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The role of Artificial intelligence in Government Communication in the UAE

Chapter I

1. Introduction

The world is going through a deep and comprehensive transitional phase in all

fields, a phase in which the role of modern technology is increasing in the transition

from traditional methods to electronic methods. Governments globally widely focus

on the deployment of technological systems and advancements in enhancing the

quality of public operations and services. Since its inception in the 70s, the United

Arab Emirates (UAE) government has constantly focused on including innovative

approaches to improving its citizenry’s quality of life. A few years ago, the UAE was

revealed to have launched an Electronic Government Strategic Plan (e-Government)

2011-2013, one of a kind within the Gulf Region. As established, this plan played a

critical role in revolutionizing the nation’s communication systems, an aspect that

was defined in its objectives. The plan's objective was hedged on the need to

integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems within different

government sectors.

As a result, the inclusion of ICT in running the operations of the UAE

government remains a phenomenon that has made significant strides in enhancing

the delivery of public services. For instance, earlier in 2010, the UAE’s Prime

Minister and Vice President, equally doubling up as the Ruler of Dubai, pioneered

and launched UAE’s vision for 2021 as established by Shamout and Ali (2021). The

vision was focused on significantly improving the quality of work within different

public sectors, including education, health, and security. Information communication

was in this regard, branded as a vehicle that would be used to enable the UAE to

achieve this vision and sustain its competitiveness as a knowledge economy. Later

in 2021, the government equally made significant efforts to introduce a Smart

Government system, equally renowned as the Mobile Government or rather m-

Government, to achieve the nation’s vision (Shamout and Ali, 2021). M-Government

played a critical role in complementing the previous government's initiatives by

enhancing the operations and delivery of public services. Thanks to information and

communication systems, the UAE achieved this goal by enhancing access to

government services and systems through smart devices.

Currently, the UAE government believes that the success of its functions is

directly correlated to the use of communication systems in delivering services to its

citizenry. Recently, in a strategic move to build on the foundations of its vision, the

UAE government furthered the scope of its prospects through the UAE Centennial

Plan for 2071, which marked a new transition for its government arms. Therefore, the

UAE’s Centennial Plan revolves around four pillars that the government seeks to

enhance (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018; Criado & Zarate-Alcarazo, 2022). These pillars

primarily include the community, education, government systems, and the economy.

The government’s ultimate goal revolves around acquiring state-of-the-art systems to

revamp its functions for the economy, education, and communities. The UAE, to this

effect, aspires to be one of the best economies globally by 2071. Notably, to achieve

these objectives, the government of the UAE, through its vision, is focused on

adopting recent information communication technologies such as Artificial

Intelligence systems (AI) to broaden the scope of its operations. Investment in ICT

systems and human capital remains one of the UAE government’s leading strategies

to achieve its 2071 vision (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018; Criado & Zarate-Alcarazo,

2022). The UAE government, therefore, launched its first-ever Artificial Intelligence

(AI) strategy in 2017, a landmark project that was designed with the objective of

helping the economy in the delivery of its 2071 Centennial plans. In light of this, the

UAE government recently transitioned to a new phase driven toward becoming one

of the leading AI public government institutions, as provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1: UAE Government ICT Transition Phases

Therefore, UAE’s strategy for including ICT systems such as AI is supported

by the need to adopt communication systems that may be used to revamp the

government's efficiency and performance. As part of its strategic goal, the UAE has

shown its commitment to the integration of a 100% AI-directed government (Saxena,

2017). AI and other communication systems that include the e-Government and m-

Government systems will impact the transport, education, energy, and technological

sectors. According to Minton & Bligh (2021), the UAE ICT strategy is projected to

inject a 50% increase in the annual operating costs of the region. To achieve its

aspirations as one of the leading hubs for ICT and AI globally, investment in world-

class and AI research remains essential. As adduced in the views of Minton & Bligh

(2021), the integration of information communication systems such as AI in the UAE

will serve as a driver of a period of the industrial revolution in the economy.

