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The Agora, or city center, of the ancient city-state of Athens

was the gathering place and market center for citizens to shop,
discuss affairs of state, and exchange gossip.

The word "theater" comes from the Greek word "theatron", which
means "seeing place." The masks allowed for one actor to play
different roles in the same play. A building behind the orchestra
was called the skene. Actors would change costumes in the

The term “acropolis” means “high city” in Greek and can refer
to one of many natural strongholds constructed on rocky,
elevated ground in Greece, but the Acropolis of Athens
a Acrópolis era la "ciudad alta", un lugar característico de la
mayoría de las ciudades griegas que poseía la función
defensiva, además de funcionar como sede de los principales
lugares de culto.


The ancient Greeks built temples that have influenced architecture

until the present day. A Greek temple was made of marble or
stone. Its columns enclosed a space holding an image of a
god. An altar to that god stood outside the temple.

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