How To Rollback or Reverse A Staged Sunning Run Document 1633943.1

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How do you Rollback or Reverse a Staged Dunning Run? (Doc ID 1633943.1)

In this Document



Oracle Advanced Collections - Version 12.1.3 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the IEX: Send Dunnings for Delinquent Customers is run by a non-resource, the program completes, but doesn't
produce an output file.  However, the invoices within that run, have their staged dunning level incremented by 1.

Is there a process to rollback this run so that the staged dunning levels are reset for the invoices in that run?


Please log an SR with support to be given information about rolling back the Staged Dunning Level for your customers
under the above scenario.

Keeping in mind that the data fix scripts can be used to rollback the staged dunning levels, for the invoices associated with
the dunning request id.  Please note, this fix will be provided where the dunning program didn't create an output file. 

If the dunning was run in error by the user, and the output file was created, customer will need to use the scripts at their
own risk as that is not a error with the program.   Oracle Support cannot provide any further datafix scripts as this rollback
is not supported.  Since this is the case, it's very important to take proper backups of the tables prior to rolling back your


This is not Supported, meaning if you choose to do this, you are updating at your own risk.   You must take
the backups as recommended and if something happens to the data, you must restore.    Oracle Support will
not supply further datafixes if this task is completed this incorrectly.  Your only option will be to restore
your tables from your backups.



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