McCarthy (2020) conducted a study that emphasized the fundamental role of

ICT, with to AI systems and technologies in the stimulation of discontinuous and

rapid changes in several industries. According to the study’s author, discontinuous

and rapid changes often occur from disruptions, one of the renowned terms devised

by McCarthy (2020) in precision revolved around the reliance on innovations that

include AI systems in revolutionizing the operating systems of an economy. Recent

advancements in ICT have contributed to the rise in AI, which widely performs

myriad tasks through human intelligence. Further emergence of Machine Learning

(ML), viewed as a subset of AI systems, emerged through ICT. ML introduced

programming languages to address and find solutions to societal issues (McCarthy,

2020). AI and ML, birthed from ICT, are therefore considered some of the impactful

technologies and systems in the UAE that the government uses in shaping its

operations and future, as seen in its vision 2071.

Literature over recent years has widely focused on the use of AI in different

industries in the UAE, chief among them the business and education sectors. This

indicates that few research studies have been conducted to examine the impact of AI

on government communication in the UAE, thus informing the purpose of this

research study (Le, 2022). Given this background, this research study seeks to

bridge the existing gaps in the literature by underscoring the role of Artificial

intelligence in Government Communication in the UAE. Therefore, the research

study seeks to test some of the assumptions regarding using ICT in revamping

government communication in the UAE, such as the view that deploying these

systems would render human capabilities redundant (Khoe, 2017). On the other

hand, the research will test the hypothetical view that the inclusion of ICT, with

precision to AI systems in achieving the UAE’s vision 2071, will create new

professionals with no precedence.

1.1 Background and Aims

The UAE has a well-set vision regarding implementing its ICT strategy

through an AI model to abet its processes as one of the leading AI developers by

2071. The implementation of this video is primarily grounded on the assumption that

the process will require rigorous investments and dedication in outlining a path that

the nation will forge to achieve success (Khoe, 2017). UAE’s ICT strategy will

contribute to ensuring that the region heightens the growth of its government

systems, education sector, and economy and widely contributes to the happiness of

the communities through the integration of AI in these sectors. Investment in the ICT

sector is therefore considered a driver of development in ICT systems and services

within the aviation, education, healthcare, transportation, financial, and defense

sectors, besides those linked to the diversification of economies (Figueroa-Canas &

Sancho-Vinuesa, 2017). Further, the UAE government 2021 launched proper

policies intended to promote the wide use of information and open data as a means

to promote its ICT endeavors.

The UAE’s Strategy, as indicated in its AI plan for 2031, was then

incorporated into streamlining the government systems and services. Government

communication has grown and developed as a robust and administrative concept

vital for government institutions' functions in developed countries. Government

communication to this effect is crucial in creating a better understanding between

government institutions and the public (Choe, 2021). Through it, a sense of

responsibility grows among those in charge of these institutions. Moreover,

government communication develops and turns into digital technology, just like the

significant development witnessed by digital technology in the communication field

and the world. It has become a distinguishing mark for many sectors, governmental

and private institutions, as the technology works on a new industry and a major

development that contributed to raising the level of mobility and communication,

which in turn poses a challenge in crystallizing traditional practices for new and

technological approaches (Alnuaimi et al., 2022). Given this, this research study

aimed to underscore the role of AI in Government Communication in the UAE.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

As established in the earlier sections, the UAE is focused on implementing

measures driven at integrating AI to transform how it delivers its services to the

citizenry by 2071. This strategy primarily involves adopting a myriad of ICT and AI-

based systems intended to contribute to the performance of government arms. The

integration of ICT and AI systems, as specified in this case, will play a critical role in

reshaping the UAE’s strategy by adding virtual systems and workforces through

automated systems that augment the delivery of services. Government

communication is every internal or external communication process by any

government institution in coordination with the government contact entity. The

government communication authorities remain one of the organizations tasked with

supervising communication activities in government institutions and continue to play

a critical role in implementing ICT and AI systems in the UAE (Alnuaimi et al., 2022).

