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David Eldridge


Bloomsbury Methuen Drama

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Bloomsbury Methuen Drama
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First published 2017
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Beginning was first produced in the Dorfman Theatre at the
National Theatre, London, on 12th October 2017. The
production transferred to the Ambassadors Theatre in
London's West End on 15 January 2018
Laura Justine Mitchell
Danny Sam Troughton
Director Polly Findlay
Designer Fly Davis
Lighting Designer Jack Knowles
Sound Designer Paul Arditti
Movement Naomi Said
AssociateDirector Joe Lichtenstein

'Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word,
but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask.
The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion.•
• Joseph Conrad, UnderWestemEyes(l911)

Martha If you wasn't here with me tonight I'd go to the pictures.

Otto What's on?
Martha 'Ben Hur'. It's an oldie, must be ten yeariisince I saw it,
but it's a film you never forget. You ever seen it?
Otto No.
Franz Xaver Kroetz, ThroughtheLeaves(1976)
trans. Anthony Vivis (2003)

The play takes place in a real room, and in re's.Itime - but stage
directions are indicative, not prescriptive.

With thanks to Dominic Cooke and Robert Holman.

Late autumn, 2015.
The largeliving roomof afiat in CrouchEnd, London.
• It encompassesa loungeareaand kitchen.
It's a bit of a mess.There'sbeensomesortofparty. It's late, the
Standing is Laura, 38. This is herplace.She's drinking wine.
For Caroline Winder
Looking at her,drinking a bottleof Peroni,is Danny, 42.
They lookat eachotherfor a long tirM,foras long as you thinkyou
can get awaywith.
They bothjump as a doorbangsdownstairs.
He beginsto wandera bit in the room,drinking. He evidentlycame
to theparty after work as he's in a shirtand trousersand smartshoes.
Though hisjacket and tie weredispensedsometime ago.
He has a bigketchupstain on his shirtand is a bit nervous.
Laura sitsdown. Danny doesn'tknowwhatto do so he lights
up a cigarette.
Laura You didn't fancy it then?
Danny Fancy what?
Laura Getting in the taxi?
Danny No.
Laura Why's that then?
Danny Don't know.
Laura Don't know?
Danny Keith told me to stay and finish my drink.
4 Beginning Beginning 5

Laura Keith told you? Laura Right?

Danny Well he said 'stay and finish your drink'. Danny • It justcloesn't pick up a lot.
Laura Right. •Silence.
Danny That all right? Laura Danny, what the fuck?
Laura Yes. Silence.
Laura smilesand puts down her wine. Danny You know, 'your radar'.
Danny Nice place. Laura I don't know, Danny.

Laura Thanks. Danny Your 'man radar' ... And my ... 'woman radar'.
Danny To be honest I said I'd get it. Silence.

Laura Get what? Laura Oh ...

Danny The taxi. Silence.

Laura What? Danny I curse it sometimes. \

Silence. Silence.

Danny Well, you know ... Two people could literally be clambering ...

Laura What? Laura Do people honestly .. .

Danny I thought he was stopping the night. Danny Like clambering .. .

Laura Right. Laura Do people honestly clamber?

Laura laughs. Danny You know, to get across the room to get to one
aother. And I wouldn't notice!
Danny You see the trouble with me ...
Laura No.
Laura What?
Danny I've got no radar.
Danny No radar, see?
Laura No radar?
Laura No. No radar.
Danny No.
Laura retakesher wine and has a drink.
Danny I said, honest, I said 'Keith, I'll have the cab back
Well it's not that I've not got one at all. home, you're bang in there'.
. Beginning 7•

Laura 'You're bang in there?' Laura Keith.

Danny Yeah! Danny No?
Laura With who? Laura He's just someone I know.
Danny With you? Danny Right ...
Laura I wanted you, Danny. Laura He told you we'refriends, right?
Silence. Danny Yes he did ...
Danny Oh. Laura We're not. I've declined friend requests. On
several occasions.
Like I said ... no ... radar. Danny Harsh bitch.

Silence. Laura gives.hima look.

Laura No, Danny. Silence.

Silence. Danny Like obviously you're not a harsh'bitch, harsh bitch.

La_ura I should think not ...
Danny It's why I've taken up internet dating.
Silence. Danny Like obviously you're not ...

That 'Plenty of Fish'. Dear me. Laura Well I'm relieved you don't think I'm a harsh bitch.

Silence. Silence.

At least you know where you stand. Danny I'm not sure you've got my sense of humour.

Laura Hardly, Danny.


Danny Have you? Keith's a bit of an odd one. A cryptic one.

Laura At least if you meet a fella at a bar. Or a party. You Laura A bullshitter ...
can look him in the eye. And make a judgement. Danny Sometimes I just say to him 'spit it out mate'.
Silence. Laura A blagger ...
Danny Well they either like you or they don't. Danny There's no need to be so fucking spooky, is there?
Silence. Laura Like a monumental and bare-faced liar ...
Laura He's not my friend by the way ... Danny Laura, I know he's a cunt but he's my mate ...
Danny Who? Laura Alright.
8 Beginning Beginning 9

Danny Like he's my mate. Danny Laura ...

Laura And he's a bit ofa major wally. Laura What?
Danny Babe, babe. Since when has someone being a major Danny That's who I'm talking about. I know him of old.
wally disqualified them from being your best mate? I know his moods and his moves.
· Lauralaughs. • Laura He slept with a girl on my team ...
Danny Exactly. Danny I don't understand why he has to hide it. Tell your
mates, Keith. Then we all share the joy.
Laura To be fair there were quite a few major wally's here
tonight. That I've not only accepted friend requests from Silence.
but I've requested friendships from.
With Keith you only find out about it <;incehe's dumped
Danny But you'll notice I'm keeping my opinions to them. Or if he's got the right hump. Because they've
myself ... dumped him.
Laura You don't like my friends? Silence.
Danny Babe ... Laura . She quite liked him.
. .
Laura Don't babe me, you don't know me. Danny Who?
Silence. Laura The girl on my team.
Danny All I was saying is, is thinking about it, Keith has Danny Did she?
actually probably got a sort on the go ...
Laura She got off with him at our summer party. There
Laura What are you talking about? was a Bollywood theme and she did look quite nice in a sari.
Silence. Anyway, he went round to see her on the Sunday and she
did a shoulder oflamb.
Danny It's what I was saying.
Danny A shoulder oflamb?
Laura About what?
Laura I know. She got it from Budgens.
Does he even know where his dick is?
Danny Well he's never once mentioned a shoulder oflamb.
Danny Who?
Laura He had the roast, shagged her and then drove
Laura Are you for real? home. And then he ignored her texts and calls. She ended
Danny What? up sending him this long embarrassing e-mail.
Laura Keith ... Danny Shit.
10 Beginning Beginning 11

. Laura I know, I said don't click and send. But the young Danny Oh, was it cringe?
ones don't listen to you ... Laur~ Oh, it was so cringe. And it made her sound like a
Danny No. lunatlc. You know - and she'd been in the right.
Laura She clicked and sent. Silence.
Danny That \\;<m'tgo down well with Keith. Danny Oh well, he probably just changed his mind.
I would.
Laura Why?
Laura Do you have any idea what that does to a woman?
Danny Well he's _likea hedgehog in that situation ...
Danny What?
Laura A hedgehog? A fucking hedgehog?
Laura That kind of rejection ...
Danny Well ...
Danny Well we've all had a fucking knock back ...
Laura Within a day she went from feeling a bit shit but
essentially being in the right to feeling like a complete tool. Laura She was going out of her mind:

Danny I feel for her ... Danny Well ...

