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Page 1 Rei & Minako are shrinking

Panel Description Dialog

1.1 Rei and Minako are shrinking, REI

as they sit back down. Their I gotta sit down.
clothes begin to get baggier,
as they get shorter by the MINAKO
second. Even Minako’s hair bow Me, too.
is getting bigger.

1.2 They realize that their MINAKO

clothes are much baggier, Is it just me... or did our
and the top of the seat is clothes grow?
how high they can relax their
backs. They look at their REI
baggy clothes, in shock, That’s not the only problem,
as Minako’s every-growing Minako!
headband comes off, cause it’s
too big for her. Rei looks at
the table, in shock. Show some
shrinking effect here.

1.3 They’re now as tall as the REI

backrest, from the seat. Rei We’re shrinking! Lose the clothes,
goes naked, knowing she can’t Minako!
handle her clothes anymore.
Her action made Minako’s MINAKO
jaw drop, as Rei climbs onto WHAT?!
the table, reaching for her
black Samsung Galaxy S7 phone,
like it’s a 32-inch TV. Show
shrinking effect here.

1.4 Viewing above Rei & Minako, REI

Rei’s sitting on the table, I’m going to call Chibiusa, right
with her smartphone on the now.
table, as Minako sits next
to her. Rei’s using her hands
to press the phone’s screen.
The smartphone is now the
equivalent of a 50" TV, as
it shows a screen of calling
someone, already shows "057"
on display, while Rei reaches
for the next number with her
hands. Show a little shrinking
effect here.
Page 1 Rei & Minako are shrinking

Panel Description Dialog

1.5 Viewing the phone screen, MINAKO

we see the calling screen Come on. Pick up the phone.
showing the name "Usagi" with
"Calling...", like a real
smartphone’s calling screen.
Page 2 Rei & Minako get captured

Panel Description Dialog

2.1 The naked Rei, sitting on the IKUKO (USAGI’S MOTHER)

table, kneeling next to the (on phone)
bigger phone, yelling into it. Hello? This is the Tsukino
Show a little shrinking effect residence, Ikuko speaking.
Miss Tsukino?! Can I talk to
Chibiusa?! It’s an emergency!


(on phone)
Who is this?

2.2 Rei yells downward, in REI

desperation. It’s me, Rei! Her friend!

2.3 Minako joins Rei, on the IKUKO

table, kneeling on the I’m sorry. I know Rei, and
opposite side of the phone, you sound like some kid. Stop
but the shadow looms over prank-calling this house!
them. Minako looks upward,
as she’s the first to know. MINAKO
Rei? We got a bigger problem.

2.4 The person in the trench coat, SETSUNA

with a purse on her left Hello, dolls.
shoulder, is no other than
Setsuna, as she looks down on REI
her 5-inch ladies. Setsuna?!

2.5 Setsuna grabs the two, one on SETSUNA

each hand, arms pinned, like Looks like my formula got better
King Kong grabbing his human results.
woman. Both girls scream!

2.6 Setsuna, with her purse SETSUNA

opened at the top, lowers her Let’s put you guys in here, and
handheld 5-inch girls into her we’ll head home to play.
Page 3 Rei & Minako get captured

Panel Description Dialog

3.1 We see Setsuna’s hand, placing SETSUNA

what Minako and Rei wore into You girls won’t be wearing these,
the trash bin, outside, in an anymore.
alley nearby.

3.2 Minako and Rei, naked and MINAKO

inside the darkness of the Where is she taking us?
purse, sat down next to
each other, as they brace REI
themselves. They’re surrounded I dunno. Best to be in her purse
by giant lipstick, woman’s than outside, for now.
wallet, pen, compact powder,

3.3 Zoomed out of Setsuna’s purse,

we see Setsuna driving the
car, with her purse sitting on
the passenger seat.

3.4 Setsuna enters her house.

3.5 Viewing from the left corner HARUKA

and above the couch, we see Welcome back, Setsuna. We’ve been
Haruka and Michiru, sitting waiting for you.
next to each other, while
Michiru’s cuddling up to
Haruka and Haruka’s looking
at us.
Page 4 Haruka & Michiru

Panel Description Dialog

4.1 Setsuna stands nearby the MICHIRU

couch, where Haruka & Michiru How’s that little "experiment"
look up at her, and wonder going?
what she has in her purse,
with it’s strap being held SETSUNA
over her left shoulder, that’s It’s proven successful, so far.
showing some movement.
Mind showing us?