The essence of government communication remains a factor that has significantly

increased over the recent past. It has become a fundamental requirement for entities

to rely on communication in building social and customer relations.

Consequently, the significant changes in public relations within different

industries have resulted in tangible developments as the impetus for improving the

adoption of ICT systems in the work environment. This, in turn, has increased public

output in different government functions. Among the recent and most notable

changes in regard to the integration of AI systems and applications in the

management of different government functions (Abulibdeh, 2019). To this effect, the

relevant authority accorded the right to regulate the use of ICT in the UAE often

deals with several challenges and obstacles, a factor that is evident in the mismatch

between interactions in people and AI systems as provided in the standards of

communication theories. Several hurdles in integrating AI in the UAE have seen

several risks of AI, effects, and benefits underreported (Abulibdeh, 2019). Past

research studies have equally revealed that the effects and challenges of adopting

AI systems and technologies to increase communication and media across different

sectors remain a phenomenon that is increasingly turning out as ubiquitous and

subtle or rather unknown to several of the end-users (Stahl, 2021; Luttrell et al.,

2020; Crawford, 2021).

In light of this, this study, therefore, assumes that the full benefits of

integrating ICT and AI systems in achieving the UAE’s strategic vision remain an

under-harnessed phenomenon. This factor is evident in the skeptical views of

researchers. It is, in this case, established that the lack of adequate information on

the hidden and subtle effects of the spread of misinformation poses an impediment

to the adoption and implementation of AI and ICT systems in achieving the UAE’s

vision of 2071. Notably, evidence, as adduced in this case, establishes that the

recent changes in the use of AI systems and applications lie in their integration into

client relations management (Abulibdeh, 2019). This factor remains proverbial in

formulating innovative measures to address clients’ needs. Limited research studies

have equally been conducted to address and examine issues related to public

relations and AI systems. Reports from the Artificial Intelligence Index (2022)

revealed a significant drop in the percentile of AI studies conducted in North Africa

and the Middle East by 6.18%. Given this background, this research study seeks to

bridge the existing gaps in the literature by underscoring the role of Artificial

intelligence in Government Communication in the UAE. Therefore, the research

study seeks to test some of the assumptions regarding the use of ICT in revamping

government communication in the UAE, such as the view that deploying these

systems would render human capabilities redundant (Aburezeq et al., 2020). On the

other hand, the research will test the hypothetical view that the inclusion of ICT, with

precision to AI systems in achieving the UAE’s vision 2071, will create new

professionals with no precedence.

1.3 Research Objectives

As earlier established, the UAE government believes that the success of its

functions is directly correlated to the use of communication systems in delivering

services to its citizenry. Recently, in a strategic move to build on the foundations of

its vision, the UAE government furthered the scope of its prospects through the UAE

Centennial Plan for 2071, which marked a new transition for its government arms.

Therefore, the UAE’s Centennial Plan revolves around four pillars that the

government seeks to enhance (Aburezeq et al., 2020). These pillars primarily include

the community, education, government systems, and the economy. The

government’s ultimate goal revolves around acquiring state-of-the-art systems that

will be used in revamping its functions for the economy, education, and communities.

This research study seeks to bridge the existing gaps in the literature by

underscoring the role of Artificial intelligence in Government Communication in the

UAE (Alhashmi et al., 2021). Therefore, the research study seeks to test some of the

assumptions regarding the use of ICT in revamping government communication in

the UAE, such as the view that deploying these systems would render human

capabilities redundant. On the other hand, the research will test the hypothetical view

that the inclusion of ICT, with precision to AI systems in achieving the UAE’s vision

2071, will create new professionals with no precedence. To this effect, the objectives

of this research include:

1. To identify the extent to which AI plays a critical role in government operations

and activities.