Laura You don't ... Lam.:a What? \

Danny I know how that feels. Danny I didn't do it.
Laura But he's your mate?
Danny And?
They sound quite well suited.
Laura laughs.
Laura Like she's got self-esteem issues anyway. She probably overcooked the lamb. He's a bit finicky with his
grub is Keith.
Danny Oh God ...
Danny laughs.
Laura And like it compounded them. Massively.
Danny What?
Danny If a bird told me she had self-esteem issues ...
Laura You sexist, patronising, dick. You're as bad as him.
Laura What? Silence.
Danny In the blink of an eye I'd run a fucking mile.
Danny Anyway, I'll have another Peroni ...
Laura If you think I'm opening your bottle for you again
Laura To be fair I read the e-mail. you can do one mate . . . .
Laura laughs. Danny And then I'll get myselfa taxi if that's alright, Laura?
12 Beginning Beginning 13
Danny drainsaway the lager. Danny And?
Silence. Laura I often think the world would be a better place if
He goesto thefridge. It's pretty sparsein thefridge. There'sno there was peace and no war. If sexual discrimination in the
Peronibut he takesa can of Stella. workplace ended. In fact, if there was genuine gender
equality and no racism or discrimination of any kind. If
He's clumsyand dropsit and then withoutthinking picks it up and ... • children were free from poverty and all kids had a good
opensit. Lagerfroths out and spillseverywhere. • education. If migrants were welcome. If we got rid of
Silence. Trident. In fact, if we got rid of all nuclear weapons. If
people picked up their litter. If people stopped eating so
Danny Sorry. much red meat. If people were kind and compassionate and
Laura I'm getting rid of the carpet anyway. c_onsiderate and generally nicer. All of those things would
make the world a better place. But hey, \hat's just me.
Danny I am Borry.
Danny So ... what like ... made you want to buy in
Laura Don't worry. Crouch End? •
Danny I am sorry, Laura. Silence.
Laura Forget it. He drinks. Laura poursmorewine. She drinks.
Danny I'll pay. Silence.
Laura Don't be silly. I had the party. Danny You sure you want me to stay?
Silence. Laura Yes.
I wanted you to stay. Danny You sure?
Danny What d'you want me to stay for? Laura nods.
Laura laughs. Da_nny You don't know me?
Laura Don't be a dick. Laura And?
Silence. Silence.
Danny I often think the world would be a better place if Danny Well I have to say, I was bit, you know, shy about
people were more modest about their sexual prowess. coming to your do.
Silence. Laura I told Keith he could bring someone.
Laura You often think that? Danny I'm only sorry I didn't bring a card.
14 Beginning Beginning 15

Laura Don't worry. Danny I think the Chablis' is still in there.

Danny It's a bit shit, like coming and not. , . Danny goesto thefridge and lo?.ks.
Silence. Laura Well why don't you open it for me and come and sit
next tome?
Laura Honestly don't worry.
Danny I did bring a bottle.
It's a bit sad.
Laura I know you did.
It's a lovely flat. Danny That yoghurt's gonna get up and walk out of there
in a minute.
Laura Thanks.
Laura Get the wine and shut the door.,
Danny I bet it's not cheap.
Danny Is that a kiwi fruit?
Laura No.
Laura Probably.
Danny You've popped my Crouch End cherry.
Danny Do you need to refrigerate a kiwi fruit?
Laura A pleasure. I
Laura I don't know.
Danny My mum has hers in the fruit bowl.
Danny drinks and startsto coughas it's gonedownthe wrong hole.
Laura Does she?
Laura whackshim on the back.Some lagercomesup. He coughs
loads. Danny She loves a bit of kiwi fruit on her porridge.

Laura You alright? Laura Does she?

Danny Fucking wrong hole ... Danny And a banana.

Laura laughs. Laura If you leave thatfridge door open much longer ·
everything will go off.
Laura Not the first time I've heard that excuse.
Danny There's nothing to go offi
Danny I could have died.
He doesas he'stold.
The penny dropsand Danny blushesand startsto coughagain. He
composeshimself You want to look after yourself a bit more.
Laura It's only a bit of smut, Danny. Laura What?
Silence. Danny Get some proper food in.
16 Beginning Beginning 17
Laura It's a waste of money on your own ... Danny • I am really sorry.
Danny What? Laura Stop saying sorry.
Laura You end up chucking it away ... Danny I am such a dick.
Danny What? Laura You are.
Laura Danny, the wine. Danny Thanks. ii:

Danny puts down his can and getsthe winefrorn thefridge. Laura No problem.
He looksaroundfor a bottleopene,:He can'tfind one. Danny I'll get my coat.
Laura I don't bother with a weekly shop. Laura Don't be a dick.
Laura spotsone near her and throwsit to hirn, whichhe catcheswith Danny I know.
hisfree hand.
Laura Come and sit down next to me and pour me a glass.
Danny celebratesthe catch.
Danny doesas he'stold.He pours her winebut doesn'tsit too
Danny Botham style. near her. '·
. .
Silence. She drinks.
Laura Was Ian Botham noted for catching the ball? Silence.
Danny I'm not really a cricket man. He gets up and goesto retrievehis beer.He looksat the carpet.
Laura I assume you're referring to Ian Botham? Danny I think some cunt's put a fag out on your carpet.
Danny Indeed. Laura Don't say that word.
Danny getsto work openingthe wine. He breaksthe corkas he tries Danny Sorry.
to get it out. Laura I don't mind you swearing. I swear. I just don't like
He strugglestrying to get the otherhalf of the cork out but can't. that word.

Laura Just push it in. Danny I'm sorry.

Danny usesan arrnof the bottleopenertopush the brokencorkinto Silence.

the wine. Laura Don't be sorry, just don't say it. I don't like it.
Danny lifts up the wine bottleto inspectit. Silence.
Danny Sorry. Danny Yeah my mum loves a kiwi fruit.
Laura Don't worry. Silence.
18 Beginning Beginning 19

Laura Don't you want to kiss me? Silence.

Danny Well ... Danny shakeshis headand startsto laugh.

Laura Don't you want to? Silence.

Danny Well I do ... Laura What?

- Danny What?
Laura Well come and be with me.
Silence. Laura You can't just laugh. And then stop laughing. And
not say anything.
Danny You're quite forward.
Danny What?
Laura I think you're hot. You're handsome.
Laura You'll make me paranoid.
Danny Thanks.
Danny It was just something silly.
Laura I mean it.
Laura Like what?
Danny Thanks.
Danny Like I was just imagining my Facebook status
Laura I don't believe any of that bollocks about Keith and tomorrow. \
the taxi. • •
Laura What?
Danny· Oh no, it wasn't bollocks.
Danny Like 'Really hot lady told me I was hot .. .'
Silence. Laura 'Really hot lady'?
Laura You honestly couldn't tell I liked you tonight?
Danny And?
Danny I told you. I've got no fucking radar. Laura Fuck's sake.
Silence. Danny 'Really hot lady told me I was hot and she wanted
Laura Alright. to sleep with me last night and I didn't shut the fuck up and
I fucked it up.' •
Danny I'm not forward like you.
Laura What about 'woman'?
Danny What about it?
Laura You don't know me.
Laura Woman, Danny, woman.
Danny No, I don't. And you don't know me.
Laura Have you got a problem with a woman being
forward? You wouldn't put that on Facebook would you, though?

Danny No. Danny No!

20 Beginning Beginning 21

Laura Would you though? Danny Love it. ..