4.2 Setsuna holds the purse SFX

bag upside down, just a few (purse shaking)
inches above the coffee table SHAKE SHAKE
surface, as she dumps her
stuff. Minako and Rei fell SFX
right out, with Minako landing (items landing on coffee table)
on her butt, and Rei about to CLATTER CLATTER
land on Minako.
(the tiny girls landing on top of
each other)

4.3 Haruka and Michiru look HARUKA

shocked, as they saw what’s Amazing!
the coffee table, looking
at the naked Minako and Rei, MICHIRU
who are holding each other, Rei and Minako are so...tiny.
seeing that their "friends"
are now giants. From our view,
we only see the backs of the
tinies, looking up at Haruka &

4.4 Setsuna explain the situation SETSUNA

to them, while holding a It’s all because of this, mixed
vile of the shrinking serum in with the drinks, that makes one
and showing it to Haruka & down to less than 13 centimeters.
Michiru. What’s interesting is that their
minds forgets the fears and
worries. The shrinking is slow,
and fun.
Page 4 Haruka & Michiru

Panel Description Dialog

4.5 Back on the coffee table, MICHIRU

Rei and Minako already calmed (off panel)
down, and enjoy being small. And they’re not embarrassed to
Rei sits on the giant thick give us a show.
woman’s wallet, with her legs
spread and finger down her HARUKA
pussy, masturbating. Meanwhile Sounds like fun, and gives us new
Minako crawls up to Rei. places to have "fun."
Page 5 Haruka & Michiru

Panel Description Dialog

5.1 Setsuna has both Rei and SETSUNA

Minako in her hands, carrying I’ll take these dolls to the cage,
them out of the room, as while you try it out.
Setsuna has her head turn to
Haruka & Michiru, giving them
a chance to try it out.

5.2 Haruka and Michiru are about HARUKA

to kiss, when Haruka has the Ready to see the world, in a new
serum in hand, holding it up perspective?
to her love, as they agree
with Setsuna, to try it out. MICHIRU
I’m always ready for anything,

5.3 Haruka pours the liquid from

the vial, into the red wine,
that’s in the whine glass.
Another whine glass is close
by, with it’s own fill of red

5.4 Haruka & Michiru hold their HARUKA

glasses, as they give toast, A toast, before the shrink.
before drinking.
(whine glasses)

5.5 Both Haruka and Michiru drink

their wine from the glasses.
Page 6 Haruka & Michiru are shrinking

Panel Description Dialog

6.1 Haruka and Michiru’s still on HARUKA

the couch, as their clothes Setsuna’s right. This is fun.
get bigger while they start
shrinking. They’re amazed MICHIRU
at what’s going on. Show I love it.
shrinking effect here.

6.2 We see Haruka & Michiru, Caption: Minutes later...

naked on the floor, now both
at around five inches tall, MICHIRU
sitting on their clothes, Wow! Everything is HUGE! What do
the shrank out of. Michiru’s you think?!
looking outward in amazement,
while Haruka looks off toward HARUKA
the sofa-sized shoe to her I just thought up a new place for
left, and thought up an idea. making love.

6.3 Haruka’s standing in her giant HARUKA

shoe, with her giant sock Come on in, I got you!
draped out, as she has her
arms out, ready to catch, MICHIRU
while Michiru stands just O-kay!
outside the shoe. Chibiusa
figure continues to watch from

6.4 We see, from the top-down

perspective, that Haruka and
Michiru are making love inside
Haruka’s shoe.
Page 7 Setsuna has fun w/ Rei & Minako

Panel Description Dialog

7.1 In the bathroom, Setsuna, with Caption: Meanwhile...

an mean look on her face,
drops her tiny captives, SETSUNA
Minako and Rei, on the tile Before I take you to your cage,
floor, in front of the small you two need a shower.
plastic seat, that’s still
huge to the tinies.

7.2 Setsuna pulls down her pants,

and exposes her vagina.

7.3 A pan-up view of Minako and REI

Rei, watching Setsuna sit down Wh-what do you mean a "shower"?
on that plastic seat. We’re clean.

I know what she means.

7.4 Setsuna’s face goes to a SETSUNA

sigh-look, as she is peeing. A nice..."golden" one.

7.5 A explained view of Setsuna, SFX

peeing on her five-inch (peeing)
tinies, giving them a nice PSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Golden Shower,as described in
the next panel.