2. To analyze how implementing AI in government institutions impedes or

facilitates efficient communication.

3. To examine AI’s emerging issues and future role in corporate

communications and activities.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions are the following:

1. To what extent does AI automation influence the efficiency and effectiveness

of government communication within organizations?

2. How much do government communication professionals know about AI, and

to what extent are they already using AI in their scope of practice?

3. What is the influence of AI on the organization’s external image?

4. How significantly will AI affect the future of government communication in the


1.5 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical model used in this research combines the Theory of

Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), to study

human behavior towards change and the possibility to accept the positive influences

of technology in professional engagements. Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen first

proposed TRA in 1975 to explain the significant influence of attitudes on human

behavior (Kim et al., 2020; Buabeng-Andoh, 2018). Davis’ TAM, which was

developed in 1989, is based on the belief that the attitudes of users about the ease

of use and usefulness of technology significantly affect its adoption (Al-Maroof et al.,

2020; Al-Mamary et al., 2016; Buabeng-Andoh, 2018). In the 21st century, the TRA

was adapted in 2011 to explain the factors determining news-sharing behavior

(Karnowski et al., 2018). Al-Mamary et al. (2016) contend that modern applications

of TAM are based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

(UTAUT), developed in 2003. The 21st-century conceptualization of TAM explains

how reasoned or planned behaviors affect perceptions of technology. Hence,

UTAUT shows how TRA and TAM are innately interconnected. The current research

presupposes that using AI in organizations can demonstrate its significant influence

on corporate communication. The two models strategically fit each other and the

premise of this research because they explain the attitudes, perceptions, and

decision-making processes responsible for human behavior.

1.6 Overview of the Research Framework

Fishbein and Ajzen’s TRA model was first proposed to explain the rational

decision-making processes of humans. The theoretical model’s premise is human

behaviors can be altered successfully through strategies targeting subjective

attitudes and norms about phenomena (Kim et al., 2020; Karnowski et al., 2018;

Buabeng-Andoh, 2018). The final research investigates the effect of rational and

informed decision-making on AI use. Fred Davis’ TAM summarized his findings on

the factors affecting the use and adoption of technology into two broad categories.

Specifically, he posited that people base their decision to regularize the utilization of

new technologies on their perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (Al-

Maroof et al., 2020; Al-Mamary et al., 2016; Buabeng-Andoh, 2018). New inventions

with limited application potential and unfriendly manuals or user interfaces rarely

become mainstream. This research will analyze the factors impeding the positive

perceptions and use of AI in corporate communication.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study will be restricted to the UAE based organizations.

Mainly, the scope is justified by the increased utilization of automation and

integration technologies in countries all over the world (Luttrell et al., 2020; Crawford,

2021). Some UAE-based organizations have adopted AI in their operations despite

insufficient knowledge of its impacts on internal communication and external

perceptions in other regions globally (Mols, 2020).

1.8 Limitations

Like other research studies, this study had a few limitations that restricted its

scope. Firstly, it is notable that the implementation of AI systems and ICT prospects

in government operations in the UAE is in its teething stages, a phenomenon that

considers this research as a unique effort to examine the issue at hand within the

region. In this regard, research studies have been limited in underpinning the right

literature regarding the role of AI in government communication in the UAE.

Secondly, AI-based systems and technologies continuously evolve with time, a

phenomenon that this research study revealed restricts the making of conclusive

findings as provided by the current pool of knowledge.

1.8.1 Delimitations

The delimitations of this research study primarily include the establishment of

boundaries previously set by other researchers in an effort driven towards

maximizing the scope and the quality of the search. In this regard, the researcher

resorted to selecting an appropriate approach to address the issues related to

access to literature on the subject within the context of the UAE. The model and

approach selected for this research study tool consideration of a feasible research

approach that may validate the findings and the outcomes of this research study.

Additionally, the researcher considered excluding a few approaches to achieve the

desired research outcomes.

