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Term – I

Spreadsheet Modelling

Course Instructors

Prof. V. Venkata Rao

Prof. M V Yugandhar
Prof. Sumit Kumar Yadav


Indian Institute of Management Udaipur
Master of Business Administration
Academic Year 2023-24
Course Outline for Spreadsheet Modelling (Part I)
Course name Spread Sheet Modelling – Part 1
Program MBA Core/Elective Core
Credits 2 (SSM Part 1 + SSM Part 2) Cap (if
Academic Year 2023-24 Term 1
Course Coordinator Prof. V. Venkata Rao Email

Instructor 1 V. Venkata Rao Email
Sessions 6 Section A, B
Affiliation OM/QM/IS
Office Hours

Instructor 2 M V Yugandhar Email

Sessions 6 Section C, D
Affiliation OM/QM/IS
Office Hours

Instructor 3 Sumit Kumar Yadav Email

Sessions 6 Section E
Affiliation OM/QM/IS
Office Hours

Course description

There would be two modules constituting the Spreadsheet Modelling course; the first is offered in the
first term and the second in the third term. This outline pertains to the first term module.

Course Objectives

To introduce the participants to solving managerial problems using spreadsheet software. The module
familiarizes participants with several essential features of the spreadsheet package Microsoft Excel.
This is a skill building course. It develops skills in the participants to cast a variety of managerial
problems into a format required by the above package. Further, the participants would learn how to
answer the questions posed, and to derive insights into the problems by performing sensitivity
analysis, using the package. There would be a considerable emphasis on hands-on problem solving
and in actually using the spreadsheet software.

Required Text Book(s)/ Material:

Spreadsheet through Examples: Microsoft Excel 2010 Version, June 2014, IIMA registered Note No.
CISG0104TEC, IIM Ahmedabad (SS Note)

Additionally, participants are required to learn the various features of the spreadsheet package, by
searching the online help of the package or a search engine like GOOGLE.

The module consists of totally six sessions. Each session centres on a topic and a set of features of the
EXCEL package. The features are, however, introduced indirectly through a problem, which is
discussed and solved in the class. The participants are expected to read the material and the problem
prescribed for the class and attempt to solve beforehand the problem assigned. In the class, the
instructor may choose a participant at random and ask him/ her to display their solution to the class.
The problem for in-class discussion and the background reading for each class are listed in the Table
in the section on Session Plan below, along with their corresponding page numbers in the above note
(SS Note). A participant is expected to spend approximately two hours in preparation and review for
each class session.

Use of Laptops in Class

Students may use their laptop computers in class to follow the topic under discussion. However,
please keep the following in mind:

1. The laptop is to be used strictly for following the topic/ feature under discussion in the class.
2. A participant should ensure that she/he does not affect the class's progress with problems specific
to their computer.
3. Use of the laptop for any purpose, other than to follow the class discussion (for instance, checking
e-mail, browsing, chatting, etc.) would be considered a violation of class discipline.

The MS EXCEL Version used in the Course.

Any recent version of Microsoft EXCEL working on MS Windows (ex: Microsoft Excel for Microsoft
365 MSO) is adequate. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that she/he has an appropriate
version of EXCEL version installed their computer.

The 1st term module would carry a 20% weightage in the Spreadsheet Modelling course. The
components for this (20%) portion are:

1. Assignments (Problems done in LAB sessions + Individual Assignment): 40 per cent, and

2. Surprise quizzes (objective type): 60 per cent.

Session Plan
(The number given in brackets next to each problem is the page number in the SS Note on which the
problem is described. As the sessions take place, depending on the actual progress of coverage, the
number of sessions allocated to a topic might be changed by the instructor, if necessary, but the
sequence of topics given below will not be disturbed.)

Session Topic Problem to be Background

No. discussed Reading
and Page No. (Page Nos in
in SS Note SS Note)
1 Elementary Features; Role of Modelling in Managerial Conference 7-15
Problem Solving Budget (191)
(Formula, Copy, Relative and Absolute Addressing, SUM,
Table, Scatter Plot)
2 Sensitivity Analysis A Project 21-27
(NPV, IRR, IF, MAX, MIN, Two-Way Data Table, Goal Seek) Appraisal
Problem (141)
3 Lookup Functions Gender Based 16-20, 28-36
(Ranges, and Range Naming, INDEX< MATCH, VLOOKUP, Income Tax
HLOOKUP) (171)
4 Database Operations-I Medal Tally in 42-48
(TRUE/FALSE Functions, IS functions, Data SORT, Atlanta
Advanced FILTER, Simple criteria Range, Formula Based Olympics (160)
Criteria Range, MACRO, Pivot Table)
5 Database Operations-II Multiplex 42-48
(AND, OR, String Concatenation, Formula Based Criteria Movies (149)
6 Date Arithmetic Telephone Bills 55-62
(Correspondence between serial numbers and Dates, Analysis (211)

Apart from the 6 classroom sessions, there will be three LAB sessions that will be scheduled at regular
intervals during the course, with the aim of providing time for participants to practice under
supervision. The participants will be expected to solve given problems in the LAB and submit on
Moodle Platform. The LAB submissions would constitute 25% weightage in the evaluation in the
assignment component, the remaining 75% would come from the individual assignment given at the
end of the course.


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