7.6 From the tinies’ perspective, SFX

Rei and Minako are getting (peeing, louder)
pissed on, acting like they’re WOOOOOSSSSHH
actually taking a shower.
All while Setsuna’s legs are
spread wide, and her right
hand spreads the vagina,
keeping the aim of her piss
to her tinies.
Page 8 Setsuna has fun w/ Rei & Minako

Panel Description Dialog

8.1 Rei and Minako are drenched SETSUNA

from Setsuna’s piss, as a pool (off-panel)
of it surround them, on the Whoops. Sorry for the mess.
tile floor.

8.2 Setsuna has a roll of toilet SETSUNA

paper in her right hand, At least you can clean it up for
about to drop it on top of me with this.
her tinies.

8.3 That roll of toilet paper SFX

drops on top of the shrunken (toilet paper roll landing in the
Rei and Minako. pee pool)

Clean the floor first, before

8.4 Rei and Minako split a piece

of the wadded toilet paper, as
they scrub the tile floor with
both hands on the giant wads,
removing any piss, while the
two are still soaked.

8.5 After a while, the tinies, REI

Rei and Minako, carry their We got all of your mess, Setsuna.
wads, which sucked up almost Now, can you dry us?
all of the piss on the floor.
Setsuna turns around as her SETSUNA
back is toward the tiny girls, You done well, dolls. I will grant
in preparation for something your wish.
What are you doing?

8.6 Setsuna bends downward on the SETSUNA

seat, with her ass spread, Oh, comes close and you’ll find
and it’s closed ass hole fully out.
Page 9 Setsuna has fun w/ Rei & Minako

Panel Description Dialog

9.1 Minako and Rei dump their SETSUNA

toilet paper wads to the side, Ready to be dry?
as they stand just inches away
from the giant, Setsuna, and REI
her ass. I dunno...but I don’t care.
Me, too! Give it to us!

9.2 Setsuna, with her hands on the

floor, to keep her aim, closes
her eyes and prepares to let
out a gassy fart.

9.3 An expanded view of the SFX

action, in which Setsuna lets (farting)
out a gassy blast of fart FRRRR
onto the tiny girls of Rei
and Minako.

9.4 On the tiny girls’ SFX

perspective, they’re blown (farting, louder, monstorous)
by the brown, stinky, wind, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
coming from Setsuna’s giant
ass, which it’s ass hole is
expanded open, as the source
of the wind, which just made
their hair blown. Some of
the tiny brown poop is also
amongst the wind, with a
few hitting and smearing the
girls. They don’t care, tho.

9.5 Setsuna turns around to see SETSUNA

the tiny girls, somewhat Aahh. I didn’t expect it to be wet
dry, but left with smears and stinky. My bad.
of poo, stink, and coughing,
while one bends over, on her SFX
knees, coughing...both, for (Rei & Minako coughing)
the reason of Setsuna’s stink ACK COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH
overwhelming them.
Page 10 Rei & Minako get caged

Panel Description Dialog

10.1 Back in the lab, Setsuna drops SETSUNA

Minako and Rei into the cage, Now, get dressed like the rest of
where the rest of the girls the dolls, you’ll be with.
are kept. The girls in the
cage are now wearing the
single edge-ripped cloth,
draped over the back and
front, down just past their
knees, with the hole open,
which the head is through. It
is wrapped on the waist by a
tied string. And a couple more
are just outside the cage,
waiting for Rei and Minako.

10.2 Rei and Minako, in the same SFX

garb as the rest, are now Bing Bong
the cage. Usagi, Ami, and
Makoto, who are also in with SETSUNA
them, plug their noses for the I’ll be right back, girls.
stink, but bashful, Minako,
while Rei looks back toward
the giant, Setsuna, who seems
alarmed by the door bell,
heard in the distance.

10.3 Setsuna’s at the front door, SETSUNA

turning the door knob. Who is it, this time?

10.4 With the door opened, we see SETSUNA

Chibiusa, holding her Luna-P. Chibiusa? What are you doing here?

Just want to know what’s going on,

10.5 Setsuna looks embarrassed. SETSUNA

Ummm...nothing, Chibiusa. I had a
stroll around town, and been here.
Page 10 Rei & Minako get caged

Panel Description Dialog

10.6 Chibiusa gives Setsuna a mean CHIBIUSA

look, as she knows something. I saw it all. Where are they?