Danny No! Laura He's always going on about feeling blessed ... .
Laura Over-sharer! Danny My mum and my nan both like Peter Andre .. .
Danny I was just trying to put it out there ... Laura I want to meet your nan ...
Laura What? Danny Maybe you will ...
Danny The elephant in the room ... Laura What does your nan say on Facebook?
Laura What? Danny Well she mostly has rants about the Labour party
and makes the odd inappropriate comment ...
Danny You know?
Laura Oh my God, is your nan in the 1:,abour party?
Laura I don't know ...
Danny She is ...
• Danny You know, don't not say what you're thinking ...
Laura I'm in the Labour party ...
Laura Danny have you got low self-esteem issues?
~anny. I'm the apple of her eye and all th~t, but she thinks
Danny No_. I m a bit Tory boy ...
Silence. Laura She's not racist or anything like that is she?
I wouldn't put that on Facebook.
Danny Course she's not ...
Laura I believe you.
Laura Oh I didn't mean she was like racist ...
Danny I'm friends on Facebo_okwith my mum and my
Danny She's in the Labour party ...
Laura It's oldies on Facebook, you know?
Laura You're friends on Facebook with your nan?
Danny She loves it.
Danny She likes Downtonand she says things like: 'I'd ride
Laura Does she though?
the Earl of Grantham'.
Danny She loves a Facebook 'feeling'!
Laura No!
Laura Does she?
Danny She does and she posts it on my wall!
Danny Her favourite Facebook 'feeling' is 'blessed'. She's
Laura No!
always feeling 'blessed'.
Danny I don't even like Downton!
Laura Oh my God, it's like Peter Andre on Strictly, do you
watch Strictly? Laura Noway!
22 Beginning Beginning • 23

Danny It's shit! Danny I can't talk about him.

Laura How old is your nan? • Laura ·why?

Danny Ninety-two. Danny It's broken my heart my whole life.

Laura holds her hand up for a high five. Danny high fives her and His eyesfill up.
then walks away. Danny So do you like knock on doors and deliver leaflets?
Silence. Laura Who for?
Laura My cousin's a bit embarrassing on Facebook. She's
• Danny I thought you were in the Labour party?
really right-wing. I wasn't being rude about your nan. She,
sounds amazing. Laura I only joined in August ...

Silence. Danny Oh ...

Danny She is. Laura I haven't got any time, Danny. And anyway, I can be
much more politically active on social media. I mean, I have
Silence. to be careful. Because I represent my comp;my in those
Laura My cousin's a bit racist. Like it's bad enough but you spaces and on those platforms. But still. YoJ:re not a.Tory .
don't want it ofi your time line, do you? are you?

Silence. Danny Would it matter if! was?

Danny My mum says it's early stages of Alzheimer's ... Laura Because I'm totally with Jeremy.

Laura What is? Silence.

Danny But it's not. Dan_ny I'm n~t: I'm not anything. To be honest I don't give
a shit about pohtlcs. They're all liars. No one's interested in
Laura What? real change. I'm sorry, Laura, I just can't talk about my dad.
Danny My nan. I said to my mum 'it's not, ifit was early Silence.
stages of Alzheimer's she wouldn't be able to use the
computer'. Laura You alright?

Silence. Danny I'm not used to this.

Laura What about your dad? Silence.

Danny Oh he left when I was seven. Laura Man up.

Laura Oh. Silence.

Silence. Sorry, that was mean.

24 Beginning Beginning 25

Silence. Danny Got to admit, I am winding you up.

I am sorry. That was a bit harsh. Laura laughs.
Silence. Silence.
I think things do get better, Danny. Things will get better. Laura I bet your profile picture is like, you at the
You know this time next year what's going to happen in Olympics, or you with a pie ...
Danny It's not.
Danny What?
Laura No?
Laura America is going to elect a woman President for the
first time in its history. And then the whole world will know Danny It's me and my daughter.
things have moved forwards. For women. For everyone. Silence.
Silence. Laura Oh right. You're ...
Danny Shall we just ... Shall I just call a cab? Danny Yes.
Laura No. Don't.
Silence. \
Silence. Laura Right.
Danny She's on Twitter an'all.
Danny Is that a problem?
Laura Who is?
Laura No I just didn't ...
Danny My nan.
Danny Think I. ..
Laura kills herselflaughing.
Laura Yes.
You're winding me up now.
What's her name?
Danny She is!
Danny Annabel.
Laura She's not!
Laura That's a nice name.
Danny She is! She does her own hashtag. Nan-tweets.
Danny Thanks. I chose it.
Laura You're winding me up!
Danny She loves it ... She gets into spats with Owen Jones
and everything. Laura How old is she?
Laura looksat him. Danny startsto laugh. Danny Seven.
26 Beginning Beginning 27

Danny takesout his iPhone and showsLaura a picture of his Danny Even pretend happy families look better than my
daughter. life most of the time.

Laura She's so cute ... Silence.

She's three there , .. Laura Does that make me sound bitter?

Danny No.
Laura Is that a frog on her jumper?
Laura I sound bitter don't I?
Danny No it's a rabbit.
Danny No.
Laura Are you sure?
Laura I'm not bitter.
Danny I bought it for her.
Danny Do I sound bitter?
Laura Sorry.
Laura No.
Danny Frogs are generally green.
Danny considersthe room. '\
Laura Dol)'t you_seeher? I
Danny You're alright her5'. '
Danny No. Unfortunately not. Laura It's nice. Or it will be when it's done.
Silence. Danny Do you own this place then?
Laura I'm sorry. Laura Yes.
Silence. Silence.
Sometimes I hate Facebook so much. It's like death by Danny Wow.
Facebook. Silence.
Silence. Laura It's only a one-bed.
Danny I know. Danny Still, nice area, Laura.
Silence. Laura I like it.
Laura It's like, ifl see another one of my friends, or Danny Crouch End ...
randoms from Uni, making more cupcakes, or on a
Laura It's great.
trampoline in their huge garden, with their kids ... I'll like
-scream. Danny Muswell Hill ... Highgate.
Silence. Laura I feel very lucky.
28 . Beginning Beginning 29

Danny Innit though? It's the pesto triangle. Laura Like do you think you're Michael Caine or
Laura laughs. • something? 'Alright geezer ... Sound as a pound ... Sound
as a pound.'
Danny No.
Laura Do you live in Essex as well then? Laur.l! Like am I 'a nice piece of skirt'? Am I though?
Danny Yep. Silence.
Silence. Danny No.
Laura I don't mean to pry. Silence.
Laura Well Harry sounds like a right charmer.
Danny No, it's fine.
Danny Fireman Sam, innit?
Laura You don't share with Keith?
Danny No, he's an animal.
So Keith's your client, right?
Laura He is pretty gross when he wants to be. Laura Yes he is.
Danny He sits on the khazi with the bathroom door open \
and covers up with a copy of FourFour Two.
Danny He proper made out that you're friends.
Laura Er, gross. Silence.
Danny The man is forty-one years of age. It's no wonder Laura We took Keith out for lunch. And we all got a bit
his wife had enough of him. trashed. And I said I was having a housewarming. And he
sort of invited himself.
Laura I never met her.
Danny That's Keith alright.
Laura He asked me if he could bring a friend.
Danny I don't know how Happy puts up with him.
Danny He bothered to ask then?
Laura Who's Happy?
Laura I thought it was a bit of a cheek. But I thought what
Danny Harry, another one of our mates. From school. He's the fuck?
on his own as well, though he doesn't care. That boy does Danny Why not?
not want for skirt.
Laura New people. All that."
Laura For skirt? Silence.
Danny What's wrong with that? So you're divorced?
.30 Beginning
Beginning 31
Danny I am.
iDanny Seriously, I think I will.
Silence. ·
Laura You don't meet anyone when you're our age who
Laura Recently? hasn't got a story.
Danny Well obviously not. Danny I feel quite ... Er ... Exposed.
Silence. Silence.
Laura I don't know, do I? Laura I've got a story.
Silence. Silence.
Danny I've not seen Annabel since she was tbree. Obviously nothing like your story.
Laura Oh shit. Really? Danny Thanks.
Silence. Silence.
Danny I live back at home with my mum. Danny I suppose I've got my baggage. Yo~'ve got your
Silence. baggage. ,

Laura In Upminster? Laura Thanks for that.- \

Danny Did I ... ? Laura laughs.

Laura No Keith ... Silence.

