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Interstellar is a 2014 movie that was directed by Christopher Nolan and written by
Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan.
Interstellar is a dramatic movie where the last chance the Earth had to find a habitable
planet before it lacked resources and caused the extinction of the human race. The
protagonist is Cooper, a former NASA pilot who is tasked with leading a mission
through a wormhole to find a habitable planet in another galaxy. Cooper always
mentioned that he wishes he had more time with his family. But in this case he was
doing a mission that would save humanity. This was a "nothing venture, nothing
gained" mission.
In this scene, Cooper and the other crew members had been driving the spacecraft
through the atmosphere of the planet where Dr. Miller was for several minutes.
They were flying below the cloud line when they visualized water in all directions below
them. They spotted Dr. Miller's signal beacon and landed at his location. Cooper then
exhorted the others to get out, reminding them that Earth experienced 7 years for every
hour they stayed on that strange planet.
Dr. Brandt, Doyle, and the CASE robot exited the ship and headed toward Miller's
beacon that was several feet away.
CASE extended two mechanical arms and retrieved the beacon from the water. It was
wrecked and Miller was nowhere to be found. Brand, for his part, continued searching
for the remains in the direction where a mountain turned up. Cooper, however,
suddenly realized that what they saw in the distance was not mountains, but colossal
kilometer-high waves.

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