Um...who do you mean?
Page 11 Chibiusa takes the 5 caged, shrunken girls home

Panel Description Dialog

11.1 Chibiusa yells at Setsuna, CHIBIUSA

making Setsuna even more Usagi, Ami, Rei, Minako, and Mako!
embarrassed. All while Haruka As well as Haruka and Michiru!
peeks from her giant shoe,
where Michiru’s in, as well. SETSUNA
They’re all gone.

11.2 Setsuna gives in, and shows SETSUNA

her the way. You want to know where they are?
Let me show you.

11.3 Back in the lab, Setsuna stand SETSUNA

next to the table with the They’re right here, waiting for
cage, extends her arm, guiding you.
Chibiusa to where the girls
are at, which are in the cage.

11.4 Chibiusa sits on the chair, CHIBIUSA

looking at the cage in Wow! You guys are so small!
amazement! What she sees is
the five five-inch senshi look SETSUNA
at her in shock. You can take these dolls home, if
you want.

11.5 Chibiusa looks at Setsuna, CHIBIUSA

in amazement, that she can Really?! I can play with them?!
take home the tinies. Setsuna
embarrassingly smiles, as SETSUNA
well, as she lowers the Yep. You can play Dress-up,
cage to the waiting arms of House...whatever you have in mind,
Chibiusa, who seems to have they’re now yours.
the same vial, Setsuna used to
shrink the rest. CHIBIUSA
This is the best present, ever!
Thanks, Puu!
Page 11 Chibiusa takes the 5 caged, shrunken girls home

Panel Description Dialog

11.6 Chibiusa leaves the house SETSUNA

holding the cage, with the Have fun with them!
shrunken senshi in it, who
are bracing themselves, thanks CHIBIUSA
to their new "owner." Setsuna I will!
waves Chibiusa farewell, from
the open front door.
Page 12 Setsuna takes the dive

Panel Description Dialog

12.1 Setsuna leans on the door, SETSUNA

sighing of relief, while Whew! That was close.
Haruka and Michiru pop up from
the shoe. HARUKA
Hey, Setsuna!

12.2 We look at Haruka and Michiru, HARUKA

still in the shoe, looking You want to join us?!
erotic, wanting her to join.
Imagine the fun we’ll have!

12.3 Setsuna holds another vial of SETSUNA

the shrinking serum, and has Well...I did perfect it. Doesn’t
an interesting idea. hurt to try.

12.4 She pours the vial into the

wine glass, filled with red

12.5 Setsuna then drinks the wine


12.6 Setsuna feels the effects SETSUNA

of the serum kicking in, by H-here it c-c-comes.
holding her heart with her
left hand, and keeping herself
up, by holding to the table
with her right.
Page 13 Setsuna takes the dive

Panel Description Dialog

13.1 Haruka and Michiru are still MICHIRU

naked, as they walk on top You think she made it?
of the once-worn clothes of
Setsuna on the floor.

13.2 Haruka opens the head opening HARUKA

of Setsuna’s shirt, to see Glad you can join us.
Setsuna, now shrunk to their
size, naked, and her bun is
non-existent, waking up, on
her hands and knees, seeing
the her and Michiru.

13.3 Haruka and Michiru talk to HARUKA

Setsuna. All are standing on So, where should we start?
Setsuna’s giant clothes.
Well, we can try getting the food
from the fridge.

13.4 The fridge is like a tower to MICHIRU

the tiny 3, as they look up, That’s extremely high.
seeing the door knob extremely
You’re right. We don’t have enough
strength to even pull the door
Now what?

13.5 The front door opens, and a HOTARU

silhouette of a kid, Hotaru, Hello?! Anyone home?!
entering the house.

13.6 The three give us a surprised MICHIRU

look on their faces, as their Hotaru?
"child", Hotaru, is back home.
She’s early.
Page 14 Setsuna takes the dive

Panel Description Dialog

14.1 Hotaru rushes into the living HOTARU

room, happily. She doesn’t I had a great day at school! You
know, yet, that the three should have seen it!
she was waiting for, are
home...but tiny. Setsuna,
Haruka, and Michiru are hiding
behind a divider, as they
watch their giant kid roam
in the living room.

14.2 Hotaru sees the clothes on the HOTARU

floor, which concerns her. Is this...Haruka’s clothes? That
means they are here.