Laura Danny?
Danny Oh. It's alright. I still like it. I'm really fond ofit. -
It's Upminster Bridge really. Danny Yeah.
Laura I wouldn't know the difference. Laura Hello?
Silence. Danny Sorry.
Danny I'll get my coat then. Silence.
Laura Don't be silly.
Danny Shall we have a bit ofa tidy up?
Danny : Yep well ... Laura laughs.
Laura I really don't give a shit. Danny What?
Danny Seriously?
Laura Come and kiss me. You lemon.
Laura I like you. Silence.
Laura Do you like me?
32 Beginning Beginning 33

. Danny I think you're great. • Laura Okay .

Laura Do you like me? Danny Alright?

Danny I can't relax in here, it's like a bomb's hit it. Laura Got it. Loud and clear.

Laura What? Silence.

Silence. Danny .Like I'm not saying I wouldn't like to.

You'vebeen looking at me all night. Laura Thanks.

Danny Well, you know ... Danny Like I'm not giving you the brush off.

Laura Come and kiss me. • Laura I get it.

Silence. Danny I'm not playing games.

Danny Where are the bin bags? Laura Okay.

Silence. Danny I don't play games. I like to be in 'the mood.

Sometimes men like to be in the mood as well.
Where are they, Laura?
Laura I tell you what, tidying up's really gtng to put me
Laura You are such a dick. in the mood.
Silence. Silence.
Danny Let's just have a tidy up. First. Well, shall we have a tidy up-then or not?
Silence. Silence.
Laura They're under the sink. Danny You're pretty fit.
Danny goesto the cupboardunder the sink andfishesthemout. Laura Thanks.
Danny You don't get me. Danny I mean it.
Laura I don't. Laura Thanks.
Danny I don't just jump into bed with girls. Danny I mean I totally would. I mean I totally want to.
Silence. Laura Thank you very much kind sir.
Laura Evidently. Danny I like your hair, Jessie J. It's nice.
Silence. Silence.
Danny Alright? Like not every bloke is like a dog with two dicks, Laura.
34 Beginning Beginning 35
Laura I get it. Laura What you've got a problem down there?
Danny Don't get me wrong. I've thought about you. In Danny No!
certain filthy ways in the last half an hour.
Laura Well what then?
Laura Nice.
Danny I can't ...
Danny It's been a long time, alright?
Laura What?
Laura Okay.
Danny It's been a long time. Like a really long time.'
Danny I like you.
Laura Thanks.
Laura Since you've had sex?
Danny I wouldn't normally ever say this ...
Danny Since I even kissed someone.
Laura Say what?
Laura Is that all?
Danny To be fair I'm a bit poorly maintained in the area of
- Danny Oh man.
the groin.
Laura What?
Laura Don't be silly.
Danny What?
Laura You're poorly maintained in the area of the groin? Silence.

Silence. You know, mate, you need a woman who tells you when to
shut the fuck up.
Danny Fuck's sake.
Laura What?
Laura gets up and takesa bin bagfrom the roll in Danny's hands.
Danny You know ...
Theybegintidying up. Theytidyup the rubbishfrom half the room.
Laura Danny, I don't know. It takesthe time it takes. Glasses,crocke1yand cutleryget deposited
Silence. bythesink. Everything elsegoesin the bin bag.

Danny Put two and two together ... They'rebothdying in the silence.Danny eventuallybreaksit.

Laura I've got no idea what you're talking about ... Danny The sausage rolls were absolutely top drawer, by
the way. I thought when I have housewarming for my own
Danny I'm poorly maintained in the area of the groin ... place. When I get one again. You know, when I'm with
36 Beginning Beginning 37
someone. That's what I'll do. A buffet like that. Salami. Danny When I was a kid my mum always refused to buy
Artichokes. Mushroom crostini. But you still need your me a hot dog.
sausage rolls. Your cheese and pineapple. Class that, Laura.
I had three of them. And I love a Scotch egg. They continuetidyingup until all the dirtywashing-up is deposited
by the sink and on the work surfaceand all the rubbishhas been
Laura I love a Scotch egg. baggedup.
Danny Really, it's your favourite? Danny My nan always bought me a hot dog.
Laura I have been known to smuggle a Scotch egg out of Laura gets downon her knees and beginsinspectingthe carpet.
the pub in my pocket.
Danny It's over there ...
Danny I love a scotch egg.
Laura What is?
Laura So do I. \
Danny The fag burn. I
Danny Good. We've got that in common.
Laura headswherehe'spointing.
Danny laughs. So doesLaura. Theylook at eachother.
Laura Fuck.
- .
Danny Where are the marigolds? \
Danny And 'I love a cheeseball.'
Laura What?
Laura 'I love a cheeseball.'
Danny Well I don't want to just go rifling through your
Danny 'I love a cheeseball.' drawers, Laura.
Laura laughshard, gettingthereference. Laura standsup.
Laura 'Do you like cheeseballs?' Laura Danny, it's really lovely and you're really lovely ...
Danny 'I love a bag of crisps.' Silence.
Laura 'Mega.' Danny It won't take long.
Danny 'Love them.' Laura But I have to say I've got a strange ominous feeling
Laura laughs. that I'm not going to get laid tonight.

Silence. Silence.
Danny Don't say that.
Laura I see you had a bit of an accident earlier?
Danny Tell me about it. Tomato ketchup's always been my
Achilles heel. Laura It's very sweet, Danny.
Laura What? Silence.
38 Beginning Beginning 39

You are very sweet. Laura What?

Silence. Silence.
We can do the washing-up in the morning. Or I can do it I'm not like that.
when you've gone home. Silence.
Silence. I was with someone for ten years. I was though.
It doesn't matter. Silence.
Silence. I've been on my own for the last couple of years.
Can you relax now? Silence.
He nods. Danny What, you've not had a bit for
;i. couple of years
Silence. either?

Laura goesand sitson the sofa. Danny washesout a wine glass Laura No.
and pours himselfsomeChabli,s. Danny What no you have, or no you havb't?
Laura lifts herglass. Danny fills it. Laura I have had sex. Of course I have.
Danny Aren't you pissed? Silence.
Laura I've drunk myself sober. Danny Oh.
Danny wandersoverto the armcfiairand sits in it. Laura Is that a problem?
Silence. Danny No. Good luck to you.
Laura I'm not like this with every guy. Laura Good luck to me?
Silence. Silence.
Danny Up to you what you do. Danny I hope you've had loads because I've had fuck all.
Silence. Silence.
Laura I don't generally jump on men. I mean, you're not The most I can say is I've had a long tortured unrequited
exactly the best candidate to be jumped on are you? love affair with Aliona off Strictly.
Danny Thanks, babe. Laura You like her?
Silence. Silence.
Like I say. Danny I mean, you've got to admit she's hot.
40 Beginning Beginning 41

Laura shakesher headand reallylaughs. A bit toohard. Laura boltsout of chair and thenstopsherself.
Silence. Laura Fuck it.
•Danny picks somethingout of his teethand inspectsit. Danny Keith told me.
Laura Danny .. :Er, gross. Laura Great.
Danny Fucking cork, innit. Danny One of your other mates took pictures and she
FB' d it. It looked quite funny actually. She already had
thirty-five likes after about three minutes.
Danny Me and Aliona in St. Petersburg. Me and Aliona in
Barbados. Me and Aliona in Disneyland with Annabel. Silence.

Silence. Laura looksat Danny and decidesto go backto the sofa.

Laura Jay's hot. She drinks.

Danny He's so dull. Laura Well Keith obviously thought it best to warn you
in advance.
Laura He's not. He's got a bit ofreserve. A bit of mystery.
Danny Hurn.
Danny Dull. As. Dishwater. A grey man.
Laura Considerate.
Laura You're just jealous.
Danny Suppose so.
Danny Damn right I am.
Laura laughs.
Who was that girl with the hair?
Laura I work with her.
Laura We can watch Strictlyin bed in the morning if
you want? Danny She's a bit eccentric.
Silence. Laura She's alright.
We can watch it on iPlayer. Danny She thinks she's fucking Paloma Faith ..
Silence. Silence.
Danny Have you had a look in your bedroom? Laura Why don't you see your daughter?
Laura Why? Silence.
Danny That girl with the hair fell asleep on your bed with Laura Why do you live with your mum?
a pint of red wine. And she had a little puke as well. And
then she woke up and scarpered. Silence.
42 Beginning Beginning 43

Laura I got pregnant. When I was first with my ex, Silence.

