIy _.ce<!. the ....... hip mod _ n l ...... bly ""rot~lo
1:00:11 ..... 1..... of .,.... d gh tful 11.0...... $pl~d ...... tbat you. too,
baw• • 1>00 GUt. 1 _
Vi ..... ~ beaut y. r._ it. thet Un • .so.,. ..,..., 1 . ... you "" c _ . y."..
vi,bin &Dd .. ithout. Rewards
'*t:! _
I('J , LII.!dlo your pi..., _ l d _lot
u .o_rt '" """ _ _ , .. 0 ~.l,,"ble _rl..-..<. u...uvb thon 10 no
ttl> you _ _ .......... t • dicty
Successfully putting the Professor OUI of
h·· · th e reward 0 f 1010
.."y ""'I.
\>OdOR .... Vi .... co _ by • go n t l . - _0
tlch ••• ., you " ' I . .Ju.t ~ Oft *"""'Yi"ll hI- . 1It'1i .oon 110·
- . 0 . you ok. It. the .u.tun you . _ e t ' " .bould loU .... by the
1"" • ..,1onte, I' • .eroid. oro ",'rot , ....... t o - . Tbt
i domtit'l it h not 10. you
'0""'" I •• I_at not , &Dd 1>0> ........ _ ol>ot it vil1 h&".. 01>00
_ i • .., .U..,t. PI.... coh the uc-t coro not t .. toU lnto
IS misery ments
SAN f or each .
b1Sto l · ·
For each dia-
who survives, ey receive a further
!1/1 clutclto. 0 1 the t. .. . l"",ore ••• , I"" _ l d .. p )'<Nt vllH"l q!zlt. ond
tho.t _ I d _ . ok.. I0 2pOints.
Sanity · I f Lucm
. da IS
. captured,
ii T....... . . ..-t. give aJl the investigators an additional

~ 'h~"~"~.~~i;.-;,~~~~~~~~~-c.~;;,~~~~
the manuscript is Flagitious Fragments (English. author
and date unknown). Written verbosely, it contains long pas-
sages of unsettling descriptions. Sanity loss 10311 D6 to
read, and +5 to Clhulhu Mythos. There arc no spells . It does
contain passages for nurturing latent psychic powers.
Also locked away with the manuscri pt is an email sent {IIthe/ollowing statistics. all people Wilholl/ listed weapoll
(0 Lucinda's computer by the mysterious Jason. See LaST skills have all the base percellrage chalices for weapolls.
Riles Papers #5. .
BARNEY DRUM, age 45, cOlll'i"ial landlord
STR \4 CON 14 SIZ17 INT 12 POW 12
The Undercover Agent DEX 11 AP P 10 EDU 12 SAN 60 HP t6
The day after the first attacks, a state police undercover Damage Bonus: + t 04.
agent (keeper's choice) arrives. Ms. Juliet Passos has dis- Skills : First Aid 30%, Mix Drinks 70%, Hold Liquor 75%, Fast
guised herself as a landscape photographer. She is investi- Talk 50%.
gating the murder of Ethel Goodson (and any others that LO IS DRUM, age 42, convi\'iallandilldy
may have occurred), and is also interested in any connec- STR 09 CON 15 SIZ 15 INT to POW 13
tions that lead back to the abduction and death of Sophia
DEX 10 A PP 10 EDU13 SAN 70 HP1 S
Ennis. What she discovers depends on how well the inves-
Dumage Bonus: +0.
tigators are doi ng. If the keepe r needs to provide a new
Skills: Bake 95%, Cook 65%, Fast Talk 70%, Persuade 70%,
clue, she discovers them, or they d iscover her, as the situa-
Gossip 70%.
tion warrants. Agent Passos is a sensible, slightly officious
individual who can bring organization to an unruly and SHELDON O'HEARNE, age 39, doleful store owner
erratic party. if Constable Talbott has not already. If Talbon STR 08 CON 08 SIZ 10 INT [3 POW 07
is doing finc. don't bother to introduce this new character. DE X 09 APPQ9 EDU 13 SAN 35 HP09
Damage Bonus: +0.
Playing the Zombie Professor Skills: Credit Ruting 50%, Drive AUlo 40%, Mechanical Repair
45%, Complain 75%.
After killing Aaherty, the Professor's cadaver takes cover
in the rocks near the beach. Lucinda bides her time, waiting DWIGHT GOODSON. age 40,selr·i rn portanl bank· manager
until the nexi dense low fog comes in before summoning STR 12 CON [0 SIZ 13 INT 13 POW 11
the zombie back to town. Determine which cultist dies next DEX t 2 APP t2 EDU 14 SAN 55 HP 12
by what seems dramatically appropriate. Resist reveaJ ing Damage 8onus: + 104.
the Professor to the investigators until they have worked out Skills: Accounting 65%, Credit Rating 70%. Talk About Himself
most of the clues. Of course. if the investigators stake out 80%.
all of the diabolists, an encounter becomes inevitable, but ETHEL GOODSON, agf 35, tearful ad utteress
even then use the fog and unexpected angles of app roach to STR 08 CON 10 SIZ II INT 15 pow 14
keep the investigators on their tocs.
DEX 14 APP 15 ED U 15 SAN 70 HP II
As detailed in the Professor's statistics, the best way to stop
Damage Bonus : +0.
him is by consuming his body with fire. Gasoline is available
Skills: none and. hey. she doesn't last too long anyway.
in quantity from the pump at Sheldon O'Heame's store.
Last Riles - 15

RUDY GOODSON, age III, lo,'elomtct'nllger

ST R 12 CON II SIZ 15 INT 12 POW 10 Psychic Power: A New Skill
Damage Bonus: + I 04. The Flagitiolls Fragmellts details acquiring psychic
Skills: An (Poetry) 25%, Archaeology 45%, Chcmistry 15%, powers. A person reading this malerial may spend
Computer Use 65%. Greek (Classical) 50%. History 35%, 103 weeks meditating and perfonning mental tests
Library Use 45%. Latin 35%. to learn if he or she is a suitable candidate. In this
scenario the chance of having the basis for a psychic
GEORGETTE G Rt: IGSON, age 29, sch ool · mi~t ress
gift equals balf of the investigator's POW (round up
STR 10 CON 15 SIZ 10 INT 16 POW 15 a fraction). rolled once against 0 100.
DEX 10 APP 14 EDU 16 SAN 75 HP 13 If a person has latent powers, the book can nur-
IJanlage Bonus: +0. ture the ability. This unnerving process costs the stu-
Skills: Geology 20%, History 55%. Library Use 55%. Gennan dent 103+2 Sanity points. After 10 10 weeks he or
35%, Psychology 40%. she has Icamed what the book can teach and now has
FATH ER EDW,\RI> ROOK , age 55, di sd illinar in n priest a new skill, Psychic Power, siani ng with a base per·
STR 14 CON 13 SIZ IS INT 16 POW IS centage chance equal 10 the investigator's POw. This
DEX I3 APP I I EDU 18 SAN 75 HP 14 skill increases through successful use as docs any
other skill, but wie lding it also COSIS magic points
Damage Bonus: +ID4.
and Sanity as docs a Cthulhu Mythos spell. Psychic
Skills: History 50%, Library Usc 40%, Latin 75%. Psychology
Power includes three d istinct applications .
55%. Spot Hidden 45%.
CONSTABL E MA UR ICE TAL IIOrl'. ;Ige 62. sagudo lls luwma n Telepathy: reads the surface thoughts of other char-
STR 12 CON 13 S[Z 15 INT 14 POW 13 acters at a range equal 10 the Psychic Power skill per-
centiles in yards. Each time [hi s is successful the psy-
DEX 13 APP II EDU 12 SAN 65 HP 14
chic loses one magic point and 011 02 Sanity points
Damage Bonus: + I 04.
(perhaps more if reading Ihe mind of a dislurbed
Weapons: 12.Gauge Shotgun 60%. damage 4D612D611D6
individual). A successful Resislance Table roll of
9mm Automatic Pistol 80%, damage I DI0
POW vcrsus the largct's POW also is required.
Skills: Bargain 50%. Fast Talk 45%. Law 40%. Listen 45%,
Persuade 50%, Psychology 70%, Spot Hidden 60%. Milld COlllrol: controls the actions of an individual.
DEPUTY TO BY ITfRI NGE R. age 40. b lunderin g comic relid given a successful POW vcrsus POW roll on the
STR 17 CON 17 SIZ 17 INT08 POW 10 Resislance Table. The 'Iargel must be within half of
DEX 15 APP 14 EDU 10 SAN 50 HP 17 the wielder's Psychic Power percentiles in yards and
must be caused to steadily watch the psychic's eyes.
Damage Uonus: + I 06.
It COSIS I magic point and 1 Sanity poim to power
Wellpuns: Handgun 40%. damage I D 10
this application of the skill . If [he Psychic Power use
Nightstick 60%. damage I D6+1 04
12·Gauge ShOlgun 40%, damage 4D6I2D6I1 0 6 succeeds, the victim enters into a trance and is open
to many suggestions-he or she may walk off a cliff.
Skills:, Drive Auto 50%, Law 10%, Listen 30%.
pull the trigger on a gun , crash a car. or suip naked if
DR. ALA N El¥I'R INGER, uge 67, doc tor of med ici ne and dabhler in the psychic can fi nd Ihe right way to pose the sug-
dark ness gestion (an apl mental image passed mentally to the
STR II CON 12 SIZ 13 [NT 15 POW [4 target). The trance lasts one combal round. It may be
DEX 13 APP 12 EDU 15 SAN 60 HPI3 renewed al the begi nning of each round with an addi·
Damage Bonus: +0. lional magic point and Sanity point, and another suc-
Skills: Biology 50%. First Aid 80%. Latin 40%. Occult 50%, cessful Resistance Table roll. If a roll fail s, the victim
Medicine 70%, Phannacy 55%, Psychoanalysis 30%, snaps out o f the trance, unable to remember any-
Psychology 60%, Ihing, but the trance cannot be attempted again until
nJo;RNA Ilt:TTE S I'RINGER, age 68, gossi p)' diabolist the victim has slept or napped.
STR 09 CON 08 SIZ 12 [NT 12 POW 13
Nightmares: visits diswroing visions into the mind
DEX [0 APP 09 EDU I I SAN 55 HP 10 o f a sleeping target. With a successful roll on the
Damage Bonus: +0. ResiSlance Table, the psychic innicls a 106 Sanity
Skills: Latin 35%, Occult 35%, Knit 85%, loss. The psychic loses 11106 Sanity points himself.
DAVID FLA II ERTY, age 10, doomed d iu b()1isl whether the attack succeeds or fails. Nightmares also
STR 08 CON 07 S[Z 10 tNT 13 POW II costs 3 magic points. It can be auempted at a distance
HP Q9 o f up to POW miles if Ihe target has been seen by the
DEX 10 APP 08 EDU 13 SAN 45
psychic in the past few hours.
Damage Honus: +0.
Skills: First Aid 50%. Latin 25%. Occult 30%, Change Bedpan
16 - Last Rites

KATARINA SM ITU. IIge 72. icy and e,'il diabolis t leader SGT. J ULIET I'ASSOS. age JJ. poli ce in\"tstl~u t or

STR 10 CON 14 Sl2 12 INT 17 POW 15 STR 13 CON 14 SIZ 12 INT 15 POW 12
OEX II APP 13 EDU 16 SAN 60 HP 13 OEX 1.5 AP P 14 EDU 17 SAN 60 HP 13
Damage Bonus : +0. Dumuge Ho nus: + 104.
Wea po n: FisllPunch 60%. damage 103 Wcapo ns: 9mm Autom3lic Pistol 70%. damage 1010
Skills : Law 55%. Library Use 40%. Listen 50%. Occult 65%. Grapple 60%, damage special
Latin 40%. Persuade 80%, Psychology 55%, Sneak 50%. Skills : Climb 50%. Computer Use 35%, Dodge 55%, Drive
Auto 40%, First Aid 40%, Jump 50%, Lw.' ]5%. Library Use
LUC INDA ENNLS. age 26, mind· readi ng dc,·otef! or the l'o l,-thos 40%. Listen 40%. Manial Ans 50%, Spanish 20%. Psychology
STR II CON 11 SIZ 10 INT 17 POW 17 40%, Sneak 50%. Spot Hidden 45%.
OEX 14 AP P 15 EOU 19 SAN 65 HP II
I'ROE II ENRY ENN IS, rea nima ted undead im:trum ent or renn ge
Damage Bon us: +0.
Weapons: 9mm Automatic Pistol 70%, damage 1010 OEX 08 Mo,'c 6 HP 18
Skills : Archaeology 45%. An (Writing) 50%, Computer Usc Damage Honus: + I 06.
30%. Cthulhu Mythos 15%. First Aid 40%, Hide 40%, HislOry
Ar mor: nonc. but impaling weapons do I poi nt of damage. and
40%, utin 50%. Library Use 35%. Natural History 30%, Occult
all oth ers do half rolled damage.
20%, Persuade 70%. Psychic Power 55%, Spot Hidden 60%.
Well pons : Claw 40%. damage 104+ I D6
Ll.lcifJ(l(I has IJsychic powers. For complete illjormmiollllbollt
Bilc ]0%, damage I D3
them, see Ihe boxed cOl/llllenwry "Psychic POlt"er. (/ New Skill"
Grapple 60%. damage special (wi th a success. he is able to Bite
on page 15.
or Claw on the nell' round )
Zombie £llllis //Illy 1101 lise Bile (!lid CI(lw ill 'he smile rolilld. •

IVherein the investigators/ol/oll' a trail o/blool/to a .'ill/ler- home. the sorcerer broke into Miskatonic's archaeology
IU/tllra/ conc/usiol!. department exhibit and stole a mummy. Mummy dust is a
This scenario is set in and around Arkham, for no other vital component in thc compound Dust of Suleiman, an
reason than affection. As ever. keepers are welcome to shift effective weapon against beings from other planes of exis-
locale, change details and rationales to better suit their styles tencc. Drebber wanted the compound in order to fight the
of play. and to add or subtract from Ule scenario whatever dimensional shambler.
they like. Though fmnJ y set in the modem day. no reference Having made the Dust. Drcbbcr drove north fmntically
occurs for a particular year. 1lle season is winter. and tOO fast. He left the highway and wmppcd his car around
a tree. He died quickly. Meanwhile the shambler trudged on.
Keeper Information determined to perform its commanded bloody task.

A deranged sorcerer named Douglas Drebber has stolen a THE WEATHER

mummy from an exhibit at the Miskatonic University Unless the keeper wishes otherwise. snow is falli ng by Day
Archaeology Department. Three. To prepare for this, mention the increasingly cold
I.n hi s younger days. Douglas Drebber lectured in wemher. By the time the investigators think 10 drive to the
English literature at Miskatonic. happily married to his Kalms mansion , drifling snow could represent an obstacle.
chi ldhood sweetheart Mary. While doing special research in
the library, he came across the Dee INVOLVING THE INVESTIGATORS
translation of Ule Necrol!omicol1. The adventure hereafter assumes thm the im'estigators are
He became obsessed with the book. summoned by Dr. Joseph Bread, an assistant professor who
Madness edged its way into his life. was in charge of the small exhibit where the mummy was
His wife left him. but he barely kept. Other ways of begin ning the adventure are possible.
noticed. He abandoned his teaching though most take extra work by the keeper.
post, and dedicated himself to dan-
gerous studies.
He moved to a squalid garret on
.A witness might wrongly identify one of the investiga-
tors as the thief who stole the mummy.
French Hill. His demented mind
wallowed in regret. Again and .The company insuring the exhibit might want to investi-
again his thoughts returned to hi s gate because the mummy was insured for an unusually
lost love. He would never see her again. Years laler. by high amount of money.
chance he happened upon a newspaper feature concerning
Randy Kahns. the respected novel ist. There was a large
color photograph of Kalms and hi s third wife, whom he
.A psychic may have premonitions of the theft and of a
terrible thing advancing through the night. (The psychic
needs to be created by the keeper.)
married seven years ago. The woman was Mary.
Drebber nursed the jealousy he felt. and turned it into .Unrelated witnesses describe a grotesque. murderous
rage. At last he summoned a dimensional shambler from mummy ad vanc ing across Massachusetts. (This hook
the void, and sem it to slaughter Mary. her husband, and demands that several new killings by the shambler be put
their children. On its way out, the sharnbler encountered into the timcline.)
Drebber's landlady on the stairs, and in a moment ripped
her apart. Player Information
Shocked into a moment of clarity by Ule drip of blood,
Drebber attempted to reverse the command, but the sharn- MISKATONIC UNIVERS ITY
bIer ignored his efforts. smashed its way out into the night, Dr. Joseph Bread is a tall , excitable young man with dark
and disappeared. Anticipating a trail of devastation across curly hair and glasses. He is given to emphatic gesture. He
Arkham and the intervening miles to the Kalms' country is an assistant professor of archaeology al MiskalOnic. One
18 - Last Rites

of hi s minor chores is to choose topics for the department's moved aside. The sarcophagus is empty inside, except for
small exhibit space, a room beside the department offices. random dirt and a few scraps of crumbling linen. "The
If any of the investigators have interest or experience in police came and went. They weren' t much interested. I'm
archaeology or Middle Eastern history. he or she probably afraid. The theft has student prank written all over it,"
has met Dr. Bread at a pany, a facully garden, or perhaps at Bread says that thousands of mummies from ancient days
the Dean's annual Garden Tea. have been found in Egypt and elsewhere. and this one was
Bread has offered some money for a day's consulting; utterly unrcmarkablc--of interest, certainly, since all old
he would like it very much if the investigators simply things are, but of nominal value. Like IllOSt, it was male, and
donated their time. Negotiate the point. Obviously he does dated to the Old Kingdom (c.2686 to c.2 18 1 B.C.), the period
not have a large budget for this sort of emergency. of the 3rd·6th dynasties and the era when the first pyramids
Chattering and waving his hands, Bread brings them to were raised. (Bread is perfectly right about this: let the inves-
the door of the space. It is closed by police tape, though the tigators make of it what they will, but the mummy only has
police have now left. A university security guard stands significance as part of Drebber's Dust of Suleiman.)
beside the door. and holds up the tape so they may pass into Thc sareophagus itself also seems to be crumbling: if
the room. about 20 x 30 feet in dimension, This month the the investigators mention this. Bread blushes a little. ,·It·s a
exhibit concerns Dynastic Egypt. At one side of the room. leftover from a student fair a few years ago. Papier-mache.
past pottery, bronze jewelry with cloisonne work, dove NO! stone at all. Too heavy. Stone would go right through
nets. and a fine collection of adzes, rests a sarcophagus. our noor. Good job.lhough, isn' , itT
The heavy protective glass top has been unscrewed and The professor believes thaI the mummy is still on cam-
pus. "'Odd time of year for a pmnk. though. Pranks usually
happen when the weather's decent. Imagine toting a mummy
Timeline about in a cold rain such as we've had:' He pauses. then mur-
murs, "God, I hope they've wrapped it in something!"
The following sequence of e\'ents is a checklist for the
He says that the doors to the exhibit arc regularly locked
keeper and also tells the keeper how much time the im'es-
at 6 p.m .. as are the department offices. Weekdays, an
tigators have. The sequence should not be immutable; feel
hourly security patrol of Ihe buildi ng begins at that time,
free to aller it as seems best to accommodate sluggish
until 7 a.m. "And J shou ld show you the security camera
investigators. After all. the shamblcr is an unpredictable
tapes. Quite odd . in themselves:' He takes the investigators
alien menace. [t has its own requirements and schedule.
to a security office where an obliging guard nms the tapes.
DAY ONE "'In the exhibit, there's one camera in plain sight. That's the
dummy. And there are two real cameras. hidden at opposite
5 a.m.- Drebber summons the dimensional sham-
ends of the room."
bier. It promptly slays Mrs. Cooper, then departs to
do Drebber's bidding. WHAT THE TAPES SHOW
9 a.m.- Drebber telephones Randy Kalms. There are two tapes fro m two cameras. Each shows exactly
5:29 p,m.- Drebber hides in the archaeology what the other shows, except from the reverse angle. See
department offices, leaving at 7:15 p.m. with the Let/wI PafJCrS #/.
mummy. It 's easy to guess thai the intruder has cast some sort of
spell of invisibility; a successful Idea roll provides the same
10 p.m.-Drebber finishes the Dust of Suleiman,
and drives north toward the Kalms mansion.
"Sam Knowles is the guard," the professor says. " He's
II :45 p.m.-Drebber's automobile goes off the been re liable for more than fifteen years. He knows the
road. The wreck is undetected. security arrangements in the room. He remembers nothing
of this. except that he closed the room as he always does.
When he closed it, there was no one here:' (Sam Knowles
7:30 a.m. -a janitor reports the theft of the mummy. lives o nl y a block or two away. If the investigators inter-
Dr. Joseph Bread contacts the investigators. view him, he is barned and humiliated by Ihe contradiction
~'aries-the investigators visit Drebber's home between his memory and what the tapes reveal.)
address, and find Mrs. Cooper's body. "A wit ness who passed the building last night has
van'es- police learn sometime today of Drebber's described a tall, thin man in a balaclava who exited the
accidental death. building carrying a bag. The time matches the time on the
tapes:' Bread adds.
DAY THREE Even if the investigators do nO! ask, the security guard
7 p.m.-Obscured by snow and darkness. the dimen- prints out a frame which shows Drebber's face reasonably
sional shambler reaches the Kalms mansion. clearly. A vidcap print is in the investigators' hands in a few
"This gentleman is not a member of the campus com-
munity:' Bread says finnly. "Security has already searched
Lethal Legacy - 19

our ID library. We have no match. But this guy probably Lethal Papers #1
hangs out with some campus group. He sure doesn't look
like a frat man." Brcad tclls the investigators to call him The Tapes: A Description
with results or if they need help.