14.3 Hotaru smiles, as if it’s a HOTARU

game they’re playing with her. I bet they want me to play "Hide
’N Go Seek." Okay! Here I come!

14.4 Hotaru approaches where the HARUKA

five-inch naked girls, Haruka, She’s coming! Run!
Michiru, and Setsuna, are at,
skipping along. To them, it’s SFX
loud booms. They run as fast Boom-BOOM! BOOM-BOOM! BOOM-BOOM!
as they can, to keep hiding.

14.5 From Hotaru’s angle, she sees HOTARU

3 tiny naked figures running Three...tiny people?
away, under the table of
the kitchen area. This makes
Hotaru happy.

14.6 Hotaru goes under the table, HARUKA

on her hands and knees, tries Keep running!
to grab Haruka, who jumps over
it, while Michiru and Setsuna HOTARU
look behind them. Aww! Almost got you!
Page 15 Hotaru captures the 3 shrunken girls

Panel Description Dialog

15.1 Hotaru’s right hand grabs the HOTARU

naked Michiru by the waist, (off-panel)
surprising her. Gotcha!


15.2 Then, Hotaru grabs Setsuna, by HOTARU

the waist, with her her left (off-panel)
hand. You, too!

15.3 Haruka stops and looks up at HOTARU

Hotaru, who has both Setsuna Wait a sec...Setsuna? Michiru?
and Michiru in her hands, Haruka?!
looking down at Haruka.

15.4 On the kitchen table, Hotaru’s HOTARU

sitting on the chair with her This is amazing, guys. I didn’t
left elbow on the table and expect you to be so tiny. Can I
left hand on her cheek area, take care of you, please?
as if she’s holding her head
with her arm. On the kitchen
table, the five-inch naked
girls, Setsuna, Haruka, and
Michiru, are sitting in a
seiza position, next to each
other, looking at their giant

15.5 Haruka and Michiru give SETSUNA

Setsuna a smile look. Setsuna Well...uh...
looked happily embarrassed.

15.6 Hotaru has her hands in a HOTARU

prayer position, as she looks I know! Let’s get you girls in
happy, knowing what to do. some clothes, first!
Page 16 Hotaru captures the 3 shrunken girls

Panel Description Dialog

16.1 Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru HARUKA

are wearing the same one-piece Tissue paper? Ugh.
tissue paper, draped over
their shoulders, and neck MICHIRU
area ripped out, for the head. Come on, dear. This is like a
It’s wrapped, by the waist, "little" toga party. *giggle*
by a piece of big string. The
only thing different about
it is that tissue paper is a
bit transparent, which makes
Haruka a bit frustrated that
she had to wear it. Meanwhile,
Setsuna and Michiru watch
Haruka, amused.

16.2 Hotaru grabs them from the SETSUNA

table, and takes them to the Where are you taking us?
living room, where the clothes
of Haruka and Michiru still HOTARU
around and Setsuna’s stuff I got something for you guys to
from her purse are all still do.
over the coffee table.

16.3 Hotaru sets Setsuna and HOTARU

Michiru on the floor between Paint my toe nails.
the couch and coffee table,
and has a container of purple
nail polish in her hand,
showing it to them, up close.

16.4 Hotaru has her left leg HOTARU

resting on the coffee table, As for you, Haruka, you get to rub
in front of Haruka, while the my feet. It’s been a long day at
other is on the floor, both school, you know.
legs are bare, including the
feet. Haruka looks petrified,
at the sight of Hotaru’s feet,
that are taller than her...and
it smells from being in the
shoe all day!
Page 17 Hotaru captures the 3 shrunken girls

Panel Description Dialog

17.1 Setsuna’s holding the top MICHIRU

part of the nail polish with (sfx)
both her arms, using all her COUGH COUGH COUGH
might to brush the giant
toenail of Hotaru, while
the already-painted nail is
being attempted to be blown by
Michiru, but she’s coughing to
the side, due to the polish’s
stench being so strong.

17.2 Meanwhile, Haruka’s holding HARUKA

her nose, while trying to rub (In thought)
the sole of Hotaru’s stinky At least we’re not those five
feet. Her left hand’s holding girls with Chibiusa. God knows
her nose, while her right rubs what she’s planning with them.
the foot.

17.3 The full-size view of Hotaru,

sitting on the couch, while
her tinies work their spots,
stated in panels 1 & 2.

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