Danny Did you? I had an ex-local authority place in Kentish town and then I
Laura I didn't keep it. I felt like I was too young at the time. sold that. And theriibought a flat in Archway. Although it
was mine and I pretty much paid for everything I couldn't
Silence. stay there after we split up. But I couldn't quite give it up.
Laura I've only ever told my girlfriends that. Until now. I could~'.t quite give up Waterlow Park. Does that
Silence. sound silly though?

Danny Darling, I am your black cab driver for the night. Danny The hardest thing I ever did in my life was walk out
of my home. •
Laura laughs.
Danny Did your ex know? Laura Will you stay tomorrow?

Laura I wish he didn't. Danny What?

Silence. Laura Don't get up and go tomorrow mo,rning.
Danny It's a nice flat this flat. Danny Alright. \
Silence. Silence.
Laura It's my third flat. Don't you know, I was Mrs Danny You might want me to.
Sensible and bought when I was twenty-three.
Laura I won't.
Danriy Why?
Danny Did you buy with your ex?
Laura No, he was Australian. Laura I can tell.
Danny You know some of those Aussies do actually like Danny I might be a shit fuck.
settle down and buy property ... Laura Danny.
Laura He moved in with me.
Danny What?
Danny And did he earn his crust?
Laura I hate Sunday on my own.
Laura Why are you saying that?
I can't bear another Sunday on my own with a hangove1c
Danny Sorry.
Laura He worked in a bar and did a bit of general
handyman stuff. You want to go now, don't you?
Beginning • 45
Laura You do though, don't you?
Danny • Do you believe in love at first sight?
Danny No.
Laura You've changed your opinion ofme.
Laura Yes.
Danny No.
Laura I can see it all over your face though, Danny.
Danny getsup.
Danny I haven't.
Laura Talk to me. Properly.
Laura You think I'm needy now.
Danny You're too good for me.
Danny I don't.
Laura Even to fuck me?
I'll have to give my mum a bell.
Danny I only fuck girls I might want to bk with.
Laura No one only fucks people they might want to be with.
Laura What?
Danny It's what you want, innit though?
Danny In the morning. Otherwise she'll fret. And then
Mum'Il be on the phone to nan. And then Nan will be Laura What?
posting embarrassing messages on my Facebook. And then Danny To be treated as a person.
they'll both think you're a nightmare. Before they've even
met you. Laura Yes I do ...
Silence. Danny Not as an object.

Laura Oh you're going to introduce me to your family are Silence.

I've got a daughter.
Danny I might do. If you play your cards right. Laura Why are you emasculating yourself?
Laura Oh, if I play my cards right?
My life's a shell of activity.
•/Beginning Beginning 47

Laura My dad always said you can't go far wrong if you

My parents are both dead. I've got no brothers or sisters. just put your hands up and tell the truth.
Silence. Silence.

I've got money. Not a fortune, ·not now. But some. Danny Well thanks for being honest.
Silence. - Silence.

I look out in life. I look up. I look at the sky. I like to walk up I couldn't take my eyes off you all night tonight.
to Ally Pally on a Sunday. Laura I know.
If I looked in, I'd fold inside myself.
Danny It's hard to trust though, innit?,
- Laura Maybe.
I'm ovulating.
Danny When you've been hurt.
Danny You're what?
Danny This is all taking me some guts, Laura.
Laura I can feel I'm ovulating. I always know. I can feel it.
The penny drops.Danny understandswhatshe'ssaying.
Laura And me.
Laura You don't know what it's like.
Danny Is it though?
Laura I've been trying to find the courage to be with you
All I'll ever be is 'Auntie Laura'. all night.
Silence. Silence.
Danny So I'm the spunk? Danny D'you think I'm a prick?
Silence. Laura No.
Laura No, I really like you. Silence.
Danny You don't know me from Adam. You returned my gaze.
Silence. Silence.
48 Beginning Beginning 49
It doesn't define who I am. It just doesn't. I've done all sorts Laura I went with my dad.
of things in my life Danny. But it is what.I want 'now.
Danny To the fucking Arsenal I bet.
Laura To Millwall.
Danny Well I have to say, babe, I've spent all day on a
Saturday, when I could have been over West Ham, in a room Danny No! No! You didn't!
full of suits in Milton Keynes. I was looking forward to a few Laura laughs.
beers tonight. But it's tlirned out a bit different than I
expected in the end. Danny Nol Laura! No!

Silence. Laura Fished in.

Have you ever been to Milton Keynes? Silence.

Laura No. Danny I wish I'd met you online.

Danny Don't bothec Laura Why?

Silence. Danny Because everything would be so easier.

Laura What were you doing there? Silence.

Danny Recruitment Consultancy Expo two thousand and Laura And how is internet dating going for you?
fifteen. I can tell you, it was a hoot. Danny 'How was', you mean.
Silence. Silence.
Laura It's like sometimes, everything you say is another I couldn't stand my loneliness. I couldn't stand their
obstacle. Another dare not to like you. loneliness. They all wanted kids. Some of them were more
Danny What, sometimes or everything I say? up front about it than others. But it was always the same.

Laura Don't be like that. Silence.

Danny I'm sorry. I ... The loneliness. The patency ofit.

Silence. Laura Patency?

Laura 'IfI say this, will she still like me now? IfI do this, Silence.
will she still like me?' You like to rough up your edges, don't you?
Silence. Danny I don't know what you mean.
I like football. Laura Play the boy.
Danny Really? Dauny Not really.
50 Beginning Beginning 51

Laura I bet you went to Uni and did English or something Silence.
like that? You wouldn't look twice at me online.
Silence. Laura I haven't met you online.
Danny Where did you go to Uni?
Danny Oh, I forgot, you want my spunk.
Laura In Londo~. In Mile End. Silence.
Silence. Awkward.
Danny What did you do? Laura A bit.
Laura • English.
Danny Shall we put some music on?
•Danny I did History. Laura Why not?
Laura Where?
Danny The people downstairs won't mind?
Danny Bristol. Laura They're away.
Silence. Danny Cool.
I'll never be able to afford a flat like this. Laura Hence tonight.
Laura You don't know that.
Danny goesto the iPoddockand collectsthe iPod.He has a look
Silence. through.
Danny What did you give for it? Danny I tiked your play list.
Laura Does it matter? Laura D'you want anything in particular?
Danny Four-fifty? Five hundred grand? Danny I'm easy.
Laura Something like that. Laura Just stick it on shuffle.
Danny You must have a good job though? Danny puts the iPod backin the dock,finds thepartyp!.aylistand
Laura I'm the MD of the agency where I work.
'Lady(Hear Me Tonight)'byModjoplays. It's veryloud so he turns
Silence. it down.
Danny You're MD?
The songplays on. Danny speaksup over it.
Laura Yes. I'm the Managing Director. Danny Tune.
Danny makesa very awkwardeffort to dance.So doesLaura on the
Danny · What d'you want with someone like me? othersideof the room.
52 Beginning Beginning 53
The songplays to its end. What?
1 Owe ThuNothing' byBrosplays. Laura . ·Fuckit.
Laura is delightedand singsalong and beginsto dance as she sings. Silence.
She'squitefiarnboyant.She encouragesDanny to dancewith her,but
he won't. Danny Fuck it?

The songfinishes. Laura My daddy called me 'Laur'.

'WeNo SpeakArnericano'by lvlanda Be Cool& DCUP plays. Silence.