"LACK GOAT QUARTERLY At about 5:45 p.m., a

A successful Occult roll, a successful Know roll by an tall, thin man about
investigator who has some Occult skill, or a visit to any forty years old enters
local occult book shop identifies the magazine Black GOal the exhibit room, looks
Qllarterly as a laughable local 'zine concerned with black
about, then leaves. He
magic. It is published by an eccentric, Josh Wilton, who has
opened an esoteric book shop, Third Eye Books, in one wears a raincoat and a
cramped, narrow room near campus. balaclava. He returns
Wilton is a goth whose age has caught up with his style. ten minutes later,
Hi s black clothes fit too lightly, and his lauoos are spread- reaches up, and I'!.eatly
ing so badly that their designs arc hard to read. Hi s attitude sprays the lens of the
of superiority is annoying. He is hamlles5. With a success- TIlE TALL. TIlL" MAN
ful Fast Talk roll or a ten dollar bill. Wilton changes to a visible camera with
friend lier tone, and he'll show the investigators his fifty- black spray paint Without shoWing his face.
person subscriber list for his magazine. If the investigators He then puts down the spray can and
show Wilton the vidcap of the mummy thief. or even men- makes some curious signs With his hands,
tion that he is tall and thin, Wilton immediately says. His lips move as weil, but of course no
"Douglas Drebber."

power of the ways of cont'acting cuits con-

nected with it, and provides simple ways to come to its At 6:10 p.m., a guard arrives, looks about
attention (such as attempting to direct dreams toward the indifferently, and utterly ignores the sitting
scaly horror sleeping in watery R'lyeh). It is a clever man who is reading. The guard turns out
recruiting article, undercut only by Wilton's dismaying cir-
the lights, but the man on the bench makes
culation (about seventy copies).
If the investigators buy a copy, Wilton tells them a gesture, and the guard turns on the l1ghts
Drebber's address, a walk-up at Lich and South Powder again. The man continues to read. The
Mill, in the French Hill neighborhood. guard locks the door and departs. The man
on the bench reads some more.
At 7:05 p .m., just after the guard has

Lich Street looked in again and passed on, the man on

the bench rises and walks briskly to the
mummy. He takes out a bag from under his
nly a few blocks from the roiling, rain-swollen raincoat and lays it aside. Again he makes

O Miskatonic River, Drebber's building is a late

Victorian faced with brick and broken up into
apartments, a-squat on subsiding ground. The cold, hard
brisk, convoluted gestures. A moment later
all the screws pop out of the glass lid. He
carefully slides the heavy glass off the sar-
rain lends the impression that the building will continue to
slide, but it is quite solid. A few ragged willow trees bow cophagus, then slips the open bag under
their heads in the shallow front yard, and around the mummy. Carefully, he car-
Knocks at the front door get no answer except, if the ries away the bundle. He turns off the
knoeks persist for ten rounds or more, a response from old
lights, then opens the door from the inside
Mr. Edelstein next door. Retired, incurious like so many al
the turn of the millennium but witil nothing else to do, he at and closes it behind him carefully, and dis-
last wanders OUI on his stoop to see what's happening. appears from the tapes.
Though partially blind. he tells the investigators that he
20 - Last Rites

heard "a lot or shouting"last night. rollowed by a smashing he or she will notice severnl fresh long scrntches up and
sound. He was tempted 10 telephone the police. but didn't down the bac k or the gate.
reel that he dared to walk to the nearest pay phone-at
Ernie's (a bar). on the comer. He agrees that a tall man
("'tall geek" arc his actual words) lives at the address the
Mrs. Cooper
investigators have come to. He does n' t know the ma n's Rounding the extension of the covered back porch. the
name. but he re nts rrom Mrs. Gladys Cooper. investigators are stunned to see a huge hole in the back of
No amount or knocking gets a response. There is the house. Bricks . monaro a broken window casing, and
garbage access on one side or the house. but the gate is broken lumber litter the yard beyond. The roughly circular
high, smooth-raced. and fi rml y locked. A dexterous inves- hole is seven feet across, shattered as if a runaway truc k had
tigalO r gets over with a successrul Climb roll . and opens the dri ve n out through the wall. Beyond can be seen a portion
gate rrom the rar side ror the rest orthe group. Incidentally. of a hallway and stairs. Getting in the house will be easy,
thanks to the d imensional shambler.
If the investigators study the outside area for a while.
Kalms the Savage Beast with a successful Spot Hidden they find one very strange

cd :o/l,ojtle fJj1'1'()jtle foo tprint. already well-eroded by the wi nd-blown rain: a

bulky wide track more like a bear track than a human 's but
BellI/ O'Uourke (fI1I'cls 10 Ihe
with fou r long razor-tipped toes. An y investigator who has
wilds of MussllCllI/sells alld encountered a dimensional shambler or who makes a suc-
Inlks 10 rough ',, ' relldy /l01'e/-
cessful C th ulhu Mythos roll knows a lillie of what must
is / Imd soci,,1 commelJlalor have been here.
Rllllely KnhllS. Once in the remnants o f the hall. everyone nolices dried
Living in the u pansh'e rusty stains on the Carpeled steps leading up. If the invesliga-
Illansion buil! to his specifica. tors follow the stains. the stai ns get bigger. When they tum a
tions when he ned from comer. there are entrai ls as well ( Ill 02+ 1 Sanity points).
Hollywood six yeaTs ago, At the next comer. a few steps from the upstairs landing,
Handy Kalms is tI llIall at is the body of Mrs. Cooper. now no more than a marionette
propped bes ide Drebber's open door. her limbs snapped
l:fellce whh himself. And about
and weirdl y twisted. the Oesh of her face ripped away, her
time, too. lie's had a tough RANDY KALliS
gUls and intemal organs crumpled out everywhere. her
life. Hom 011 1\ew York's Lower East Side. the sixth child flowery print dress rive n and bloodsoaked. Even in the chill
of Il dipsomanitlc (ather and o\'erworked fIl Olher. It:mely draft from the stairs the scem of dea th is slrong and dis-
escaped \·ia the Marines in 1964 and soon distinguis hed turbing. Uneasy. the investigators fall silem. Witnessing
himself as a marksman. In 1965 he WIIS posted 10 this carnage costs III D4+ I Sanity points.
Vietnam und his life irrcHlCably ehnnged . Presumably the investigators notify the police, but firs t
'"For the first time since I joined up," he says, '" stane<1 they ma y lake a few minutes to look through Douglas
doubting our role as the cops of the world, slflned wondering Drebber's th ings.
if the Communist me nace was tIS real as we were being told,"
Following Vietrltllll Ktllms rCllmted !O the Slates and Drebber's Rooms
spent severnl months ill a govemment hospillli. After his They consist of a sitting-room cum kjtche nelle, a separate
release he became a lIIujor player in dlc peuee mo\·eluent. bathroom. and a small bedroom. The rooms are a squalid
!-lis firs! nO\'eI, Lollg HI/iT. was published in 1975. to cri t- mess of encrusted plates, burnt pans. and dead polled
ical ncelailu . After severnl rears "'filing. Kalms 1lI0\'cd !O plants. Thick dust drifts everywhere. Drebber lived in lotal
lIoll),wood to " 'rite screenplays in 1980. J-Ioll pvood was seclusion from his landlady. A quick search tu rns up some
nOt kind to Klllrns. He became an alcohol ic und was maT- or all of the following, as the keeper wishes.
ried twice while in thllt city. In the cnd he moved !O
Sittillg Room/Kitchel/ette: pinned to Ihe cork-board above
Mtlssachuselts 10 tnke up II quieter life. the sink is a People article featu ring Randy Kalms and his
Todny Hlllidy is qllite hupp), !O li\'e OUl here with his fam ily. together with a color photo of the whole clan-
third wife ~ l lIry, u one·time nurse fmlll nearby Arkhum. Randy Kalms. his wife Mary. and their children Belinda.
"This time, I ean tell. she's the one for lIIe. I know I've Scon. and Luke-smiling. A telephone number is scrawled
said th:1I before, but. hell. I \\'as in Iiollywood. YOII in a margin, al though it is not ascribed to Kalms. See Let/wi
breathe the air Dill there, you're going to lie. Hurnl Papers #2.
Massachllsells is illlTd, honest country. \'011 can'! help bill
!ell the InHh . ,\lId I knnw. rill gonlla be with M:r ry \llltil
Anyone press ing redial on the telephone-hangi ng from a
I die. "
fitting on the wall next to the bulletin board-gets through
Lethal Legacy - 21

to Kalms' residence. Orebber had called them last night.

shouting hysterically that he was sorry and ordering them
to flee their home. Kalms thought
it a crank call. which he ignored.
I: 11~I
ut fm not. dur reader. for
tmre do ,xist protoctions
against thos, dread and
On the coffee table is a
mildewed photograph in a tar-
unwanted visitations. Cbe
nished metal frame. It is of the most , ffocti~, that is hnown to th,
same woman who stands with author is a powdor. Us,d by th,
Randy Kalms in the People photo. Rncients. tbis bas its provenance. so it
though here she looks younger. is bdi,~,d. in Rncient egypt. Rnown
On the kitchen table are three
half empty jars. two of dark color
by some as the Rsh.s of Rarnah. by
and o ne of bright yellow powder. oth<rs as the Dust of Sul.irnan. and by
MARY All are capped. There is also most oth<rs y,t as th, protoction of the
of a mummy. Its fe et and ank les have been sawed off. and nyhsos. th, ingredients for th, mixture
are nowhere to be seen. If they look. a roasti ng pan in the are. sa~, for on,. readily a~ailabk
sink seems to bear traces of these material s. and certainly
there is a sulfurous scent to the pan itself. If the investiga-
for thm dos.s. mix tog,th<r ,qual
tors decide to make Dust of Suleiman. there are enough parts of olibanum. sulfur. and salt-
components here for two doses. peter. equal in w.ight to th.s. thm
Bathroom: as dirty as the rest of the apartment. Nothing of
combin,d must b. the ground dust of
interest in this room. an egyptian Ring or nobl. who has
lain in its mummified state for at least
Bedroom: Under hi s brass-frame bed is a heavy. leather-
bound book. M Ollstres de fa M er et la Etoiles. It is written
two mill'nnia. now this last compon,nt
in crude French by Bertrand Grimaud. dated 1869. Sanity is acquired tests tbt initiative and
loss to read is 10411 0 8 SAN. +9 Cthulhu Mythos. Spells: resource of tbe individual.
Chant to the Children of the Sea (Contact Deep Ones).
Chant to the Children of the Sea-god (Contact Star-Spawn Lethal Papers #3
of Cthulhu). Chant to the Sea-god (Contact Cthulhu).
with Mrs. Cooper's blood. Even though Drebber might have
A thinner book. apparently an abridgment of the previ-
intended to attack the Kalms. he will never get there. The
ous volume, is lying on the bed, open at the pages which
case is closed.
detail the creation of Dust of Suleiman and the related
If the investigators think to ask. they may be able to
incantation. (See Lelhal Papers 113 and the Calf of Ctllllfhll
ins pect ajar of powder that was in Drebber's car. (The pow-
5.5 rulebook. page 204, for more infonnation.) It is an
der is a single dose of Dust of SuJciman.) If they have good
Engli sh translation by Michael Trouer-Scon . published in
relations with the police, they may be able to take it with
1898 . The title has been changed to Chihlren of the SellfllllJ
Stars. Sanity loss to read it is 1031 106 SAN. +6 Cthulhu them. Without Dust of Sulei man, the shambler is too strong
Mythos, Spells: Chant to the Chi ldren of the Sea (Contact for most investigators.
Deep Ones). Chant to the Children of the Sea-god (Contact At this point. let the players take stock. They must estab-
Star-Spawn of Cthulhu). lish what they think has happened, and whether the police are
right or wrong. Before the day dims. snow will start to fal l.
Have the investigators used their time wisely'! Have they
Contacting the Police decided that the Kalms arc safe or still in danger'! If in dan-
Do the investigators know anyone on the local police force'! ger, have their investigators made plans to defend them'! Did
Professor Bread will be happy to vouch for them and also they make more Dust of Suleiman from all those ingredients
can assist in explaining how they happened to find the so conveniently gathered'! Have they uied to equip them-
body. Willon, of Third Eye Books. at fi rst pretends not to sel ves with light. wann clothes. cell phones. weapons'! Have
know the investigators. bUI accurately remembers as soon they notified Dr. Bread where (mosl of) his mummy can be
as a detective says the word "murder." found'! Have they asked for help from Dr. Bread or perhaps
Whenever they are infonned. the authorities are greatly other sources known only to them'! Have they even uied a
interested in Mrs. Cooper's mangled body, but resolutely Cthulhu Mythos roll to attempt to deduce what Drebocr might
ignore any connection octween Drcbber and Kalms. since have intended. or what he may have decided against'!
they now know (or will know within hours) that Drebber is If the investigators do not arrive at the Kalms house
dead. They believe that Drebber killed his landlady and, soon. its residents will be by about 7:30 p.m. o n Day
wi th hysterical rage, attacked the house itself with a sledge- Three. Learning about the slaughter in the morning, each
hammer or other instrument of destruction. When he is investigator loses 104 SAN for each of the five members of
found . for instance, Drebbcr's shoes are thoroughly covered the family.
22 - Last rutes

become lost, perhaps running into the dimensional sham-

The Horror in the bier sooner than they otherwi se would.

The Kalms Home

Dark The house is a solid, limber-built fonrcss with its own fuel
and supplies. It is as well-equ ipped for country life as a
man who is wealthy and who has
he rest of this adventure assumes that the investigators time can make il. The solid log

T drive to the Kalms residence. Though the directions

arc clear enough. as they drive the rain turns imo
snow. The flakes are wide and soft. The air is cold. Despite
outer walls and hea\'y slone foun-
dations and chimney are strong.
Kalms designed this home himself,
the wetness, the snow begins to stick almost immediately. and it is somewhat eccentric in
They leave the interstate at the Dunderwell exit, and the plan. Using the plan, refer to the
going gets tough. If they did not stop before, now they have descriptions below.
to have their chains on. or the automobile cannot make head- Electrical and wire telephone
way. The road narrows as it climbs a little, and the surface connection s usua ll y are broken
becomes black icc. Drive Auto rolls arc needed above 15 duri ng a blizzard and not restored
mph. Consequences of going off the road depend on speed until several days later, The house SCOTI KAU,IS
and the driver's recklessness, is heated by propane, and has propane for cooking. It also
At least once, chains and 4wd or not, the car simpl y has several fi replaces. and a small ish emergency electrical
drifts on an inclining turn and generator. There is plenty of stored food.
slides softly off the road no matter Nearly every room has a telephone. There are cell
how good the driver is. Three or phones in both jeeps. the snow-cat, in the Den, and in the
morc people can get it back on the Master Bedroom.
road. but if there are only two, they
will have to walk the rest of the THE KALMS FAMlLY
way, about five mi les. If at all possible, let the investigators meet Randy Kalms
Two miles on is the hamlet of and the rest of his family before the shambler Slarts its
Dunderwell. home to just eighty onslaught. A Vietnam vet and one-lime peace-protester,
people. No villager can be per- Kalms is a formidab le man's man, a cigar-chompin', sait-
suaded to go out when a blizzard of-the-earth guy. He is highly intelligent, perceptive, and
is starting up, but they can ass ist IlELINDA DRI:BIlI:R KALMS short-tempered. At first he will bellow at the investigators
with food. lodging, and emergency ear repairs. Should to leave, his shotgun casually at his side: he is comfortable
wounded or deranged investigators stumble back imo wi th some of the feelings of the surv ivalist movement. The
Dunderwell, four or five young Dunderwellians will lake investigators will have to be very persuasive, perhaps
down their shotguns and head up to the Kalms house on a needing several rolls con necled wilh Fast Talk,
snow-cat, to help out if they can. (The keeper must create Psychology, Cred it Rating, Bargain, or Persu ade if they are
them from scratch.) to gain his truSI.
Perhaps with reason, he is more likely to believe them if
Walking in a Blizzard they arrive on foot, exhausted and frozen, since their sacri-
fice wi ll be evident.
Investigators on foOl who have good boots and warm Once the attack starts, of course,
clothes are subject to a D 100 roll equal to or less than CON he is convinced of their good will
x6 for every mile that they walk. Failure means the loss of and does everything in his power to
a hit point. Those who lose hit points then must roll equal defend his family, If he loses many
to or less than CON x5 for the next mile, Another failure Sanity points, he might suffer fro m
costs another hit point. and then the DlOO roll is CON x4 a combnt fl ashback, ranging from a
or less, and so on. If an investigator fails a CON x I roll, he random reminiscence to possibly
or she has succumbed to the cold and has collapsed in the violent psychosis.
snow. Thereafter the investigator loses one hit point per Though saner than her husband,
hour until death or rescue. Mary's toughness is hampered by
If an investigator is inadequately dressed, stan the D 100 LUKE KAU,IS her fears for her children. She will
rolls at CON x3. not hesitate to offer herself to the shambler if doing so
Following the road is simple enough while there is day- extends the lives of her children. As a fonner nurse, she has
light or while the investigators can provide their own light technique and an inner toughness. She also has a doctor's-
with flashlights or lanterns. but those who venture into the strength medical kit which she keeps potent with the con-
forest need several successful Navigflte rolls. or they nivance of a local physician.
Lethal Legacy - 23

scale: 1" = 4 yards


Dining Room

Sun Room
Pantry Kitchen

Laundry Foyer



tank Scott's Bedroom Bedroom


~ Bedroom

Store- Guest

24 - Last Rites

Belinda is braver than her brother. Scott, who tends to thai fresh wood can be retrieved easily. From the outside,
freeze or to panic. Belinda mighl be able 10 originate and exe- Ihis door cannot be seen.
cute a plan. Luke is brave. and will want to follow his father.
Lmwdry: contains a washing machine, a dryer, a folding
GROUND FLOOR table. drip lines and a drain, and a laundry chule from the
Foyer: double doors to the outside open onto a polished Master Bedroom.
pine floor. Running here in socks or trying to maneuver on Generator Shack : the electrical generator runs on gasoline.
claw-tips is difficu lt. requiring a successfu l roll of DEX x5 It puts out 2000 watts of power. enough to keep the freez·
or less to complete without falling or skidding out of con- ers cold and the lights on when there's a storm. Ri ght now
trol. A compact circular iron stai r leads up to the bedrooms. the regular electricity is on. so it's not running, but the bliz-
Detl: where Kalms does his writing. It is ajumble of books. zard will probably break the regular line in the next few
correspondence. old manuscripts, phones. a fax. an ISDN- hours. A fifty gallon drum full of gasoline runs the genera-
connected computer. a laptop. and any new media toys with tor. (The generator acts up from lime to time, as Kalms can
which Kalms is currently playing. There is a cell-phone in say. It can be staned from the house. but to fix it someone
a briefcase. The heads of several morose-looking deer stare has to go through the snow to the generator shack.) If the
down from the wall . A shelf of high school and college gasoline tank blew up. it wou ld start fires ill dry weather.
spons trophies runs along beneath the deer heads. A locked but there's only a 5% chance during a storm.
cabi net contains four hunting rifles. a semi-aUlo 12-gauge Next to the generator shack is a large free- standing
shotgun. three revolvers. and enough ammunition to fight a propane tank, supplying gas to the kitchen stoves and the
skirmish, if not a war. Keepers may establish calibers and central heating furnace. If exploded. this tank wou ld likely
rates of fire as they wish. (70% chance) set fire to the generator shack and possibly
(20% chance) set fire to the garage.
SUII Room: not a lot of sun today. This room is the most
likely entry point for the shambler, since it has noor-to-ceil- Garage: it houses two 4wd jeeps, a snow-cat. a huge
ing windows. It houses a !arge open fire, and a massive Harley-Davidson. firewood equal to a week's burning for
amount of firewood is stored beside the fireplace. along with the house. garden tools. fenil izers. etc. Thejeeps and snow·
a bellows. There is lots of comfonable furniture. some of it cat have cell-pho nes.
antique. A drinks cabinet and entenainment system gleam in Woodshed: a big 1emHo roof to keep the worst of the weather
one comer. The floor here is slippery. as in the Dining Room off the firewood. Walls are only on two sides. Kalms keeps at
and Foyer. least six cords of wood here. stacked neatly and high. The door
Dillillg Room: the table expands to seat twenty. Cupboards leading OUi from the pantry to the inside of the shed is com-
and chests contain china, glassware. serving aids. linen. and pletely concealed by all the stacked wood around it.
a selection of favorite wines and brandies. The wooden
noor here is also polished and sli ppery.
Master Bedroom: large bed, chests of drawers. closets,
Kitchell: a huge room with a ridiculous number of surfaces television. cell-phone, fax, private bath. fireplace with bel-
and shining pots and pans hanging from copper hooks. lows. personal effects, loaded semi-automatic 12·gauge
There is a large selection of knives and cleavers. and sever- shotgun under the bed.
al meal saws.
Scott 's Bedroom: cluttered with clothes, books, and athletic
Utility Room: a cold. stone-floored room. containing several equipment. Appropriate posters for bands and media stars
freezers and rcfrigeralors. 1n the comer. a quanered deer car- on the walls. Stereo. TV. PC. phone, closet.
cass hangs and seasons. AJso here are the famity's snow-
shoes. cross-country skis, poles. heavy jackets. etc. Belinda's Bedroom: like Scott 's. but more cluttered with
clothes and CO's than books and athletic equipment. Be ing
Wille Cellar: just a place where Kalms keeps his wine. two older but not wiser. her room smells of c igarettes, and there
to three dozen cases aI anyone time. A shop in Boston sup- is an overflowing ashtray in a desk drawer. Stereo, TV, PC,
plies it. There are also two barrels of Kalms' smooth home- phone, closet.
made ale. The room is temperature controlled to a constant
5JDF. Otherwise there is no large basement, just a crawl Luke's Bedroom: full of toys and spaceship posters. PC,
space. Through a small interior door is a large closet in phone, closet.
which are located the central furnace and its controls. Library: a wide-ranging selection of books, mostly fiction,
Pantry: a long. thin room stuck on as an aftenhought to the including vinually everything important in American liter-
side of the house. Contains. dry. canned. and preserved ature since the eighteenth century.
food of every description arranged on shelves rising 10 the Guest Bedrooms: double bed, tillY table and one chair,
ceiling. A rolling ladder gives high access when needed. A closet. empty chest of drawers. phone. Cramped private toi-
stout door in the pantry opens directly into the woodshed so let and shower.
Lethol Legacy - 25
26 - Lust Rites

