Habit Keep Up The Good Health

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Keep up the good Health

Hello guys 
Welcome back to the series of the habits you need…
The habit that I am going to talk about today is Health…
Keeping up the healthy lifestyle…
The beginning of the new decade and the beginning of the pandemic taught us a lot about the
importance of health…...
We all are aware of why our health is important…
We all know the thousands of benefits of being healthy…
Everybody is talking about a healthy lifestyle and why it is so important….
But why we are not doing it then….
When Steve jobs suffered from cancer and during his last days on death bed, he said...
You can employ someone to drive the car for you, 
make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.
let's imagine…
If you are living with the ailments in your future….
or you are suffering from any health issues in your future…..
would you be possibly enjoying your future? 
No right….
It sounds hard…. Right…….but it’s true. This is the truth….
If you do not have good health, you cannot possibly enjoy the future…..
And to have good health you need to start now….
If your life goal is just to live to eat food…….
you don’t have to watch further, this is not for you……
Many people are living mediocre and unhealthy life
And you can be one of them……. 
but someday you will realize the importance of good health …..
when you are in bad health condition…….
Otherwise, we don’t realize that right….
But the cost you have to pay for that is very high….
So don’t wait till something goes wrong…..
if you want to change your lifestyle…. 
Because there is so much more that you want to enjoy….
You need to start now… 
Because situation will be very difficult to turn things around….

Whenever I refuse to eat something….. 

I often hear from many people… that
“if you don’t eat, why are you living”…. 
at that moment I really don’t consider explaining anything….
I don’t feel like it…. because
I just know my reasons…..
I know how much it affects my health,….
and it’s not only about physical health but mental health as well. 

We are becoming slaves to our senses….

Every day you have cravings to eat something unhealthy…..
and most of the time you satisfy those cravings……
When you often do that…
You lose your self-control….
you give your control to your sense organs…..
in stoic philosophy, it is called “slave to your senses”. 
If you allow your senses to take a charge………
they will do it over and over again and you cannot control that. 

What food you eat has a direct relation to your brain…
You need to understand this…
Your brain controls your physical and emotional activities…..
And as Your body requires energy to do physical activities….
similarly, your brain also requires energy to function…..
that the reason we have feelings and emotions related to food….
When you look at certain food you have a certain feeling attached to it…..

When you eat healthy and nutritious food…. 

your brain performs at high intensity…..
but When you eat a certain type of unhealthy and poor nutritious food….
your brain performs at low intensity…..
Your performance decreases…..
your creativity is affected 
and the indirect reason for that is what you eat…

Research has proved that….
there is a direct correlation between the food we eat…. 
and the bacteria in our gut…..
the bacteria in our gut affect our brain to our mood, attitude, behavior, emotions….

Our digestive system doesn’t only help to digest the food

it controls our emotions…..
Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that controls our emotions and mood….
And…more than 90% of serotonin is produced in our gastrointestinal tract…..
The good bacteria present in our digestive tract helps to produce serotonin…..

And These bacteria protect us from toxins and bad bacteria. 

When you eat nutritious or healthy food…..
it boosts the function of good bacteria and helps the secretion of serotonin.
 Scientists have proved that…..
traditional diets which contain fruits, unprocessed food products, 
a modest amount of meat and oil,
and plant-based diets act as a natural probiotic….. 
which contains good bacteria improve our digestion, 
reduce inflammation and progress our brain function.

 there is an Arabian proverb that says…

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. 
All right guys…
So this is your action plan….
If you want to enjoy your future
Start Today for your better Future
It's never too late to start the process, 
but if you just wait till something happens…..
then you are heading on the track of an unhealthy future. 
It's not difficult to recognize how food is connected to our future and overall well-being. 

Starting with small steps and controlling your sense organs for a better future is the key. You
can begin a “clean” diet for one week- by avoiding sugar and processed food. …..
When you start the process, something happens……
you see that there is a change in mood, attitude, confidence, and level of energy…….. 
You cannot believe how much better you feel, both physically and mentally…… 

One of the most influencers in our lives is the food we eat. 

In “Deep Nutrition” Book by Dr. Shanahan explains how food can change your genes, based
on what you eat. 
Many people want to start the process
But the real problem is 
How to be Consistent

When you start the process, 

it is very difficult to continue it. 
You will be influenced by many people….
You will find that you have more cravings for fast food….
You will feel like to quiet…. 
When you feel like giving up know your reason why you are doing it, 
what is the impact you want to have in your life? 

When you know your reason, 

you will create self-motivation to keep going. 
Even you can write the reason and read it every day before going to bed or when you get up
in the morning. 
You will observe the improvement in the level of energy, mood, and attitude. 
You will become more creative and confident. 
Do some physical exercise to have a better impact on your health, when you mix, diet, and
exercise it will highly impact your life. 
Go for a run… for a walk… or do it at home….
It doesn’t matter….’
Just do it whatever you can…..

 I will end up with this quote from Steve jobs….

When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has
yet to finish reading – "Book of Healthy Life.”

Thank you, guys…… thanks for, watching this video

If you like this video please do not forget to share and subscribe for new videos that will help
you to build a strong mindset……… develop grit and learn new things…..
Comment below what you think about your action plan…. 

until next time my friends… Start today for better tomorrow …and take action now

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