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There was / there were – vardı

There was a girl in the classroom. She was beautiful.

There were girls on the street. They were very ugly.

Comperative & Superlative

Comperative = 2 nesne veya kişiyi karşılaştırmak veya kıyaslamak amacı ile kurduğumuz cümleler.

O benden daha uzundur. -er takısı düzenli sıfatlar= smaller,taller,bigger

She is taller than me. 7 harften fazla sıfatlar = more

He is Stronger than me
It is Bigger than that
This car is Nicer than That car
English is Easier than Turkish
She is more beautiful than Her sister
The book is more interesting than The red book
I am Good - better than My sister
You are Bad worse than Your brother
good Better than The best
bad Worse than The worst
Nominativ Comperative Superlative
Many/much More Most
Çok Daha çok En çok
My dad has much money Ali’s dad has much more Money Jack’s dad has the much most
than Veli’s dad. money in the Office.

How many pencils have you got?


How much Money do you have?


Superlative= Tek bir nesne veya kişinin özel bir durumda “en” olduğunu söylerken kullanırız.

Lina sınıftaki en güzel kız.

Lina is the most beautiful girl in the classroom.

-est takısı düzenli sıfatlar= smallest, tallest

7 harften fazla sıfatlar = most (the most beautiful)

“the” tüm superlative sıfatların başına gelmek zorundadır.

He is the strongest boy in our school.

It is the biggest animal in the world.
This car is the nicest on the street
English is the easiest language among others
She is the most beautiful student in the school.
The book is the most interesting in the library.
I am the best
You are the worst

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