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Date: Equipment needed & layout:

Lesson Plan#: Handstand
Head Coach:
Assistant Coaches required:

Intended outcome:

 Students will be able to demonstrate a complete

 Students will be able to anticipate the position of their
body while upside down and balance their body.
 Students will appreciate their efforts in performing a
handstand and taking place in the class.

Warm up activity:

Students will do several strength warm-ups to prepare for the activity. Students will work in pairs; one student
will be on the floor in a cradled position; the other students will perform several “bounding” movements; they
will place their hands at the head of their pair on the floor; “bound” off their feet jumping over their pair on
the floor going from side to side.

Students will then place their feet on a wall while their hands remain on the floor forming a 45 degree angle.
They would then use their hands to push their body closer to the wall while their feet move up the wall. They
will try to get the body as parallel and close to the wall as possible.
GMP#1: Stance

 Take a wide stance.

 Place your dominant foot in front of the other.
 Raise both hands above your head.

GMP#2: Mini Handstand

 Students will demonstrate the required stance in preparing to do a handstand.

 They would then number their feet. (dominant foot/ foot in front is numbered 1, foot behind
numbered 2)
 Students will then place their hands on the floor at the front.
 Students would then raise their feet in the air allowing number 1 to lift first while number 2 follows.
 Students will then land on their feet; however, they are to land on the foot numbered 2 first then
on 1.
 Feet are raised 1 then 2 and land 2 then 1.

GMP#3: Complete Handstand

 Students will place their hands on the floor at the front.

 They would then raise the foot number 1 off the floor and kick up hard with the foot numbered 2.
 As students extend their feet straight in the air, their hands are used to balance their body while on
the floor.
 While feet are extended vertically in the air, students will squeeze their feet and legs together and
tighten their abs.
 They would also try to keep their toes pointed.
 Students will attempt to hold the handstand for a couple of seconds before landing on their feet in
the 2, 1 order.
Cool down activity:

1. Did our class have fun?

2. Did we achieve our objective?

3. Did we use our time wisely?

4. Did we give the parents feedback?

4. What can we do differently to improve the next class?

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