1.8.2 Thesis Structure

This research study sought to examine the role of AI in Government

communication in the UAE. This section provided an overview and background of

the research issue, which helped lay a foundation for the variables the researcher

will examine. The next chapter reviews the literature on the topic in question,

followed by a research method that will be used in the execution of the research

study. Chapter 4 will provide an analysis of the collected data before summarizing

the research findings in the last chapter of the thesis.

Chapter II.

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

As provided in the preceding chapter, The world is going through a deep and

comprehensive transitional phase in all fields, a phase in which the role of modern

technology is increasing in the transition from traditional methods to electronic

methods. Governments globally widely focus on the deployment of technological

systems and advancements in enhancing the quality of public operations and

services. Since its inception in the 70s, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government

has constantly focused on including innovative approaches to improving its

citizenry’s quality of life. This chapter, therefore, seeks to conduct a literature review

on the subject or topic in question.

2.1 Background of the UAE Government and its Vision in the use of ICT

The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is revealed to have been

pioneered in the early 70s. Since then, Alhashmi et al., (2021) establishes that the

government has often focused attention on the quest for varied operational models.

These measures, as viewed by Almekhalfi & Tibi (2012) have widely been focused

on increasing the delivery and the quality of government services to its citizens.

Efforts driven towards achieving this goal have often focused on adopting varied ICT

technologies, a move considered critical in enhancing its efficiency and productivity.

Recently, evidence reveals that the government of the UAE launched the

Government (E-Government) Strategic Plan from 2011 to 2013. The strategic plan

focused on incorporating ICT systems in the delivery of services in government

institutions. Earlier on, through its vision for 2021, the government announced its

flagship program driven towards improving the scope and quality of its work within
the public sector. These efforts saw several government institutions in the UAE

follow through with a Smart Government system that was equally branded as the

Mobile Government system. The system was intended to improve and contribute to

achieving the state’s vision for 2021.

As revealed in the views of Almekhalfi & Tibi (2012), the fundamental goal of

this flagship program was hedged on the need to ensure that public services

delivered through government institutions were accessible through different

platforms and devices. Upon achieving vision 2021, the government of the UAE

further launched the centennial plan of 2071. The five-decade plan was designed to

guide the UAE to achieve prosperity and success within different sectors of the

economy. As established in the views of Minton & Bligh (2021), UAE’s Centennial

plan primarily encompasses the use of ICT in different sectors, including the

government sector, community, education, and the economy. To this effect, it is

argued that the ultimate goal of the government in developing this plan lies in the

need to acquire state-of-the-art ICT systems and technologies that may be used in

increasing the performance of the government, enhancing the delivery of education,

bettering the economy of the nation, and transforming the lives of the citizens in the

communities. In implementing this plan, the UAE focused on becoming one of the

leading actors in implementing ICT systems such as AI globally by 2071 (Minton &

Bligh, 2021). In an effort driven towards the achievement of the goals of the nation, a

15 long-term objective and vision was established by the government to help in the

adoption of ICT systems and technologies that would advance the growth of the

state across different sectors of the economy. Consequently, the government equally

undertook measures to integrate a myriad of strategies and initiatives that would be

used in the preparation of its populations for the adoption of the changing

technologies within the landscape to increase productivity.

Currently, the UAE government believes that the success of its functions is

directly correlated to the use of communication systems in delivering services to its

citizenry. Recently, in a strategic move to build on the foundations of its vision, the

UAE government furthered the scope of its prospects through the UAE Centennial

Plan for 2071, which marked a new transition for its government arms. Therefore, the

UAE’s Centennial Plan revolves around four pillars that the government seeks to

enhance (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018; Criado & Zarate-Alcarazo, 2022). These pillars

primarily include the community, education, government systems, and the economy.