Theylisten to the song. Danny Have you done this before?

Two-thirdsthroughit shegets up and switchesit off Laura No.

Silence. Silence.

- Laura So ... You didn't feel like dancing? Danny And you expect me to take that on trust?

Silence. Laura I'm thirty-eight years old and I've been sensible my
whole life, Danny.
Have you got any coke?
Danny No, don't do it. Have you?
Yep I did, I thought 'fuck it, fuck him and see what
Laura No, don't really do it. happens'. I know another woman that's done it. And. And. I
Silence. like you. You've got a nice face. A kind face. You're_nice, I
can tell. I want my baby to have a nice daddy.
I think you should just go home.
Danny Did you plan this?
You know, I'm quite capable of getting myself down to a
Laura No. Harley Street sperm bank. IfI'd wanted to. Let's forget it.
Danny You said Keith could bring a friend. Silence.
Laura I got the idea tonight. Danny What's your favourite bit?
Silence. Laura Ofwhat?
Danny And you expect me to believe that? Danny The sausage meat and breadcrumbs - or the egg?
Laura It's the truth. Laura Oh.
Danny I don't know, Laur ... Danny What's your favourite bit?
Laura I wanted to be near you and I just thought ... Laura Egg.
54 Beginning Beginning 55

Danny Runny or hard? Laura That's sweet.

Laura Hard. Danny ·I like cooking. Genuinely, Laura. When I was
married we had a massive kitchen.
Danny Motorway service station dirty Ginsters or Jamie?
Laura Dirty Ginsters every time.
Laura . I can cook for us tomorrow.
Danny Love a bit of Jamie myself. You ever made one?
Laura No.
It's been a long time since I cooked for a man.
Danny It's worth it.
Laura Is it?
I can go out for eggs and bacon and a paper.
Danny Nice bit of pickle on the side.
Laura Gastropub wanker.
And I can get some stuff in for lunch and dinner.
Danny You love it.
Laura All you need is HP sauce.
It's been so long si_:i.ce
I've done that on a Junday.
Danny D'you cook?
Danny I can cook.
Laura Oh fuck off. D'you want to know ifl do the ironing
as well? Silence.
Silence. Laura Let me.
Danny I didn't mean anything by it. Danny I don't know though.
Silence. Silence.
It's hard at Mum's because the kitchen's not mine, but I try I don't know about staying.
to cook. Silence.
Laura Personally, I find Jamie Oliver a bit of a tosser.
J..aura Get us out of the hole, Danny.
Danny You can't knock Jamie.
Laura Why? I only wanted to be honest.
Danny I remember watching The Naked Chef. I used to love
it. I used to dream of having a scooter and knocking up
some tucker for me mates like him. Danny Nothing's even happened between us.
56 Beginning Beginning 57
Laura You think nothing's happened? Maybe I'll fuck you later. If that's what you want. Maybe I
Silence. won't.

I've put my heart in my hand and I've shown you it. Offered Laura I don't want you to fuck me. You focking twat.
it. Freely. Silence.
Silence. Danny I could kill for something to eat. Have you got a
I've been brave. slice of toast or anything I can have?

Silence. Silence.

How brave are you, big man? Laura Are you hungry?

Danny How stupid d'you think I am, you mean ... Danny I'm hanked, Laur.

Silence. Silence.

You know after everything I've been through you think Laura D'you want a fish finger sandwich?,
I'd ... Danny Do I want a fish finger sandwich?
Laura I wouldn't know because you haven't toid me.
Laura Yeah.
Danny Well you know it's only been an hour, hour-and-a- Danny That's honestly a question though?
half and I'm just about getting my head around what's in
your head._ Laura Do you though?

Silence. Danny Hello - earth calling Laura, mister ketchup stain is

in the building.
I don't know you.
Laura laughs.
Laura How many times in your life have you connected
with someone like this? • Danny I'd love one, babe.

Danny You think we've connected? Silence.

Silence. Laura getssomefrozen fish fingersfrom thefreezer and thenfishes

somebakingtraysout of her oven.
I do think you're different. To women I meet. Generally.
She takesonetrayand arrangessixfish fingers on the tray.She
Silence. switcheson the oven and puts thefishfingersstraight in.
I do find you attractive. You can see I do. Danny Fan assisted. Nice.
Silence. Silence.
58 Beginning Beginning 59

Laura I know it's a cardinal sin when you're buying to get Danny Well then ...
sucked in to the fixtures and fittings as per. But I loved this
oven and they said they'd leave it Laura I ·said 'After Hammett?'

Laura goesto thefridge and takesoutsomeketchupand mayonnaise. Danny What?

Silence. Laura They said they just liked the name. But she took
great pleasure in telling me Cate Blanchett had called her
Laura noticesDanny lookingat her.· son Dashiell.
Danny I'd go a Ginsters with you. Danny .Oh what a wanker. Honestly, though?
Laura I'd go a Ginsters with you too.
Laura He called him 'Dash' and she called him 'Dashy'.
Danny 'Crouch Endy' were they? '
Danny I mean, that's quite sweet innit?
Laura Journalists. Very Crouch End. Like old-school
Laura • I mentioned The Incrediblesbut they didn't get it and
Crouch End. When I first had a look round she was on her
they made a point of telling me 'Dashiell d?esn't watch TV'.
way out with their son to 'Bongo Babies'.
Danny laughs. Danny God, t_heysound awful. \

Laura I know. He was a sweet boy. Laura I thought, I bet the fucking nanny sticks a DVD on
when they've gone to work.
Danny How old was he?
Danny They've got a nanny?
Laura About ten months.
Laura Yep.
Danny It's when they start to get fun.
Danny God.
Laura Called Dashiell.
Laura Even ifI had that kind of money I wouldn't want a
Danny Oh why did they do that? nanny for my baby.
Laura What?
Danny You've got to pass the playground test ...
Danny Annabel loved The Incredibles.
Laura What?
Danny He'll get bullied.
Laura I was the wanker though.
Laura Not round here he won't. It's a cute name.
Danny What they staying round here then?
Dashiell took a shine to me and I asked them if I could have
Laura No. a cuddle.
60 Beginning Beginning 61
Silence. Laura Danny, that's just blind optimism.
It was completely inappropriate but I was offering asking Danny You will. If it's what you really want.
Laura If that was the case I'd be married by now, with
It was so wonderful. ~h,reekids and in a big house-in East Finchley.
Silence. Silence.
Danny You weren't a wanker. You're not a wanker. I definitely wouldn't be making five people redundant on
Laura They've bought a house in Mill Hill. I wouldn't want Monday morning. We don't call them redundandes any
a nanny. I wouldn't want my kids educated privately. It's more. We call it 'simplification'. I don't know whether it's
nice to have the choice. But you have to make the right kind or the most ludicrous and monstrous thing I've ever
choice. heard in my life.

Danny We're the lucky ones. Silence.

Silence. Danny You didn't know you wanted it until you realised
you might never have it. \
Laura I've only been in here six weeks and it already feels
like an admission of defeat. Silence.

I kept thinking, why buy a two-bed in an area I don't like Laura I don't want a mirror, Danny.
when I can live in Crouchy ... Silence.
Danny At least you've got your own place. I'd send my kids You're wrong anyway. It's something I've always wanted
to private school.I'd scrape the fees for Annabel ifit meant I really. Even when I was younger.
could see her. You do the best for your kids, don't you?
Danny casuallylooksat somemailon topof the rnicrowave.
Danny goes to the breadbin and takes out a loaf of slicedwhite
bread. Danny Miss Laura R Eggleston?