Ball,room: Kalms wanted his children to have the benefits can regenerate no more than four magic poi nts in any six-
of prosperity. but worried that they would miss part of life hour period. If it uses up enough that it no longer can cast
if they had everything. His solulion was to force famil y Sphere of Solid Air. it will retreat 10 regenerate them.
social inlimacy on them by sharing a single bath. Each has (During this period. if the famil y flees in a vchicle. the
his or her own sink and cabinet. but there is only one fOilet shambler has no chance of keeping up. and must sniff OUI
and one tublshower. If the squabbl ing gets overpowering, the family again. This mighl take months. or never occur.)
he opens the guest bedrooms, but not for long. For Kalms, The shambler's Sphere of Solid Air should be cast prior
the moral lesson of sharing is imponant: he is happy to lose to combat. For dramatic purposes. the investigators might
a little sanity in the process. see the sphere coalescing around the beast. refracting light a
little. like a sphere of water or g lass. Alternately. the keeper
Stouroom: holds linens. a vacuum, and cleaning supplies.
could descri be the q uivering, air around it
From the cei ling dangles the cord of a pull-down. fold-
The Trance spell is suited for combi nation with Sphere
away ladder which offers the only access to the atlic.
of Solid Air and any physical assault
A llie: entered via the Storeroom ladder, the large attic holds The Swelling Tonnent spell is best used if the shambler
little. A few boxes contain unwanted crockery and three is hiding, perhaps wi thin a room o f the house, on the roof.
weddings' -wonh of unwanted wedding gifts. A hatch in the or outside an exterior wall . While one o f their number's
ceiling o ffers roof access. The slltellite TV antenna is next brain is bubbling out hi s nose, the investigators will frant i-
to the hatch. cally try to di scover where the crenturc is.
Remember that just seei ng the shambler may cost a
viewer ten points of Sanity, enough to send him or her over
Running the Shambler the edge for II while.
When it arrives, the shambler stalks around the house. If in If the shambler has a choice, it will always Illlack a
the day, perhaps it is noticeable as a vague shadow through member of the family. Randy Kalms will be its first cho ice.
the falling snow. The thing's first foray will be quick and Ifi t kills all five members of the family. itsjob will be done.
cautious, to gauge the strength of and it will retreat from this plane. It only attacks investiga-
its opponents inside. It is com- tors who are in the way or who cause it pain.
pelled to attack and is malevolent, If the shambler retreats outside, through the snow, its
but its ignorance of our world is enormous footprints will be visible to trackers even under
profound. bliz.zard conditions for a half hour or so.
Despite its Sphere of Solid Air
speU. the creature will be justJy wary USING T HE DUST OF SULE IMAN
of fircanns as soon as it learns they Each dose of the Dust, sprinkled over the shambler or oth-
exiSL It might scream and break off erwise touching il. innicts 1020 hit points of damage. The
its f1I"St altack when the first bullet or investigators probably have made two doses o f their own
shotgun blast hits it (or e lse is Dust, and pcrhllPS obtained Drebber's dose as well. How the
SlOPped by Sphere o f Solid Air). THE SHAMBLER Dust is Ildminislered during combat depends on the discre-
After a few minutes o f thought, it deduces the nllture of the tion o f the keeper and the ingenuity of the players.
threat, and begins to choose tactics to counteract fireanns. A handful of Dust is the equivalent of a dose, requiring
It will not understand the Dust of Su leiman. nor know a successful Throw roll. This means thut Ihe thrower must
whllt the Dust can do. but it will recognize and fear the be c lose 10 the shambler and probably in its line of sight.
effcct of the Dust as soon as it experiences it. leaving him or her to its tender mercies.
lt will not understand what a propane tank is or what it Other methods easily employable by me investigators
could do, until it sees a pilot light on a hot water he:uer or include loading shotgun canridges with the Dust (each
a pan cooking on a burner of the kitchen stove. equivalent to a compacted dose). reversing the sucklblow
It will understand automobiles when it sees one move. mechanism on a vacuum cleaner and bombarding the
It will not comprehend gasoline until it examines the work- shambler with the Dust, similarly using the bellows beside
ing elcctrical generator. the fireplaces in the Sun Room and the Master Bedroom.
It will not understand that the house can be burned unti.1 leaving various tmps such as a bucket o n the tOp of a door.
it has seen some or most of the rooms. and so on.
The shrunbler is intelligent. and can learn. but it is an
alien. It is mona!, and vulnerable to guns unless it has mag- IF THE INVESTIGATORS GA IN THE UPPER HAND
ical protection. It is capable of savage hand-to-hand attacks If the shambler's hit points drop to around five. it will
against which humans cannot easi ly prevail. If it can comer retreat to wait to counter-attack. perhaps for days, hoping
all or most of the family in one room and then physically that the Kalms family drops its guard. As it can. it will
attack while protecting itself with Sphere of Solid Air, it ignore the investigators, though it may seek vengeance for
probably can satisfy Drebber's command in n shon time. a particul arly humiliating defeat. If cornered and escape
It knows three spells. bUI its magic points ( 15 when seems unlike ly, it begi ns to warp its Wlly back to its home
fully regenermed) severely limit its tactics. Funhcrmore, it pJ:me-thi s CO.~IS four magic poi nts and takes one ro und to
Lethal Legacy - 27

achieve. For the duration of the round it cannot defend and Skills: Archaeology 75%, An (painting) 50%, An (Piano) 55%.
is open to altack. If it takes someone with it. that person is Bargain 30%, Credit Rating 25%. History 80%. Law 35%,
lost (01 1D3 Sanhy loss). Once it leaves earth, the shambler Library usc 90%. Latin 85%. Spot Hidden 40%.
will not return. R,\NDY KAL 1'o lS, age 55, tur!JUl ent and on~rbell rin g aut hor
STR 15 CON 15 SIZ 17 [NT 16 pow 15
Rewards for Success DEX 13 APP 10 EOU 16 SAN 60 HP 16
Oamage Bonus: + I 04.
If the shambler is destroyed outright, reward the investiga·
Weapons: FistlPunch 70%. damage I D3+ I D4
tors with 1D IO+ 1 Sanity points. If the sham bIer returns to
Kick 60%. damage 106-+ I D4
its plane, reduce that reward to I D6+ 1 Sanity points. For Grapple 55%, damage special
each member of the Kahns fam ily alive at the end, add I D2 9mm Automatic Pistol 70%, damage 1010
Sanity points. Semi·Auto 12·Gauge Shotgun 60%. damage 40612061 106
M-16 Semi-Auto Rifle 75%. damage 208
M- 16 Assault Rifl e· 70%, damage 208
• Koillls is e:cperiellccl/ this weapo". bill does 1I0r 011'11 Ollt'.
Statistics wjlit
Skills: An (Novelist) 75%, Bargain 40%. Computer Use 20%.
Credit Rating 60%. Dodge 35%. Electrical Repair 45%, English
90%, First Aid 35%, Hide 40%. History 55%, Library Use 35%,
Listen 60%. Mechanical Repair 55%. Natural History 20%.
Dr. JOSEPH BRF.AD, lIge 32, profl'SSOr or a~hal'Otogy Navigate 50%, Persuade 85%, Psychology 65%. Sneak 40%.
STR 12 CON 12 SIZ I I INT 15 pow 15 Spot Hidden 40%. Vietnamese 20%. Throw 35%, Track 55%.
OEX 11 APP 12 EDU 2 1 SAN 60 HP 12
MARY KALMS. age 40, loyal wife and s1 ubbom "'oma n
Damage Bonus: +0. STR 12 CON 13 SIZ II INT 13 pow 13
\\'enpons: none. DEX II APP II EOU 15 SAN 65 HPI 2

Shambling Sorcery: Three New Spells

SPHERE OF SOLID AIR The magical attack expands the target's brain tissue.
By spending 4 magic points and 3 Sanity points, the causi ng intense pain and cost ing the target I D3 hit
cas ter creates a vaguely shimmering, ever-shifting points per round of the attack. During thaI lime the vic-
sphcre about its person that is gclatinous and cold to the tim is incapaci tated save for clutching the sides of his
touch of others. and that diffracts light as a sphere of head or sinking to his knees with blood spuning from his
water might. The nature of this otherworldly secretion nose. Permanent brain damage is possible: if the spell is
gives the sphere great stopping power, equivalent to 20 sustained for a second and later round. match POW vs.
points of armor. POW on the Resistance Table each round. Each round
The Sphere lasts for I D20 rounds, or until dispelled. that the victim loses, he also loses 1 INT.
Within the Sphere, the caster moves nonnally and per- If a victim is reduced to zero hit points, his brain liq-
fonns all normal , non-magical actions-thus for instance uefies with a sickening squelch and pours out as a gray-
were the shambler knocked over, it would get up normal- red soup from his nose and cars. (Witnesses to this hor·
ly, and not roll about helplessly as though inside a huge ror lose all D4 SAN.)
marble. The Trance spell may be cast out through the The spell has a range of 20 yards. The target must be
sphere while Sphere is active, but casting Swelling visible to the caster, but intervening transparent barriers
Torment cancels the remainder of Sphere of Solid Air. such as glass windows or poreh screens do not affect it.
If Dust of Suleiman is thrown at the sphere. the Dust
rapidly eats through the Sphere. like acid into plastic. TRANCE
This cancels the spell in the same round and on the same Costs I magic point and 1 Sanity point to cast; castable
DEX rank as the Dust was thrown or fired . Damage \0 at no more than one target per round. The caster emits a
the sham bIer for that dose is reduced, to I D Ia hit points. tuneless, mirthless melody that is fascinating to hear.
Hearing this alien music causes the target to stand
SWELLING TORMENT motionless. The target can try break the spell with a suc-
This spell takes about thirty seconds to cast. costs 3D6 cessful POW vs. POW match on the Resistance Table
Sanity points 10 cast. and costs 2 magic points to cast each round, including the first, but otherwise cannot
and 2 magic points per round \0 sustain. To sustain the move or act.
spell the caster must concentrale on the target's suffer- Caster and target must be within ten yards. and be
ing, or the caster must cast the spell again. able to see and hear each other.
28 - Last Rites

Dam age Han us : +0. L UKE KAL I\I S. age 6. ha ppy )'oull1
Weapo ns : 9mm Automatic Pistol 35%, damage 1010 STR 7 CON 10 SIZ 6 INT 13 POW 12
M-16 Semi-Auto Rine 30%, damage 208 DEX 10 APP 14 EDUO I SAN 60 HP '
Skil ls: Chemistry 30%, Credit Rating 45%, Dodge 30%, Drive Damage Hanus : -104.
Auto 40%, First Aid 70%. Hide 40%, Listen 45%. Medicine Weap ons: H it with Toy Rocket 40%. damage 103- 10 4
50%, Poannacy 30%. Psychology 50%. Sneak 40%, Spot Scream Loudly 40%, damage huns eardrums
Hidden 55%.
Skills : Computer Use 20%. Dodge 50%, Inven t Stories in Head
BELI NDA DREBHER KALMS, age 16, rt'be ll iolL'l tei' n 40%. Keep Out of Way of Siblings 60%. Play wi th Toy Roc ket
STR \0 CON II S [Z 10 INT 13 POW II 60%. Spot Hidden 40%.
OEX 13 APP 14 EDU II SAN 65 HP II T HE DIM ENS IONAL SHA I\ IHL ER, a shud derin g hutk
Da mage Bonus: +0. STR 20 CON 21 SIZ 22 INT 12 POW 15
Weapons: 9mm Automatic Pistol 30%, damage 1010 OEX 14 Move 7 HP22
M-16 Semi-Auto 30%. damage 208 Da mage Bonus: +206.
Skills: Computer Use 15%. Drive Auto 30%, Dodge 25%, Hide Wea pon: Claw x2 50%. damage 10 8+20 6
30%, Listen 30%, Play Music Loudly 70%, Smoke in Secret
01/1 allack with both joree/(llI's at OIlCC. at the samc DEX m ilk.
70%. Sneak 30%. Spot Hidden 35%. Sulk 80%. Throw 15%.
A rm or: 3-point hide.
SCOTT KALM S. age 14. petulant tei'n Spells : Sphcre of Solid Air. Swclling Torme nt. Trance (see p. 27
STR II CON 13 SIZ 12 INT II POW II for descriptions).
OEX 12 A PP 12 EOU 09 SAN 55 HPI3 Skills : Climb 45%. Dodge 10%, Jump 10%, Listen 30%, Scent
Dama ge Bonus: +0. 25 %. Sneak 25%.
Weapons: 9mm Automatic Pistol 50%. damage 1010 Sani ty Loss : 0/1 OlO Sanity points.
M- 16 Semi·Auto Rine 40%. damage 208 The shamb!er fillds ;/ hard /0 mmrcrll'cr (DEX x3 roll or less 011
Skills: Computer Use 40%, Dodge 40%. Hide 45%. Listen 25%. 0/(0) on slick floors, sllch as illllreSlllr Room. Dining Room.
Play Music Loudly 80%. Snea~ 35%. Throw 45%. (1m! Foycr. •
The House on McKinley Boulevard
Where;" Ihe il/ves/igators lean! a secret /ollg withheld and. INVO LVING THE INVESTIGATORS
IJerilaps. II'hm to do about ;1. The adventure is written as though Hagbard Carlyle's
The nomi nal setting for this scenario is Boston. It can be urge nt ofTer of a large sum of money motivates the investi-
any New England town or city large enough to have a gators (for which. see the next sub-sectio n). But it is just as
boulevard and poor enough 10 leave property abandoned for reasonable that one investigator first has a connection to 17
years at a time. The season should be autumn or winter. so Mc Kinley Blvd. and then calls in some of his fri ends for
that the squatters have reason to hold on to this refuge. The help. Choose or originate an approach suited to your play-
year is the present. ers and play style.
If the players are carefu l and methodical. thi s adventure
may last more than one evening, but in <lny case probably • An author or journali st is commissioned to write a piece
less than two fu ll sessions. If the keeper wishes or needs, nbout Boston's famous haumed house, 17 McKinley
additional evidence lines can easily be developed from peo- Boulevard. What co uld be more useful to the book or
pic who have previously lived in the house, or their descen- Story than a few o vernights and some interviews <It the
dants. and new interru ptions by the real estate agent or by dread address?
police whom she has summoned.
• A kind. charitable investigator gives money to Kristian.
who panhandles. The investigator brings him meals
Keeper's Summary sometimes. or a waml coat, and sees th<lt Kristian knows
w here to go for medical <lid. Sooner or later. Krislian
The abandoned house on McKinley Boulevard has har-
asks for help when one by one the weird but re latively
bored all evil secret for a century. Before the tum o f the last
unchanging personalities at 17 McKjnley begin to slide
century. when the area was more salubrious. the house was
into mad ness and eviL
bu ilt to the direction of Cedric Hedge. a sorcerer. Hedge
settled in Massachusetts after spending many years as a • If an investigator previously has had something to do
colonial administrator in the British Empire. Always inter- with T sathoggua. he or she begins to dream of 17
ested in the occult, Hedge was seduced into the worship of Mc Kinley for no clear reason. and begins to fonn a
T sathoggua. the Toad-God. murky curiosity about the address. This could go on for
He perfonned foul ri tes in secret chambers. His most weeks or months before the investigator is moved to visit
ambitious experiment was his last. He mo lded a ten-foot- the place. perhaps going there while sleepwalking.
tall idol fro m clay in the image of Tsathoggua. and imbued
it with life. When the thing tu rned on him. Hedge smashed • Prearrange thi s with a player: a lonely investigator has
the likeness 10 pieces, but not before a claw delivered his just begun an affair with Diana. who rcpresellls herself
death wound. Hedge died hidden from discovery or aid. as an artist. He/she has stayed over several nights. and is
The fragments of the idol were likewise sealed away. beginning to fear that helshe's made a big mistake. But
In time. the frag ments magically animated- they Diana clings tightly, and persuades the investigator to
became homunculi , twenty identical miniatures o f the bring some friends to fix the stairs.
Toad-God. Since then they have ch<lttered <lnd scampered
within their locked secret room, trying their meager powers Player Information
on successive residents, manifesting themselves as night-
marish visions and troubling dreams, hoping to gain their HAG BARD CARLYLE
freedo m and reassemble themselves imo o ne whole. Bedridden in an upper-class nu rsing home. 87-year old
Recently they drove a residem to suicide. His squatter Hagbard Carlyle is dying o f cancer. He COlllacts the inves-
friends still occupy the building. It is only a mailer of time tigators. He refers the m to an incident reponed by the local
before someone else responds to these dream-scm urgings, med ia, the death of one Andrew Holmes. who threw him-
and dies or gives in to T sathoggua. self from the roof of an abandoned house at 17 McKinley
Bou levard. where Holmes had lived as a squatter. The
30 - L.ast Rites

coroner returned a verdict of suicide. Carlyle, having lived The Death of Andrew Holmes
in the same house many years previously, believes that mat-
ters arc not that simple. With the coroner's report accepted, and the burial of Mr.
He says with intensity that he and his wife, Ella, moved Holmes at public expense, the records connected wi th his
into 17 McKinley shortly after marrying in 1936. Both suf- death are open to the public, They are slill in the active
fered frequent nightmares from that day on. The dreams files of the police department, and will be until all the
increased in intensity and vividness. Carlyle cannot recall paperwork relating to the death is fini shed. The powers-
the dreams, but he remembers that he could always see a that-be are busy. They are uninterested by this dead-end
complex symbol for most of the next day, as though it was case. The public information officer gossi ps only that the
painted on the inside of his eyelids. house is full of junkies.
If asked why he is still interested in the house, Carlyle Holmes died as a result of a fall onto concrete from
replies that his experience in that house has overshadowed Ihree stories up.
the rest of his life-to this very day. Shortly afler they left His blood contained lfilces of low-grade heroin and !he
the address. his wife deliberately overdosed with sleeping household cleanser with which the heroin was cut.
tablets and died. He blames himself for Ella's death. He With a successful Law or Fast Talk roll (and a little per-
says he should have acted. Now that he is dying, he sees sistence). the investigators also can view the photographs of
clearly that he must do something about the house. He Holmes' sel f-innicted cuts (O/lD2 Sanity loss). The photos
offers a contract bequeathing his life savings upon his were made during the autopsy. A successful Cthulhu
death, a large amount. saying that the money will be of no Mythos roll identifies the pallerns of the cuts as symbols
usc to him then. relating to Tsathoggua, a Great Old One,
By the terms of the document. the irwestigalors are to
eliminate what Carlyle caUs an "alien innuence"" in the Newspapers
house. Failing that, they should attempt to convince the
owners 10 see to the demolition of the house. The house has been mentioned in the Boston Globe a half-
dozen times. The first mention was the mysterious disap-
pearance of Cedric Hedge.
The Globe will not let the investigators browse its cl ip-
Preliminary pings file unless they can Fast Talk their way into the
morgue. Investigators who know someone who works fo r
the paper can ask them to photocopy the file.
Investigations All back issues of the Globe are available on fi lm or
fiche in the excellent Boston Publ ic Library or in other
local libraries, includi ng the Widener at Harvard, a few
minutes away, Each story requires lD4 hours and a suc-
Real Estate cessful Library Use roll to find.
If the investigators research the property's history, the local Ailemately. the same infonnalion is available for down-
records office holds documents about the property. The load. via the Globe's database. for one dollar a minute. The
house is too old to have a plan on file. The current owner of search and download costs the investigators I DlO+ 10 min-
record is the Reinhardt-Mackenzie Bank, which went bank- utes during peak times, and I D4 minutes during non-busi-
rupt some years previously. The bank's assets are in ness hours. The Globe accepts a half dozen well known
receivership, and the court has suspended the collection of credit cards, or can post its charge to the originating phone
property taxes until disposition is made. number.
Successful FaSI Talks at city hall learn that real estate The free search services on the Internet uncover any
values in the lower McKinley area have declined slowly for three of !he Globe's stories as references in other stories or
a dozen years. Prospective buyers have decided to wait similar journalistic contexts, keeper's choice as to which
until values have bottomed out. three, or else the first three for which L.uck rolls succeed.
A half dozen random telephone calls or a bribe of twen- See McKinley Papers #1 for all six stories.
ty dollars at city hall yields the name of a realtor who mighl
sti ll have a key to the property. An agent agrees 10 corne out
to the property and 10 unlock the massive front door, but will
Cedric Hedge
nOI go inside. 'The building al 17 McKinley is a hundred Roll D ICK> for all investigators against Iheir Occult ski lls. If
years old. and in \'ery bad repair. Ten years ago one noor was successful, !he investigator knows of Cedric Hedge, a pro-
sagging and ready to collapse." She asks anyone who plans lific but now obscure author of esoterica. Hedge's often fat
to cross the threshold to sign a waiver of damages. She says occult volumes were issued between 1890 and 1900 in the
that squatters and addiels have moved into the place. 'The Boston area, and are rarities. Finding his publications in
place is full of low·life. Drug addicts. dealers, and God second-hand book shops is impossible within the time-
knows what else. Oh, and all the windows are boarded up. frame of thi s adventure, !hough in a year or two a few
You'll want nushlights."" copies tum up.
The House 011 McKinley Boulevard - 31

McKinley Papers # 1

~o .
wl1e 1insinn (f)lnhe
Missing Gentleman Family Vacates Haunted Honse
Number 17 McKinley Boule\'nrd, known ((llong-time res-
Aurhu rir ies fire concerned liS ro rhe wlrereohours of res- idents us sorrredrirrg of a "'hnullted house," has lived up to
idert! Cedric I-ledge, Esq. , of 17 McKinley Boule"ord of its reputation for the Uagbard Cnrlyles. An office worker
rlris City. They request all iufonnalion aOO m his cur- :11 White Star Lines, Mr. Carlyle and his bride Gilliltll
rent locmion that citizens rnny be able to bring fonh . mO\'ed into tire house less thnn six months ago. The con-
After sen'nnts reported 111111 he hnd nOl been seen for pic reponed tho t they were assniled widr nighmrares of 0
some dHYs,- police officers sellrched his home and dis1Urbing lUuurc. :\ visit from 11 local minister, though
grounds yesterday. No sign of Mr. lledge wos
fou nd. In his cuslOrlmrily locked library, Hfully prepared
'0 "" milch llpprcci:ucd, did nothing to nllc\'i:lIc dleir distress.
Unnatural noises nnd voices were ,too heard. The
meal hud been left lllltollcired on a table. The house- Cnrh'les ha ve sllccessfullv sold the house 10 the
keeper reponed that the food had been prcpured a week Reinhardt .\Iorlgnge Trust t1-lJ1k for an undisclosed SUIll ,
before. No sigll of struggle or dislUrbance wus (Ipporem .
-Scpfember 16, 1936
An EnglislllrlUll by hirth , ,\Ir. I-Iedge was IIIr tLCl'OU Il -
w nt lind coloni1l1 adlllinistrntivc officer ill India, South
Afric:! , nud Ithodesin. Citi ng Bosron's culw re mId eivie
high-mimledness. ,\Ir. l ledge settled here SOllLe years
ago nud hnd built for himself a substHrllial home filled
with trophies and IIran'cls from his rrnvels,
Mother Slays Family
-Dc(:cmbcr Ii, 1900
Six Die from GnnsJlOt WoUl/ds
LalC last nighl police discovered six deud by gunfire nt
17 ~lc Kirrl cy Bi n !. Thc mOl her of the f(lInily , Frederica
Evil Spirits Haunt Family Hodriguez . W1Ili (trrested on suspicion of Lhe slayi ngs,
nnd is in cilY jail this monting.
Police st ilted thilt this was the worst multiple killing
All unwholesome presem.'t: and ghostl y nmnifest!lliollS
to occur in this city in this cel1ll1ry.
were the unlikely reasons gh'en for lhe sl>cedy depa r-
Numbercli mnong the dead nre the four Rodriguez
ture of Samuel Hankin Hnd family from their horne at
family children, Paolo, Hesperitn, !lositn, llnd Guillenno.
"1 7 McKin ley Boulc\'ard, The HunkillS mo\'ed in at Ihe
TIre Ixxlies of !lre husb1tlld, Alphonso Hodriguez, and the
address th ree months ngo Hlld affi rm hlwi ng suffered
fHluily hOll5Ckt.'e per, Kancy ~ I urphy, were also found dead,
nightmares (urd Iralluciruuions si nce then. Hllnkin has
Police offi eers were called (0 17 McKinley Boulevard
now purchased a new nbode, also in 1305tOIl , and we
lnte lasr night nflCr a neigill:,or reponed m~lti ple gun-
wish lire fumily well.
slrOtS from \\ithin. La\\lnen disco\'ercd Mrs. Frederica
- :\ ug USI 1-1, 1916
Hodriguez brnndishing hcr hnsbund's Imilling rifle nnd
nrruillg in wlll11 OtiC officer described us Ir "diSfurbed lind
hys terical manncr." When challenged by dIe officers,
she opened fire wildly, fonumllcly missing her Inrgets.
Verdict Concerning Widower's Tragic Death Ollee her gun \\'US empty, she \\"us quickly subdued.
More details Me promised in (I news conference to
This morning brought the coroncr's \'erdict in lhe occur lhis monring,
deHth of Arth ur "An " Hurnacovic, of 17 ~ l c Kinley -Nol'ember 1, 19-10
BIn!., 'he jury finding tl1M ~ 1r. Hanmc(wic d ied by his
own Imnd .
t\ct.'O rding 10 the jUT)" ~[r. Ranraco\'ic hunged him-
self usi ng n liga1Ure fas hioned from his wife's s tockings.
E\'idence wus also prcselll s uggest thut ~ Ir . Haunted [-louse Troubles Bank
H:nllIlCO\'ic Imd (ried 10 Ol>cn bis wrists with II razor-
bl:tde , fu r his uppc r an ns were covered in <Ieep cms, a ~ The Heinlmrdt Un nk htls a singular problem . One of its
I\' US his ilnre chesl. properties, [7 McKinley l3oule"urd, is reputed 10 be pos-
It was reported drat he hnd been despo ndelll fol· 5essed by e\"i l spirits. Realtors nrc unnble 10 find II
lowing the denlh before Christmas of his lute wife. relller or a huyer. Speaking infonnally, , compun y
Mr. Hnnmcovic is sun'ivcd by one son, in Jersey spokesmun suggesled lowering lhe price of dre property
Ci ly, Xew Jersey. in nn atlempt 10 ~(.'Oa.'I; II buyer our of the woodwork."
- Fclmmry 12, 19-10 - March 11, 1941
32 - last Rites

