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Prepared for the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the

February 27, 2015

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

© FEPAR 2015
All rights reserved
No part of this document may be reproduced in
any form without the prior written permission

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................................... 3

1 FOREWORD .................................................................................................................... 4

2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Who the model is for .............................................................................................................................. 6

3 THE FCS COMPREHENSIVE COMPETENCY MODEL ............................................................ 7

3.1 Structure of the FCS Comprehensive Competency Model ..................................................................... 7
3.2 Competencies and Cluster Definitions.................................................................................................... 9

4 THE FCS COMPREHENSIVE COMPETENCY CATALOGUE.................................................... 12

4.1 The Vision Competency Cluster ............................................................................................................ 12
4.2 The People Competency Cluster ........................................................................................................... 29
4.3 The Execution Competency Cluster ...................................................................................................... 49
4.4 The Expertise Competency Cluster ....................................................................................................... 66
4.5 The Ethics and Values Competency Cluster .......................................................................................... 89

5 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................. 110

5.1 Appendix - Design Methodology for the Competency Model ............................................................ 110

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Abbreviations and Acronyms

DFID Department for International Development
FCS Federal Civil Service
FCSC Federal Civil Service Commission
FEPAR Federal Public Administration Reform Programme
FGN Federal Government of Nigeria
GL Grade Level
HCSF Head of the Civil Service of the Federation
HR Human Resources
HRM Human Resource Management
MDAs Ministerial Departments and Agencies
OHCSF Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

1 Foreword
I am pleased to introduce this first version of the FCS Comprehensive Competency model, which is
the first in the Federal Civil Service. The Civil Service is the engine that drives and implements the
policies of the government and just as our performance targets define WHAT we must deliver, this
competency model defines HOW we must work to deliver desired results.

Competencies are the bedrock of modern HR Management. As a result, the OHCSF, as the entity
responsible for providing leadership and guidance for the Federal Civil Service, has with the support
of FEPAR, developed this Comprehensive Competency model as an employee development tool and
for modernising and strengthening Human Resource Management in the Service. The competency
model sets out the behaviours expected of officers at all grade levels in the Service and will be used
for a number of purposes, including but not limited to assessing and evaluating performance,
describing and weighing jobs, determining and closing training and development gaps and most
importantly, developing leadership capacity in the Service.

From time to time, this tool will be updated not only to reflect changes and advancement in the
Service but also to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the many Human Resource processes it
is meant to support. It will help Civil Servants at all levels understand, align with and demonstrate the
behaviours expected of them. Therefore, I implore us all to adopt and use it as a valuable reference
and guide in performing our duties.

Please endeavour to let me know your thoughts about the FCS Comprehensive Competency model.
For information and suggestions, please reach us on and

Danladi Irmiya Kifasi CFR, mni

Head of the Civil Service of the Federation

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

2 Introduction
2.1 Background
Since 2012, the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF), with the
assistance of the Federal Public Administration Reform Programme (FEPAR)1 has been
implementing a number of initiatives based on an agreed Roadmap for Revitalising the Civil

The key objective of the partnership between FEPAR and the OHCSF is to strengthen the
OHCSF and significantly improve key Human Resource (HR) Management practices and
processes in the FCS. The scope of the reform covers but is not limited to the following:

Job/work design (especially the Schemes of Service)

Workforce Planning
Career Management (primarily Employee Mobility, Learning & Development, and
Performance Management
Compensation (particularly Job Evaluation)
Leadership Development and Succession Management

In re-designing and strengthening many of the existing HRM processes, the need for a
Competency model which aligns and integrates all HRM systems (as obtains in modern HRM)
in the FCS became apparent. Competencies are indeed the cornerstone of modern HR
management and serve the all-important role of integrating HR processes, ensuring they
complement each other and contribute to creating a positive and enabling culture in the
organisation. It was thus imperative that a competency model be developed for the Federal
Civil Service (FCS) to underpin effective HR processes and support the successful execution
of the people strategy of the FCS. (See Appendix 1 for the process of developing the
competency model)

This document presents the competency model for the Federal Civil Service.

1 The Federal Public Administration Reform Programme (FEPAR) was developed by the Federal Government of Nigeria in
collaboration with the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) as a resource to support central
Government institutions in the design and implementation of reform initiatives for improved structures, systems and capacity for
public service delivery. One of the five components of FEPAR is Civil Service Reform, aimed at supporting the strengthening of
central Employee Management Institutions and through them, engender whole-of-government improvement in HR policies,
practices and processes, in line with the NSPSR and Federal Government’s Transformation Agenda.

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

2.2 Who the model is for

The FCS Competency Model is to be used by all officers of the Federal Civil Service, especially
leaders and HR process managers. It applies equally to the whole variety of roles that exist
within the Civil Service.

For individuals, it describes the behaviours that need to be demonstrated at your level in
order for you to achieve your targets and improve your performance on the job. Using the
competency model, you can easily assess yourself and determine the areas improvements
are needed in order for you to become a better person and improve your performance. You
can also discover the competencies required at the higher level you desire and begin to
prepare yourself to model those behaviours in readiness for your next promotion.

For leaders in the Service, the competency model will help you understand how your
behaviours affect and shape the culture and climate your colleagues and subordinates work
in. Whether you work directly with citizens or with staff, it will help you realise how what
you do affect the experiences of citizens and users of the service provided by your
organizational unit as well as the reputation of the Civil Service itself.

For HR Management process managers, the competency model will help you align your
process to the overall direction of the Civil Service and integrate it with other HR processes
in the FCS such as recruitment and promotion, deployment, training and development,
performance management, job evaluation and leadership development.

The figure below provides a schematic representation of the various ways the model can be
applied to HR processes.

Figure 1: Uses of the Competency Model for HR Management

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

3 The FCS Comprehensive Competency Model

3.1 Structure of the FCS Comprehensive Competency Model
Competencies are the skills, knowledge and behaviours that lead to successful performance.
The FCS Competency Model (Figure 2) describes 18 Competencies in 5 clusters focused on
how the service delivers on its mandate and expectations. The model recognizes that the
Service exists to support the government of the day to implement policies and deliver public
goods. Based on this, the key goals of the competencies is to ensure we deliver on our
results and the five (5) clusters in the model describe HOW we deliver results through -
Vision, working with People and using our Expertise for excellent Execution while ensuring
we do NOT compromise on the fundamentals, our shared Ethics and Values as an

Figure 2: The FCS Competency Model

The competency structure (Figure 3) provides a description of what each competency means
in practice and each of the competencies has the following elements:

Definition – captures how each competency has been defined for the purposes of the
FCS. This is to ensure there is uniformity in the description and interpretation of
competencies across the FCS
Attributes – states the various elements that make up the competency as defined
Behavioural Indicators – these are examples of observable and measurable behaviours
and other characteristics for each competency that should be demonstrated by officers.
o The effective behaviours are intended as a guideline to key behaviours that are
desires of all Civil Servants within their band

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

o The ineffective behavioural indicators (These are examples of behaviour that

individuals should avoid as they can have an adverse effect on the working
practices and the Service)
Proficiency Label – this summarises expected behaviour per competency
Proficiency Scale - this is used to aggregate and define effective and ineffective
behaviours expected of officers in a collection of grade levels. For the purposes of the
FCS competency model, four bands have been defined - Band 1 (GL 03 – 06), Band 2 (GL
07 – 10), Band 3 (GL 12 – 14) and Band 4 (GL 15 – 17)

Figure 3: Competency Structure

It is pertinent to note that the competencies have been designed to be discrete and
cumulative, with each level building on the levels below i.e. a person demonstrating a
competency at Band 3 should be demonstrating Band 1 and 2 as well. These indicators of
behaviour are not designed to be comprehensive, but provide a clear sense of and greater
understanding and consistency about what is expected from individuals in the Civil Service.

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

3.2 Competencies and Cluster Definitions

The short descriptions of the 5 clusters and definitions of the 18 competencies are outlined

Cluster and Competencies

Ethics and Values This cluster comprises competencies that make up the
character of the ideal Civil Servant. They should be at the
core of everything we do in the service. Without them the
individual should not be in the Service. Competencies in
this cluster are Commitment, Integrity, Inclusiveness and
Commitment means You are passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service;
uphold its values, policies, and procedures; identify with
and stay devoted to its cause
Integrity means You behave in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; show
consistency in words and actions; and act without
consideration of personal gain
Inclusiveness means You support and foster an inclusive workplace where
people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of their
gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status;
ensuring that individual differences are valued and
embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service
Courage means You demonstrate conviction to make and stand by the right
decisions, even at significant personal cost
Vision This cluster comprises competencies that help us set
direction, stay flexible and remain on the right track.
Competencies in this cluster are Strategic Thinking,
Effective Decision Making and Embracing and Managing
Effective Decision You make well-informed, effective, and timely decisions;
Making means adequately considers the implications and impact; stands
by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences
Strategic Thinking You demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic
means internal and external operating environment; and
anticipate and develop appropriate responses to address
current and future challenges
Embracing and You deliberately seek opportunities to create, identify and
managing change support the implementation of new and innovative ideas;
means challenge unproductive ways of doing things; and ensure
change is sustainable and effective

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Cluster and Competencies

Execution This cluster is about execution excellence – getting things
done and managing resources efficiently. Related
competencies are: Transparency & Accountability, Drive for
Results and Value for Money
Transparency and You readily make relevant information and service delivery
accountability means standards available to all stakeholders; and hold self and
team members responsible for actions and inactions
Drive for results mean You display enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals;
identify problems, determine possible solutions, and
actively work to resolve the issues
Value for money You ensure efficient, effective and economic use of
means available resources in the delivery of own job; identify
opportunities to reduce costs and maximise value for
resources utilised
People This cluster defines competencies that help us get results
through working and relating effectively with people.
Competencies in this cluster include: Managing and
Developing People, Effective Communication, and
Collaborating and Partnering
Managing and You create a positive working climate with a focus on
developing people developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in line
means with service goals

