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Teacher's guide

Compete the Space Quiz.

How many planets are there in the Solar System?

a) 8 b) 9 c) 7
What planet also has 24-hour day?
a) Mars b) Saturn c) Venus
What is Space-X?
a) a NASA program b) a satellite c) a private company


Look at different variants how the space exploration can develop and
number them from 1 to 5 (1 - might happen the soonest). Explain your

People colonise the Mars

Reusable rockets are designed
The humanity opens new galaxies
Tourists are welcome to the space tours
The mission to Jupiter is launched

Encourage your students to

discuss the possibility of these
events. It's a kind of hint for the
further grammar topic.
Watch the video about one of
space exploration plans. What
are two probable terms of
launching a mission to Mars?
Which you think is more realistic?

Watch again and complete the gaps with the information from the
Mars, the Red Planet. The ancients named it for the Roman god of war.
It was seem to be the next step after setting human’s foot on the moon.
That’s why the Mars and the Earth are very similar. Although the
surface of the Mars is too cold for unsheltered life and its air is
unsuitable too. Nevertheless, it’s astronaut-friendly. There are some
liquid water. More space probes have been sent there because there
might have been life in the past. A new spacecraft is planned to take
people to Mars within next two decades. However, Elon Mask is going
to do it earlier. It’s possible when the planets are properly aligned. The
challenge is immense but so exciting.


Answer the questions.
Why setting foot on Mars seems so realistic?
Because this planet is very similar to Earth. Also, there are some liquid water and evidence that there used to be
more water in the past.
How long can the jouney to Mars can take? Around 9 months
What positive and negative outcomes of this experiment might be?
Positive - it will broaden human's opportunities. negative - someone will surely die
Why do you think some people may be ready to risk their lives for this
Read two sentences from thee video and choose the correct option in
the grammar box below.

The cost will be high and the hurdles immense.

It seems certain that some will try it and quite likely that some will die

1. Will is used to make predictions/plans for future.

2. Likely is used to say that something will surely/probably

NOTE: If you are even less sure that something is possible to

happen use may (or might which is less probable than may)
instead of likely. There is the opposite form of likely - unlikely.

Complete the sentences with will, may, might or be (un)likely to.

1. People are unlikely to colonise the Mars in next two

2. Reusable rockets will be widely launced to the space
(some of them aready exist).
3. The humanity might open new galaxies in the next
4. Tourists will be welcome to the space tours every year.
5. The mission to Jupiter may/might be launched by our

Discuss the possible progress in scientific explorations withing next
two decades with your partner.

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