If an investigator collec!s books, he or she may own

Hedge 's The Limbic JOlIl"ll ey... (BoslOn, 1896), This volume
Outside; First Story
of numbered poems alludes !o sleeping greatnesses beneath Cedric Hedge built a large Norman-sty le Victorian home of
!he earth and se a.~ and on other planeL~, defines !he stages three stories and a basement. In addition to !he fonnal front
of !he mental journeys needed !o reach each of them, and entrance arc four entries on the west side lind two more at
reve<ll s the anguish and terror !he poet feels when at last the north, or back (sec both the First Story and B:lsement
one of these greatnesses reccives him. Hedge's iambs arc plans). The entries lI! the baek of tlte house arc presently
sharp and cunningly varied. and each of his journeys is dis- blocked by mounds of industrial waste lind household
linct. sini ster, and dr.unaticall y compelling. Every journey garbage-smashed pallets. chemical drums. cardboard. and
leaves the reader feelin g o minously di sturbed and con- packaging waste. Dried or soaked
vinced that some dim truth has been impaned. though it is wi th gasoline and then ignited. the
hard to put into words. There arc no spell s. nor arc points rcruse is highly nammable.
earned fo r the Cthulhu Mythos skill. nor <Ire Sanity points Most windows and doors have
lost. Reading and comprehending the book takes sixteen been boarded up. A few plywood
hours and adds one point to the reader's Occult. p;mels seem to have come loose
and f;.l1en ;.way from second story
and al1ic windows. or perh:lps been
McKinley Boulevard kicked away to let in light.
A long strip of road. McKinley Boulev:lrd was once pan of Squal1ers have broken through
an upper-class residential area. Some crumbling manses the tool room door. They usc that
have been razed or burned down. Others arc cut up into GIDEO:-: CAST as their entry. A plywood panel still
apanments o r rooming houses. A few, among them 17 covers the narrow tool room door, but the sheet of plywood
McKinley. arc more or less sound buildings that for various can be swung aside 10 allow p:lssage. The door itself no
reasons have been abandoned to vagrants. addicts, and run- longer can be locked. The wider entrance along the side of
aways. Nearby small fa ctori!!s and sleazy businesses have the house is slOu tl y boarded lind timbered. and cannot be
for some time quietly used the abandoned properties as forced shon of pry bars and a good reciprocating saw. The
dumping grounds for refuse, add ing to the general :Ilmos- First Story's adjacent side entrance (next to the octagonal
phere of neglect and decay. lurret) is stoutly boarded up and emlllot be rorced from the
Though they are in no danger, the investigators should oUlside.
be made to feel threatened, especially after dark. Cars Top to bOllom, the stories of the house have this relation:
speed recklessly. Vagrants huddle around open fires. loud attic. second story, first story, and basement.
arguments occur. Boules arc thrown and broken in impo- The real estate agent unlocks the thick oak and iron front
tent rage. In the distance, a successful Listen roll seems to door (STR 36). She then relrenlS to
detect the nat crack of a gun firi ng. her car and waits for the group to
Investigators who do something stupid. such as insult- emerge. If the investig:ltors t;.ke a
ing someone on the street. shou ld get into trouble. Anyone long lime, she locks the front door
leaving the keys in the ignition of his or her POTSche should from the outside, puts her card
really be taught a lesson. under a wiper blade of the investi-
gators' car, and le;lVes.
To get in without a key, an
in\'estigator can allernpt a Lock-
17 McKinley smith roll. They can also get a lad-
der and tools to elller through one

Boulevard of the First Story windows--on CLARA KEEBLE

this noor uniformly. the 5/S" plywood is carefully fas-
tened with two inch sc rews. Once through the board. of
course. the window itself will have to be forced or broken.
he kccper should draw out the floor plan as the players

Again, the tool room's outer door is the sq uatter's
need it. If the players carefu lly e:.;plore the basement, e ntrance to the building.
some mtionale for the temple area will have to be pre- The rooms arc extremely dark. A liule li ght comes in
pared. As much as possible, the original plan of thi s Victorian around the window boards, just enough to make OUt the
home is unchanged, and nlO.~t of the room names describe general layout of !he rooms. The ccili ligs arc e lcven feet
thcir origin:ll functions. The Allic W:lS intended for servants, high. The rooms arc stripped of every furnishing. Plaster
as was the extensive Basement work area. 11le husband and has broken and fallen. Rain damage is apparent. Dust and
wife of the house were to have occupied the Second Story din drift everywhere along the walls. Trash. empty boules,
bedrooms flankin g the nursery. but Hedge became obsessed used needles, and moldering human wastes arc present in
with Tsathoggua. and never married. Instead of children, most of the roOIllS. The stairs ill the elllry hall arc blocked
Hedge fill ed most of the house with off and propped up with odd lengths of lumber (lhese stairs
The House on !\'IcKinlcy Iloulc\'urd - 33

shaded area
ind iCllt(!8
standing WilIer


Work Room

The Temple


closet dumb
...·"H er Dining Room

private entry III

.............. ..
[: ·
: unsound noor :
····-- -- -- --- -- -- -...:
lobby h'" Dra,,;ng Room
§ register
statu es
o o .. ..trap door
..... .... ..
Conservatory J'arlor stairs
\1!Stibule Arcade
34 - Last Rites


-I b"h" 5-

'- 0


§ registe r
0 Da\·c's Room
up passage
-=- stairs

down Kristian·s Room nursery

scale: 1" = 20'

chamber dos.


- Clara and
Gideon's Room


reservoi r

~ ~~"i '"~r_-'h,m=,b:~L-And-"'V'-Ro-m -

( \ -
I flat roof pa.:sage I

I r
l ... bedroom flat roof

clos.1 clos.
- clos.

Diana's Room

I do; r clos.

chamber J .!!:
- bedroom
The House on McKi nley Boulevard - 35

protest being walked on but will suppon one person at a room. A successful Spot Hidden roll wh ile looking for a
time). There is no electrici ty, no water, and no centml heal. lrap door reveal s the seams in the floor. but the door itself
Keepers can add to this floor as desired, but the following will not open or react in any way unless an ornament high
need to be described. in the wood paneling is pushed while the door bears no
weight. Hedge stood a couple of feet away and used a
The Two Stallles: their great bulk almost too large to be duck-headed walking stick to open the way. A long strip of
noticed in the gloom, two elaborately carved stone floor about twO feet wide and len feet long rises up and
columns, each about three feet square and nearly eight feet back. exposing narrow stairs leading down to the
high, flank the entry between the First Story vestibule and Basement. A simple mechanism opens and closes the trap
the hallway. One is of Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god of door from below.
wisdom. The other, in a simi lar style, ponrays a squat.
lizardy beast, a cross between a monkey and a gargoyle. No All orher roolllS o/the First Story are dirty alld empty.
skill roll identifies thi s entity.
Hedge built the foundation s to sup-
pon these figures. They are so
Second Story
cumbersome and so heavy that nei- Clara alld Gideon's Room: smelling of joss sticks, deco-
ther one can be moved without dis- rated with a beautifullcafy branch, this is by far the clean-
assembl ing pan of the front facade. est of the rooms. Clara and Gideon do their best. TIley
Deep scratches in the parquetry have piled two mattresses as a bed. Indian-print sheets
beside them memorialize a failed hang from the ceiling. Ethnic rugs warm the wood floors.
attempl. (The statues are red her- A battered portable tape deck sits in the comer, with
rings, lacking significance except Gideon's guitar propped beside it. Numerous candles stuck
thai the squat lizardy beast will be into wine-bottles illuminate the room. Well thumbed
KRISTI AN MYlES recognized as an abstraelion of paperback novels rest in stacks. A small camp stove pro-
Tsathoggua once the homunculi have been seen.) vides wann food. Potable water
comes from a rain barrel on the
The Trail 011 the Stairs: a fresh trail has been wom through roof of the Arcade.
the dust on the back stairs. The squatters enter the building
via the tool room, splash through seepage and sewage back- Dave 's Room: the stinking abode
flow to the rear stairs, and then head upstairs. Only these of Dave. Only a mildewed mat-
stairs link all the floors. tress can be seen. An investigator
making a successful Spot Hidden
Drawing Room A (Ihe IUl.fOl",d lIorih floor): thi s room is roll notices that the wallpaper
mostly empty of garbage. People avoid it. The floor feels above the floor register sags and
weak and dangerous underfool. An investigator crossing the faintl y moves. Raising the paper
drawing room to reach the dining room needs a roll greater reveals a square opening cut into
than or equal to his or her SIZ. If more than one investigator DAVE REDONDO
the lath and plaster. making a hid-
enters at the same lime, combine their SlZ for the purposes den shelf. In it is Dave's stash. consisting of several bal-
of the roll. A failin g roll sags and splinters the floor, plung- loons of heroin. a compressor band, syringes. a lighter. and
ing hapless investigators downward into the Furnace Room. a blackened spoon. Squatting over the floor register the
£llch loses I D6 hit points from the fall. Given a successful investigator can hear the whispers and chatters of the
Jump rolJ or a roll of DEX x3 or less on DIOO. an investiga- homunculi . Their munnurs and complaints arc so rcal and
tor may scramble back to safety before the collapse. so alien that the hackles rise.
It takes two rounds to cross from
the hallway to the dining room via Kristiall's Room: this small room contains Kristian's sleep-
the drawing room. Require the SIZ ing bundle and some candles for light. When nOI out fomg-
roll for every round that an investi- ing or exploring, he spends most of his time here. day-
gator spends in the nonh part of the dreaming.
drawing room. If an investigator
All other rooms of tile SeCOlid Story are (Jirt}' and empty.
rc'Lches the far wall of the room, he
or she escapes the fal l.
A fallen investigator stays con- Attic
scious under the rubble, and listens Diallo 's Room: the room reflects her chaotic life. It is a
to the unnatural chattering and omi- squalid mess of fast-food cartons, beer-cans. and wine and
nous whispers of the homunculi. DIANA PEPPARD
liquor honles.
Those hearing their chatter lose 01 1D3 Sanity points.
AI/drew's Room: this anic room is where the rece nt suicide
Drawing Room B (al the south end): a long spring-loaded lived. It is ex.actly as he left it. He had no possessions save
trap door can be found along the south wall of the drawing for a burlap sack contai ning a few items of clothing and his
36 - Last Rites

drug paraphernalia. Dave scavenged Andrew's remaining FlIrlJace Room: a cramped. dark hole of a room. The old-
drugs. Scratched into the plaster walls are sigHs identical to fashioned coal-burning furnace is intact. When there is
those photographed on Andrew's chest by the coroner. silence or when loud noises have excited them. the homun-
Looking closely at the markings, a successful Idea roll culi can be heard through the furnace ducts. The sanity loss
deduces that Holmes made these sigi ls with his bare hands. is 0/103 if they have not been heard before.
Tests detect traces of blood and fragments of fingernai l. The fumace ducts arc approximately a foot square.
likely confirmation that he used no tool. Despite odd bends and weird tilts in the sheet metal ducts,
an investigator of SIZ 9 or smaller could reach the register
The Resen·oir: in the little octagonal turret near Diana's
that opens into the Experiment Room, and use a nash light
room is a large metal water tank of 2000 gallons. Water
to see in. If so. the homunculi retreat to the far end of the
still ripples in this reservoi r because no one has bothered to room. Their eyes shine brightly from the renected light,
drain it. The connection is IUmed off. while their clay bodies are nearly indistinguishable from
All OIlier rooms o/the Atlic are dirty and empty. the dirty lead lining of the room. Watching the tilt and
waver of the eyes is most like seei ng a small shoggoth from
The Stairs alld the Cupola: the small stairs leading up at a distance.
the south end of the house reach a cupola room with four
windows that is fou r stories above the street. Sandwiched THE SECRET PART OF THE BASEMENT
between the cupol a room and the attic bedroom is another Th e Temple: entering this room from the trap door in the
metal water reservoir of 2000 gallons capacity, also filled drawing room. the investigators nmice an unusual chill.
with water. The connection is also turned off. This is Hedge's temple to Tsathoggua, consecrated by him
with blood. Stacked on shelves at one side of the room are
Basement the skulls of small animals, an ossuary of evil. The shock of
The basement windows are small. narrow. and at the ceil- seeing these by nashlight or candlelight costs 011 Sanity
ings--designed to let in light but baffle thieves. All win- point. A squat wooden statue of Tsathoggua crouches in a
dows are boarded over. The rooms are pitch black. wall alcove, Oanked by two large candles. This statue is
Flashlights are needed. or investigators must go by feel. easily identified by anyone who has any points of Clhulhu
Though the walls of the upstairs are of wood, in the Mythos ski ll ; no roll is needed.
basement the walls arc of well-set stone. These are strong, Most of Hedge's sacrifices were dogs, cats, rats, and the
load-bearing foundations. The basement walls are of odd raccoon. Occasionally Hedge 's rites demanded more.
dressed stone approximately one foot thick. Three human skulls, covered in the toughened leather of
The house's foundations have settled slightly to the their skin, are at the back. These grisly remains cost a Fur-
southeast. Because of a blocked drain in the laundry, seep- ther 011 02 Sanity points.
age and sewer backup no longer drains from the southeast- At the far end of the room is an octagonal alcove whose
ern part of the house. The lightly screened area on the plan noor is an intricate lile mosaic. ten feet in diameter, of pol-
shows the standing water. The deepest part, a few inches, is ished jet and white marble. The mosaic depicts the sigil of
in the Laundry. Tsathoggua, identifiable by a successful Cthul hu Mythos
roll. Walking across the tiles cause hair on the arms and the
The Part You Ca,, 't Gel To: investigators who explore care- nape of the neck to stand on end. Should two characters
fully nOlice that the center of the basement seems to be touch while on the octagon, they share a static shock.
walled off or else has never been developed. A survey also The skeletal remains of Hedge's last victim lies across
detects the false door that Hedge installed as a red herring the sigil. just bones and fragmenls of a dress, underclothes,
to protect his privacy from the servants. That false door is and shoes. A tin ring circles a bone of the victim's left hand.
in the Laundry. A successful History roll d<ltes the apparel as late Victorian
or Edwardian. A Medicine roll suggests that the skeleton is
Laut/dry: this empty room is awash with several inches of
about that old. Viewing the unfortunate's remains costs no
foul-smelling water. There arc wall faucets. but the water is
Sanity points.
turned off. Two pairs of concrete tubs with sides slanted for
In the north wall of the octagon is a closed, unlocked
washboards rest on the noor.
door. It opens into Hedge's workroom.
A locked door (STR 40) is set into the wal!. If the lock
is opened with a successful Locksmith roll, the investigators The Workroom: a large room featuring tables, book cases,
see only a blank stone wall behind it. There is no way and chairs. At the north end of the room is a large bureau
through this false entry, short of picks and sledge hammers. desk. Souvenirs such as Indian and African statuary, masks,
To drain the water. investigators need only unblock the and ceremonial spears hang on the walls. A second door in
drain in the middle of the laundry noor, currently blocked the east wall is barred and boIled shut. This second door
by a paste of old newspapers. opens into the Experiments Room. where the homunculi
are confined.
Kitchell: the remains of a kitchen. There are counters. a
Not far from the door connecling to the mosaic is another
fractured porcelain sink. and empty cupboards whose doors
skeleton. a male according to a Medicine or Biology roll. No
have been ripped off for firewood.
The House on McKinley Boulevard - 37

clothing frogments or shoes arc near him. though there are McKinley Papers #2
suit fragments and a pair of button shoes on a nearby table. He
apparently died nude. Among the fragments of clothing on Excerpts from The Secrets of N'Ka;
the table gleams a gold pocket watch and chain. On the inside
of the cover is etched: er.J>I~ ... ,t" '7. r 89~: at 1.... ,11.. L,~"" """,P/~I~. 'MJ, no/i...l, 10 ... V
.... '10 c.n.c/ ... <tM, ....... e»b. § .. "'_,~ .... /J.~ ,",,!TO'" a"J""}/ n."ttW
C,dric !l(uelJ J{'dge '"' JiaL.g1U ,.,;,1. I~ {;j.... , G!-J .... -.. ... ,J..Iu.,..J ..... d,p. LL:....
- Jlu{d lAm9 Sy'" - ,I.. Iw.,zmo.
'11" Pu~f(p c(u6, '1I.!zj"poor, 1886
m_. . J,..~:;, '~3' "'~ "IMpl. II <o ...,Jd. /,.,,1. pJ.,nr.J/JI (g ,....,ri·
This evidence solves Hedge 's disappearance. There is no .J /1.. {... , ,I.,... ''''0 ,I.. ""'••,," fl- ,I. .. o/l._} .."J .J>inl..dl,.
cost to see his yellowed skeleton. As wi!.h !.he other skele- (61.p.",J ,1.. U«>J 0/" ""'11 Jog "...., ,I.. p"",. .611.otw it Jul ",,/
tons. these dusty bones are a century old. Several of the
jumbled ribs can be seen to be broken. A foreann and hand
.",,!. 100 '''M''}' ".,,,. M"'}, il. pi'...... ",},,,,,,,,,,) 8m.. utU<' ,b, "'V
O?1...../~. upul. ~""I rJ.",~. ,,/ .... .
is beside the haft of a rusted Bengali battle club (25%, dam-
age 108+db). i7l ..9 ,,,, ' (), '80S: """Ji... ba ....i.. • ",,,.d ,..J,,~. 61 U,".u .... /.J '''v
Draped in cobwebs. a dust-covered bureau is against the ,,,,,,pl., MI ".,d, /J.. hI""J 0/" . ,.,. ~t"" Lu' Wl'l. ,1. .....ncr 0/ a
north wall. Among ordinary correspondence and docu-
ments from around the British Empire is a handwritten
c~;IJ Ql""9 '''~ "'W' pow·;,•. ;"'J>U",.J I" "" ~~ I~~ 9._1 !J3ool.
manuscript in a bound ledger. The first page of the ledger <51 M.L".J 0'" 0/ I~. "'O"~ .1 ..,1 wr<~i". """'~ /ro... ~i./n...J..
reads Secrets ofN'Kai, the JOllnw/ of Cedric Hedge (Sanity .,B"I. M~~I'T Lil ... ~ f;"<JCT ",~il. Cl """ '''Y'''1I1" .I"p ~i", /yom
loss 1D311 D6, Cthulhu Mythos +5). Skimming Hedge's ."".,,",i"9 " w/. 011$0, ...,,,.J .. "..,J .~,rl. ... il~ I~ • • ju, rl'''9' ern.." ~
journal takes approximOltely two hours and costs 01103 .."' .. .....I,.1 ..aI I;...".
Sanity. Relevant infonnation from it is quoted in McKinley
Th e en hl .. fa. Ih e following , e o,. feo l l,l " mo', blood-t'l-
Papers #2. (See p. 38 for infonnation on a spell contained ting (mosll, coil ond dogl with hl,lmon lOufflen b eing
in the journal.) very ro. e occur.enus) and d bCIJulon. wllh hlm .. U on
I,Il e ful opplleollonl for hll newl, acqu ired powen. Also
Books alld Bookcases: Despite the reference to a "Great mentioned o.e hi s .. writing I and his onnoyonu
Ihol nobod, II willing 10 pvbllih Ihem.
Book" in his journal. no Mythos tome can be found in the
house. If it was upstairs. probably it was stolen or sold at Ono",~. '900' I"J"" 8 ..../.....£.J "p"" "'" gno>l"II",i I" k,,,.
auction with Hedge's other property when he was declared 8, ... ".. I" .... ,,·L,/. 8 w'O.... I~.I«",I do..., I'wO'</""""9'-"" ......
legally dead in 1907.
.J..~. (.", 1'«'" a" "II ~w' ."". ., ow'O'I ><'IlL "IIIL .. ''''''''/>1''9 w/> " ..J
Tile Experimel/t Room: in the cast wall of the temple is an ,I"",.. ,mJ """''''''!lI~' .1 •••" '" M"r.~ ,,1 ..,ilaM• ..u:.;f;c ••;'
II", ...