Effective You express your thoughts with clarity, conviction and

communication enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
means manner using appropriate grammar, style and language;
you keep others well informed; listen carefully to input and
feedback; and encourage them to express contrary views
Collaborating and You build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and
partnering means effective working relationships within and outside the Civil
Service to achieve results
Expertise The Expertise Cluster consist technical competencies and
competency type that are common to everyone in the
Service regardless of your MDA and functional area. These
competencies are: Policy Management, Citizen Focus,
Information & Records Management, Adoption and Use of
Technology, and Specialist Competencies
Policy management You identify policy issues, and contribute to developing and
means selecting the most suitable options, ensuring effective
policy implementation and sustainable national

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Cluster and Competencies

Citizen focus means You are sensitive to the needs of clients; satisfy the
expectations of internal and external clients; and promote
a strong client service culture
Information and You apply the knowledge of information & records
records management management and organisational policies to create, control,
means distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet
operational and regulatory needs
Adoption and use of You effectively apply requisite technology to facilitate work
technology means processes and deliver quality service

Specialist Function-specific technical competencies required to

competencies means perform technical aspects of your job. They will be defined
by each MDA with the guidance of Organisation Design and
Development Department of OHCSF

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

4 The FCS Comprehensive Competency Catalogue

4.1 The Vision Competency Cluster
Competency Effective Decision Making Related Competencies: Decisiveness, Discernment, Judgement

Definition of Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions; adequately considers the implications and impact;
Competency: stands by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Factor and analyse complex, often Adopt problems and issues as defined by
un-related information and issues others without independently verifying
from multiple sources before and articulating the nature and scope of
articulating and defining problems
Make complex, high- problems and the scope Make tactical and day-
risk and strategic to-day operational
decisions decisions Work on and decide on day-to-day
Work with the team to develop
comprehensive plan of action operational issues which could be
after refining and conducting in- delegated to lower levels within the
depth analysis of problems to be Department

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Decision Making Related Competencies: Decisiveness, Discernment, Judgement

Definition of Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions; adequately considers the implications and impact;
Competency: stands by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences.

Ensure participation of all team Fail to consult and engage with all key
members in the development of stakeholders impacted (including
solutions; delegate external) by the decision and or solution
responsibilities and hold officers to be implemented
accountable for the results

Proficiency Label Effectively reconcile the conflict Proficiency Label Reach decisions based on short term
between short term requirements only
requirements and long term
objectives when making decisions

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Decision Making Related Competencies: Decisiveness, Discernment, Judgement

Definition of Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions; adequately considers the implications and impact;
Competency: stands by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Establish multiple linkages Perform and develop solutions based on
between several parts of a uni-dimensional analysis of problems
problem and or situation

Develop broad and multiple Consistently make errors in predicting

Develops and options to problems and the consequences, implications, and
proposes complex Challenged by and feasibility of alternative solutions to
solutions unable to deal with
potential problems
complex situations
Consider several factors and Allow difficult decisions to fester;
develop sustainable solutions to consistently fail to use principles, values
recurring problems for which and sound business sense to make
there are no defined guidelines decisions
or procedures
Proficiency Label Effectively balance the need to be Proficiency Label Overwhelmed when faced with difficult
thorough, time pressures and problems and or very demanding time
competing priorities when pressures
developing proposals and

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Decision Making Related Competencies: Decisiveness, Discernment, Judgement

Definition of Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions; adequately considers the implications and impact;
Competency: stands by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Recognise and establish clear Focus on the insignificant elements of a
relationships between the basic situation and often overwhelmed by the
elements in a situation volume of information to be analysed

Perform thorough assessment of Make proposals and recommendations

issues and risks before making without understanding the key
Understand and apply proposals and recommendations underlying issues and inherent risks
the basics of good Struggle to analyse
decision making Quickly interprete available situations and Spend unduly long periods of time
challenges analysing available information;
information and draw correct
conclusions from them impacting decision making by the team

Seek clarification about unclear Adopt the position of others without

assumptions, criteria and undertaking independent thought and
perspectives by consulting with analysis
other members of the team
Proficiency Label Use established guidelines and Proficiency Label Muddle through when dealing with
procedures which may require exceptions due to inability to undertake
some level of interpretation to basic interpretation of established
deal with identified exceptions guidelines and procedures

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Decision Making Related Competencies: Decisiveness, Discernment, Judgement

Definition of Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions; adequately considers the implications and impact;
Competency: stands by the decisions in the face of unpleasant consequences.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Perform and present very basic Present own assessment of situations
assessment of situations using without considering basic available
readily available objective information

Apply learning from previous Demonstrate poor Frequently repeat errors made during
Exhibit good past decision making instances
mistakes and successes judgement of
situations Tend to make error-laden and mostly
Often make correct
recommendations about what is incorrect proposals and
needed and what will work recommendations

Proffer explanations as to why a Often fail to provide clear rationale for

recommendation has been made recommendations made

Proficiency Label Use own initiative and take Proficiency Label Wait to be directed before taking
preventative action in critical preventative action even in critical
situations when immediate situations
action is required

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Anticipate and predict the long- Disregard long term thinking about the
term impact of national and impact of national and international
international developments on developments in the Sector in which the
the Sector and Ministry Ministry operates

Understand and leverage the Adopt a simplistic perspective about the

power of relationships in securing issues and concerns of stakeholders
Develop and the buy-in and agreement of key Fail to develop or when developing and agreeing strategies
implement long term stakeholders when developing implement long-term
strategies strategies strategies

Define clear long-term strategies Focus mainly on historical activities

which deliver real and lasting based on short-term priorities which do
change for the citizenry on behalf not deliver sustainable, long term value
of the Government for the citizenry

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Encourage others to define Maintain a narrow view of the world and

priorities and plans within the occasionally work against the overall
context of agreed long term objectives of the Ministry
Proficiency Label Develop, monitor and adjust Proficiency Label Fail to monitor and evaluate mechanisms
contingency plans

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Develop and regularly update Develop plans in isolation and based only
plans which reflect changing on immediate organisational needs
circumstances and factors the
concerns of all key stakeholders

Proactively identify how policies, Demonstrate a lack of initiative in

processes and procedures in the recommending changes in policies,
Ministry are likely to be affected processes and procedures
Apply broad, long- by changing circumstances and Focused on and driven
term perspective make recommendations on by short term priorities
required changes to implement
Understand the over-arching Identify key policy issues for
objectives of the Sector in which development based on current political
the Ministry operates and happenings only and without factoring
identify key policy issues to be key Sectoral issues

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Proficiency Label Identify emerging Sectoral trends, Proficiency Label Neglect long term thinking about
opportunities and risks which evolving and future issues in the Sector
impact and or benefit the

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Focus beyond daily activities in Demonstrate a lack of knowledge and
performing own work and ensure insight into wider issues and
activities are fully aligned to the developments that impact the Ministry
agreed priorities of the Ministry
Align own work to Unclear about the Work with only already established
Gather new information from a
Departmental mandate and
number of sources and integrate knowledge in area of responsibility
priorities objectives of the
with existing knowledge in a Ministry
creative and insightful way
Understand the objectives of the Unfamiliar with the goals and objectives
Ministry and how it shapes of own Ministry and its link to the civil
service delivery to the citizenry service mandate

Proficiency Label Keep up-to-date with a broad set Proficiency Label Operate with a narrow view of own job
of issues relating to the work of role and without sufficient regard for
the Ministry how the job role helps to actualise the
goals of the work group

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Strategic Thinking Related Competencies: Visionary, Strategic focus, Foresight, Firm
knowledge of the system, Conceptual
thinking, Strategic Agility

Definition of Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the dynamic internal and external operating environment;
Competency: anticipates and develop appropriate responses to address current and future challenges.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand key work related Demonstrate low awareness of work
issues and is able to link them in a related issues
coherent manner Demonstrate poor
Understand own work understanding of own
Enthusiastic about deepening work Show little or no interest in acquiring
knowledge of areas related to knowledge outside of own immediate
own role job role

Proficiency Label Understand own job role and the Proficiency Label Often work on own tasks in isolation
impact it has on others within the without consideration of the impact of
work group own output on the work of others

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Actively seek out, listen to and Disregard the inputs of key stakeholders
learn from others within and and political context/sensitivities in
outside the organisation about articulating desired change, its scope
what change is needed; factor and timing
political context and sensitivities
in determining how and when
Lead and exemplify change should happen Limit own involvement
change in the change
Partner with all key stakeholders management process Discourage sharing of information about
in defining an explicit and shared change and associated realities
vision for desired change; present
realities of change and develop
strategies for managing them
with all key stakeholders

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Champion change from within Focus on the present and fail to consider
one’s own sphere of influence; the long term; initiates change without a
sets up a communication system defined and dedicated change
that provides regular and management plan in place
sustained communication

Demonstrate patience during the Fail to prepare own functional area for
transition and is comfortable with the realities and challenges of adjusting
“growing pains”; reinforces the to change
change message by publicly
recognising individuals
demonstrating behaviours
consistent with the new direction
Proficiency Label Lead the vision for change with Proficiency Label Focus on too many or the wrong
commitment and tenacity; priorities; do not factor in the political
effectively employ influencing influences
strategies to bring about change

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify current issues and trends Focus only on the present and ignores
and their potential impact upon the long term perspective
current and future work and
continuously seek opportunities
for improving work methods

Shift priorities, change style and Remain rigid and inflexible in the face of
Promote change respond with new approaches as Discourage change changing demand
needed to deal with new and or
changing demands
Publicly support and adapt to Consistently talk about change without
major/fundamental changes that taking action to make it happen and or
show promise of improving reinforce it
established ways of operating

