The Circulatory System Revision

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Ms. K.


The Circulatory System Revision

1. Name all the numbered parts of the heart

1. Aorta, 2. Superior vena cava, 3. Pulmonary artery, 4. Pulmonary veins, 5. R. atrium, 6. Tricuspid valve, 7. R.
ventricle, 8. Inferior vena cava, 9. Pulmonary artery, 10. Pulmonary vein, 11. L. atrium, 12. Bicuspid valve, 13.
Aortic valve, 14. L. ventricle, 15. Aorta

2. What is the function of the septum found in the heart?

Prevents the mixing of the blood

3. “Mammals have a double circulation” What does this statement mean?

Blood flows through the heart twice
Ms. K. Campbell

4. C

6. List three difference between the structure and function between arteries and veins

7. Give three general functions of blood.

Transport heat, nutrients, oxygen, proteins, hormones etc

8. Name four substances carried by blood plasma.

9. Name the two types of white blood cells.

10. List three functions of the lymph.

11. a) Name the type of blood vessel found at points 1,2 and 3
b) Name the liquid found at points X, Y and Z
Ms. K. Campbell

12. Give two reasons why blood clotting is important.

It prevent further bleeding and the entry of microorganisms

13. Why are the walls of the left ventricle thicker than those of the right ventricle?

Left ventricle send blood all around the body (extremities) requires a greater force/pressure than right

ventricle that sends blood to lung which is nearer to the heart

14. Sometimes the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle does not fully close when the ventricles
contracts. Suggest how this may affect the working of the heart and the effect this may have on the

Some blood will flow back to ventricle. Less blood is forced out of the aorta, less blood flow around the

body, hence less delivery of oxygen, nutrients etc, and person will have less energy and be restricted in

their physical activity

15. Suggest and explain the likely effect of a blockage caused by a blood clot in a coronary artery.
Ms. K. Campbell
Blockage will prevent blood flow to the ventricle muscle beyond the blockage, tissue/muscle/cells will

not receive oxygen or glucose, very little or no respiration in this area, cells will die.

16. Suggest three changes a person could make to their lifestyle that would reduce the chances of such a

clot forming.

Reduce stress, exercise more, healthier eating, stop smoking, and lose weight

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