iron door. A stout timber bars it. There arc also comer bolts 011, 8?..aJ I" (/)"''''''.,..? 01 /...'J 0/ct.,,! ff..., t~. oa<:I" il ......
shot closed into the walls and floor. The quadruple door 1~"'9 I~ .... "9",,,,, d.. <ow"I... ..1I'''W'''g ",,,J lb,.d, ....11. "<,,1411 J"
hinges are solid. From behind il. the chittering homunculi
lilll•• 1,. oIL... Ito .. I" ....""J ",. 0/"'" gl" ........ cYn"" ....{}1 .. j 10.
can be heard, costing 0llD3 Sanity.
This door can be opened. Behind it is the narrow. long.
81"".• ,1.o;J.J 10 1< ..11" ".. if.on 01 ..,,, .,Eo. J. IL. goal. 8 "'"''
barren. lead-lined room in which Hedge conducted magical "••J mo•• IL" .. 0'" /...9 ,,/./"". ~..;,." j.w. 8 up.<.,.
experiments which he thought dangerous. Here he shat- {}1p,.;l. '900: my .1"".. i. "1""",, ."",pI.,•. <51 ~,,~., ",,,,,,,1,, ... "'''''.
tered the attacking idol with an exceptionally lucky blow,
and here the hungry homunculi wait and whisper. hoping to
.,jID. 81... •• J.~,..J a w..." /" " "''I ",...1,>1''''« '0 ~<O"'. mou IL"
be free. if the door opens, all twenty leap out.
jt..1a I..."'' <JC 10 "''Jon. ."••. Qi" ..g ",",,, .. ',,,1,,,,.. 1."....1fr..,... IL.
{;}__ I !J300f.. ,I ""ll-ll. ,I ...JI,.. Il. ,I ",,1/ /,q:! .......... 9 "''' ",.J..
" .. J IL ....wgL ..... IL ......J. ,,/ ... " cYn... ,~~. ,,/...
The Squatters
In individual ways. each resident presents a problem to the (}'no,. '900: ~ ..,J."J... , '" ,I• .....pL,I.... ... /oIJ. "..d I...... r~o.... ~ it.
investigators. All are mislTUstful of o utsiders and of people Uoal..i .~.. u "' •• 1,,' .... OI ..J ''''''IIL, 61 J><~/o"" I~ L.. .J.•." n'...J
in authority. Clara. Dave. and Diana are damaged by drug ~~I "I",~ app ..... ,..uL,p. g" ILu ...J Cllu._ a ."" ..gp_'i'",~
abuse. None are insane or habitual criminals. but bad deci- .""...J (/)".}.". ".J /0 ........!. .."'''''........ /""" oJh...... 61 rLi..i
sions have put them on the edge. If the investigators are <51 w·,/I ,,_~"" e/",L., 1""'9L,. /0. 8 /..,,, ...~ i.. ,j., MOW'• ...i// L., "I
respectful and polite, these cautious people will react favor- IL .... "'0.1 ~;.,/~nl J". I" "''' j",••• J ,,",;"ipalw... {jJul "oIl" .I"i"
ably in return.
,l",Ln. 031-1 co"'n oll,L•• i,,, ~ ..l" ...ilL a.,-J /...rL. eL. c!J
Gideo,,: he is a strong-willed. dread-locked individual who <a .. ""TC< ",.. ,,,,,, '''~ .....;,..".,,'. ,u<L J.!........ 1> ........ /0 ....... ,. c!l J..

prides himsel f in living a completely drug-free life. He

stays at the house because of his love for Clara and because
!.he weather is nOI good for tmveling. He is a principled
38 - L.ast Rites

e nvironmental activist. burdened with outstanding warrants Kristiall: never having known his parents. Kristinn has
for criminal damage in several states. He find s it difficult to lived in a score of foster homes and state orphanages. He
tolerate those he sees as in moral error. Hi s contempt ran away six months ago, shortly before his fourteenth
encompasses poliee and other authorities, people with birthday. Luckily he ran into Gideon, who has protected
credit cards. stockholders of rapacious corporations. meat- him from the nastier side of life on the streets. Now
eaters, people in suits. people with cars, and those who Kristian looks up 10 Gideon as he would an elder brother.
own expensive athletic shoes. Investi gators who rail into Kristian is a street-sman kid. quite capable or tricking or
such categories get a cold reception from Gideon. Ir they eluding even the most skilled investigator.
manage to gai n his trust. he will. perhaps reluctantly. assist
them in every way. Diana: a deeply unhappy woman, she ran away rrom her
abusive rather at the age of twelve and drowns her sorrows
Clara: a quiet. reserved young woman. In the six months with drink and blo ts out her worries with drugs. When
si nce she met Gideon. she has not shot up. Holmes' death drunk. her insecurity manirests itselr as overbearing friend·
upset her. and she has also been disturbed by the dream· liness. not stopping at pro miscuity. She may make clumsy
suggestions sent out by the homunculi. Clara is pro ne to passes at male investigators. She is at case o nly with Clara,
panic attacks: any stressful situation requires a Sanity roll her fri end of many years. She resents Gideon 's presence
for her. Failure results in a screaming and sobbing session. (and he resents hers). She is generally too out of it to be
lasting ID20 minutes. Heart palpitations and a drop in tem- receptive to homunculi urgings.
perature accompany it. Only Gideon's soothing presence. a
successrul Medicine roll by a physician who has brought Dave: wasted by psychological problems and a lengthy
his medical kit. or a successrul Psychoanalysh roll by an addiction to heroi n. Dave is extremely introverted. He has
investigator can calm her. known Diana and Clara for years but they are not close
rriends. He was frie ndly with Andrew. and has been more
withdrawn than usual since Andrew's death. The homun-
cu li are often in his head. Every night he wakes screaming
Removal of Favor: A New Spell
rrom fitful sleep. Heroin keeps his mind numb and free.
Skimming Hedge's journal takes two hours. The reader Heroin also confuses the results of Psychology rolls
notices many peculiar phrasings. A succcssfulidea roll directed at him. Only a "special" result (one· fift h or less of
uncovers an elementary cipher (last word or succes- the investigator'S current skill) suggests thm Dave is also
sive lines) that provides the elements or a spell which deeply troubled by some extraordinary innuence as weU as
would strip the power of the idol or the homunculi. by heroin and his own psychological problems.
The reader comes to think of it as Removal or Favor. But, ir an investigator follows up on this observation, a
The reader may try to learn the spell by rolling against successful Psychoanalysis roll reduces Dave to gibbering
his or her 11\'1' x I once every game hour. The key is in hysteria. He may shout the name Tsathoggua or, ir the
uttering a repetitive mantra or unnerving syllables. investigators arc in dire need or clues, say something like
Successrully learning the incantation costs the investi- "His servants! They want to be free! They're in the walls!"
gator 1/103 Sanity points. Casting the spell costs five He might have some presentiment of the idol as well. This
magic poi nts and takes one round. hysteria can last fo r hours. Heroin or some other suitable
For this spell to be effective. the homunculi must medication can calm him.
have been released and have made for the lTlosaic (see With little heroin. no money, and always living on the
''The HOlTlunculi Set Free," below). The investigator edge, Dave begs or s teal s from the investigators us the occa-
must pit his or her POW against the POW 18 or sio n allows. He is not violent unless the homunculi com·
Hedge's temple on the Resistance Table. Success pletely take over his mind. Th is could happen as soon as the
means that all homunculi on the mosaic. incorporated fi rst night (see the s ub-section The Madness, a little rurther
into the idol or nol. disintegrate and revert to their orig- below).
inal clay. Homunculi elsewhere in the house are unaf-
rected and continue to scamper blindly ror the mosaic, PLAYING TIlE SQUATIERS
reeding as they can. and ultimately merging together. The main thing the squatters can teU the investigators is
More than one investigator may learn the spell and about odd evems in the house. There are inexplicable sounds
chant along together. increasing the etTective POW at almost any time or the day or night. Sometimes people
ror the Resistance Table roll by I. A chanter may not wake havi ng had strange bad dreams, or reelings or alarm or
perform other actions without breaking the spell. dread. To gain trust, the investigators need to present their
The spell to create the idol seems not to be pre- clear interest in just such events.
sent. It is. actually. but the cipher is much less obvi- As the danger in the house becomes more apparent. the
ous and also involves a rare disappearing ink. investigators may try to get the squatters to leave, pcrh3ps
Months of study and experiment are needed to locate offering them moncy to do so. or attempting Fast Talk and
thi s second spell. well beyond this scenario. Persuade roUs against each individual. Try to 3void this.
The rcsidems' psychologies and quirks make convincing
The House on McKinley Boulevard - 39

excuses. an example being Gideon's stubbom refusal of Once the investigators have pieced together most of the
charity, which he sees as patronizing. If the investigators clues and learned Removal of Favor. il wouldn't be too
persist, the squatters can leave, but Dave, wrJcked by unfair to leI Dave free the creatures. especial ly if !.he inves-
visions from the homunculi. returns in the darkest hour of tigators have not bothered to understand how wcak Davc
night. deranged and deadly. is. He might puzzle out the existence of Hedgc's trap door
(Notice the locations of the heating registers. 1.11 addition (the homunculi don't know about it). or steal a sledge ham-
to their mind attacks. the subtle but rarely absent chal1ers mer somewhere and begin to smash through the stone wall
and whispers from the homunculi wear down those who of the furnace room or the other side of Hedge's work-
hear them.) room-wherever he thinks his whispering visions are clos-
If the residents remain in the house. they can help or est to hand.
hinder the investigators. Gideon is the most open to reason. Freed, the homunculi swarm over him. He dies scream-
Clara follows Gideon's lead, offering her own ideas only if ing and thrashing in a cloud of blood. They gnaw his bones
pressured or clearly supported by the investigators. Her clean. Anyone witnessing this loses II I D6 Sanity points.
mental frailty can be disarming. but she has no strength of If the investigators have not learned the spell. Dave's
will. Kristian. on the other hand. is very willful and does madness can be wilder and less directed. Giggling to him-
not follow Gideon blindly. though he respects Gideon and self. he claws the symbol of Tsalhoggua into !.he walls and
wants to follow him. attempts 10 smash through into the Experiment Room with
Up one minute and down the next. Diana is unpre- hi s head. If cornered he undergoes conVUlsions, biting off
dictable. If a male investigator rejects her ndvances. as one his own tongue, and eventually expires due to a stroke.
wou ld hope. she becomes vindictive toward him. Should he Witnessing !.his macabre spectacle costs !.he viewer 11104
<lccept a carnal romp with her. thereafter she follows him Sanity points.
everywhere. proclaiming undying love.
Play Dave as a quiet. frightened man, willing to ingrati- After Dave Dies
ate himself in almost any way to get a fix. Only through his
waking nighunares do the investigators gain a clue to the II Dave dies and the homunculi have not been freed, the
secret cause of his derangement. creatures attempt to persuade another individual to do their
will. choosing the target with the lowest POW (probably
Clara or Diana). As they attack, the homunculi become a
group mind and cease all movement and speech. pool ing
Death & Rebirth their POw. If all twenty are sti ll alive. their combined POW
for the allack is 20.
The victim starts to fcc! troubled. If failing a POW ver-
ost events in this scenario depend upon the sus POW Resistance Table roll. the victim suffers disturbing

M actions of the players. If they arrive al the house

and immediately start smashing through walls,
they may accidentally release the homunculi and thereby
visions and bizarre thoughts, costing I D4 Sanity points. If a
non-player character, he or she probably keeps quiet. The
mood change may go unnoticed by anyone.
suffer messy deaths. Encourage caution. (The real estate The final stage occurs days later. when the keeper feels
agent can always show up the first time, \0 stop them.) Five it is dramatically appropriate. The victim acts as Dave did
living squatters in the house shou ld tell the investigators before, The madness shows itself as the keeper deems fit.
that whatever lurks in the house doesn't pose an immediate As with Dave. death from injury or moke is a possibility. If
threat, even though the sixth, Andrew, is dead. this happens 10 a player character. he or she can be saved by
Investigators exploring at <l c<lreful pace should discover a successful First Aid or Medicine roll. Hospital attention
Hedge's body. read his journal. and learn the spell . What will be needed for I D I a weeks afterwards. These attacks
awaits them in the locked room should slay a mystery. and can continue as long as targets are available.
the multitude of alien voices should argue against incautious If the investigators pound on the walls of the
action. Experiment Room. or loosen a fastening on the door.
The three foll owing events should be staged when the homunculi auention is diverted. Abruptly the attacks stop
keeper feels they best aid the flow of the adventure. for a while.

The Madness The Homunculi Set Free

The homunculi control of Dave is strong when the adven- Via an agent or an investigator action, the homunculi spill
ture begins, His full-blown madness could occur during the out of the Experiment Room and into the house. If they
first night orthe scenario, but that won't be much fun irthe escape through a hole in the wall or in the ceil ing. they spill
investigators go home for the night. Perhaps he or someone out and forage for livi ng food. If they escape through the
there can say something about the alien voices being door in the workroom, they immediately make for !.he
strongest at night, to induce the investigators to stay over mosaic. with nothing but the other door and ·the investiga-
the next night. tors to stop them.
40 - last Rites

As the homunculi pass wimin the boundaries of the Damage Bonus: +0.
mosaic, they begin to merge together. The process takes Weapon: Kick 39%. damage I D4.
one comb:lt round. Skills: Climb 40%, Fast Talk 60%. Hide 55%. Jump 35%. Listen
After the homunculi have merged together, they become 35%, Spot Hidden 45%, Sneak 70%, Throw 45%,
me idol and act as one being. Its statistics depend upon how DIANA PEI'PARD, age 30, waywllrd a nd trou bled wo man
many of the creatures managed to make it into the circle.
STR 10 CON \0 SlZ 09 lNT 12 pow 10
See the statistics for the idol for more information. The idol
reformed, it tries to free itself, reaching arter any survivors.
Damage Bonus: +0.
The investigators can fight or flee.
The terror caused by the sight of the statue reforming, Damage: Kick 44%, damage I D4
with its threat to the investigators' safety, costs 21 10 8+1 Skills: Bargain 45%. Fast Talk 50%, Persuade 50%, Rant 70%,
Sanity points to witness. Tell lokes 67%.
DAVE REDONDO, age 29, morose heroin,ad dict
Conclusion STR 14 CON II SIZ [6 [NT 10 POW 10
If me investigators destroy Hedge·s creation by usi ng the
Dumage Bonus: + I D4.
spelL award each 206 Sanity points. If mey have to reson
Skills: Borrow 85%, Fast Talk ]5%, Get Money 40%, Inject
to shotguns and sledge hammers, lower the reward to
95%. Nod OIT 99%, Listen 35%, Scrounge Needle 75%, Spot
104+1 Sanity points. Hidden 28%.
If me idol reconstitutes and the investigators flee, it has
disappeared by the time they return. The contract with
Hagbard Carlyle falls void. since the thing may return at The Homunculi
any time. At the disc retion of the keeper they may Physical Attack: a homunculus attacks by leaping for the
encounter it again in a future scenario. for now it hides in a face or torso of a victim. Roll its Jump, then its Bite, The
dark and desened area, using its psychic influence to stan target may dodge if the homunculus can be seen . Once the
a cult venerating T sathoggua. homunculus successfull y Bites, its subsequent Bite attacks
Lf the investigators took Hagbard Carlyle's offer and automatically hit. the tiny serrated teeth and cruel claws
performed to its terms, the contract is good. But an experi- doing I D2-1 damage every round. Being attacked for the
mental treatment keeps Carlyle alive until he is 97. Minus first time in this way costs ll1D4+1 Sanity points, The
fees, the investigators collect six hundred and three thou- homunculus may be pulled loose from the victim with a
sand dollars on June 1,2010. DIDO result of STR x5 or less, This causes no damage.
All of the homunculi can attack a si ngle target. There is
plenty of room. If there arc several targets, allot an equal

Statistics number of attackers to each.

Since homunculi arc small and fast. penalize physical
attacks at minus 20 percentiles 10 hit. Magical attacks occur
normally. Homuncu li cannot be drowned, strangled. elec-
GIDEON CAST, age IS, straight.a r row en"ironm en tal aeth·ist trocuted, burned, or suffocated. Homuncu li can fall or jump
STR 13 CON I ] SIZ 14 INT t5 POW 14 from up to twenty feet without damage: above that dis-
OEX t5 APP 15 EDU 16 SAN 68 HP 14 tance, charge normal damage against them. A homunculus
Damage Bonus: +104. survives trampling underfoot, though it sq ueals. A
Weapons: FislfPunch 40%. damage 103+ 104 homunculus hurled against a stone wall loses 102 hit
Skills: Art (Guitar) ]5, Bargain 25%, Biology 25%, Chemistry points: if both hit poinls are lost. it shatters and dies,
15%. Computer Use 15%, Dodge 54%. Drive Auto 45%, First
Milld Attack: with mi s al1ack the homunculi pool their
Aid 40%, Hide 35%, Law ]0%, Library Use 25%, Persuade
70%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 55 %, POW and become a group mind. During the attack they
cease all movement and speech.
CLARA KEEBLE. IIge 23, reeo.·ering heroin addict TIle target starts to feel troubled. Failing a POW versus
STR 09 CON 08 SIZ 10 tNT 12 pow 10 POW roll on the Resistance Table. the victim suffers disturb-
DEX II APP 12 EDU 09 SAN 40 HP 9 ing visions and thoughts. and loses 1/1 04+1 Sanity points
Damage Bonus: +0. from nightmares and anxiety, A successful Psychology roll
Wcapon: Kick ]5%. damage 104. detects this internal turmoil. If a non-piayer character, the
Skills: Art (Installations) 25%, Bargain 15%, Conceal 30%. target keeps quiet and perhaps the turmoi l gocs unnoticed by
Dodge ]0%, Fast Talk 20%, First Aid 39%, Hide 48%, Listen the investigators.
55%. Psychology 35%, Sneak 44%, At some point, whenever the keeper feels it dramatically
appropriate or when an important Sanity roll is missed, the
KRISTIAN MYLES, age 13. orphan runaway
new target breaks and acts madly. As with Dave, death from
STR 09 CON IS SIZ 10 INT 16 POW \7
injury or stroke is a possibility. If thi s happens, he or she
DEX 15 APP 14 EOU 09 SAN 73 HPJ]
The House on McKin ley Bou lc\'ard - 41
42 - Last Rites

can be saved by a successrul First Aid o r Medicine roll. Weapon: Bile 30%, damage 102- 1
Hospital allention will be needed ror !DID weeks after- Skills: Climb 45%, Dodge 40%, Hide 55%, Jump 30%, Listen 12%.
wards. Homunc uli attacks can continue as long as targets Snnity Loss: 0/103 for the first creature seen. but individuals
are avai lable. thereafter cost nothing. Viewing fou r or more en masse, the
Sanit y loss is a one-time 1/ 1010 SAN.
1I0M UNCULI, 20 identical scampering miniatu re TSIltllOggUa.o;
I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 The Idol That Hedge Built
ST. 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 De/emzine Ihe top /ine of lhis lhing's sllliislics by totalil/g
CON 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Ihe STR. CON, SIZ. INT. alld POW of IIIe homunculi Ihal go
SIZ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 make il lip. Th e keeper /Ilust calclllate irs hir poillfs alld
INT 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 damage bOllusfrom the resulting statistics.
pow 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Tho ugh the homunc ul i are swift and energe tic, the idol
HP 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 te nds to lumber and move jerkily. something like slOp-ani-
matio n in a Ray Harryha usen film. The expressions on the
9 10 /I 12 /3 14 15 16
thing 's race are c uriosity. ange r, and hunger.
ST. 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 The idol has the same mind attack as exhibited by the
CON 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 combined homunculi. The thing breaks up inlO ho munc uli
SIZ 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 after losing 75 % o f its hit points, round fnl ctions up.
INT 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
II)QL OFTSATUOGGUA . corpu len~ in d ay
pow 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
HP 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02
OEX 10 Move 7 HP
17 18 19 20 ))amllge Bonus: _
ST. 02 02 02 02 Two Claws·, each 50%, d3ln3ge I D6+db
CON 02 02 02 02 Bite· 40%, damage 101 0 plus damage bonus
SIZ 01 01 01 01 • The idol attllcks willi b0111 c/tIWS simllilwl eollsly, 011 lire Slime
INT 01 01 01 01 D£X mnk, lIma)' nOlllse Claw mId Bile ill the Stlllle roll/u/.
pow 01 01 01 01 Armor: 3-point outer layer. Tsathoggua magically aids the idol:
iI is affected o nl y by spells costing three or more Sanity points
HP 02 02 02 02
to cast. Guns and OIhcr impaling weapons do mi nimum damage:
all are DEX 18: all are MOV 10
shotguns minimum damage: blu nt weapons do ordinary domage.
Damage 6 0nus: not applicable to Bite. Skills: Climb 20%. ~odge 20%. Hide 15%. lump 10%. Lislen
Armor: none, bUI quickness and small size lowers by 20 per- 45%, Sneak. 20%.
centiles the chance for a successful attack.
Sanity Cost: 1/1 010 Sanity points to sec, •
The Priestess
Wherein a literary lark concludes in profit alld nigh/mare. Their model was of an earlier book, 71,e Stuffed 011'/, a col-
whell a poet's passions are tierided. lection of hilariously bad British verse. But that volume
This adventure is presented in twO halves, the fi rst deal- mostly skewered contributors who were long dead. and
ing with investigations in and around an unnamed univer- who belonged to the ages for other reasons: Fellowes' and
sity, somewhere in the northeastern United Slates. It could Clute's book arrogantly ridiculed hundreds of living would-
easily be Miskatonic University, or any school the keeper be poets. Publication brought the young women much crit-
desires. Clues lead the investigators to Vermont and !.he icism, but the book sold briskly.
fict ional town of Ellardsville, close to the Canadian border, Guided by the Priestess. Albert Zellweger created a
for the second portion of the adventure. Here, in an isolat- magical gate connecling our lime with hers. A blood sacri-
ed mansion, the investigators encounter an ancient and fice was needed to complete the ritual and to allow
cunning terror. To combat it, they must travel 10 ancient Jerinnana to lransfer her essence to this time. Angered by
Sumeria, and return. Fellowes' and Cl ule's uller dismissal of his poetry 10 holy
Pazzuzu. Zellweger chose the two women as the sacrifices
Keeper's Summary needed 10 bring his mistress alive. His paid thugs kid-
napped the two students. and brought them to his isolated
Four thousand years previously, in the Tigris- Euphrates home in northern VcmlOnl. Tricking her disciple. the High
river valley of the Middle East, a depraved Sumerian cult Priestess of Pazzuzu occupied Ze llweger's body as the
worsh iped Pazzuzu , a particularly sad istic aspect of women werc butchered. and now her unfettered malevo-
Nyarlathotep. High priestess of the cult was a sorceress. lence once again challenges the world. Of Zellweger,
Jerinnana. Through magics invoking thc unholy power of Jcrinnana is the sole tenant.
Pazzuzu, Jennnana extended her life span. In doing so, her
physical body became distorted and warped. After many
crimes and barbaric acts, she was captured and died in a
deep pit.
Before her incarceration, Jerinnana had made a jade
A University Town
necklace of special power. She instructed one of her disci-
ples to bury it with her. Four millennia passed. In the 1930s.