February 27, 2015 Page - 25 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Explain the rationale, Limit the communication of the change

implications, potential programme to a select, limited group
opportunities and process of and or to very minimal number of
change to those to be affected in engagement sessions
area of responsibility; involves
key people in the design and
implementation of change
Proficiency Label Maintain composure and show Proficiency Label Struggle with the pace and scale of
self-control in the face of challenges related to change
challenges and change

February 27, 2015 Page - 26 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Challenge existing practices and Consider the existing ways of doing
procedures in a constructive things sacrosanct

Adapt own ways of working as Adopt new practices and procedures

Adapt positively to appropriate to meet the needs of React negatively to without reporting challenges that occur
change different or new situations and change
seeks clarification when faced
with ambiguity
Perceive change as an Show little interest and or dismiss the
opportunity to improve and or reasons for change and the behaviours
perform work more efficiently needed in the new environment

Proficiency Label Maintain effectiveness and quality Proficiency Label Destabilised by sudden changes and or
of work output in uncertain during periods of uncertainty

February 27, 2015 Page - 27 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Embracing and Managing change Related Competencies: Change management, Embracing change,
Adaptability, Continuous learning,
Innovation, Initiative, Versatility, Flexibility,
Self development, Ability to cope with and
lead change, Teachability

Definition of Deliberately seeks opportunities to create, identify and support the implementation of new and innovative
Competency: ideas; challenges unproductive ways of doing things; ensures change is sustainable and effective.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Willingly undertake additional Prefer operating in familiar and or
duties outside of the usual day- established comfort zone(s)
to-day duties
Receptive to change Resist change and new
Rapidly learn new tasks relevant Stick to outdated procedures and existing
to own job and quickly commit ways of doing things
information to memory
Suggest improvements to existing Dismiss new ideas and or improvements
ways of doing things
Proficiency Label Respond well and quickly to Proficiency Label Respond poorly to emergencies and or
emergencies sudden changes to usual work patterns

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

4.2 The People Competency Cluster

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Promote dialogue and shared Avoid engaging in debates; allow issues
understanding through a variety with peers across the Civil Service to
of communication styles that suit fester
the message and the audience
e.g. storytelling, case studies etc

Use communication Adopt the most effective Use communication Consistently select and adopt
to influence and communication strategies to tactically; indifferent inappropriate communication strategies;
galvanise others; achieve stakeholder awareness, and uninspiring in high fail to elicit desired responses from
strategic in managing buy-in, action and commitment impact situations stakeholders
as appropriate
Actively promote the reputation Manage high profile, challenging issues in
of the Department and Civil an unprofessional manner; display
Service externally and internally – extreme emotions when aggravated
publicise successes widely

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Communicate complex issues Waffle and convey a confusing or

with conviction and clarity; reach uninspiring message/narrative about
satisfactory outcomes in tough what is important
negotiations or challenging

Proficiency Label Demonstrate high standards of Proficiency Label Fail to utilize the right channel and or
written and oral communications; seize the right opportunity to
consistently use communication disseminate important messages
to motivate and galvanise others
into action

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Guide others to communicate Adopt and consistently use a preferred
effectively, orally and in writing; communication method regardless of
use a variety of communication the situation
methods to convey messages

Convey sensitive information with Adopt a course of action and apply it

tact; successfully disseminate without listening to others or adapting
Adopt and use limited
Use a wide array of complex information with when required; struggle to guide and
range of
methods to minimal difficulty steer conversations to elicit desired
disseminate complex information
Listen and respond to others methods; fail to
information; engage
achieve desired impact
others in multi- appropriately; using structured
when disseminating
faceted conversation questions to obtain accurate information
Remain professional, controlled Display extreme emotions when
and confident during aggravated; lose focus and train of
conversations; express ideas and thoughts in stressful situations
opinions calmly without
displaying extreme emotions
February 27, 2015 Page - 31 -
Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Proficiency Level Communicate regularly with Proficiency Level Adopt and consistently use one-way
members of own team communication in sharing information
(individually and collectively); with the team; hold team briefing
provide regular update on team sessions irregularly
and Departmental performance;
encourage continued, open, two-
way communication within team

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Seize opportunities to Communicate with others only when
communicate and interact with prompted; provide feedback late or only
colleagues; help to clarify policies until prompted
and team and Departmental
goals and activities

Convey oral and written Structure communication, whether oral

Use appropriate information, opinions and or written incoherently; adopt a one
communication arguments fluently and Use a one size fits all size fits all approach in communicating
methods; align confidently in a succinct, approach to with all audience types
communications engaging manner; organise ideas communicate
in appropriate Civil Service
terminology and style devoid of
Select appropriate
communication methods and
align communications to the level
and experience of the audience

February 27, 2015 Page - 33 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Support messages with relevant Use unsubstantiated facts and gossips in

data and examples to create formal communications; make no
better impact 
and to enhance reference to sources of information and
understanding facts

Proficiency Label Investigate, use and select the Proficiency Label Often use inappropriate communication
most appropriate channel to channels; provide feedback late
provide timely feedback

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Effective Communication Related Competencies: Communication

Definition of Expresses thoughts with clarity, conviction and enthusiasm, verbally or in writing, in clear and concise
Competency: manner using appropriate grammar, style and language; keeps others well informed; listens carefully to
input and feedback; encourages others to express contrary views.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Express own thoughts, basic facts Struggle to communicate own ideas and
and ideas to others in clear terms facts to others in an articulate and
in both formal and informal understandable manner

Listen actively and objectively Fail to respect the right of others to

without interrupting and check Display a lack of express themselves; consistently
Demonstrate effective interject others during conversations
own understanding using confidence in
paraphrasing, repetition and communicating with
communication skills
questions others

Write clearly in plain, simple Consistently make simple grammatical,

language and check work for spelling and punctuation errors written
spelling, grammar and communication
appropriate terminology; learn
from previous inaccuracies
Proficiency Label Keep superiors and others Proficiency Label Fail to provide timely feedback to
informed and provide timely superiors and others

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Craft effective work plans and Operate without an approved plan linked
align staff activities to defined to the overall objectives of the Ministry;
goals; set clear expectations, assign work to staff on ad-hoc basis only
monitor process and progress,
recognises achievements and
address team conflicts on time

Create an inspiring Champion the strategic Create and preside Disempower staff; create a stifling and
work environment importance of people and over a disempowering oppressive work climate with own
that bring out the development issues; build a culture organisational unit
best in others strong culture of continuous
learning and knowledge sharing
Proactively determine capability Invest little or no personal in developing
needs of the Department and talent and future leaders
participate actively in efforts at
identifying and nurturing future

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Widely acknowledged as an Avoid participating in programmes and

effective coach, mentor and team interventions that build up and or
builder amongst peers; evaluate, enhance the knowledge and skills of
develop, inspire, empower and others
ensure others learn from

Proficiency Label Acknowledged as a role model for Proficiency Label Seldom seek personal feedback and pay
continuous learning and self- little or no attention to self-development
development; constantly
evaluate own effectiveness and
growth based on a personal
development plan

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Stand by, promote and defend Take credit for and fail to acknowledge
own and team’s actions and the achievements and contributions of
decisions where needed others

Lead by example, role model Civil Fail to monitor and evaluate how team
Service values, continuous self- members practice and apply new
development and career learning in their work and in enhancing
Inspire team to planning; guide and encourage Focus on personal the performance of the team
perform better whilst team members to be responsible interest at the expense
developing their for their own development of team performance
capability and development

Devote time to coach, mentor and Allocate limited time to coaching and
motivate team members without developing subordinates in own
discriminating; guide and offer organisation unit; indiscriminately
support in defining career goals choose who to develop and allow staff to
and plans de-prioritise own development

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Expose subordinates to diverse Delegate without monitoring and

development opportunities; without providing necessary support;
encourage on the job discourage resolution of problems by or
development through delegating within the group by constantly
responsibilities and creating prescribing solutions
opportunities to work on stretch

Proficiency Label Set clear stretch targets; assign Proficiency Label Manage others in an ineffective manner;
responsibilities effectively and avoid giving feedback and allow
review work delivery constantly; capability gaps to persist
recognise achievements and
provides constructive and specific

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify own learning needs with Expect others to identify and manage
supervisor; take full advantage of their learning needs
workplace learning opportunities

Actively seek and act on feedback Disregard constructive feedback and

to evaluate and improve their make no attempt to learn from or apply
Invest in personal own and team’s performance Pursue other interests lessons from mistakes
development and at the expense of
Recognise, respect and Attribute team achievement to self;
motivates self and delivering results,
colleagues to deliver acknowledge the contribution developing self and prefer to work in isolation and struggle
set targets and achievements of others contributing to team to work within a team environment
Accept responsibility for the
quality of own work and seek to
continuously improve through
better time management and
other personal effectiveness

February 27, 2015 Page - 40 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Proficiency Label Actively share knowledge and Proficiency Label Hoard and use information as a source of
expertise and support the power and control within the work
development of others environment

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify own skills, knowledge and Adopt a passive approach to personal
behaviour gaps to inform own development, mostly relying on others
development plan and seek to identify learning needs
guidance from supervisor on best
Take responsibility for options Consider self
own development and development
Recognise and take time to Ignore constructive feedback; decline
share lessons with unimportant
others achieve own learning and opportunities to learn on the job
development objectives
Improve own performance by Dismiss the contributions and views of
taking on board feedback from others from different backgrounds
colleagues from different
Proficiency Label Share lessons learnt with Proficiency Label Keep knowledge and lessons learnt to
colleagues; contribute to the self rather than share for the benefit of
team’s shared learning and others

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Collaborating and Partnering Related Competencies: Collaboration, Collaborative leadership,

Networking, Partnership, Stakeholder
engagement, team work

Definition of Build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and effective working relationships within and outside
Competency: the Civil Service to achieve results.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Build strong networks of Encourage own functional area to focus
collaborative relationships and on its pressures and agenda at the
partnerships (across all levels) in expense of wider collaboration
the Civil Service, the wider Public
Service and beyond (Africa and
globally); utilise the network to
Build, nurture and Operate and promote
further Departmental and wider
utilise national and a culture of cliques and
Civil Service objectives working in silos
collaborative Identify overlap in mandates and Promote an “information is power”
networks to further work proactively with others to culture and restrict information flow;
Civil Service goals actively support cliques and narrow ways
eliminate them; actively build co-
operation amongst stakeholders of working within and across functions

Promote sharing of expertise and Operate without consideration for

knowledge among wide-ranging partners and stakeholders during the
teams to achieve superior results development stages of policies, services
and delivery options

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Managing and Developing People Related Competencies: Team leadership, Delegation, Developing

Definition of Creates a positive working climate with a focus on developing self and inspiring others to deliver results in
Competency: line with the service goals. Displays a clear sense of direction and provides appropriate feedback
concerning group and individual performance, including areas for improvement.