He takesthe butterdishandfinds a knife and beginsto butter Laura That's me.

four slices. Danny What's the R for?
Silence. Laura Rose.
Danny You will meet someone. Danny Laura Rose Eggleston. You're posh, innit?
Laura It's not like that when you're our age ... Laura Hardly though.
Danny You will have a baby. Danny Were you 'Eggy' at school?
62 Beginning Beginning 63

Laura Yeah. And 'The Ston' in sixth form. Laura I think we would, you know?
Danny My mates call me '.Julius'. Danny •And we could do it again tomorr?'~·
Laura Julius? Laura I think we click, genuinely.
Danny No one can remember why. Danny And then you could never want to see me again.
Laura laughs. Silence.
Danny A bloke at work-his nickname's 'Spunk Bubble'. And nine months down the road there'd be me and two kids
Laura Why? of mine I never see.

Danny His mum and dad had a split condom. Silence.

Laura "Er,gross. I don't think my heart could take that.

Danny ..Don't you think it's funny though? Laura I was honest with you because I like you and I c·an
see you're a good man.
Laura Fancy his parents telling him that?
Danny You don't know me.
Danny And the little shit's proud of it as well.
Laura Is he? What a dick ...
Laura It probably wouldn't happen anyway ...
Danny Perhaps we should christen our one ...
Danny I'm not stupid ...
Laura I know you're not.
Laura What?
Danny What's the chance, one in ten? One in twenty?
Laura looksat Danny. Theylookat eachother,examineeachother.
Danny goesand sits down.
Laura You know if you did ... And I did ... I would never
Silence. do that.
Danny I would do it you know. Part of me's like- fuck it Danny What?
Laura You know , , .
Laura That's like how I feel.
Danny What?
Danny I fancy you rotten.
Laura I would never exclude you.
Danny That's what my ex-wife said.
But I could do it and I could have a fucking brilliant day
with you tomorrow like. Silence.
64 Beginning
Beginning 65
It's crazy we're even having the conversation. It's fucking what happened at school that day. And whether she's going
nuts. to dancing classes or learning to play the violin. And you go
Silence. up to your room. The room that was your room when you
were a kid. And it's still got the claret and blue on the walls.
Laura Who knows what's going to happen? And you see the toy box in the corner. That was your toy box
Danny I fucking wish you'd kept yourmouth shut and said· when you was a kid. Except now it's full of your daughter's
nothing and just fucked me. toys from. Four years ago though. Pep pa Pig and, and ...
Laura No Danny ... Silence.

Danny And held me and told me nothing and given me an And you haven't got a clue what she's into now. Or whether
amazing night tonight and day tomorrow. she even remembers you. And knows she's got a dad. Your
own flesh and blood.
Laura Danny ...
Danny I need someone to hold me as well. You think a.
man doesn't need that? Your whole life's gone. Everything you were certain of. It's
Laura I neversaid that ...
Danny You think a man doesn't need warmth and love?
I'd top myselfifI knew it woufdn't devastate my mum and
Laura I know, I need it ... my nan. I'd do it though.
Danny Why couldn't you just give me that and give Silence.
yourself that?
I'm not even a shell, babe. I'm candy-floss an hour out of the
Laura I wanted to ... maker.
Danny And deal with your guilt ... Silence.
Laura Danny, I can't use someone like that. When the train was coming in to take us back to Euston this
Silence. afternoon. I went there. In my head.
Danny You think you're the only one that's lonely?
Silence. And I looked at those idiots that I work with. And I thought,
I won't give you a fucking story that'll be an officejoke
I thought nothing could be lonelier '.han an _u~happy . within a week.
marriage. But I tell you it's got nothmg on s1ttmg there with
your mum and your nan on a Monday night after work. And Laura Fucking hell, Danny. If you're gonna do it, don't do
you've got absolutely nothing to say to each other though. it in Milton Keynes.
Nothing. And you're forty-two years of age. And all you can Danny startsto laugh. He wantsto cry but he doesn'tlethimselfcry
think of is your daughter you've not seen for four years. And in front a/Laura.
66 Beginning Beginning 67
Silence. Laura goes to the ovenand takesout thefish fingers.
Danny You make me laugh. She makestwofishfinger sandwichesand puts lotsof ketchupand
Silence. mayonnaiseon bothof them.
Laura You'd never do anything like that. Shegives Danny his sandwichand then returnsand collectshers.
D,mny No, I wouldn't. She eatshers. He doesn'ttouchhis. Shefinishesher sandwich.
Laura I can tell. Laura Why don't you see Annabel?
Danny I worry I'll never see Annabel again. Danny Because she lives in Truro now.
Laura Then get a lawyer.
Laura It must be lonely.
Danny I've got no money left. She's gone back to Cornwall.
Danny It is.
Laura It must be a lonely thing to live with?
Her mother does what she likes. She's so much like me.
Danny You frighten me. They way you look at me. You
Annabel. She's the spit ofme. \
Silence. Silence.

It makes me think about the man I was. I'm a monthly direct debit. That's all I am.

Silence. Silence.
I'm the bloke in the park on a Sunday morning. Having a Danny lights up a cigaretteand smokes.
fag. Watching every other dad with their kids. What's wrong
with you, Laura? You can't just decide things like this on a
whim ... Laura We moved here when I was thirteen. When Mum
Laura screams. met Dad. And we lived on Landseer Road. I was there until
I went to Uni. It wasjust me and Mum and Dad. He was
Laura You think I want a baby on a whim!
always my dad. I took his name when Mum did. My dad was
Silence. a postman and my mum was a teacher. We were a unit.
Danny I'm sorry. Silence.
My mum got ovarian cancer when I was twenty and she was
Laura Don't worry. dead six months later.
Danny I'm sorry, Laura. Silence.
68 Beginning Beginning 69 •

It was awful. But in a way it was a lot worse seeing what Silence.
happened to Dad, though. He was always a modest drinker.
Laura We'd just do it.
Half of ale, halfofbitter. But when Mum wentDad drank.
Danny And?
Laura And we'd cuddle up and go to sleep.
He drank a lot. He smoked. He smoked 111the time when
she was gone. I think he found it hard to be around me. He - Danny And what then?
said I'm so much like Mum. He was dead within three years. Laura And then we'd do it again in the morning.
Silence. Danny And what after that?
I was amazed he managed to hold down his job until he Laura I'd go out to get breakfast, like I said I would.
Danny And you'd see me again?
• He left me some money. There wasn't much. He'd not been •
paying the mortgage. He was a law unto himself once mum Laura I don't know. I think I would. I honestly don't know.
had gone. You couldn't tell him anything. Is that you? I can't say any more than I've said to pers1;1adeyou. It's not
right. I don't know, Danny.
Danny No, Lam~
Danny All I've ever wanted is to be is a family man.
Laura I can see that.
Laura I don't need a man. I don't need you. Not really.
Danny Do you promise me ifI do what you want and if it
I'm not desperate for a man. I'm quite happy on my own. happens and you know ... You ... You'll always include
Silence. me? •
Eat your sandwich, Danny. Silence.
Danny doesas he'stoldand eatshis sandwich.He stopsand looks Laura They'd always know their dad.
at her.
Danny How would it work then?
Danny Do you promise me you'd always include me?
Laura What?
Laura I can't make that promise, Danny. I don't know you.
Danny Ifwe go to bed.
Laura Er, I don't know about my bed.
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I've
Danny The sofa then. been completely up front with you.
70 Beginning Beginning 71
Silence. Laura Especially for Annabel.
Danny But Annabel? Silence.
Laura What about her? Danny I had an affair.
Danny She'd have a brother or a sister ... Silence.
Laura I can't help you with your ex. Laura I did·wonder.
Silence. Silence.
Danny So it's your call? It's going to be your call ... Danny It was·...
Laura Yeah, I think it is. Laura W'hat?
Silence.·· Danny I don't know.
Danny So it's a punt? Silence.
Silence. Laura D'you have regrets?
Laura Or maybe the beginning of something. Silence.
Silence. Danny I don't know ifl can talk to you about this yet.
Laura Why did you split up with your wife? Silence.
Danny We stopped listening to each other. Laura That's fine.
Danny You get it though, right?
Laura And that ended a marriage?
Laura Of course I do.
Danny We stopped talking to each other.
Are you still in love with her?
Laura That's sad.
Danny Who?
Danny We had Annabel. A home. But we didn't have each
other. We had Annabel but we forgot everything else we had
in common. My wife?
Silence. Laura Well, I guess ...
Laura That is sad. Danny No ...
Danny Yep. Laura I meant ...
72 Beginning Beginning 73

Danny Her? Silence.