he investigators are contacled by Inspector Seamus
archaeological excavations uncovered the necklace. A Bennings. He is concerned by the disappearances of
young dilettante and antiquities enthusiast named Simon two young women. Joanna Fellowes and Harriet
Zellweger fou nd the necklace, coveted it. and slOle il away. Clute, both English majors at the university. They were last
After his return to New York. he began to suITer over- seen at a campus party. Bennings hopes the investigators
whelming nightmares. In the end, he look his own life. His have special knowledge useful 10 the case. as we will see.
son, Albert, came across the necklace. Through it. His own investigation has just slarted. Without bodies or
lerinnana spoke to him across lime. instructing him in prac- other evidence: of wrong-doing. the pair become Missing
tices that one day would free her. Persons cases after seventy-two hours. Bennings' connec-
Subverted by the Priestess' dreamy but insidious solici- tion with the case will then be even more tenuous.
tations, Albert's sanity deteriorated. He wrote perverse
poetry, inspired by her. One day he noticed a small classi- • Alternatively. the young women can have friends or rel-
fied ad in USA Today, appealing for poetry submissions. atives in the area who are frighlened by their sudden dis-
The editors were Joanna Fellowes and Harriet Clute. appearance. or there might be some other circumstance
Crassly, Fellowes and Clute calculated that by advertis- linking them to the player-characters. Choose a rationale
ing in such a venue they could receive a flood of bad poems involving several of the player-characters.
from all comers of the country. They planned to publish the
• Inspector Bennings may be an old friend of the investi-
fu nniest ones in a volume titled America's Worst Verse.
gators. or may be contacting them via a reference from
44 - Las t,Riles

someone e lse. If one of the investigators is a police Since no crime has yet been shown to have occurred.
detective. then he or she may fill the roll of Bennings. and there is no o ffi cial police presence as yet. this is an
excellent time for the investigators to become involved.
The inspector is an open man, with a fiery tcmper when he
Once Bennings has summarized the situation to the investi-
notices incompetence or laziness among his staff. When
gators, he can be eullcd away on a new case-pcrhaps the
Bennings is sure of a suspect's gui lt , he may bully him,
related disnppcamnces o f Rodney Brevis and Mitchel l
th reaten him, or coerce statements or confcss ions from him.
Gooch-and Icave Fcllowcs and Clute to the investigators.
His actions Illay dismay lhe invcstig'ltOrs. Benn ings is
unlikely to believe in supernatural events. His results are
controvcrsial cvcn among his peers. The Room
Bennings has a key to the young women's room. They
Lived in a chaos of papers. books, scal1ered elothes. and
There is no cvidcncc of wrong-doing in the di sappearance computers. Fast food cartons and diet soda cans arc evcry-
of thc two womcn. Bcnnings has only an advisemcnt of the wherc. As befi ts a pair of English maj ors, the wall s of the
Missi ng Persons casc concerning room nrc lined wilh stacks of paperbacks, mostly English
thelll. Something about the disap- langullge literury works.
pearanccs has cuught his imllgina- Benn ings shows the tublet 10 the investigators. Lacking
tion. He believes th ut the you ng any authority to rcmovc items from the room, he has le fl it
wome n have been killed. He sees a where he fou nd it . The wblet is a inch thick slab of polished
motive fo r their de:tths in the publi- !!ranite about a foot high and six inches wide. TIle carv ings
cation of their controversial book. ~n both sides are fresh and clear. There is a damp oily fee l
He is sure that one of the six hun- about the stone, but touching it neither causes hunn nor
dred and twenty-eight named or requires a Sanity roll . It is a simple matter to make rubbings
anonymous poets in America's of both sides and leave the o riginal. Once made, the ru b-
Worst Verse has taken deadly bings are perfectly dry,
vengeance. But which one? He A succcssful Archaeology or History roll identifies the
hopes the ilwcstigators can supply scri pt , IS cuneiform.
enough of a lead tlmt he can take up the case himself and If takcn to a spccialist. or rece iving a second successfu l
track down the man iac scribbler before some o ther unwit- Archaeology roll, Ihe investigator identifies the language of
(jng critic insults the killer's hapless li nes, and a frcsh lhe scri pt as Su merian, a dead language. By its style. the
murdcr results. writing is third millennium B.C. or latcr in origi n, since the
On the day before they disappeared. Fellowes and Clute letters read Icft lo righl. Why someone wou ld chisel ancient
studied together in the library, with a break for lunch in lhe Sumerian into a fresh slab of granite is not apparent.
cafeteria. At six o ' clock they left the library and ate d inner There are also symbols chiseled into the granite, and a
with two other friends, Kate Paxton and Maynard Opie, in successful Occult roll tells the investigators that they are
a small cafe downtown. The two retu rned to campus, and associ:tted with Sumerian magical curses.
last were seen wearing sheets at a toga party. By the end of
the following day, having missed classes, appointments. TRANSLATION OF THE TABLET
and a part-time job. the women were reported missing. If an invcstigutor reads Sumerian. the words urc quickly
Concerned. campus authorit ies qu ick ly gave Hennings trans lated. If investigator knowledge o f Sumerian is lack-
access to the room the women shared. Within. he noticed an ing. a friendly scholar exists on cnmpus in the person of
incongruous stone tablet about the size of a shoe box. sitting Prof. Philip Ward. He ha ppens to be in his office. reading
on a desk. Odd symbols and writi ngs like chicken tracks tenn papers. Eccentric and cheerful, the sixty year old aca-
were incised in it. Its potential occult connection prompted demic peruses the tablet for a few minutes, then translates.
Bennings to seck out lhe investigators. See Priestess PalJeTS # J nearby.
Ward recognizcs lhe name Pazzuzu as that o f a minor
Priestess Papers # 1 mythological figure, and quotes from an entry in Hux table
Lethbridge, /Jell/oils of S/lm eria and Babylollia. See
Priestess Papers #2. opposite page.
Under Dlle Bed: under one bed are two boxes o f America's
Worst Ver.fe, Investigators can study the book here or take
JERINNANA II ANGERED ON MY BEHAI.F. along copies \0 be cxamined later. All are identical: the
GREAT PAZ%U%U II ANGERED. YOU ARE cover is rcd. with a vaguely amusing drawing of a mentally
TO DIE. YOU ARE TO DIE. OUR CURIE II unbalanced person writi ng doggerel. Fellowcs and Clute are
UPON YOU. listed as editors on the title page; the publisher is ''Twa Goils
Publ ishing:' of the city in which this adventure begi ns.
The Priestess - 45

VI/der the Other Bed: a cardboard box is crammed with

hundreds of complaining leHers from those whose verses PAZZUZU-a foul
were hijacked into America 's lVorst Verse. Some messages demon o f fecund but
are long; all are angry or bitter in tone. It takes one person diseased fertility,
two hours to scan and comprehend all these letters. On top.
Pazzu z u 's screaming
because it accompanied Zellweger's curse-tablet. is a letter
fro m Zellweger, unsigned, at its end bearing a death sym- maw was said to
bol identical to one incised into the granite tablet. See contai n row upo n
Priestess Papers #3. row of needle-sharp
Stuck to the back of the leiter is a piece of clear tape that
teeth, a ll set in d ecay-
came from lhe tablet's wrapping, and also stuck to the tape
ing, bleeding gums .
it is a swatch of the stout gray paper withi n which the tablet
was mailed. The rest of lhe wrapping and tape can be found Hi s breath was so
in a trash basket. See page 46. noisome as to strike Depi(;fion from a Mesopotamian
bronze amutet, c.9th·7th
dead a ll those who centuries B. C.
inhale d it, save for his most faithful followers.
This four-drawer file was shared by the duo. lWo drawers
hold transcripts, letters, papers. and class notes. The bottom With rotting genitalia and distorted , c rippled
drawer is crammed with wool sweaters in plastic bags. limbs, pazzuzu is one of the most bizarre
The third drawer, just above the sweaters, reads "Twa demons found in Sum e ro-Babylonian myth.
Goils." It contains successive drafts of their only publica- Archaeological evidence su ggests tha t he had a
tion, America's Worst Verse. U the invesligators do not
s mall but zealou s cult following.
search the drawer with care, allow Luck rolls to find each
of the foll owing. Priestess Papers #2
• Folders of invoices record orders for the book.
"'t~H tM",," y~HT fH6t)Cilt)~" 1I 11'H.lII.:; AD yDH!- SHch
Thousands of copies have been sold lhis month. The
orders are from every sort o f bookstore across the United PTIIZW IITT~:JiJ "Ct /I"'{ cp/!!),{wu i" yMT ,,6)(itil.l AD
States. Canadian orders are specially strong. yM p~.I.St;,s!- nD J chi",," "Dt. 15y yDH T i"c(H.licII el H,y
'-vcr,," Dt "Tt ill .IHch II pi(Zt-!)((tli te,,,t yM .uTW tD
• Anolher fo lder concerns Dubois Prinling, a local concern. hi;1M)ifllt yDIIT i:J"DrIfl.a. Vt.'trt it ,,,tTdy "" h.SH(t
I! prints and binds the book. Its invoices show that approx- "tl;f),,;t m ( J '-vM(A Pl i/tdilrtA t~ /cT;1ivt '1~H UHt tlit
imately 35,000 copies of America's lVorst Verse have been ",,,UlT is "Dt {kit .Ii'hp(t. "'t~H IiJlvt At/II,.. tA tliL III1",t
printed in lhe last three months, and that lhe print runs are e/",y 111J1;tu III,A !Dr tli" t cri",( ''''I Atilr; yM "'Holt
increasing in size. Payment tenns are lhirty days. but Ait. Sc .IeTTY·
invoices arc paid as if COD. Wilh a successful Spot
Hidden or Idea roll, an investigator notices that the books
were not delivered to a university address, but to Storage
Unit 11 8, at Colonial Rent-a-Space, an address ncar cam-
pus, (U the keeper wants to get the investigators quickly to
the space, have lhe phone ring; it is Dubois Printing. want-
ing to deliver a new shipment of books to lhe storage Priestess Papers #3
• The fi le for Colonial shows that the space is 200 square Once the investigators know about Pazzuzu, an important
feet, large enough to hold much more than an average clue can be found in America's IVorst Verse. The clue is half
print run of America 's Worst Verse. Clipped to th e file is a way through the book, and takcs half an hour to find. It is
spare key lagged as belonging to Colonial Rent-a-Space. near the beginning of chapter six. "0 Bountiful Praise." See
Priestess Papers 114.
• A file for Semblance Associates, a small local ad and PR
agency, discusses a marketi ng plan for lVo rst Verse.
Semblance thinks the book could earn about seven hun-
The original Pazzuzu poem was tossed randomly into a box
dred thousand doUars in the next twelve months.
of correspondence in a closet. Its light gray envelope bears
• In the Minuteman Mercantile Bank file. monthly stale- Zcllweger's return address. written long before his god was
ments show Twa Goils to be doing well. A successful treacherously insulted. If the investigators do not search sys-
Accounting roll made in connection with the Dubois tcmatically, an Idea roll can raise the question of the original.
Printing fil e establishes that Twa Goils presently has (If your players are experienced and likely to find this clue
$103,000 in a savings account, and about $16,000 in quickly, consider planting it elsewhere, so that they fi nd il a
checking. little later, after they have gathered additional clues.)
46 - Last Rites

THE TRASH BASKET da.ted bOlh Fellowes and Clute. though they are just friends
Crumpled within is the gray wrapping paper and padding in now. When he and Kale Paxton had supper with them. they
which the stone tablet was delivered. Thc swatch of gray were happily looking forward to the party a.t Delta-a. He
paper attached to the threatening letter is clearly the same thinks they left the pany with a couple of grunge-heads. He
as this. and a missing patch in the shape of th:ll swatch is didn't see who they were.
apparent. The wrapping paper bears no return address. The
cancellation mark is Bllrlington lIT. a regional postal sort- KATE PAXTON
ing center. Ms. Paxton knows the young men with whom Fellowes and
Clute left the party. though she is reluctant to say so, for
fear of getti ng herself into lrOuble. Recently she. Fellowes,
On Campus Clute. a.nd the two young men been using false [D's to
When told about the disappearances. students and staff are drink underage in a notorious bar known as "Skuzz: ' The
eager to tell investigators all they know about Fellowes and two guys were losers. she says. but with cute bods. She
Clute. Some describe them as snooty, spoiled, and too rich only knows their nicknames, "Moose" and "Ditch."
for their own good. Worst Verse often comes up as an exam-
pic of their arrogant attitudes. SKUZZ
The bar has no name on its signboard. just a white skull with
M1KE SHORTFLE LD bloodshot eyeballs. Although this smo~'Y, dirty place has an
Often found mooching :li the cafeteria. or posing with some evil reputation. it is one of the least lrOubled spots in town.
tome of philosophy outside on a bench. hc stands out Barring a little traffic in marijuana and some underage drink-
because he dresses in smoking jacket and vclvet pan- ing. the police find nothing to worry about it. A guitarist and
taloons. after Oscar Wi lde. If asked about Fcllowes and a drummer. respectively, Moose (Rodney Brevis) and Ditch
Clute, he sniffs and says. in a mock British accent. that he (Mitch Gooch) spent vast amounts of time at Skuzz. dis-
does hope they have been murdered. but only if they died cussing their unlikely future in the music industry.
slowly. Shonfield's "Landla:cked in Love," which he When questioned about the pair. Skuzz regulars say no
describes as one of the greatest love poems ever written. is one has seen them since the night that Fellowes and Clute
among the work in America's Worst Ven·e. The poem is disappeared. With a. successful Fast roll, or by stand-
absolutely dire. ing a round for the dozen people in the bar, a wobbly
denizen gives directions to Moose's squa.lid ho use a few
]\ilA YNARD OPlE blocks distant.
The fullback captain of the football team. Opie is the size
of a. house with the fa.ce of Flash Gordon. In the past, he ha.s THE MANSE OF MOOSE AND DITCH
The front door to the four-room is locked tight. but
Priestess Pa pers #4 recently Moose forgot his key and in a drunken fury kicked
in the back entry to the kitchen. The house can be easily
entered. Inside are a couch and TV in the living room, a
dinette and two chairs in the kitchen, and a mattress and
sleeping bag on the floor in each of the two bedrooms. All
" HajJ a Master" the dishes are in the sink. Letters, bi lls, autographed
CD's, and names sewn in shirts or underwear establish that
Hall 0 Master
All I see from this noor the two friends lived here.
Is stone after s tone With a little effort. the investigators also can establish
Circling spiraling that Joanna Fellowes and Harriet Clute recently have been
Upward here. On a bedside table is a gold chain necklace with a bro-
Upward ken clasp that Kate Paxton will testify belonged to
Upward Fellowes. In a living room ashtray are c igarette butts bear-
Beyond my prison ing traces of a purple lipstick that Paxton can identify as
The Mocking Moon
leers down. belonging to Clute. A matching tube of lipstick can be
I think, my l'1aster, of you found in Harriet Clute's room, 0 11 her dresser.
I'-Iy Master Pazzuzu.
I dream your glorious pustules
Burst upon my skin
Colonial Rent-a-Space
You are without and within Among the lonely rows of tcn-foot-high metal storage units.
I Inhale your sweet breath Unit I 18 is wider, with a large roll-up door, large enough
The taste of blood and of Death. that a van can pull up and unload inside. The roll-up door is
o may the l'1ace of Agade be corrupted, the only way in. The key works smoothly in the lock.
that your rule be restored I
The sp:tce is about ten feet wide by twenty deep. Hcad-
- Anonymous.
high stack s of cardboard boxes loadcd with America's
The Priestess - 47

!Vorst Verse fill most of the space. There is a small desk

with a stack of current orders. a UPS sign, scales, tape, ¥M Art tlu. ,;A~UH vuuts I~r A~t~ :PIIZ-Z"ZM. S
stamps, foml s, and a bauery-powered lamp. Alongside the pritstus. :prtpArI.
desk is packaging of different sons. Vl'l ';~H" '~r ~~H.
The entire space is about ten feet wide and twenty feet
Priestess Papers # 5
deep. An aisle at the lefl wall leis one walk to the back,
apparently empty. If someone walks to the back, he or she no quick way of learning this unless they have kept good
quickJy begins to smell rotting meat. . relations with Bennings. Because of two recem break-ins. a
In the shadowy space at the rear of the books there IS watchman had been posted at Colonial. Parked in his car
only a concrete slab, perhaps five feet deep by ten wide. On the night of the murders, listening to the radio, he heard no
the concrete two bodies sprawl face down, their blue and shots. But he kept a record of every car emering or leaving
swollen hands tied behind them. their temples blown open Colonial. On his list for that night he noted the license for
by a gunshot each at close range. Gore has trickled across Fellowes' new Accord, and the time. Then, less than a
the floor away from the ex it wounds. Seeing and smelling minute later. he wrote down the license of a Taurus with
the two corpscs costs each incxperienced investigator Vermont plates. When they left Colonial. tile two vehicles
IllD6 Sanity. Medical people, pol ice investigators. and drove out together.
those otilers who arc used to the sight of cadavers and the A check of the Vennont license shows that the Taurus
presence of death do not have to participate in this roll. was a rental car, rcturned the next day by Chico Marlo of
Presumably the investigators call the police and do not Ellardsville, VemlOnl.
disturb the bodies. There would be little point to do other-
wise. since Bennings can soon tell tilcm whatever the
police know, while disturbing the bodies will probably cost
them Bennings as an ally. If they do examine the corpses,
they learn that Rodney Brevis and Mitch Gooch have been
Northern Vermont
executed by gunshot, that both had driver's licenses, and
that between them they possessed $37.44 in cash. ithout Bennings. the investigators can learn
On the way back to the door. call for Spot Hidden rolls.
With a success, the investigator notices the tip of a light gray
envelope sticking out from between two boxes. Addressed
to Fellows and Clute at their campus address. it has already
W about Chico Marlo only by Fast Talking mem-
bcrs of the homicide squad or listening to con-
versations at Paddy's. a bar across from Ccntral Police
Station. Perhaps an investigator has an inside connection to
been opened. The message is shon. printed in the same hand the police or to it crime reponer whom the police trust.
as the poem to Pazzuzu, if thc investigators have found the In with Ell ardsville police, Bennings
original. llle envelope is the same as thc onc containi~g ~ e qu izzes Chico Marlo, a devious
poem. There is no return address. Thc cancellation IS
yOllng man who shrinks from
"Burlington VT." See Priestess Papers #5. Bennings' questions as if they were
A successful Idea roll suggests that Fellowcs and Clute
blows. Marlo was half-packed and
brought their friends to thc unit, perhaps to show off the
he had a stolen 9mm Glock on the
stacks of books, or perhaps to lift boxes and hclp out. At table beside his bed. Marlo was
least one :mncd stranger then arrived, and overpowered the spending the morning trying to col·
group. The two young men were executed because they lect money he was owed, so that he
were in thc way. Wh il e the males were being shot, appar- could gct out of town for good, His
ently one of thc young women managed to leave the clue urgent threats for money were
where alen police might notice it. Both were then taken noticed by local police. When they
away, perhaps to northern Vermont. CHICO :'IARI.O learned that he was a suspeCt in a
murder case, they were able 10 pick him up in minutes.
Watching the interrogation through a two-way mirror.
If the investigators did not find the Colonial file in
the invcstigators witness Bennings' less-appealing side.
FeUowes' and Clute's room. Bcnnings soon telephones
After some bullying. tempted by memion of state's evi-
them. saying that Dubois Printing tricd to makc a delivery
dence. Marlo waives a lawyer and bluns out his Story. He
to unit 118. When there was no answer, the drivcr looked
and two acquaintances. Ira Dworkin and Phil Camber, were
inside. He found just what the invcstigators would have:
hired to abduct the women for SIOOO each. The mo quickly
two bodies toward the rear of the storage space. Bcnnings
found their victims but two loser college boys were also
says that Rodney Brevis and Mitch Gooch were shot in the
there. While Marlo kept the car running, Dworkin panicked
head at close range.
and shot the males. Camber and Dworkin drove the women
THE WATC HMAN to Vennont in their own car. since Camber wanted \0 sell it
to mi se more cash. Camber and Dworkin fled to Toronto.
The pol ice will generate new infornlation once they havc
Marlo was packing for New York City.
talked with thc owncr of Colonial. The investigators have
48 - Lllst Rites

Marlo docs not know the address to which they look the
About Jerinnana women, but he remembers a big house in his headlights,
across a bridge. He thinks he could find it again. "Up some
Once a priestess of Pazzuzu. a deity of ancient Sumer, side roads. Less than ten miles from Ellardsvi lle. but I got
Jerinnana was convicted of evil crimes. None dared to lost twice coming back. Camber is the guy who knows.
kill her outright, for he would eam thereby I'azzuzu's Camber made the dea1."
enmity, so she was lowered down a dry well. There Wh ile Toronto police look for Dworkin and Camber. the
she would die naturally of thirst and starvation. or investigators c:m cruise northern Vernlont. looking for what
Pazzuzu wou ld save her. Marlo describes as a small mansion. The state police do not
Well before this, she had constructed an ench3nted recognize the description- perhaps the building is behind a
necklace. Assuming th3t locked gate somewhere. Marlo mumbles again and again that
someone would soon acquire evel),thing looks different in the daylight.
the valuable necklace. she
planned to tempt the future
owner into becoming her
The Zellweger Mansion
agent. and he or she would Marlo's disorientmion eases ncar dusk. At last he spies a
oversee Jcrinnana's return narrow macadam drive so angling into the road that
from death to life. The life jt is nearly inv isible driving south to Ii'-':--''''';;;;,;;;~
she would seize. of course. north. whi le reasonably obvious
would be her agent's. BUI a driving north to south. There is no
disciple betrayed her. and mailbox-Zellweger used a post
hurled the necklace down the wellihat imprisoned her. office box in BurlinglOn. There
She died. and remained dead for 4.000 years. seem to be no electrical or phone
In taking control of Zellweger. her disciple. connections. either. the connections
Jerinnana has inheri ted his memories, but as yet has exist underground, but the utilities
little W:ly to usc them. She knows aboUi driving an h:!ve long been turned off.
automobi le, for instance, but as yel is utterly unable As the keeper wishcs. Bennings
to do it. Her English is good. but hesitant and st iff. or some olher official can radio for
Her manners carriage are oddly feminine. Her additional police assistance at any ALllEKT ZEi:i:WiiGii
gestures arc often grandiose. A successful Psych- time. Bennings can also produce Professor Ward (and hi s
ology roll makes nothing of her. unless shefl1e has very useful facility with Sumerian) if there seems to be
already oc'Cn observed to attempt murder or some some reason to bring him along .
other violent act. Surro unded by towering fores t and shrouded in frcsh-
When the in\'estigators arrive, she senses that they rising mist. when the log and stone mansion becomes visi-
mean no good to Zcllweger. What she docs about that ble, its looming bulk is a formidable sight. The sun having
is up to the keeper. who needs to study her spell s, the set. visibility rapidly dims beneath the trees. There arc no
layout of the house, and the capabilities of the inves- lights to be see n in the large dwelling. The windows are like
tigators. The bridge. for instance. could already have large empty eyes.
been burned down using kerosene from the lanterns. The mansion is separated from a small parking area by
She might wait until all have entered the house. and a picturesque ravine lined with sandstone slabs and ferns. It
then burn the bridge. That way the group could nee is a vertical drop of llbout fifty feet (506 damage) to the
inlo the woods but not be able 10 get help quickly. bottom. An old wooden footbridge leads over the ravine to
She might try 10 pick off isolated individuals. one the mansion on the other side. An inspection with a flash-
by one. That she can tum into a monster for a minule light suggests ti131 the bridge is weak. and might colillpse
or so at a time might allow her 10 claim thai a mon- under (he combined weight of several people.
ster is responsible for all the deaths. and that he/she In the parking lot is a new Chevy pickup. Its doors arc
is entirely innocent and has been living in terror. To unlocked and the keys arc in the ignition. It is registered to
add further confusion. perhaps he/she claims to be a Ze[lweger.
relative, and not Zellweger at all. Marlo is understandably reluctant to go ncar the man-
One could postulate a hidden slairwuy between sion. Bennings. ufraid he will bolt from the scene. decides
two of the noors, but that to givc Jerinnana too to take him along. The group crosses the .bridge one at a
much advantage-keepers are warned against lhat lime, each SW:ly of the bridge disconcerting. The massive
possibility. There are possibilities as well wi th the double doors of the mansion are open. creaking back and
Necklace of Suasion, but using the necklace against forth in :I wind that has sprung up as the air cools.
the investigators demands much morc time than
Jerinnan;1 presently has. INSIDE
Even by day Ihe mansion is a gloomy, shudow-filled place.
The investigators must use whatever illumination they h3ve
The Priestess - 49