Encourage teams to engage with Offer limited guidance and support to

a variety of delivery partners and teams on how to achieve collaboration
stakeholders and listen to their with partners and stakeholders;
feedback discourage and oppose engagement at
all stages of work

Proficiency Label Work effectively with political and Proficiency Label Consistently protect resources and
official leadership to improve interests of own area at the expense of
governance and service delivery the Service; resist involvement of
colleagues, experts and other partners

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Collaborating and Partnering Related Competencies: Collaboration, Collaborative leadership,

Networking, Partnership, Stakeholder
engagement, team work

Definition of Build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and effective working relationships within and outside
Competency: the Civil Service to achieve results.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Communicate regularly with Devote little or no time to networking
stakeholders to achieve effective and or building relationships;
delivery of relevant services;
sustain relationships even when
no specific project is underway

Engage and seek the input, buy-in View and use Work in isolation and or engage with
Develop, nurture and
leverage effective and involvement of stakeholders relationships for short immediate work group only
relationships in throughout the lifecycle of term gains
delivering robust projects and initiatives; consult
solutions with the objective of gaining a
broader perspective
Encourage collaboration within Protect and hoard information about
own team and across the ongoing initiative and projects in own
Department; challenge others to team and or workgroup
initiate and action as necessary

February 27, 2015 Page - 45 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Collaborating and Partnering Related Competencies: Collaboration, Collaborative leadership,

Networking, Partnership, Stakeholder
engagement, team work

Definition of Build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and effective working relationships within and outside
Competency: the Civil Service to achieve results.

Proficiency Label Anticipate and take action to Proficiency Label Create and or fail to resolve aggravating
avert and or resolve conflict at situations; intentionally cause conflict
the outset; encourage continued, within own workgroup and or within the
open, two- way communication Department
among all stakeholder groups

February 27, 2015 Page - 46 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Collaborating and Partnering Related Competencies: Collaboration, Collaborative leadership,

Networking, Partnership, Stakeholder
engagement, team work

Definition of Build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and effective working relationships within and outside
Competency: the Civil Service to achieve results.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify and build necessary Ignore the knowledge and expertise that
relationships within and outside a wider network of colleagues and
the team to aid and smooth the partners can bring to the work of the
progress of work team

Connect with others Readily identify opportunities to Ineffective at Consistently work in set ways that make
and share information share knowledge, learning, teamwork and it difficult to contribute to or benefit
actively information, and resources to collaborating with from the team’s work
support team goals others

Proactively seek information, Display a lack of interest in interacting

resources and support from with others
others outside own team in order
to help achieve results
Proficiency Label Encourage team members to Proficiency Label Rarely share and or restrict sharing of
connect and build relationships information with a select few within the
outside of own work unit in team
furtherance of team goals

February 27, 2015 Page - 47 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Collaborating and Partnering Related Competencies: Collaboration, Collaborative leadership,

Networking, Partnership, Stakeholder
engagement, team work

Definition of Build, nurture and leverage positive, professional and effective working relationships within and outside
Competency: the Civil Service to achieve results.

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Work cooperatively and Focus on own objectives at the expense
collaboratively with others, share of supporting colleagues
information in line with
confidentiality codes of the Civil
Service; seek guidance as
Build rapport appropriate
Prefer to work alone at
Take time to know and the expense of team Overly critical and blaming of other
understand their viewpoints, goals colleagues and team members
criticisms and preferences
Develop trusting relationships; Miss opportunities to generate better
follow through on commitments outcomes for the customer through
and demonstrate integrity and collaboration with others
respect for others
Proficiency Label Seek to develop rapport with Proficiency Label View issues from own perspectives only
others; aware of own impact and
impression on others

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

4.3 The Execution Competency Cluster

Competency Transparency and Accountability Related Competencies: Accountability, Managing performance,
Transparency, Openness

Definition of Readily makes relevant information and service delivery standards available to all stakeholders; holds self
Competency: and team members responsible for actions and inactions

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Build and drive a performance Create an environment, where senior
culture where senior leaders leaders are not held accountable for
assume full responsibility and outcomes and are unable to drive
accountability for execution and forward and or guide performance
actions of their teams improvement

Develop, review and implement Establish confusing Fail to develop and or destroy the
Establish policy and
accountability policies credibility of existing accountability and
program directions accountability and transparency
and strategies; no
focused on frameworks, systems and transparency systems through own
attention to the
transparency and mechanisms in own functional area actions
principles of
Exemplify through own actions the transparency Send conflicting and or inappropriate
importance and value of signals because of own laissez-faire
transparency and proactively attitude to about transparency and
communicate the importance of accountability
transparency in the organisation

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Transparency and Accountability Related Competencies: Accountability, Managing performance,

Transparency, Openness

Definition of Readily makes relevant information and service delivery standards available to all stakeholders; holds self
Competency: and team members responsible for actions and inactions

Promote responsiveness and Overlook the impact of challenges and

openness in the organisation by the impact on team and organisational
being honest about challenges and resilience; hoard and or share
the actions required to address information with own inner caucus only
unexpected developments
Proficiency Label Overcome organisational silos; Proficiency Label Lend support to silo mentality and
facilitate cooperation between individualism; use information as a tool
organisations by sharing relevant for power play and control
information and keeping key
stakeholders appropriately

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Transparency and Accountability Related Accountability, Managing performance,

Competencies: Transparency, Openness

Definition of Readily makes relevant information and service delivery standards available to all stakeholders; holds self
Competency: and team members responsible for actions and inactions

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Hold subordinates accountable for Unconcerned about managing the
their actions; coach staff to ensure performance of subordinates; desist
they willingly accept responsibilities from taking action against dereliction of
and assume full ownership of work, duty by subordinates
targets and results Abdicate
Demand and responsibility for
demonstrate Ensure all subordinates have SMART accountability Fail to set performance standards and
accountability in own performance targets; conduct timely management in conduct timely evaluations for self and
functional area and objective performance own organisational team members
Accept responsibility for and lead Blame subordinates for non-attainment
own organisational unit to achieve of organisational unit outcomes
agreed outcomes unit on time and
to standard
Proficiency Label Openly share and use data and other Proficiency Label Hoard and or use team performance
relevant information to enhance and information on selective basis to punish
improve team performance individuals within the team

February 27, 2015 Page - 51 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Transparency and Accountability Related Accountability, Managing performance,

Competencies: Transparency, Openness

Definition of Readily makes relevant information and service delivery standards available to all stakeholders; holds self
Competency: and team members responsible for actions and inactions

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Manage time effectively; spend free Spend quality time on non-value adding
time to work on additional activities; pay no attention to self
responsibilities or for own development
professional development (with
Assume full supervisor approval) Take credit for
responsibility for success but blames
Take cognisance of the effect of own Fail to identify and or implement
actions, results, and others for failures in
behaviour, actions and decisions on own responsibilities corrective actions; act without thinking
mistakes made on
the job others and on the organisation of implications of own action

Check the scope of own

responsibilities and of others; take
ownership of problems in their own
area of responsibility
Proficiency Label Monitor day-to-day performance Proficiency Label
and take corrective action as needed
to ensure desired performance is

February 27, 2015 Page - 52 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Transparency and Accountability Related Competencies: Accountability, Managing performance,

Transparency, Openness

Definition of Readily makes relevant information and service delivery standards available to all stakeholders; holds self
Competency: and team members responsible for actions and inactions

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Accept the consequences, both Lack accountability for work
positive and negative, for responsibilities, decisions and actions
decisions, actions and
behaviours; evaluates own
Avoid personal
Own delivery of own Accept responsibility for own ownership and Miss defined and agreed deadline;
task work; ensure work is completed responsibility for own deliver sub-standard work
to defined standard and by the tasks
agreed timeframe
Consider and advice on current Often disorganized; overwhelmed by
workload and obligations before work due to poor prioritization of
accepting new tasks, assignments workload and tasks
and challenges
Proficiency Label Deliver in line with expectations Proficiency Label Attribute non-delivery of expectations to
despite personal matters or personal challenges

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions,
Competency: and actively works to resolve the issues

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Foster and drive a culture of Tolerate and or refuse to act against poor
excellence where high standards Departmental performance
and performance are valued and

Champion efforts that increase Expect people to perform enthusiastically

productivity and goal on their jobs without providing support,
Lead efforts that Expect operational encouragement and direction
accomplishment throughout the
increase productivity efficiency without
organization; encourage, support
and goal creating and nurturing
accomplishment and energise individuals and a results-oriented
throughout the teams across the Department to culture
organization improve delivery
Anticipate, proactively identify Fail to establish control mechanisms
and address hurdles and or through which performance issues and
performance related issues that risks are easily identified, evaluated and
can hinder results (attitude, promptly addressed
aptitude, skills, resources etc)

