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DIY Roll On Deodorant with Magnesium &

Witch Hazel
September 1, 2022
Our DIY roll on deodorant combines magnesium, witch hazel, sea salt and your choice of
essential oils to keep you feeling clean and fresh. It is a great alternative to natural deodorants
made with bi-carb soda. It is vegan, easy to make and will help prevent and eliminate body
odour fast. Magnesium is naturally antibacterial while witch hazel's dual ability to kill
bacteria and rid skin of trapped moisture and oils means it is very effective in controlling
body odour. We've called this a roll on deodorant, but you could also use a spray bottle.

How to Make Your Own DIY Roll On Deodorant

 1/2 tbsp Magnesium Chloride Flakes
 Pinch of sea salt
 1 tbsp warm distilled water or boiled tap water.
 50ml witch hazel
 Essential oils of your choice (here we used 12 drops each of lavender, ylang ylang,
bergamot and grapefruit essential oils for a fresh, floral and uplifting scent)
 Container of choice (here we used a 75ml roll on deodorant bottle , but you could also
use a spray bottle) 
1. Add the magnesium chloride flakes and sea salt to the warm water and stir to dissolve.
2. Add the essential oils and mix.
3. Pour into your chosen bottle and top up with witch hazel. Shake well.

How to Use
Shake before use. Spray or roll a small amount of your DIY deodorant on your underarms as
you would normally use a deodorant. Store out of sunlight and use within 4-6 months. Note:
As this DIY roll on deodorant recipe contains magnesium you may feel a tingling sensation
when using for the first time. Especially just after shaving. This is completely normal and
usually fades after a couple of days of use. When using natural deodorants for the first time
after using conventional ones, your body may need to take some time to adjust and detox
first. This could take up to 4 days. The trick here is to persevere and before you know it, you
won't go back to old conventional brands. Our DIY roll on deodorant is not an antiperspirant.
You will still sweat. This deodorant may help boost magnesium levels and control odour with
the help of witch hazel, and the essential oils. This recipe makes enough to approximately fill
1 x 75ml roll on deodorant bottle. Top up your bottle with a little more cooled boiled water or
witch hazel if desired.

As with all our DIY recipes, you can experiment to suit your preferences. Many factors can
change the end result, including temperature, humidity, light, ingredient quality. Some DIYs
can be amended by remelting or adding ingredients, but some cannot. Please read the whole
recipe before beginning and remember to have fun! Pregnant women should exercise
caution when using essential oils. If unsure, please seek medical advice from your
health care professional.

Discover Biome's Naked Beauty Bar

Looking to simplify, reduce waste and know exactly what you are putting on your skin?
At Biome's Naked Beauty Bar, you will find all of the beautiful raw ingredients you need to
make your own natural skin care and cleaning products. These ingredients are available in
convenient reusable glass jars, and in bulk from all of our stores. Find all our DIY skin care
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