THEZELLWEGER MANSION s~ale 1" = 5 yards

wooden bridge

~ =1 ~


Dining Room
rhallWay' Sitting

Smoking Room


r ,
Master Bedroom




Bedroom Room

wat er
do. et
~ portal

Bedroom Library

50 - Las t Rites

at hand. Most of the rooms are self-explanatory and unre- the investigators turn away and vomit. if they need. As the
markable. Let the investigators explore. If you wish. occa- investigators reel from the shock. each mouth stans to
sionally add a squeaking Ooor. or let a branch rn p on a win- move. The ir severed vocal cords hi ss in vain. and spew
dow. to keep the investigators on their toes. forth blood and bile. Witnessing this sum of horror costs
Furnishings date from the first quarter of the 20th cen- each perso n 211 D6+2 Sanity points .
tury. The rooms are di sti nguishable by function. of course. The vision sends Marlo runs screaming from the room.
and yet they have in common a strnnge over-abundance. a He suffers from temporary insanity for as long as the keeper
peculiarity of the Zcllweger fa mily. deems necessary. Send him to the kitchen, and have him pre-
For instance. the dining room's fonna l tablc nearly fill s tend to be his mother. and make some soup or a sandwich.
that room. and there are many mo re chairs for it than can be Jerinnana can find him when appropriate.
filled around it. China and silver cabinets climb to the ceil- Whoever Stays in the room becomes aware that the
ing. and are stuffed full of random utensils and bric-a-brac, undead hcads are trying to communicate. Following this
as strange or as d ull as the keeper wishes. macabre convcrsation costs a funher II I D3+1 Sanity points.
Similarly. the library's shelves are crammed. and a hun- In guuumi tones. the heads say. "Jerinnana High
dred more books overflow onto the Ooor. On every table Priestess of Pazzuzu ... has cheated death ... has bridged
and chair yet more stacks of books teeter. their subjects time .. . has come to conquer... . Death to all her enemies."
utterly unrehlled. almost as if they had been purchased by
by the roomful. There is not one free-standing world globe TH E PORTAL, TH E T EMPL. E OF NA NSE
here but three essentially identical pre-WW2 poli tical In a comer of this room shimmers and shifts an unsupported
spheres. There are no Mythos tomes o n these shel ves. nor sheet of electrical color. like an enigmatic ambassador from
signific am occuh books. the aurora borealis. The dimensions are large. so that a per-
The smoking room contains cases of cigars. bundles of son can easily step into and through it.
pipe tobacco. pyramids of snu ff. and eno ugh wooden A succe ssful Cthulhu Mylhos roll suggests th.llth is is a
malches to ignite a forest. The sitt ing room is nearly di mensiona l Gale. A tube of cardboard or a metal pipe
impassable for the q u ant i~ of over-stuffed chairs. shoved through the light shows nothing. because the shim-
Bedrooms co ntai n not one but two or three beds. of differ- mering field is inside the tube as well as out. A head or
e nt styles and sizes. And so it goes. enti re body thrust through the fi eld survives and returns
from the othcr sidc.
T HE G LOWING ROOM Beyond the fie ld is the inside of a narrow stone well a
On the second noor. the stairs to the left reach the landing dozen feet deep. with smooth sides and bottom. On the
at the entrance to the Glowing Room. Thi s is where Ooor are some human bones and scraps of cloth, as well as
Zcllweger's ritual murders took place. and where Jerinnana an interesling looking jade nec klacc. These are Jerin-
came forward through ti me. A dim light ex udes from it. nana's remai ns.
Wi thin. a softly glowing elli pse of eerie. inex plicable light A broken clay tablet bearing cuneifonn writing can be
eddies in one comer. made out on the noor. The largest fragment, when tmnslated.
A space was ruthlessly cleared for the ritual. Priceless reads. "Sundered by holy Nanse and the might of the Mace
Persian rugs. An NoU\'eau tables. and Edwardian chairs of Agade. 0 sinners beware."
were pushed aside however they would go. Across this If the invcstigators deeidc to explore outside lhe well .
cleared space a wide circle was scratched into the floo r- c limbing out is easy for two o r
boards. and then symbols were carved and scored into the thrce people of modern height.
wood all around the perimeter of the circle. Several They fi nd thcmselves on the floor
kerosene lanterns sit on the Ooor o utside the circle: lit. they of the temple of Nansc. the austere
give good light to the horror within the circle. Sumerian goddess of justice and
At the center of ci rcle are heaped the mutilated remains ethical behavior. in the city of
of Joanna Fellowes and Harriet Clute. The bodies have Nippur. Their appearance out of tile
been cut up and arranged into a mound. Their now slack- haunted pu nishment well does not
mouthed heads surmounting the gri sly. drippi ng pile. Let go unnot iced. Guards in skull-
sh:lped bronze helmets and with
spears tipped with bronzc. and
Weapons in the Mansion functionarie s of the temple in thei r S KULL WARRIOR

A wide choice of handguns and shot guns ex ist in the o rdi nary summer garb quickly surround the investigators.
house , with cases of ammuni tion. There are also The investigators are quite safe so long as they patiently
knives and kerosene in the kitchen. poo l cues and try to comm un icate. If Professor Ward has come along. he
spears in the library. and more cues inside a rolled can make himself understood quickly. as can any investiga-
ru g in the Glowi ng Room. In the base ment wait tors who arc familiar with Sumerian. If the investigators do
sickles. pru ners. scythes. and axes . not know S umerian. they may communicate in Hebrew or
Ambic. since Akkadian. a language contemporary with
Sumerian, is re lated to those tongues. Lacking that. the
The Priestess - 51
52 - Last Rites

investigators must fall back on gestures, drawings, and their

winning personalities.
The point of entering the Gate is two-fold. There is a If the investigators vanquish me evil Jerinn<lna. award each
hint in the Pazzuzu poem as well as on lhe shard in the well participant 108+2 Sanity points. If a particu lar investigator
(part of the temple's legal indictment of Jerinnana) con- has saved or tried to save another's life, award another 102
cerning the Mace of Agade, which with a successful Idea Sanity to him or her each time such aid was rendered. If
roll can be deduced as referring to a magical or mythical Zellweger/Jerinnana manages to escape and the investiga-
weapon. That weapon might exist in ancient Sumer. tors come to realize who he/she must be. the knowledge
Second, unless lhey are Iud.) ' or very enterprising. lhe costs each survivor I D6 Sanity points. Thereafter the
investigators may need to escape from Jerinnana, and lhe knowledge gnaws at the investigators, and they organize
Gate makes an excellent refuge. Returning to her death- occasional searches for her. Each time they read of some
well in Sumer is not somelhing that Jerinnana will choose new out.r.lgeous murder, they know she is out there some-
to do. even though in appearing as Zcllweger she has the where, gathering followers, preparing new oUlrages accord-
perfect disguise. ing to the siniSler wishes of her fetid god.
To the temple priests it has been only a few days since
Jerinnana died and the rats gnawed her bones. If the inves-
tigators arc able to communicate well with them, the priests
and six of their guards may be willing to follow the inves-
tigators back through the Gate to fightlhis new outbreak of
Pazzuzu worship. One of lhe guards can wield the Mace.
Or, if lhe investigators and the temple priests hit it off well,
INSPECTOR SEAMUS HENNINGS, age 40, ma,'nick homicide
they can borrow the mace if they promise to bring it back. d ~lec1i\"(!
The temple priests have no magic to offer. but when spears STR 15 CON 15 SIZ 15 INT 15 POW 12
and bullets fail 10 do damage, they wi ll guess thai cl ubs will DEX 14 APP JO EOU 14 SAN 60 HPI5
work againsl JerinnanafZellweger and tell the guards. The Damage Bonus: + I04.
priests thelllseives are entirely ineffective as combatants; if
Weapons: Fist/Punch 80%, damage 103+ I D4
attacked, they die quickly. Kick 75%, dllm~ge I D6+1 04
Time-travel docs not have to be mentioned; through the .38 Revolver 60%, dmnage 1010
shimmer is just going to another place. Nightstick 70%, damage 106+ I 04
12·Gaugc Shotgun 50%. dam~ge 406120611 06, none carried
Skills: Dooge 55%, Drive Auto 60%, Fast Talk 60%, First Aid
The Mace of Agade 40%, Jump 50%, Law 55%, Library Use 40%, Listen 40%,
A heavy ball of bronze on a stout wooden handle wrapped Psychology 40%. Sneak 50%, Spot Hidden 55%.
with bronze wire and small bull's-head decomtions. The ball PROFESSOR I'IilLIP WARD, age 60, booklsh bumbler
is about three inches in diameter, the handle is a little less STR 10 CON II SIZ 12 [NT 18 POW 16
than two feet long and insens into the ball. Magical symbols OEX 08 APP 10 EDU 21 SAN 80 HP 12
arc incised around the equator of the balJ. A leather strap Damllgc Bonus: +0.
hangs from the base of the handle, making it Iwder!O drop
Wenpons: none.
Ihe weapon.
This enchanted weapon Skills: Archaeology 45%, History 95%. Library Use 95%. Lntin
80%, Greek (Classical) 60%, Sumerinn 75%.
remO\'CS 106 hit points from
the tUfllel. whether the target CHICO "IARLO, age 22, cowardly thug
is hit or missed. If it hits the STR II CON 12 SIZ 12 INT I I POW 10
target, it also does nonnal DEX 13 APP09 EDU 12 SAN 45 HP 12
damage of IO IO+db. Damage Bonus: +0.
Imagine that the man who Weapons: Fist/Punch 60%, damage 103
wields the mace has a dam- Club 55%, dnrnnge 106
age bonus of 104. His swing 9mm Automatic Pistol 45%. damnge 101 0. none carried
and a miss do 106 points of
Skills: Dodge 55%, Listen 60%, Sneak 80%, Spot Hidden 50%.
damage to the target. His
swing and a hit cost the target MAce OF AGADE JERINNANA, ugeless, monstrous priestess in the u"t:Mlmgcd,
dearly, a total I 010+1D4+1D6 hit points. btood·sptRUered body or Albert Zellweger

Finally, the mace blocks one physical auack per round STR II CON 10 SIZ 12 INT 20 POW 25
made by the larget. An enchanted weapon, Ihe mace never DEX 12 APP08 EDU 16 SAN 0 HP I I
takcs damage. Danmge Uonus: +0.
Weapon.~: none. but Ihe enchamedjade necklace adds 30 per-
cemiles 10 her Persuade skill.
The Priestess - 53

Armor: as a dispensation from dh'ine Pazzuzu, a hit from any BREATH OF PAZZUZU
impaling weapon. l-dged weapon. or poison doc..~ no damage, With the expenditure oflhree magic points and three Sanity
Blunt weapons do minimum damage. Spells and magical points. Jerinnana spews forth a visible cloud o f noxious
weapons (including the Mace of Agade) do rolled damage. vapors from her mouth like ajet of steam. It can affect one
Spells: I3rcmh 'of Pau:uzu, Chant of 111Oth, C011laet Pazzuzu, largct at u di stul1cC of up " 0 thirty yards. The viclim loses
Create Gnte. Denecl Harm, Mind Transfer. Ned:lnce of Suasion, 106 hit points from this choking poi son. The cloud dissi-
Send Mmlness. Transformation. Wasling Cur.;e, Wrath of
patc:s immed iately in the open air. but stays .(ctivc in
Pa7J.UZU(sec nearby).
enclosed rooms unti l a window is opened or a draft is oth-
Skills: l3argain 56%. Conceal 26%. Cthulhu Mythos 28%.
erwise created. The stream of noxious gases may be dodged
Dodge 33%. English 60%. Fast Talk (English) 15%. Hide 35%.
Listen 49%. Peniuade 50% (plus necklace). Psychology 55%. in the firs t round. but if the room cannot be ned or the air
Sneak 33%. Sumerian 85%. in it otherwise be made breathable. I D4 hit points arc lost
Special Disability: in compensation for matchless Pa7J.Ulu·s in the second round. and 102 hit points are lost in Ihe third
[imiled proleclion against physical allack. Jerinnana may not and final ro und . In those two rounds. all who are in the
altempl Luck rolls. room lose hil poinls, ID4 and 102. respectively. since the
nox iOlls vapors arc everywhere.
SEI\IIILA NCE OF I'AZZUZU, a mu g i Clll t rUII.~ f(lrll1lLtiun of
,lerilllUlIllI, Iluucl fur ten rounds
STIt 21 CON 20 SIZ 22 INT 20 POW 25
It can increase the caSler's chance to solve a particular
OEX 12 APP 01 EOU 16 SAN N/A HI' 21 inte Ileetual problem. To cast it requires 30 minutes of time
Damage Honus: +206. and 104 SanilY points. For every magic point spent in the
Weapons: Claws 60%. damage 1010+ 1+206. or challt. the ca.'iler adds 2 percentiles 10 his or her chance to
Bile 50%. damage 1020 gain knowledgc. learn 3 spell. translate a passage. deduce
hi /his !onn. JerimUJIIll gets only 0111' mwct IJer round. the meaning of a symbol. etc. If the user's chance is less
Armor: 2 points of bony plated skin. than \0%. the Chant ofThoth cannot help: Ihus for its aid
Spells: though Jerinnana remembeni all her IImgic. none works in 1r.l.lls\;lIing :I passage in Latin. the caster must know at
for her in Ihis fonn, including Pa7.1:uzu's gifl of limited immunity least Latin \0%.
to rhysieul HUlick.
Sk lll.~: Conee:l! 12%. Cthulhu Mythos 28%, Dodge 33%. Hide CONTACT I'AZZUZU
20%. Listen 51%, Peniuade 50% (plus neekhlec), Psychology The spe ll besceches the aHention of Pnzzuzu. For each cast
55%. Sncak 33%, Sumerian 85%. Jerinnana's communication o f Ihe sl>c11. the c:tster must sacrifice one POW and 106
skills arc of no II SC 10 her in this foml. Sanity poi nts. The chance of success for Jcrinnana (as
Sanity Loss: 3/ 108+2 Sanity points. Priestess of Pazzuzu) is her current POW as a percentage.
SIX GUARDS from Ifoly Name's Ttmple ill Nippur Should he deign 10 appear. Pauuw manifcsls only if there
STR CON SIZ POIV DEX arc gr.lVcs or charnel nearby. lf Pazzuzu does manifcst. the
13 14 kecper will have to invent statistics and powers for him.
0", 12 14 II
Two 13 II 12 10 13
Three 12 12 14 10 12
Allo ws the caster to ncgate various physical aH:lcks. The
Four II 13 14 09 II
spell costs I magic point and I Sanity poim. The caster
Five III II 16 II 10 invokes Ihe names of the Ouler Gods. then slretches out a
Six II 12 IS 10 09 hand toward an attacker. Until drop ping the hand. Ihe caster
Dalllllgc Hanus: + 104. may de neel successive attacks by expending magic poi nts
Wellponli: FistlPuneh 60%, damage equal 10 the rolled damage for each allack. If an attack
Shon Sword 70%. damage 108+ I would have missed. no magic points arc expended. Upon
Two-Handed Spc:lr 65%. damage 1010+2 dropping the hand. the spell ends.
Large Shield 60%. docs I D6 blum weapon d3ln~ ge and has 12 llle spell may be cast again. The castcr mny den ect any
armor points num ber of all:lcks umil out of magic points. He or she may
Armor: I point of IC<lthcr; on a POW x I roll. an allaek Ihal hits choose which ;Il1ads 10 deflect and from which aHacks 10
a skull guard strikes his bronze helmet (2 points of annor). lake damage. but must choose before knowing what Ihe
Skills: Climb 44%. Concea130%. Dodge 50%. Jump 35%. Kie k damage will be. Lacking the magic points to stop a partic-
25%. Listen 55%, Sneak 45%, Throw 35%. ul:tr allaek. the SI>c1l ends. and the blow or missi le hits or
misses as il would in ordinary circumstances.
Jerinnana's Spells MIND TRANSFER
For Ihe spell C reale Gate, sec any edition of the Call of Allows Ihe castcr 10 tr.lde minds pem13nently with the lur-
CrIll/ifill rules. The fonn for edition 5.5 and later is the most get. perhaps to ;lIIain longer life at the target's expense. The
complctc. spell requires 10 magic points 10 cast. and also takes a suc-
cessful magic points malch on the ResiSlance Table. With
54 - Last Rites

success. the caster loses 1010 Sanity points. and the victim TRANSFORMATION
loses 1020 Sanity points. Enables Jcrinnana to tffinsfonn into a Semblance of her
If the exchange fails. the castcr must immediately cast hideous god. Paz7.Uzu. The skin blackens and the limbs
the spell again (lose 10 more magic points) or his or her twist. the body swelling to four times its original size. The
soul dissipates into eternity. Running out of magic points head slips open. flowing into :1 slack maw full of needle-
has the same result. Once the transfer is begun. it cannot be sharp teeth. The lrnnsfonnation to Pazzuzu is unstable. last-
broken oIT. ing for ten rounds. Then her shape snaps back to her human
form without magical assistance. The lrnnsformation to
NECKLACE Of SUAS ION Semblance costs six magic points. and another six to trans-
Failing a Resistance Table roll of POW against POW. the fonn back. {See page 53 for Semblance statistics.}
soul of the necklace's maker becomes an irresistible obses-
sion to the current owner of the necklace. The target finds WASTING CURSE
himself or herself devoting every effort to becoming more The ritual involves a week of concoction and evil medita·
intimate with the caster. Communication is entirely mental tion. It causes the target to become disoriented and to age
and cmotionnl; images can be grasped. but words and tcn years in the space of a few monlhs. Cost of the spell is
abslrnci ideas cannol be transferred. lhree POW and 208 Sanity points. and also involves a ges-
The necklace also aids more narrowly. by convinci ng 3 !Ure dangero us to the caster: simulate lhis with a POW x4
larget that a p01nicuiar belief or course of action is neces- roll. If the caster fails the roll , the speJl is turned against
sary and vital. him or her.
The stones to foml a necklace are arranged. drilled. cut. Death follows a year and a day thereafter. unless the vic-
and polished as the caster desires. Thc caster keeps the stones tim can fi g ht off the magic by a Dl 00 roll equal to or less
close to his or her body for a wL-ck. and lhen must pcrfonn a than CON x2. Even in that case remove 102 each from
series of obscene and blasphemous rites alone. STR. CON. INT. DEX. and APP. and adjust hit points and
When the stones are strung. a blood s..1cri fi ce is made m'er Dodge roll. The effect upon Sanity is also profound: lower
the necklace. The caster mUSt sacrifice one POW. a varying the target 's maximum Sanity by one point for each point of
number of magic points. and I D6 Sanity points. Each ten characteristic ebbing from the victim. The keeper must
magic points sacrificed increases the caster's chance for suc- apponion all consequences of this spell over lime.
cess wilh his or her Persuade skill by ten percentiles.
Despite the aid of the Necklace of Suasion. a roll of 00 WRATH Of I)AZZUZ U
means a failure wilh thc Persuade skill. Sends a powerful bolt of energy from Jerinnana's out-
stretched hands and arms to a target of up to one hundred
SEND MA DNESS yards distant. Each casting takes lhn..-c rounds. and costs
Assaults the mind of a sleeping target with nightmarish three magic points and two Sanity points. The effcct is as a
images. The tone or implication of the nightmare can be bolt of lightning. but not so powerfu l: each bolt docs damage
chosen by the caster. Each cast costs three magic points and of I D6 hit points. accomp.1nied by a dccisive sonic crack.
one Sanity point. The target is allowed a Resistance Table The casting is not instantaneous. and thc lightning bolt
roll. POW against POW. If the target fails to resist. he or itself is narrower thnn a bullet, so the Dodge skill may be
she loses I D4 Sanity poi nts. If the target resists. he or she used to defend agai nst this spell. •
loses no Sanity and has no nightmare. To cast lhe spell and
let it evolve into a tcrrifying nightmare takes about an hour.
La st Rites Papers # 1
description seen. pg. handts. pg.
Last Rites Papers #1 7 55
Last Rites Papers #2 11 56
Last Riles Papers #3 11 56
Last Rites Papers #4 12 57 H C Ilf~' Ennis, Humanit.'lri an, Dies lit 58 A.II O
Last Riles Papers #5 14 57
Lethal Papers #1 19 58 LCi,ding humanitarian and acadcmie Dr. Hcnry Four
Lethal Papers #2 20 58 Ennis, 58, dicd ycs tcrday in RUllI'iIle , why
Lethal Papers #3 21 57 MassilchusCl1S, after a Icngthy ilIncss. Hc is sur- lo\'c
vivcd by a daughter, Lucinda. His wife, KiCQle, is it'
McKinley Papers #1 31 59
passcd <1\\'11)' in 1980. the I'
McKinley Papers #2 37 60
Hurn'illc lW5 becn home to the Ennises since T
Priestess Papers #1 44 60 the sel'cnteclllh cClllury, whcn the staunchl y and t
Priestess Papers #2 45 60 Cat holic family ncd England and Cromwell for "I all
Priestess Papers #3 45 60 fh c NCII" World . Dr. Ennis had ret ired 10 ques'
Priestess Papers #4 46 55 HlHII"iIle earlier in this dectlde, after sevcral what
Priestess Papers #5 47 55 de bi1ifiuing hcart al1acks. out (
Priestess Pape rs #4 lie \\"11 5 for mallY years deeply involvcd i n For >
hUlUanitarian relief, organizing aid programs for Why
Cfwpttf Sit O'lJountijufPraise starving natiolls in Africa, and comributillg G
grCil! comfort to Bosnian Muslim ref\lgecs. He so II' ,
published more than a dozen books all thc phi- The
"Hail 0 Master"
losophy of ethics , and twice delive red the is th,
Hail 0 Master Clerkenwell Lectures on EthicS, at Oxford. Tiltlr
All [ see from this floor Since his doctorate from Hllr"l'ard, hc hns almo
Is stone after stone travcled widcly, stud yi ng and teaching :LI insti- with
Circling spiraling
tutions as diverse as Princcton , Oxford, New lillie
Up\... ard Del hi , and the Sorbonne. alld :
Upward Dr. Ennis was the only 5011 of thcologi:Ul stop
Beyond my prison Justin Ennis (1915-1977). what
The Mocking Moon
leers dow n.
I thi n k, my Master, of you
My Master Pazzuzu. Prie stess Pape rs # 5
I d ream your glorious pustules
Burst upon my skin
You are without and within
J inhale your sweet breath
't bJf Art. tAt. cf'tbJen vt.JJe(J tbr f'tb('t
The taste of blood and of Death . :PftZZUZJfJ prit.Jtt.JJ. :prt.pArt..
o may the Mace of Agade be corrupted,
that your rule be restored!
v,.?t. Cbhtt. tbr 'tbH.
- Anonymous.
56 - Last Rites