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions,
Competency: and actively works to resolve the issues

Ensure the organisation remains Underestimate and or react to problems

focused on core priorities and external challenges and therefore
irrespective of external expose the Department to risks which
challenges may derail focus on its objectives and

Proficiency Label Seek and successfully execute Proficiency Label Avoid participating in, taking ownership
assignments that add value and or successfully executing additional
beyond agreed scope without responsibilities beyond agreed scope
compromising current except in instances where personal gain
accountabilities may accrue

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions, and
Competency: actively works to resolve the issues

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Translate strategic priorities into Set vague, unrealistic and uninspiring
clear outcome-focused objectives goals and does not display clarity around
for organisational unit; stimulate the expected outcomes
energy and drive to
achieve defined objectives Provide limited
Focus on activities personal support for Adopt a non-pragmatic approach;
Maintain a strong focus on priorities;
that support delivery of goals; allow
hold others to account for priorities scarcely revisit and revise priorities
organisational team focus to drift
sustainability and respond swiftly to changing away from critical
requirements priorities
Drive and entrench a performance- Exponentially aggravate performance
oriented culture within own area; issues; hesitate in confronting
support and encourage a focus on performance related issues
performance and priorities
Proficiency Label Establish high performance Proficiency Label Emphasise achievement of goals and
standards for self and team; balance priorities without efforts to motivate and
conflicting priorities through regular energise the team to perform
reviews and positioning of tasks

February 27, 2015 Page - 56 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions,
Competency: and actively works to resolve the issues

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Align own work plans with team Prepare inaccurate timeline and
and workgroup plans and parameters for projects; demonstrate
deadlines; commit to team and minimal interest in the satisfactory
work group deadlines completion of agreed tasks and projects

Set and achieve challenging goals

using innovative approaches
where necessary; take action to
Hold a strong minimize the risks involved Display half-hearted
commitment to commitment to
exceeding Take responsibility for delivering meeting expectations Allow obstacles and problems with
expectations agreed outcomes on time and to others to hamper progress; offer little or
defined standards; credit no support to others as part of effort to
individuals and team members as ensure delivery by the team
Act promptly to keep work on
track and maintain performance
by regularly monitoring own and
team progress against targets

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions,
Competency: and actively works to resolve the issues

Proficiency Label Steadfast in push self and others Proficiency Label De-emphasise planning; commit to goals
for results and can be counted on before thinking through and considering
to meet and or exceed goals resources required to achieve assigned

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Drive for Results Related Competencies: Self motivation, Self drive, Initiative

Definition of Displays enthusiasm in the achievement of set goals; identifies problems, determines possible solutions,
Competency: and actively works to resolve the issues

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Keep relevant parties informed Give up quickly when things do not go as
about progress of work and planned
challenges impeding completion
of work in a timely manner;
request for support when needed
Work to meet Focus on the achievement of set Lack drive needed to Fail to implement agreed actions and
individual goals goals, as the primary determinant sustain achievement of show little interest in own work and or in
and drive for all actions agreed goals getting the job done properly

Plan and organise own work to Procrastinate and put things off; focus on
ensure achievement of deadlines; ‘why we can’t’ rather than ‘how we can’
understand the importance of
assigned tasks and commitments
that have been made
Proficiency Label Show enthusiasm and maintain Proficiency Label Lack enthusiasm and often needs
high energy levels at work prodding to get assigned work done

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Drive and foster a culture that Breach and work around the highest
emphasise efficiency, continuous standards of internal controls and public
improvement and value for sector governance within own functional
money area

Demonstrate compliance and Consider the financial aspects of a

transparency in financial financial decision unimportant; ignore
Promote and decisions, including budget not Compromise long-term the need to ensure the accuracy,
entrench a culture of limited to decisions on budget, sustainability of value transparency and integrity of data
value for money approvals, funds releases and for money initiatives provided and or used for audits

Deliver projects, initiatives and Deliver projects, initiatives and

organisational unit operations operations late and or with budget
within time, budget and other overruns
resources allocated

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Focus on and maximise resource De-emphasise achievement of strategic

efficiency; continually question objectives in making financial decisions;
and test the value of activities divert appropriated budget for long-term
against agreed strategic priorities projects to fund non-core activities

Proficiency Label Interprete and consider a wide Proficiency Label Adopt the narrow point of view that low
range of organisational financial cost is equivalent to good value; give
and performance information advice with insufficient exploration and
when making decisions on spend; consideration of financial and or
challenge high risk costly projects management information
and forgo non-priority

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Use financial methods and tools Present project plans and cases not
to evaluate options; ensure supported by robust and or accurate
financial and management financial and management information
information reflected in project
plans are accurate

Base decisions on evidenced Accept and or submit financial proposals,

information; follow agreed statements and budgets without
Manage Deliver less for
processes and policies to reviewing, querying and or validating
organisational budgeted and released
challenge assumptions which funds assumptions against known and
resources; deliver
contradict and or prevent established guidelines and benchmarks
more for less
achieving good value for money

Allocate and control resources Assess only immediate needs based on

and assets within own area organizational goals; does not consider
judiciously; diligent in possible changes with resultant negative
implementing more effective impact on the effective utilisation of
ways of utilizing resources and resources and service delivery
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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Proficiency Label Apply loss prevention and risk Proficiency Label Make financial decisions based on own
management principles and tools priorities and perceived benefit; ignore
in making decisions about the MDA’s financial position, overall
resources; carry out all duties project costs and risks when making
with due consideration for the decisions
MDA’s financial position

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Recognise and seize opportunities to Regard government resources as
apply the principles of value for limitless; openly refer to government
money in daily activities asset as “not my father’s property”

Comply fully with all Civil Service

Use and manage financial and asset management Utilise allocated
allocated resources regulations, guidelines and resources without
effectively in procedures delivering expected
delivering expected goals and output Ignore expert advice and process changes
Recommend actions to achieve value
goals and output meant to improve output and service
for money and efficiency
delivery; fail to seek guidance on time

Maintain information and financial Ignore financial information

data so that it is accurate, easily management procedures; deliberately
assessable and audited conceal financial information

Proficiency Label Challenge misuse of resources where Proficiency Label Refrain from bringing observations about
observed; follow up on observations misuse of resources to the notice of
made superiors

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Value for Money Related Competencies: Prudence, Efficiency, Fiscal management,

Definition of Ensures efficient, effective and economic use of available resources; identifies opportunities to reduce costs
Competency: and maximise value for resources utilised

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Demonstrate understanding of the Devote little attention to prudence in the
concept of value for money and its use of time and resources; careless or
importance in governance wasteful with resources; refrain from
raising observed inefficiencies with team
Avoid wastage of resources and
members or supervisor
Use time and inefficiencies in delivery of own Use time and
resources efficiently work tasks; challenge wastage and resources inefficiently
inefficiencies where observed and inappropriately

Use all government assets and Handle assets used for work and or kept
resources (e.g. money, time, in own care carelessly
materials, fuel, energy, tools) with
care to avoid damage or loss
Proficiency Label Comply with Financial Regulations Proficiency Label Breach defined procedures and often cut
and other established guidelines corners; keep inaccurate records
use, purchase and management of
resources; keep accurate records
of financial transactions

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

4.4 The Expertise Competency Cluster

Competency Citizen Focus Related Competencies: Service Orientation, Customer Focus

Definition of Is sensitive to the clients’ needs and satisfies the expectations of internal and external clients; promotes a
Competency: strong client service culture

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Shape the design and roll out of a Design service delivery model based on
service delivery model that meet administrative needs and priorities
the expectations of customers
Create and foster a Lead a broken
customer-centric Show commitment to and customer service Consistently act in a manner which
culture demonstrate that customer function and support a indicate to others that customers are not
satisfaction is a priority through culture of priority; fail to implement systems to
unresponsiveness measure and report customer feedback
own words and actions
and experiences
Support and promote a customer
centric culture within own
functional unit
Proficiency Label Facilitate development and Proficiency Label
implementation of customer
service delivery monitoring and
improvement standards and

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Citizen Focus Related Competencies: Service Orientation, Customer Focus

Definition of Is sensitive to the clients’ needs and satisfies the expectations of internal and external clients; promotes a
Competency: strong client service culture

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Monitor and evaluate customer Recommend quick fixes that only resolve
satisfaction and service delivery, issues temporarily or that create more
advising changes to processes and problems in future
strategy where necessary

Challenge the customer’s way of Ignore the need to address failure of a

Organise resources thinking; effective in influencing customer service process even when
Fail to organise the
to improve customer their behaviour team as needed to consistent
experience ensure effective Fail to make recommendations about
Anticipate the future needs of the
service delivery changes to the service delivery process
customer and prepares to meet
them despite consistent customer complaints

Consult with customers and other Consider customer feedback

stakeholders to determine unimportant; fail to create opportunities
customer needs and uses it to to engage with customers
refine and improve service delivery
Proficiency Label Seek multiple perspectives to Proficiency Label Stifle creativity and fails to engage others
understand the breadth and depth in resolving customer issues
of customer issues

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Citizen Focus Related Competencies: Service Orientation, Customer Focus

Definition of Is sensitive to the clients’ needs and satisfies the expectations of internal and external clients; promotes a
Competency: strong client service culture

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Deal effectively with customer Consistently fail to address customer
complaints and issues within requests within established timeframes
agreed procedures and

Enquire and seek to ensure clear Argue with and fail to establish a clear
Resolve customer understanding of customer needs Avoid taking understanding of customer needs
issues and deliver ownership of customer
quality service Offer to address customer needs issues Keep customers waiting for no good
without prompting; anticipate reason; fail to provide updates and or
customer needs and keep provide inaccurate information when
customers informed prompted

