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Week 07 - My best birthday present


Margot Pilar Canahuire



Good afternoon, teacher. My name is Margot Canahuire. On this occasion, I am going to tell you,
what was the best technological device that they gave me for my birthday.

A: What is the name of your favorite technological device?

My favorite device is the cell phone which my husband gave me on my thirty-fifth birthday.

A: Why is it important to you?

For me it is very important because it is very useful in my daily life, the university, work and most
importantly to be able to communicate with my family and friends.

A: What are its features?

My cell phone is a smartphone, with a large memory capacity for storage, I can perform multiple
functions such as checking my connection to social networks, has GPS, allows me to download
various programs allows me to access the Internet with 5G technology.

A: What makes it different from other cell phones?

My cell phone has more storage capacity than other cell phones, it is also faster than other cell

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