Last Rites Papers #2

The Abduction qd Hurder of 11188 Sophia Enni8

Last Rites Papers #3

The Death of MrII. 111001. Enni8. nee BIIrt1ll1on

_ i n the

of death 11&8

1------ -
58 - Last Rites

Lethal Papers #1 Lethal Papers #2

The Tapes: A Description Kalms the Savage Beast

At about 5:45 p.m., a
cf/f g'eo/,Ie g'')«}fle
tall, thin man about Bellli O'Rourke tril~'els (0 "';::::;;r;;;;iii;:::;~

forty years old enters th e wilds of Mfl SSIlc/IlISCtiS

the exhibit room, looks llJld mlks to rough 'n ' rCiuly
about, then leaves. He novelisl lind socil!l COI1l-
wears a raincoat and a m Ctlmror Rimdy Kn/m s.
balaclava. He returns Li\'ing in thc expansivc
ten minutes later,
man sion built 10 his !ipeci-
reaches up , and neatly
fi eation s wh en he fled from
sprays the lens of the
visible camera with Hollywood si....: years ago,
black spray pa.1nt without showing his face. Rand y Kalm s is a man at
He then puts down the spray can and pcaee with him self. And about time, tOo. He's had
makes some curious signs with his hands . a rough life. Born on New York 's Lower East Side,
His lips move as well, but of course no the sixth child of a dipsomaniac father and over-
sound is recorded. worked moth er, Randy escaped via the ~Ia,.illes in
Then the intruder sits on a bench and 1964 and soon di sti nguished himself as a mllrk!i-
opens a magazine from his pocket. A close
man. In 1965 he was posted LO Vietnam and hi s life
examination deciphers the smeary title:
irrcvocabl y changed.
Black Goat QUarterly. A large pentangle
decorates the front cover of the thin little " For the first time since I joined up," he says, " I
magazine. sta rted doubting our role as th e cops of the world ,
At 6:10 p.m., a guard arrives, looks about scarted wondering if tllC Communist menace was as
indifferently, and utterly ignores the sitting real as we were being told ."
man who is reading. The guard turns out Following Vi etnam Kalms returned to the States
the lights, but the man on the bench makes and spcnt several months in a government hospital.
a gesture , and the guard turns on the lights
After hi s release he became a major player in the
again. The man continues to read. The
peace movement. His first novel, Long /-lair, was
guard locks the door and departs. The man
published in 1975, to critieal acclaim. After several
on the bench reads some more.
At 7:05 p.m., just after the guard has yea rs writing, Kuhns moved to I [ollywood to write
looked in aga.1n and passed on, the man on screenplays in 1980. Hollywood was not kind to
the bench rises and walks briskly to the Kalms. He beca me an alcohol ic and was married
mummy. He takes out a bag from under his twice while in that city. Ln the end he moved to
raincoat and lays it aside. Again he makes Massachusetts ro lakc up a quieter life.
brisk, convoluted gestures. A moment later Today Handy is quite happy to li vc out here with
all the screws pop out of the glass lid. He
his third wife Mary, a onc-time nurse from nearby
carefully slides the heavy glass off the sar·
Arkham. "This time, I can tell , she's the one for me.
cophagus, then slips the open bag under
[ know I've said that before, but, hell. [ was in
and around the mummy. Carefully, he car-
ries away the bundle. He turns off the Hollywood . YOll breathe the air out there, you're
lights, then opens the door from the inside going to lie. Hura! l\-!assachusetts is hard, honest
and closes it behind him carefully, and dis- country. You ca n't help but tcll the truth. And I
appears from the tapes. know, I'm gonna be with l\ lary until I die. "
Handouts - 59

McKinley Papers #1

~~o~ wIre 1insinn ~lnhc

Missing Gentleman Family Vacates Haunted House
Number 17 ~IcKinley Boulevard, known 10 long-time res-
Auth orities tHe concerned as to the wherea bouts of res- idents as sometilillg of a '-haullted house," has livcd up 10
ident Cedric !-Iedge, Esq. , of 17 McKinley Boulevard of its repU1l1lion for the Hagbanl Carlyles. An office worke r
this city. They re{lllest all infonmltion about his cur- fl1 White Slar Lines, Mr. Carlyle and his bride Gillian
rent locmion thM citizens may be able to bring fo rth . movcd into the house Icss dUlIl sb.: montils IIgo. Thc cou-
tVte r servants reported that he had [Jot been seen for ple reported that Ihey were assailed with nighunares of II
some days, police officers searched his homc a nd disturbing lIature. A lisi! from a local minister, dlOugh
grounds yesterday. No sign of Mr. Hedge was to be much apprcciated, did nothi ng 10 alle\~ate Uleir distress.
found. In his customarily locked library, a fully prepared Unllatural noises and voices were also heard. The
meal had been left ullIouched on a table. The house- Curiyles huve suecessfullv sold Ihe housc to the
keeper reported that the food had been prepared II wee k Heinimrdl Mongage Tmsl l3;mk for an uildiselosed S UIII.
before. No sign of struggle or distlirhance was uppurelH.
An EnglishnlHn by birth, ~ Ir. He{lge was a n accouTl- -Septcmber 16, 1936
tant and colonial administrative officer in India, South
Africa, and H.llOdesia. Citing Boston's culture and civic
high-mindedness, Mr. 1·ledge set tied here some years
ago and had built fo r himself a substantial home filled
wit.h trophies and marvels from his tfUI'elS.
Mother Slays Famj]y
-December 17, 1900
Six Die from Gunshot Wounds
LMe laSt night pol icc di ~co\'cred sb: dead by gunfirc at
17 McKilllcy Blvd. The mothe r of the falllilv , Frederica
Evil Spirits Haunt Family Hodrigllcz. ·was arrested OIl suspicion of dlc slayings,
tlnd is in city jail this Illoming.
Police stnted [hat this was the \\"ors t multiple killing
An unwholesome presence and ghostly manifestations
to occur in this city in this centur),.
were the unli kely reasons given for the speedy depar-
:-l"umbered among the dead arc tile four Hodnguez
tu re of Smlluel Hankin and family from thei r home at
, 7 McKinley Boulevard. The Hankins moved ill at the family children, Paolo, Hesperita, Hosita, and Guillemlo.
The bodies of the husband, Alpho nso Rodriguez, and the
add ress three months ago and affirm hal'ing suffered
family housekeeper, Nancy Murphy, were also found
nightma res und hallucinat ions sillce thell. RIlllkin has
now purchased a new auode, ulso in Bos ton, and we
Police officers were called 10 17 ,\IcKinle,· Bouleyurd
wish the fa mily well.
late last night after a neighbor r('poned m;lltiple gUIl-
- August 1-1, 1916
shots from witilill. Lawmen disco\·er('d Mrs. Frederica
Hodriguez brandishing her husband's hunting rifle and
raming in whtll one officer described as a '"'disturbed and
hysterical manne r. n When challenged by the officers,
Verdict Concerning Widower's Tragic Death she opened fire wildly, fomlllatcly missing he r targets.
Once ller gun was empty, she WIIS quickly subdued.
This morning brought the coroner's verdict in the More details lITe promised in a news conference to
dcath of Arthur "Art " Ramaeo\'ic, of 17 ~IcKinley occur Ihis morning.
I3lvd. , the jury finding that ~ I r. Hamacol'ic died by his -Nol"cmbcr 1, /9-10
own hand .
Acco rdi ng to the JUI)" Mr. Rtl nwcQl'ie Iwnged him-
self usi ng a ligature fas hioned from his wife 's stockings.
E\'ide nce was illso present 10 suggest that Mr.
Ralllaco\'ic had tried to open his wrists with a ra zor-
Haullted House Troubles Bank
blade, fo r his upper anns we re cOl'ere(1 in deep cuts, as The ]{einl lHTth Balik IHI~ 11 sillgular problem. Dlie of irs
was his bare chest. propertics, 17 .'leKinley Boulevard, is re]lulC'd 10 be pos-
It was reported that he had been despondent fol - scssed by eyil spirits. ]{ealtors are unable to find 11
lowing the death before Christm as of Ilis IMe wife. retHer or a buyer. Speaking infonnaily, a eompall)'
~ Ir. HallHlcovie is survived by one SOil, in .lersey spokesman suggested lowering the price of the propeny
City, New Jersey. ill IIll 1111empt to "coax Il buyer Ollt of the woodwork. "
- Februmy 12, 19-10 - .\I:!rch 11, 19-1/
60 - Last Rites

McKinley Papers #2 Priestess Papers #1

Excerpts from The Secrets of N ' Ko; TRANSLATION OF THE STONE TABLET
B£plr",Lrr 1 7. 169~:"II"d Ik. k"use is c"..,pl.,•. L"il! tnl,ro/~ 10 '''Y
v•." ...-w:1 roq" i,.....,e.. I•. 8 .."'u;~ "" Ih~ "'0""'" a~J will ,..,.""'~
"'Y Ji"I""1"" "",k Ik. gre,,1 grx:J W'wo .. a. I~ h",~J .,," JiP. 4.1"",,


O'L,v.",k r ~. 1693: '''Y I. ..,pl. U co 1.o1~ P~YJi"olly (8 i.. wi.
~J Ih.l...d .,"", ,.. Ia I~~ 'HDuoic ftrx:, It. ,,/I.moa..) anJ .p'ri'"ally.
(§ .p;if.J ,I. 11-1,{, .,~. J,,~. ,I. fl-•. § 1..,.. a J;J .,' ARE TO DIE. YOU ARE TO DIE.
....,£. loa ..,..c~ ~aiJ' wi,h II. pileo... ...h'ni..g) 8 can ,~ ..... I~al "'y OUR CUME IS UPON YOU•
on. . ,., uj><d' Ihing.> 0/"'•.
Priestess Papers #2
L/1wg..,.1 10. JB98: aowlhor"","., c""..J l,jay . 8 ca .... c.... leJ "'Y
I.",pl•. ""I "",h Ih. Mood 01" ",.,.., L,a.' L.. , "",h Ik • ..moee 01" PAZZUZU-a foul
chi/J. "'Y ... ~, po_r•. i",porleJ 1o ",e Ly Ji.. grcal moo£. dem on of fecund but
8 ",h~roJ O"e o/,h. m".. y ,lre~1 "..,.h,.., "W<ly lrom ~i.I.;~ ..J•. diseased fertili ty,
£;111. Lligll~' 4;1 "'y fi"9< r "'~". 8 wa.o 1"""9 1o .lop h,,,, /""'" Pazzu zu's screaming
,crco ...i ..g OMI. L/1lw. ,.,.,...J a ~ .~'rl wilL r/.. 'P""'''9. L. ernu.' maw was said to
",oro <a ..I,,1 ,,~.d Ii",• .
contain row upon
Th e e nlrlel for the following yea n fe alu ..! mare blood· le l- row of needle-sharp
ling (mou ly cals ond d"g $ with humon s Clcri!ices being
ve ry rClr e ClHurre nc es) Clnd discussion s with hlm$ell Cln tee th, all set in decay-
us eful oppllcotlan. far hh n e wly Clcquire d po wers. AI.o
me nllon e d are his es ot e tic writing s and his ClnnClyonce ing, bleeding gums.
thai nobody 1$ willin g tCl publish th e m. His breath was so
Depiciion from 8 Mesopotamian
O'na ...h. /900: ,oJ<JY 8.",,,,,,1.:d "pm. "'Y ~al.. 'I(u£ la Jolt. noisome as to strike
bronze amulet. c.9th-7th
§, ca .... 1o ,n. ",~il. cSf ....... in Ih.loc<J/.'a..., p"...,h<JJi"g .o",~ ,,~'" dead all those w ho centuries B.G.

.1.0.. (,,,y pair> a.... all L", ""'.... a ....,y ""Ik all,h,. /"a"'P'''9 "p a..d inhaled it, save for his m ost faithful followers.
.L.oon .Iai,. a"d ,,,,....,,,g Ih~ "...,~II i., "a",k a/."i/"Lle !Kl~rificu)' W ith ro lting genitalia and distorted , crippled
(}'n~ tR.c.,J 10 aJa",...c..,.? L/1 Lag 0/ cl,,~! fl. ..1 Ii.. K'a~ il u".. limbs, Pazzuzu is one of the m ost bizarre
I~;ng Ih~ .. agoi ... 'I~ <au"l.r "II 'owing a .. J Llool.J. u.•lI. ca ,,/J Ja dem ons found in Sumera-Babylonian myth.
"lI/e.I.ealhe, Ih" .. 10 >y",,'nd "'< 0/ '"Y glorW'" 0'11.... ,... fA .. JJO. Archaeological evidence suggests that he had a
C! ha,'. d.cid.d 10 ••"Ipi a...Ifi<n 01 '''~ .J1.,rd. I~. gad. 8 ",ay small b ut zealous cutt foHowing.
"•• d ...oro IL" Lag olc/ay. ~";I. Qj.",. c!J ~d.
0 .. .

L/1p ri/. '900: "'Y .10.1". i. al...a,' <o",pld•. cSf h"v~ "'a"'./o'" "OK". Priestess Papers #3
a/.... 8 L.IV' d~";•• d 0 ",o~ fo r "'~ "''',''''1>;«' fo L«o",. "'or< !I,a ..
jt.>!" ~m''''J< 10 "'¥ (}'nod ••. Qi.i ..g i"canlalioo.. l,an<.J I,.",,, ,h. 'tM tHink 'IMr p H(,{iel1tigH ItlhH.lilftf Ag yMf-
g.. ,,1 moo£. iI ""lIwal( il u.;lIlal( ;1 ",;I!I,~~! .~"";~g "'Y ....d•. S Heh ~rl1 :ZtH I1 rrg:Jltnu: m.,A ebu/iAmet in 'Ig Hr
<J .. J Ihro"gh ..... Ih .....d. DI ..,y (}'n... ,.... DI.D. 11 ~j{itks Ag 'Ibn p J1,b J MiHk ngt. 15'1 'IbM
h ,dll.lig" gl H' 'I wgrk gl lt rt i" .IHeH 11 ~j{-jt-liUlA
G'I1a¥. /900: ...,.pl.,,)... 1 i.. o",ph,Lia..,.lolJ. a..d L.""lno". ,.. ,II tbll,t 'Igli .ItrVl tg hi-jMi-jht 'IM r i-jHgrl1net. Vl't Tt
Lloal.d .y.... "'¥ .Ial .... L/1..d lon~hl 8 p..r/on" Ih. hard"l ';1",,1 it Ilterd'l 11 1' iU.lut t 11' mt J Wg ut A ~l hu t/mA
¥~Ia/ "'y app .... fi<~.h,p. g I~u ...d 81,a •• " ya"ng P,."dil"l. tb IgT:Jivt '1M ~ ,It tlu 1I,I1tur i.l I/gt thlf.t .Iimptt .
"",.".d GJ,,"/.,,~ Ii.d 1o '"y .i,,( ""co"",io".I..."" op;"",. 8 ,hi~£ ¥M hl1 Vl Atllt/h eA tlu nlf.lltl g/ 'h'l 111ltsttT I1 nA
8",,11 ",.aT "0 c/ol~ .. lo"'ghl.lor 8 j.Q' '''¥ £,,;j. Llo.... wil! L. "I I gr t Hl1 t uilllt "''1 At lt r.l 'IgU II,U .lt Ail. S g Sbrr'l'
Ihei, ",o01 violtnl duo10 n.~ 1.""ro1 a.. licipalion . m.., ""I 10 dai ..
•laph ... !J3100d ea",•• alf ,he .kin ~a.>.1¥ ""Ik" ~ J...,~. C9h. 8
ca .. .." .... conl"i.. "'¥ ex<;,.", . .. 1. .lU:h d.licio ... pre .."Ii ...."I. 8 )a
Handouts - 57

Last Rites Papers #4 Lethal Papers #3

ut not, reader, for

Dl tber. do .xist prot.ctions
against tbose dread and
unwanted visitations. Che
most .ff.ctiv. tbat is known to tl><
autOOr is a powder. Us.d by tb•
• • Hncients. this has its provenance. so it
is beli.v.d, in Rnci'"t egypt. Known
by some as tb. Rsbes of Karnak, by
u· otbers as tb. Dust of Sul,iman, and by
otbers yet as tb. protection of tb.
fiyksos, tb, ingredients for tb. mixture
are, save for one. readily available.
,• ," for tbm doses, mix tog<tber .qual
parts of olibanum, sulfur, and salt-
peter. €qual in w.igbt to tbes. tbr«
combin.d must b. tb. ground dust of
an egyptian King or nobl. woo bas
lain in its mummifi.d stat. for at least
tbr« mill.nnia. fiow tbis last compo-
nent is acquired tests the initiative and
resource of tb. individual.

Last Rites Papers #5

From: enon.12 4 (Ano nymous Remailer)

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1991 18 :44 :58 - 0700 (PDT)
Hessage-Id: <199'0808014 4 .SAAI0077ianon>
Subject: <none>

Lu . '.

So glad to hear t hat you've kept up your studies. Over joyed to hear
you've fully embraced the worship ond unquestionably unfathomable
inclinations of our right ful Masters. Splendid news that you, too,
have the Gift. I knew it, that first day when I saw you on campus. You
glow, my beauty, from within and without.

I think your pIon would make a valuable experiment, though there is no

need to resort to you-know- what with you - know-who. He's got a dicky
ticker, so you say. Just keep on annoyi ng him. He 'll soon go. Anyway ,
however you do it, the mixture you requested should follow by the post
any day. The ingredients, I'm afraid, are secret, even to me. The
potion was given to me by a gentleman whose identity it is not for you
to know (at least not yet) and he assures me that it will have the
desired effect. Please take the utmost care not to fall into the
clutches of the law. Incarceration would sap your willful spirit, and
that would never do.

Your s, as ever,

Jason .
Characters - GHI}- . QR· Flaherty House ..... 11 - 12
Gooch. Mitch ...... 44-47 Redond o. Dave .... 35. 38-40 Graveyard .. .... ...... 8
· AD • Goodson, Dwight .. 6.8, 14 Rook. Edward ... .. 6-7. 8. 15 Sumeria ... ......... 50-52
Bennings, Seamus Goodson. Ethel. .6. 8. 14 A University Town .... 43-47
....... 43-44,47,52 Goodson. Rudy ..... 6,8. 15 - 51'- Colonial Rent-a-Space
Bread, Joseph .. 17-19.21,27 Hedge. Cedrie Shortficld. Mike ..... 46 ....... ... . 46-47
Brevis, Rodney .... 44, 46--47 ... 29. 30. 31. 32, 37 Skull Warrior ... ... 50, 52-53 Fellowes & Clute ... 44-46
Ho lmes, Andrew ..... . 29-30 Smith. Katarina .. 6.7. 12, 16 Moose & Ditch ... .... . 46
• CD· Jerinnana ..... 43,48,52-53 Springer, Bernadette Skull ... . ..... 46
Carlyle, Hagbard . . 29-30, 40 ... 6. 7,1 2, 15
Casl, Gideon ...... 35, 37-40 - KLM- Talbott. Maurice .. 6. 7.11. 15
Clute, Harrict Kalms. Belinda .. .. 22. 24. 28 Spells, etc.
... 43-44, 46--47, 50 Kalms. Luke ...... 22, 24, 28 - WZ- Breath of Pazzuzu ....... 53
Cooper. Gladys ......... 20 Kalms. Mary Ward. Philip ... 44. 48. 50. 52 Chant of ThOlh . . . ... 53
Ditch ...... 17,21 -22, 27-28 Wilton. J o~h .. 19,21 Contact Pazzuzu ......... 53
See Gooch , Mitch Kalms. Rand y Zcllwcgcr. Albert Dcncct Haml . . . . .. 53
Drebber, Douglas .. 17-2 1 ....... 17, 20, 2 1- 22, 27 ... 43. 48, 50, 52-53 Mace of Agade .......... 52
Drum. Barney . .6. 8. 14 Kalms. Scott .... .. 22-24. 28 Mind Transfer ....... 53-54
Drum, Lois . ........ 6, 8, 14 Keeble, C lara .. 32. 35, 38-40 Locations Necklace of Suasion ...... 54
Marlo. Chico .. 47-48.50.52 Arkham .. ... 17- 2& Psychic Power ... 15
• EF · Moose Removal of Favor ... 38
Ennis, Henry . . .. 5,8, 14, 16 Drebber's Building ... 19-21
See Brevis, RodlJ(:Y Kalms Residence . .. . 22-27 Send Madness ... 54
Ennis, Lucinda Myles. Kristian Miskmonic University 17-19 Sphcre of Solid Ai r ... 27
....... 5-6.8. 11 - 12. 16 .......... 29, 35. 38-40 Swelling Torment . ... .... 27
Ennis. Nicole ... 5, II. 56 Third Eye Books . 19
Boston ............. 29--42 Trance .............. 27
Ennis, Sophia ... 5. 11-12.56 ·NOP·
17 McKinley ... 32-40 Transformation. . . 54
Ettringer. Alan ... 6. 7. 12. 15 O'Hearne, Sheldon ..... 6, 14 Wasting Cursc ........ .. 54
Ettringer. Toby .. .... 6. 8. 15 Opie. Maynard ..... .. 44. 46 Ellardsville . . . . . . .. .47- 52
Zellweger Mansion .. 48-52 Wrath of Pazzuzu ........ 54
Fellowes, Joanna Passos, Juliet ........ 14, 16
.. 43--44.46--47.50 Paxton. Kate ...... . . . 44. 46 Runville ....... 5- 16
Flaherty, David .. 7, 11 - 12, 15 Peppard, Diana .... 35. 38-40 Ennis House ...8-9.12. 14

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