Embrace and comply with Fail to align with and or sabotage positive
improvements to the service changes to the service delivery process
delivery process
Proficiency Label Respond quickly to conflicts and Proficiency Label Display a lackadaisical attitude in
breakdowns in customer following up on or resolving breakdowns
relationships and works to reach in customer relationships and service
positive solutions failures

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Citizen Focus Related Competencies: Service Orientation, Customer Focus

Definition of Is sensitive to the clients’ needs and satisfies the expectations of internal and external clients; promotes
Competency: a strong client service culture

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify who 'own customers' are Do not know who the customers are in
and is willing to deliver quality their own work area

Treat customers fairly and Show a lack of respect for customers and
respectfully; does not reveal the privacy of their information
information about customers to
unauthorised sources
Identify and attend Discourteous when
Put customer first at all times and Do not put the customer first in
to customers attending to customers
courteously in own consistently maintain an thoughts, words and actions and place
area of work approachable disposition customer needs low on their list of

Respond promptly to immediate Fail to respond to customer needs and

customer needs and enquiries enquiries in line with established
using correct procedures and in standards
line with agreed timescales and
quality standards

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Citizen Focus Related Competencies: Service Orientation, Customer Focus

Definition of Is sensitive to the clients’ needs and satisfies the expectations of internal and external clients; promotes a
Competency: strong client service culture

Proficiency Label Escalate difficult issues and Proficiency Label Fail to report or acknowledge service
complaints in a timely manner and failures on time
keeps customer informed

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Consistently remain abreast of Disinterested in adopting and using
how current and emerging existing/new technology; view
technology is being used to shape technology as a “necessary evil”
progress in own functional area

Lead in mainstreaming the use of Offer limited support, direction and

Champion technology Fail to entrench leadership to encourage mainstreaming
Information Communications
adoption and use in technology adoption
Technology (ICT) within own its use in own functional area
own functional area and use in own
functional area functional area
Support and ensure full
compliance and alignment of own
functional area with institution-
wide ICT programmes and
Proficiency Label Define and consistently Proficiency Label
communicate clear performance
expectations regarding the use of
ICT within own functional area
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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Use advanced computer skills to Resist the introduction and use of
design tools for gathering, information technology as an enabler of
analysing and processing work processes in own functional area
information for the benefit of
own functional area

Harness technology as Hesitant in embracing

Play an active role in the adoption
a critical tool to and using technology
and incorporation of new and
accomplish goals to improve work
existing technologies into work processes and
processes in own functional area productivity

Understand and work actively

with the ICT Department to
define and streamline required
system functionalities when new
technology is to be introduced in
own functional area

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Proficiency Label Ensure compliance with defined Proficiency Label Tolerate and hesitates in taking action for
ICT usage policies, user non-compliance with defined ICT usage
documentation and standards policies and standards within own
within own functional area functional area

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Use the computer and other Only use the computer and other
associated information systems associated information systems with
to performs a range of work support and assistance from others
related tasks including but not
limited to creating, storing,
analysing, accessing, integrating Not familiar with and
and communicating new and or unable to use
Consistently select, contemporary
existing information
set up and apply the technology and
best technology for Understand the relationship techniques to perform Display a poor understanding of the
assigned tasks between all the components that assigned tasks various components that ensure the
ensure the seamless operation of seamless operation of computer systems
computer systems and is able to
troubleshoot and resolve first
level problems
Understand the basic structure of Display poor understanding of how the
the Internet and its use in Internet works and its use in enhancing
enhancing work work

February 27, 2015 Page - 74 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Proficiency Label Show enthusiasm for learning Proficiency Label Comfortable with the status quo: displays
about and applying new an aversion to learning about new
technologies that help improve technologies
productivity in the workplace

February 27, 2015 Page - 75 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Adoption and Use of Technology Related Competencies: Computer Savvy, Computer Appreciation,
Information Technology (IT) Use

Definition of Effectively applies requisite technology to facilitate work processes and deliver quality service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand basic office Lack understanding of basic office
automation and information automation and information technology
technology terminologies terminologies

Utilise job specific Identify, understand and able to Utilise job specific Require close and extensive guidance in
basic equipment with use basic office automation basic equipment with using basic office equipment to performs
little or no assistance equipment to perform assigned constant assistance routine tasks
Comfortably use the computer to Unable to use the computer without
create and store new documents supervision
and to retrieve existing
Proficiency Label Understand common error Proficiency Label Have difficulty understanding common
messages and troubleshoot, error messages and are unable to
resolve basic problems troubleshoot and resolve basic problems

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Ensure information and records Consider information and records
management requirements are management unimportant; define no
an integral part of the strategic plans/make no provisions for its
and operational plans in own implementation and integration in own
functional area functional area

Adapt to and support others

Champion Withhold support for
within and outside own
implementation of implementation of the
functional area in implementing Civil Service Records
the Civil Service
Records Management the Civil Service Records Management policy
policy Management policy and
Accept full accountability for
compliance with record
management guidelines and
ensure all staff are aware of their
information and record
management responsibilities

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Proficiency Label Facilitate understanding of how Proficiency Label Divert resources allocated for
effective information and records information and records management to
management leads to increased other activities within own functional
productivity and other area
organisational benefits; prioritise
resources and training needed to
improve for information and
records management

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Define and incorporate Consider information and records
information and records management unimportant; fail to factor
management requirements in the records management as an integral part
design of work processes and of the work processes in own functional
management functions area
Align work processes Resist alignment of
with the Civil Service Interprete and contribute to work processes with
Records Management improving the Civil Service the requirements of
policy the Civil Service
Records Management policy and
associated standards and Records Management
Policy in own
functional area
Raise awareness of and coach
others on the importance and
relevance of effective records
management as a critical input
for decision making and delivery
of outputs

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Proficiency Label Understand and implement Proficiency Label Maintain a narrow focus on the impact of
measures to manage the poor information and records
different types of risks associated management; ignores non-compliance
with poor information and with relevant guidelines
records management

February 27, 2015 Page - 80 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand and interprete Civil Demonstrate limited understanding and
Service Records Management appreciation of the key principles of the
Policy requirements and the Civil Service Records Management Policy
legal/regulatory reasons for
managing records

Understand and apply Demonstrate sound knowledge of Operates with a Fail to establish a clear linkage between
the Civil Service limited knowledge and record management and the processes
own work area, the processes
Records Management understanding of
and accountabilities and establish and accountabilities of own work area
Policy effective records
clear linkages between these and management
records management principles

Identify and classify the various Maintain records related to own work in
categories of records that need to haphazard and disorganized manner
be managed during the course of with resultant negative impact on the
own work integrity of records

February 27, 2015 Page - 81 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Anticipate, interprete and Deliberately withhold information even

respond to the needs of users of when it should be assessable
information and records,
ensuring accurate information
and records are easily accessible
and made available only in line
with established guidelines

Proficiency Label Understand the Freedom of Proficiency Label Expose the Civil Service to default on its
Information Act and the obligations under the Freedom of
obligations it places on the Civil Information Act due to little or no
Service working knowledge of the Act

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Information and Records Related Competencies: Record Keeping, Information Management,
Management Data Management

Definition of Applies the knowledge of information & records management and organisational policies to create, control,
Competency: distribute, file, store, archive and dispose records to meet operational and regulatory needs

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify what a record is, what is Always require assistance in identifying
not and the importance attached what a record is
to records
Cannot identify and or
Identify and create create basic records
basic records Collect, capture and receive Consistently require support and
records from internal and assistance in collecting and receiving
external sources in line with records from internal and external
established guidelines sources

Proficiency Label Create record files and volumes in Proficiency Label Are unable to create and or consistently
line with established guidelines as require extensive support to create
directed record files and volumes

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Policy Management Related Competencies:

Definition of Identifies policy issues, contributes to developing and selecting the most suitable options, ensuring
Competency: effective implementation for sustainable national development

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Identify the need for policy Manage own functional area based on
intervention; initiate policy obsolete policies; fail to initiate creation
development and review in line and or review of needed policies
with extant methodology

Select programmes and projects Select programmes and projects for

in line with policy goals and implementation based on self interest
requirements and based on and without consideration of policy
Hinder effective policy objectives
Ensures sound policy thorough analysis of options
management and
management Fail to adopt structured approach to
Oversee policy implementation in implementation
own area; monitor and evaluate monitor and evaluate the performance
the performance of the policy and effectiveness of policies
and programmes objectively and
always relative to policy goals
Develop and enforce mechanisms Tolerate non-compliance with approved
to ensure compliance with policies; unsupportive of and act
approved policies contrary to the goals and objectives of
approved policy

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Policy Management Related Competencies:

Definition of Identifies policy issues, contributes to developing and selecting the most suitable options, ensuring
Competency: effective implementation for sustainable national development

Proficiency Label Ensure the organisational unit is Proficiency Label Unsupportive of and act contrary to the
aligned to effectively implement goals and objectives of approved policy
and deliver policy objectives

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Policy Management Related Competencies:

Definition of Identifies policy issues, contributes to developing and selecting the most suitable options, ensuring
Competency: effective implementation for sustainable national development

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Articulate policy issues clearly and Demonstrate limited understanding of
propose robust, multiple options emerging trends, opportunities, risks and
to address them associated policy issues; think narrowly
Analyse trends and Proffer policy advice when proposing policy options
Identify emerging local and global
risks to advice on without thorough
policy issues and trends, opportunities and risks identification and
implementation which impact on own Sector and analysis of key policy
link them to concerns about issues
existing policies
Provide technical input to policy Proffer biased and or incorrect technical
development, implementation, advice as input to policy development,
monitoring and evaluation in implementation, monitoring and
relation to own technical area evaluation

Proficiency Label Conduct policy review activities as Proficiency Label Undertake policy reviews on ad-hoc
defined in the policy guidelines; basis; demonstrate a poor understanding
identifies deviations and makes of the need for policy review to be based
appropriate recommendations to on identified implementation challenges
policy implementation and stakeholder concerns