The government’s ultimate goal revolves around acquiring state-of-the-art systems to

revamp its functions for the economy, education, and communities. The UAE, to this

effect, aspires to be one of the best economies globally by 2071. Notably, to achieve

these objectives, the government of the UAE, through its vision, is focused on

adopting recent information communication technologies such as Artificial

Intelligence systems (AI) to broaden the scope of its operations. Investment in ICT

systems and human capital remains one of the UAE government’s leading strategies

to achieve its 2071 vision (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018; Criado & Zarate-Alcarazo,

2022). The UAE government, therefore, launched its first-ever Artificial Intelligence

(AI) strategy in 2017, a landmark project that was designed with the objective of

helping the economy in the delivery of its 2071 Centennial plans. In light of this, the

UAE government recently transitioned to a new phase driven toward becoming one

of the leading AI public government institutions.

2.2 Chronology of Technological Changes and their Impacts on


Technological development over the recent years remains a factor that has

widely been stimulated and spurred by several events that have had economic and

social impacts. As technology evolved, several industries globally changed and a

factor that resulted in the emergence of new strategies for developing products,

delivering services, and increasing the capabilities of organizations. According to the

views of Yamagishi (2015), this explains why innovation is viewed as a catalyst in

the continued efforts to advance the operations of different industries. ICT, as viewed

by Yamagishi (2015) therefore, remains a leading contributor to the Total Factor

Productivity (TFP), widely considered as an indicator of economies’ economic

progress. This view establishes that changes in innovation remain significant in the

long-term achievement of economic growth. This aspect continues to stimulate the

renowned three industrial periods of revolution that have immensely impacted


The first industrial revolution, primarily pioneered by Britain, emerged between

1950 and 1840. This period was primarily marked by the emergence of railroads

constructed to enable steam engines to help facilitate mechanical production. The

Second Industrial followed this Revolution period between the early 1970s and 1914

(Wang et al., 2016). During the Second Industrial Revolution, technology played a

critical role in the invention and innovation of electricity, which played a critical role in

the stimulation of mass production within the manufacturing industry. Later on, the

Third Industrial Revolution ensued in the early 60s (Wang et al., 2016). This period

ushered the growth and development of semiconductors, computer machines, and

the emergence of the Internet. The period was further marked by the industrial

revolution and technological innovation that played a fundamental role in the labor

market. Malaika Mahlatsi (2020) in light of this established that the automation of

systems during this period played a fundamental role in complementing, creating,

and eliminating jobs. An instance of this is evident in the innovation of automated

systems and machinery that reduced the population of the American workforce

within the agricultural sector from a merger of 41% earlier in the 90s to 2% later in

2000. Another development that marked this period is evident in the emergence of

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) (Malaika Mahlatsi, 2020). This technological

development emerged in the 70s, significantly contributing to increased financial

institutions. The further advancement of the financial sector during the period created

more job openings in the banking sector.

The fourth trimester of the industrial revolution emphasized the expansion of

technological development and ICT systems in shaping the manner in which the

world and its future holds. Lawrence (2019) explained that the period acted as a

successor of the third industrial period that began in the 60s, a move that reveals the

reasons why it is widely considered a period of the computer revolution. In other

words, the 4th industrial revolution was marked by significant technological

advancements that resulted in rapid disruptions of different industries. According to

Lawrence (2019), the period contributed to industrial developments that

revolutionized the manner in which people conduct their businesses and

communicated. Technological advancements further reshaped systems and

processes within the public and private sectors. This period is considered to have

played a critical role in impacting different governments. Lawrence (2019) identified

the significant developments in different fields that drove the revolution. The

developments were evident and contributed to the emergence of robotics, artificial

intelligence (AI), 3D printing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Duc (2020) conducted

a research study to examine the transformation of the global economies during the

period. According to the findings, the period was marked by technologies that

resulted in an impact on society. Duc (2020) further stressed that technology during

the period played a fundamental role in enabling organizations to understand the

importance and capabilities of varied technologies om the industrial revolution. The

period played a fundamental role in influencing the growth of several sectors,

including education, healthcare, commerce, and the business environment (Elayyan,

2021). The technologies mentioned in the research primarily include using robotics,

artificial intelligence, and other systems to increase the production process of

different industries.

