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Evaluation Instrument Plan

Monica Cannon
ITEC 7460
Spring 2022

Professional development is an important part of being an effective teacher and continual

learning. As a professional development leader, it is important to respect the teachers limited

time that they have for planning and preparation during the school day. To do this I have

developed some evaluation instruments for our professional development opportunities at our

school. These will consist of surveys and observations. Each of these will help evaluate the five

levels of Guskey’s evaluation framework.

In the Spring of each school year, teachers will complete the Professional Learning Needs

survey. Administration and academic coaches will use the data from this survey to help guide

provided professional development during post-planning days and pre-planning days of the

following school year. Any teachers that list specific training will be given the opportunity to

meet with the academic coach to further discuss the professional learning desired.

After providing professional development based on the data from the professional learning needs

survey each training session will be concluded with a survey to determine the quality and

effectiveness of professional learning from the session. Teachers will complete the Professional

Development Survey to evaluate levels 1-3 of Guskey’s model. Data from this survey will tell us

if teachers felt the training was beneficial, if they liked it, and if they learned what was intended.

It would also let the administration know if the teachers had adequate support to implement what

was learned.
Once teachers implement the newly learned practices, we will then evaluate levels 4 of Guskey’s

model. The academic coach and administration team will evaluate the accuracy of

implementation by teachers by observing them with their students while implementing the new

knowledge into their teaching strategy. Level 5, student learning outcomes, will be evaluated by

comparing new student assessment data to that of students prior to implementing the new


Professional Learning Needs survey

Professional Development Survey

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