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Policy Management Related Competencies:

Definition of Identifies policy issues, contributes to developing and selecting the most suitable options, ensuring
Competency: effective implementation for sustainable national development

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand the policy Fail to explain the policy management
management process process and link it to own Ministry’s
policy management activities

Understand policy issues and Lack awareness of policy issues/problems

linkages to relevant stakeholder and the stakeholders impacted by them
Conduct thorough groups Contribution to policy
research and analysis management not
on policies and Demonstrate familiarity with own based on thorough Demonstrate limited knowledge and
associated issues Ministry’s policies and explain research and analysis understanding of own Ministry’s policies
them where required
Enhance the quality of own work Do not apply requisite data collection
and contribution to policy with and analysis skills to local issues in policy
well-researched data and quality areas related to own job area
Proficiency Label Effectively capture, utilise and Proficiency Label Fail to appreciate, utilize and share
share result of research and results of research and views with others
views from diverse sources involved in policy management process

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Policy Management Related Competencies:

Definition of Identifies policy issues, contributes to developing and selecting the most suitable options, ensuring
Competency: effective implementation for sustainable national development

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Describe public policy in own Are unaware of public policies that affect
words; demonstrates awareness own quality of life, work and community
of policies relevant to own life,
Demonstrate career, wellbeing and community
understanding of the Lack awareness of Are unwilling to perform other tasks
Willingly undertake additional
Civil Service in policy and its relation
duties outside of the usual day- outside of their routine duties
relation to policy and to the Civil Service
its importance to-day duties
Effectively perform assigned Fail to deliver on assigned task
tasks from time to time with
expected level of supervision
Proficiency Label Understand the role of the Civil Proficiency Label Are unable to express in their own words
Service in public policy the role the Civil Service plays in policy
management management

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

4.5 The Ethics and Values Competency Cluster

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,

Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Accept full responsibility for the Provide sanctuary for perpetrators of
actions of the organisational unit unethical practices; cover up outcome of

Promote a culture in which staff Allow behaviours and actions that violate
who report wrongdoing are Civil Service values and the PSR go un-
Abdicate responsibility
Shape, lead and hold encouraged and protected from punished; overlook and or tolerate
for shaping and
others accountable victimization leading the ethical dishonest, unethical behaviour within
for high ethical direction in the the organisation
standards in the Direct formal action against
organisation unethical practices
Maintain the highest ethical Use own position within the organisation
standards, even when actions to shield self being held accountable
may negatively impact self or

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,


Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Proficiency Label Act ethically and with integrity Proficiency Label Compromise the position of the
when working within the political organisation in response to political
context influence

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,


Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Act as a positive role model for Condone and or take no action against
public service ethos and values reported and or proven unprincipled and
corrupt actions

Use authority in a balanced, Use authority and position to further and

controlled manner secure personal gains

Consider the moral aspects of a Avoid declaring or admitting conflicts of

situation before responding and interest upfront; fail to factor ethical
applying a decision-making implications in decision making
Model high ethical Condone unethical
standards process that arrives at a morally behaviour
correct response; proactive in
declaring potential conflict of
interest, whether perceived or
Consistently ensure own work Encourage or ignore team members that
and that of the team support the engage in non-work related commercial
mandates of the MDA and the activities when at work
Federal Government
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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,


Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Proficiency Label Support a culture in which Proficiency Label Breed a culture of misrepresentation for
personal integrity thrives at all personal gain
levels of the organisation

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,


Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Ensure that processes are used ”Bend the rules” when faced with
openly, impartially and as pressure from internal or external
designed stakeholders

Maintain principled, professional Base choice of relationships to keep on

relationships personal interests
Act contrary to
Acknowledge mistakes and seek established norms and Change initial position when faced with
Act with Integrity
to remedy them the Public Service potentially punitive consequences
Act in ways that reflect relevant Prioritise own interest over that of the
law, policy and procedures, Civil organisation; act to secure and
Service values and personal guarantee own positions always
values when confronted with
ethical dilemmas
Proficiency Label Acts in the best interest or the Proficiency Label
greater good of the organization

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Integrity Related Competencies: Discipline, Self control, Self respect,


Definition of Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner; shows consistency in words and actions; acts without
Competency: consideration of personal gain

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Act in accordance with the PSR Act contrary to the provisions of the PSR
and other extant rules and

Ooze trust and Accept responsibility for own Display corrupt Blame others for own actions
honesty actions tendencies

Consistent in dealing honestly and Display corrupt tendencies in dealing

impartially with colleagues and with colleagues and others
Proficiency Label Strive to keep all commitments Proficiency Label Fail to keep commitments made

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Commitment Related Competencies: Self sacrifice, Optimism, Loyal

Definition of Is passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service; upholds its values, policies, and procedures; identifies with
Competency: and stays devoted to its cause

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Apply the Civil Service values to Frustrate and or refuse to take, sign off
shape and continuously refine and or implement disciplinary decisions
the organisational culture and sanctions for breach of the Public
Service Rules

Challenge and enlist support of Use own position, power and authority
Puts the Civil Service View and use own
others in ensuring focus remains to actualise personal goals and
first in all things position in the Service
on the overall needs of the Civil objectives
as a platform to
Service, agreed goals and entrench own interests
Elicit commitment to the cause of Allow behaviours and decisions that
the organisation from violate Civil Service values and Public
stakeholders within, across and Service Rules go un-punished; discount
outside the organisation the mission of the Service in decision
Consistently ensure decisions Proficiency Label making
Proficiency Label
benefit and are in line with the
mission of the Civil Service even if
unpopular and or have negative
short-term implications
February 27, 2015 Page - 95 -
Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Commitment Related Competencies: Self sacrifice, Optimism, Loyal

Definition of Is passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service; upholds its values, policies, and procedures; identifies with
Competency: and stays devoted to its cause

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Actively work with others to Support plans and initiatives which
deepen understanding of Civil challenge Civil Service Values and aim to
Service values and support meet the personal objectives and
attainment of Civil Service goals priorities of a few individuals

Act and respond in accordance Act contrary to Civil Service Values and
with the Civil Service Values and provisions of the Public Service Rules in
the Public Service Rules in very very demanding circumstances
Promote the demanding circumstances Use own position in
objectives of the Civil Remain resolute, persistent and functional area to Yield under intense pressure and lose
Service promote own interests focus of organisational goals and
optimistic under increasingly
higher levels of work pressure objectives
and challenging work
Recommend improvements in Display apathy about broken systems,
systems and processes which processes and non-functional policies
enhance the effectiveness of the
Civil Service

February 27, 2015 Page - 96 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Commitment Related Competencies: Self sacrifice, Optimism, Loyal

Definition of Is passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service; upholds its values, policies, and procedures; identifies with
Competency: and stays devoted to its cause

Proficiency Label Speak up for and defend the Proficiency Label Ignore correct, un-informed and biased
credibility and reputation of the positions and statements about the Civil
Civil Service amongst internal and Service
external stakeholders

February 27, 2015 Page - 97 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Commitment Related Competencies: Self sacrifice, Optimism, Loyal

Definition of Is passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service; upholds its values, policies, and procedures; identifies with
Competency: and stays devoted to its cause

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand the objectives of the Demonstrate little or no understanding
Civil Service, respect its priorities of the objectives and priorities of the
and ensure own priorities are Civil Service
aligned to these

Exhibit enthusiasm on the job and Exhibit apathy on the job; consistently
consistently deliver on assigned Exhibit indifference fail to deliver fully on assigned tasks and
Internalise the
objectives and duties and responsibilities in line about the Civil Service duties
priorities of the Civil with expectations
Service Consider own interest and objectives
Demonstrate loyalty to the Civil
Service and recognised by more paramount than that of the Civil
external parties as a proud Service
member of the organisation
Show passion and positivity about Abstain from defending the Service when
the Civil Service at all times conversing with others

Proficiency Label Seek opportunities to create Proficiency Label

goodwill for the Civil Service

February 27, 2015 Page - 98 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Commitment Related Competencies: Self sacrifice, Optimism, Loyal

Definition of Is passionate and dedicated to the Civil Service; upholds its values, policies, and procedures; identifies with
Competency: and stays devoted to its cause

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Understand, respect and follow Act contrary to and disobey the PSR,
the Public Service Rules (PSR), policies and established guidelines
policies and all other established
guidelines in the Civil Service
Identify with the Act contrary to
Publics Service Rules, Show enthusiasm and execute all provisions of the PSR, Proffer excuses and fail to deliver on
policies and other assigned tasks and duties in line policies and other work expectations
established guidelines with expectations established guidelines

Work to build a sense of common Promote an "us" versus "them" mentality

purpose; avoid a "we” versus amongst colleagues
“them" attitude
Proficiency Label Exhibit commitment at all times Proficiency Label Lack passion for the work; often late to

February 27, 2015 Page - 99 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Courage Related Competencies: Bold, Political will to implement, Risk taker

Definition of Demonstrates conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant personal cost

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Provide impartial and forthright Hold back on the important things that
advice to those in higher political need to be said; fail to speak truth to
and leadership positions; relate power
with them without undue
tension and nervousness

Act as a role model for Allow subordinates to make excuses

courageous leadership by rather than accept mistakes or proffer
consistently raising and alternatives
Contribute to a culture
Act as role model for encouraging debate on critical,
of victimising
leadership courage difficult and controversial issues courageous actions

Take definitive action to douse Avoid dealing with corrective feedback in

trouble, deal with conflicts and a manner that will inspire accountability
arbitrate on problems within own and self-direction among colleagues and
team; make required tough direct report
decisions to achieve desired

February 27, 2015 Page - 100 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Courage Related Competencies: Bold, Political will to implement, Risk taker