2.2 Application of AI in Communication and Media Practice

The unification of corporate communication and artificial intelligence is

inevitable and necessary for the growth of the two fields. Soriano and Vald´es (2021)

contend that a “public relations-strategic intelligence hybrid” will increase the ability

of public relations professions to solve complex challenges and adapt to

contemporary communication needs. AI and other technologies can significantly

improve the ease and efficiency of information-sharing practices in modern

organizations. According to Wilson (2022), AI creates tremendous opportunities for

corporations to engage with the public and cooperation between public and private

entities. An increasingly large number of organizations will depend on automation

and ICT in their corporate communication practices. Technologically driven

approaches have significantly disrupted critical public relations practices, such as

content creation, production, and distribution of media. De-Lima-Santos and Ceron

(2021) report that stakeholders in the media industry are increasingly relying on AI

technologies, such as speech recognition, machine learning, natural language

processing, and computer vision in their investigative and reporting work.

Technology firms, such as Google, Amazon, and Apple, facilitate the resources,

capacity, and skills needs of non-technology firms seeking AI services (Stahl, 2021;

Luttrell et al., 2020; de-Lima-Santos & Ceron, 2021; Crawford, 2021). Consequently,

AI has become an integral component of media and journalism in the 21st century.

Controversy over the use of AI in the media industry mainly stems from the

role of ethics in the autonomous generation and access to content. In the last two

decades, AI-generated text and audiovisual content, such as deep fakes have

moved from the realm of fantasy and fiction to reality (Luttrell et al., 2020; de-Lima-

Santos & Ceron, 2021; Stahl, 2021; Mitchell, 2019). Autonomous systems'

information and communication content creates complex legal and ethical concerns

about authorship, ownership, and responsibility. According to Aoki (2020), people

are less trusting of AI-generated information if is related to important issues, such as

parental support, and more trusting if it is about trivial issues, such as waste

management. Hence, the type of information developed and shared through AI

affects the public’s trust. Concerns about the ability of AI systems to exercise moral

reasoning, generate accurate information, filter false, explicit, or discriminatory

information, and communicate effectively have limited its universal application in the

media (Jamil, 2021; Straubhaar et al., 2016; de-Lima-Santos & Ceron, 2021). Most

of the challenges related to the use of AI in public relations are related to ethics.

Many studies and corporate leaders underestimate the role of ethics in the

application of AI in public relations. Many people focus on the features and benefits

of AI in improving communication while overlooking its risks and detrimental

outcomes (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018; Criado & Zarate-Alcarazo, 2022). Ideally, new

technologies and automation should be implemented strategically in public relations.

Wilson and Van Der Velden (2022) state that corporate leaders should strive to

achieve common meaning, trust, ethics, and alignment with development agendas

during the implementation of AI in public relations.

Additionally, they should maximize benefits, reduce risks, and rely on

collaborative problem solving (Kuziemski & Misuraca, 2020; Prahl & Goh, 2021). The

recommended approaches can increase the acceptance and use of AI in corporate

communications. The UAE government actively encourages investment and

utilization of AI across diverse sectors of the economy and society. In 2020, total

public spending on the development of the autonomous technology sector exceeded

$73 million, a 19.7% increase from the previous year, which was justified by a

projected 14% contribution of AI to the UAE’s gross domestic profit (GDP) (“UAE

Invests $73,” 2020). The statistics understate the benefits of AI because they do not

incorporate the subtle contributions accrued through informal knowledge exchange

and internationally outsourced skills. Shamout and Ali (2021) report that the “UAE

government's vision is to make the UAE a world leader in AI by 2031, as per the

National Artificial Intelligence Strategy launched in 2017”. Hence, the findings of this

research will address knowledge gaps on the role of AI in internal and external

corporate communication practices.


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