Laura I guess so -yes. The woman who ... I don't care what your past is.
Danny No, no, I'm not. Silence.
Silence. I care about now. The now. It's all I care about, Laura. How
d'you want to live your life now? What d'you want to do.
Laura I mean, it's none of my business.
Danny It's fine.
Laura You know.
Laura It isn't though.
Danny I don't mind you asking ...
Danny Tell me what you want.
Laura Really ...
Laura You know what I want.
Danny As long as you don't mind if I don't want to talk
Danny Tell me about what happens ne,u.
about it.
Laura Of course I don't. Laura You walk towards me and kiss me. ;
Danny I kiss you.
Danny I feel ashamed.
Laura Oh don't ... Laura We kiss like it's the kiss that makes you feel like
you're home.
Danny I feel I let myself down ...
Laura No ...
You take my hand and we sit next to each other. With ease,
Danny And I feel like I let Annabel down. though.
Laura Don't though. Danny With ease?
Danny It's true. I'm not a bad man. Laura And we kiss again. You undress me.
Silence. Silence.
Laura If you knew everything about my life you wouldn't Everything apart from my knickers. And you kiss me as you
like me. undress me. My eyelids, my neck, my shoulders, my breasts,
Silence. my tummy. But you don't touch me. Not yet. You kiss my
thighs, my calves, my heel, my little toe. And then you rise.
Danny I don't think there's a person in this world you
could say any different about. Silence.
74 Beginning
Beginning 75
And I undress you. Slowly.Carefully. Kissing.Just kissing. No more giving everything to work. Because already life is
You let me touch you. beginning.
Silence. Silence.
Danny It's been a while. • • In a year this place is sold and there's me and you and ...
Laura I know .. • Laura wants to cry.She won't cry infront of him.
Danny I think you might be better off letting me get in Silence.
No more in the gym at seven. No more foreign films on my
Laura laughs. own and a meal deal for one. No more reading every book
Danny lightsa cigarette.He thinks.He puts it out. on the Booker shortlist and making smug recommendations
to Tuesday Book Club. No more just 'Auntie Laura'. None of
Silence. it. \

Laura We fall asleep on the sofa for a bit. We get up a?d Silence.
turn the mattress over on my bed and change the beddmg What's wrong with that?
and we sleep. You know about tomorrow. But tomorrow
night. Sunday night. When it's time for you to.go. You say Silence.
you're staying. You ring your mum. And she nngs your nan.
What's wrong with wanting to have a family and be married
Danny laughs. and be normal though?

And you tell her that you're not coming home. Silence.

Silence. My friends are all sojealous ofmy independence. My career.

My courage embracing being on my own. My travelling. My
We get the W7 to Finsbury Park and kiss each other goodbye dates, my lovers, my embarrassing nights out.
at King's Cross, when you get off. But you go and buy a
clean shirt and some deodorant though. And then you go to Laura screams.
work. And I go to work. And as I walk up Tottenham Court But it's so, so, so ... You know?
Road I think about you. And I dream.
Danny nods.
, Silence.
I dream like I haven't dreamt in years.
Laura I want a people carrier. I want a big house in Essex.
Silence. I want kids. I want a family. I want a husband. I want to
Of coming home and you coming home to me, and m:to work from nine till five Monday to Thursday and then have
you. And I'll know in my heart I'll never be lonely agam. the day on a Friday to be with my son or my daughter. I
want to be married. And I want a normal husband I can rely
Silence. on. And I still want a fucking white dress. And I want to put
76 Beginning
Beginning 77
all the pictures on Eacebook. Every last single one, though. I. Laura I don't want a cunt with an Audi.
want pictures of you kissing me on the steps of the church.
Of you dancing with me to Bros. Of you carrying me up to Si!m/:e. •
our room when1'm totalled at the end of the night. I want I want The You. I want The You. That's what I want.
pictures ofme with your mum and your nan. Who both love
me. I want pictures of us with our baby. I want pictures of Silence.
me making cup~;ikes with him. Or her. Or him. Or her. I Danny goesto her and kissesher.Theykiss.
want the place on the Arnalfi coast. I want to be a size
fourteen. I want us to go to the opera and you to wear black Danny takesher hand and leadsher to the sofa.
tie.Just because we've never done anything like it before Theykissagain.
and maybe we'll never do it again because we hate it. But
we'll laugh. We'll laugh ourselves sick with laughing. We'll Danny beginsto undressher.Slowly,kissingas he goes. Until she's
turn fifty and start looking the same. Me with short hair. And just in her bra and knickers.
us in matching body warmers. And we'll cruise. We'll go on a Laura kisseshim and removeshis shirt. She kissesas shegoes.
cruise just like my mum and dad did. Before they died.
Laura undoeshis belt. Danny stands and his.trousersfall.
Silence. \
Danny movesaway slightlyand takesoff his sd\ks. Laura stands.
But we won't die young like them. We'll be like the couple I
saw at Heathrow. Theybothlookat each otherin theirunderwear.'

Silence. Silence.
Danny I'm sorry about my ...
Eighty, maybe ninety. Him in a jacket and trousers. And her
in a long elegant violet dress. Holding hands. Holding hands Laura What?
and never letting go.
Danny My belly.
Danny I'll never be able to give you that.
Laura You'd do this?
Laura I know.
Danny I don't want to talk any more.
Danny I've got nothing. Laura I'm scared now.
Danny Don't be scared.
Laura I know. Laura lam.
Silence. Danny Don't be.
Danny You need a man who can give you the life you want.
Laura I feel like my whole life's on the toss ofa coin.
78 Beginning Beginning 79

Silence. Danny I feel like the last chicken in Sainsbury's.

Laura thinks,makesa decisionand goes tofind her handbag.It Laura reallylaughs.
takesa while,but shefinds it. '
She rootsaround iuside and takesout herpurse. Shefishesout a
condom. Laura goesto Danny and holdshim. Theyjust hold eachother.
She offersit to Danny, Laura · You getting warmer?

Danny RighL Danny Not yet.

Laura I want to though, Laura Just give it a minute.

Danny Laur . , , Silence.

Laura Laura, Danny If you tell me where the thermostat is though ...
Danny I'm cool with it. Laura letshim go, goesto the dial on thewall and turns up
the heating. '
Laura If you still like me. And I still like you. In the
morning then we can ... She stays wheresheis and looksat him.
Danny I am cool with it ... Laura You don't think this is crazy?
Laura I've only got this one anyway. Danny No.
Silence. Laura You sure?
Something changed when you came tonight. And you Danny When has anyone ever got it on with anyone and
'looked at me. it's not felt crazy?
Silence. Silence.
Danny Same. Like even a tiny bit.
Laura I know. Silence.
Silence. Laura I think you're amazing doing this.
I've got to trust that though. Danny Why?
Danny I get it, babe. Laura When I put my cards on the table I was expecting
Silence. you to just walk out.
Is there any chance you can flick the heating on? Danny Why would I automatically do that?
Laura What? Laura I don't know, I ...
80 Beginning

Danny Laura, you're the brave one.
Laura I'm trying to be.
Laura smiles.
You're absolutely sure?
Danny Yeah.
Laura We're good people. You and me. Come here.
I want a good beginning.
Danny nods. Laura advancestowardsDanny and theykiss.
Danny takesherhand and leadsher towardsthe sofa.
He takesthe condomfrom her and looksat it. He thinks, makesa
decisionand placesthe condomgently to oneside. They kiss.
Fade. The End.
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