Definition of Demonstrates conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant personal cost

Proficiency Label Challenge powerful and influential Proficiency Label Promote an "us" vs. "them" mentality
people; hold them accountable to amongst team and colleagues
make the right decisions

February 27, 2015 Page - 101 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Courage Related Competencies: Bold, Political will to implement, Risk taker

Definition of Demonstrates conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant personal cost

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Provide impartial and forthright Acquiesce to unreasonable requests and
advice and feedback; make tough demands; or justifies those who do
decisions within the team to
achieve desired outcomes

Stand firm when dealing with Avoid providing negative feedback in

Encourage people to Avoid confrontation at
unreasonable requests and normal and tough situations
stand up for their any cost
convictions demands; encourage others to do
Relate with superiors without Easily intimidated by others in power
undue tension and nervousness;
adopt the best ways to get things
done with them
Proficiency Label Deal with problems with direct Proficiency Label Avoid conflicts and is unwilling to take
reports on time and firmly; the heat of controversy
provide regular performance
feedback and implement
disciplinary action when required

February 27, 2015 Page - 102 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Courage Related Competencies: Bold, Political will to implement, Risk taker

Definition of Demonstrates conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant personal cost

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Provide impartial and forthright Refrain from expressing opinion or
advice to colleagues, concerns that may be unpopular; say
stakeholders and clients only what others want to hear

Deal comfortably with more Gloss over mistakes and fail to learn from
senior colleagues; present them; fail to seek guidance and advice
Take a principled matters to them without undue when in doubt
stance and make it Play to the gallery
tension and nervousness
Challenge issues constructively Avoid challenging issues and is often
and justify own position when unable to justify own position when
challenged challenged

Let others know where they stand Unsure of how to present tough
on issues situations

Proficiency Label Seek guidance and advice when Proficiency Label Refrain from saying "no" to demands
uncertain and or requests to act against own

February 27, 2015 Page - 103 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Courage Related Competencies: Bold, Political will to implement, Risk taker

Definition of Demonstrates conviction to make and stand by the right decisions, even at significant personal cost

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Provide accurate advice on less Refrain from expressing own opinion or
complex issues concerns

Acknowledge mistakes, learn Deal with mistakes by making excuse or

Let people know Avoids taking a stand
from them and seek guidance shifting blame; repeat same mistakes
where they stand
and advice when required often

Accept and provide feedback in a Seldom stand up for own convictions and
constructive and considerate way position; give up in the face of challenges
and cave in under the lightest pressure
Proficiency Label Demonstrate self confidence and Proficiency Label
self belief

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Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Inclusiveness Related Competencies: Impartial, Fairness, Diversity, Equitable,

Care for others

Definition of Supports and fosters an inclusive workplace where people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of
Competency: their gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status; ensuring that individual differences are valued
and embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Lead in identifying and taking Respond to diversity and inclusiveness
proactive actions to address related charges as and when they occur
diversity and inclusiveness
related challenges at the
organisational level even before
they emerge

Ensure the integrity and Act contrary to the provisions of the

Champion diversity effectiveness of the Oppose diversity and policy and or systems designed to
and inclusiveness organisational policies and inclusiveness minimise and or eliminate diversity
systems in place for addressing issues
diversity related issues
Define and encourage others to Consider reporting and measurement of
measure and constantly report diversity and inclusiveness a distraction;
on diversity and inclusiveness at
all levels within the organisation

February 27, 2015 Page - 105 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Inclusiveness Related Competencies: Impartial, Fairness, Diversity, Equitable,

Care for others

Definition of Supports and fosters an inclusive workplace where people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of
Competency: their gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status; ensuring that individual differences are valued
and embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service

Identify ethical dilemmas and React to and hesitate in taking actions to

conflict of interest situations and sanction and or change the views of
takes proactive action to avoid those openly intolerant of others
and prevent them at the
organisational level
Proficiency Label Develop strategies for overcoming Proficiency Label Develop strategies that exclude divergent
even the most challenging opinions and embrace unethical
cultural differences to achieve actions
common organisational goals

February 27, 2015 Page - 106 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Inclusiveness Related Competencies: Impartial, Fairness, Diversity, Equitable,

Care for others

Definition of Supports and fosters an inclusive workplace where people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of
Competency: their gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status; ensuring that individual differences are valued
and embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Respond to and directly address Tolerate and fail to use organisational
comments and actions that redress mechanisms for exclusionary or
reflect stereotypical views offensive comments and actions

Integrate management of Envision and convey an inspiring and

diversity into day-to-day work irrelevant strategy that cannot deal with
Promote diversity and Frustrate diversity and
and ensure all staff are aware of diversity and inclusiveness issues
inclusiveness inclusiveness initiatives
and comply with all policies on
diversity and inclusiveness
Support useful and timely Offer insignificant and untimely
interventions in cases where interventions in cases where progress is
progress is impeded due to a impeded due to a diversity-related issues
diversity-related issue
Proficiency Label Constitute teams made up of Proficiency Label Consider the diversity of teams and work
individuals from diverse groups unimportant; form teams based
backgrounds, gender and on ability to deliver only
ethnicities to work on projects

February 27, 2015 Page - 107 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Inclusiveness Related Competencies: Impartial, Fairness, Diversity, Equitable,

Care for others

Definition of Supports and fosters an inclusive workplace where people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of
Competency: their gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status; ensuring that individual differences are valued
and embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour…
Seek out and incorporate the Criticize and or disregard different
ideas and contributions of others opinions, styles or ways of working,
even when they conflict own point of view, emotions, belief and
ideas cultures

Build partnerships and Ineffective at managing group dynamics

Actively seek diversity relationships with diverse groups Discourage diversity and ambiguity
and inclusiveness to engage them in sharing and inclusiveness
Work to understand the Struggle to adapt and function effectively
perspectives of others; encourage when working with people who have
others to make state their different backgrounds, opinions and
perspectives positions

Proficiency Label Work with and incorporate inputs Proficiency Label Counter and or work against
of other members of the work opportunities for inclusion in a variety of
group when developing solutions settings

February 27, 2015 Page - 108 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

Competency Inclusiveness Related Competencies: Impartial, Fairness, Diversity, Equitable,

Care for others

Definition of Supports and fosters an inclusive workplace where people are treated fairly and consistently regardless of
Competency: their gender, age, origin, religion, ethnicity, disability status; ensuring that individual differences are valued
and embraced in achieving the vision and mission of the service

Effective Behaviour: Ineffective Behaviour:
People who are effective are likely to… People who display ineffective behaviour …
Work willingly with individuals of Demonstrate a preference for working
all gender, age, origin, religion, with only certain individuals within the
ethnicity, disability status work group

Show understanding and value Ignore inputs and contributions from

Welcomes diversity inputs from others equally Averse to diversity others and or certain individuals within a
regardless of their group group

Sensitive to cultural and religious Overlook cultural and or religious

differences when working with differences while working with others
Proficiency Label Avoid making statements that Proficiency Label Habitually makes statements that others
may offend or hurt others from find offensive and or insensitive
different cultural or socio

February 27, 2015 Page - 109 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

5 Appendix
5.1 Appendix - Design Methodology for the Competency Model
The FCS Competency Model has been developed by the OHCSF, working with FEPAR. This
sub-section provides a brief overview of how the model was developed:

A. Secondary Research / Benchmark Study

The aim of the secondary research was to:
Review, and compare the competency models available in other civil / public
services globally and particularly in similar countries
Identify common competencies in public services as well as research databases
Identify what needs to be different and unique for the Nigeria Civil Service. This
involved a review of past diagnostic reports, surveys and recommendations for
reform or improvement of the Service

B. Primary Research
The aim of the primary research stage was to identify behaviours required in the Service
for leadership and for addressing the current and future challenges of the Service. This
stage consisted of focus group interviews with a cross section of Civil Servants from all

Twenty-one (21) groups in the four days, and a total of one hundred and ninety-three
(193) participants cutting across the forty-two MDAs.
Approach: Questionnaires were designed to facilitate group discussions on the
present and potential challenges of the Service as a prelude to getting them to think
on the kind of attributes that are required in people who would be able to address
those challenges effectively.
Facilitators from the Federal Public Administration Reform Programme (FEPAR) were
assigned to the groups and participants in these groups were asked to put the
attributes into four (4) themes after identifying them.
Outputs: These twenty-one groups came up with seventy-five (75) attribute themes,
with differing levels of re-occurrence.
The groups subsequently rated the required leadership attributes based on the
perceived sufficiency/insufficiency levels in the Service

C. Analysis, Synthesis and Drafting

The aim of the drafting stage was to take information gleaned from the focus group
sessions and international benchmark studies, analyse and synthesise these into
emergent themes and competencies, develop definitions and produce a ‘working draft’
of the competency model.

D. Engagement and Validation

The aim of the stage was to validate with the intended audience of the model (though a
multi-level stakeholder validation process involving primarily HR Process owners –

February 27, 2015 Page - 110 -

Comprehensive Competency Model for the Federal Civil Service

OHCSF Permanent Secretaries, OHCSF and FCSC Directors, MDA Line Directors, and Body
of Permanent Secretaries) to ensure the competency model is relevant and user-friendly
across various roles and contexts.

E. Finalizing
The final stage is to incorporate the feedback from the stakeholder consultations into a
final version of the model.

February 27, 2015 Page - 111 -


The Federal Public Administration Reform (FEPAR)

programme was developed by the UK Department for
International Development (DFID) in collaboration with
the Federal Government of Nigeria to provide technical
assistance to key public service institutions in Nigeria.
The goal of FEPAR is a more capable and accountable
Government of Nigeria.

For further information contact:

Federal Public Administration Reform Programme

25B Panama Street, Maitama, Abuja


Phone: +234 (0)700 2020 2020

Or visit our website:

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