Food Pyramid

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The Food pyramid

Food is one of the basic needs of human being. Food pyramid is a chart to show the
five groups of foods. The chart shows us how much of each group of food we should
eat. There are four levels in the Food Pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid, there are
things made from grains. Grains give us energy and we eat more of these foods. Fruit
and vegetables are in the next level of the pyramid. They help our eyes and health. We
should eat them regularly. On the next level, there are fish, meat, dairy products, lentils,
and beans which have protein. Protein and dairy make us strong. Fat and oil are at the
top of the food pyramid and our body does not need very much of them. In the pyramid
there are different types of food; like breads, cereals, rice noodles, potatoes, etc. These
types of foods are very helpful and healthy. So, we should eat a plenty of these foods.
There are dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. They help our teeth and bones.
Protein and dairy make us strong. We should eat these food items because they are
important for health but we do not need too much of them. Finally, we have fats, oils,
sweets, etc. Fat stores energy in our body. These make food delicious, but our body
does not need very much of them. We should eat very little of these foods. Sometimes
we can't get food from all the different food groups. But when we have choices about
food, we need to make good choices. So, all should follow the chart to take food to live
a healthy and happy life.

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