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1.-Nasca Lines 2.-Inca Baths 3-Waterfall__4.-Landmark __ | 5-Rver B.-LEV'S READ! 2. Read the blog entries | T LOVE Cusco | Hi, my name is Rosa and I am from Cusco, T love my city! T'm | proud of the amazing landmarks like Machu Picchu, | Socsayhuoman, The Inca Trails, etc. | In June we celebrate “The Festival of the Sur” (Ini Raymi). | Jn this festival, there are clrfl parades. It i on exciting clebration. In this festival people dance, sing and eat | traditional local food. Many tourists visit Cusco to celebrate. | ths festival Comme ond visit Cusco! i | | ats IS MY CITY Hello, my nome is Luis and T'm from Trujillo. In January we clebrate “The Festival de la Marinera’. We celebrate the legance and beauty of marinera, a national dance from the coast of Peru, In this celebration, there are colorful parades nd dance competitions. Tt is a beautiful ond fun celebration People participate indifferent ways, they dance and prepare | traditional dishes, | Trujillo is waiting for you! CLE U Answer the questions 1.-Whois from Cusco? 2. where is Rosa from? a a I 5.- How is celebrated inti Raymi? 6.- Where is Luis from? 7. When is celebrated The Festival de la Marinera? 8.- Where is the marinera from? C.LEDS PRACTISE 4. Choose the correct option from the box people - dates -reasons _ A) We use What to sk for 8) We use Where fo ask for t C) We use Who to ask for _ D) We use When toask for £) We use Why to ask for E, LET'S SELF ASSESS _ Expresa cuinto sabes en Tnglés, Marca.conung "X donde | Feas comveriente, Resporde Con honéstidad — — ~~ st] No CRITERIOS ‘Puede comprender palabras esritas en Inglés que son inibresal castellano = | Z-Puedededucirelsinifcad de pabbrasesertaser™ | ls pair deimagenes “1.-Puedo nica infrmacid para responder preguntas 1.-Nasca Lines 2.+ Inca Baths 3-Waterfall__4.-landmark __ | 5River B.-LEV'S EAD! 2: Read the Blog entries | TLOVE Cusco | Hi, my name is Rosa and T am from Cusco. I love my city! I'm | proud of the amazing landmarks ike Machu Picchu, | Sccsayhuaman, The Inca Trails, etc. | In June we celebrate “The Festival of the Sur" (Inti Roym) | Jn this festival, there are colorful parades. It is an exciting clebration, In this festival people dance, sing and eat |. | adtion!- local food. Many tarsi visit Cusco to celebrate the festival | came ard visit Cusco! | te, mmy name is Luis and I'm from Trujillo. In Janwory we clebrate “The Festival de la Marinera". We celebrate the legance and beauty of marinera, a national dance from the coast of Peru, In this celebration, there are colorful parades and dance competitions. It is a beautiful and fun celebration People prtcpateinitferent ways, they dance ond prepere | traditional dishes, | Trujillo is waiting for you! | reguntas Answer the questions ¢. 5. 1.-Whois from Cusco? 2 where is Rosa from? 3,- What is celebrated in Cusco? 4. When is celebrated The Inti Raymi? 5. How is celebrated Inti Raymi? | 6.- Where is Luis from? 7. When is celebrated The Festival de la Marinera? 8.- Where is the marinera from? objects - places -people -dates.-reasons | y A) We use What to ok for 8) We use Where to ask For | ©) We use Who to ask for 2 | ioe use When toask for \aWe We use Why to ask for E. LET'S SELF ASSESS | Exprese cuinto sabes en Inglés. Marca.con.ung "X" donde | Fees caveiene. Reside Cen Ronestidad ;| fees ces os CaITRIOS 1 Ped omprenr palabras eras en gles que sonsinibresal castellano + |Z Puedrdeducirl snifcadr de palabras esortaser™ | Inglés a pati de imagenes (3. Puedoientfcarinfrmacid para responder Al

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