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Co-ordinate Geometry ‘A Text Book 07 two'straight line x49y+5=Oandx+3y | ts these form @ pair of parallel straight tna rh 40 Hence the given’ equation 90 these two lines differ only jn constant terms: ax? + Dixy + Art. 26 (1). . one of the lines giver by bY <0 x2. Show that the angle between i the lines. 1 to the angles between the other two th axt + Dry + - system. ‘The equation of the stright line: ax? + Dhry + by? = 018Gb ‘equation of the straight lines nt pyt eats y) ois eae « bisecting the angles between bisecting the angles between ax? + 2h Again, the Mare y)=0 on, (+A) 32 + Dany + (0+ 2H? =0is Sr ae wit eae a G@ra—-@+a) bh a— ; f bisectors for the first pair. Hence the result. which is the same as the equation o dary — y= O and 22 — hry — ¥? = 0 be such hy Ex 3. If the pair of straight lines each pair bisects rangle between the other pair, prove that b= 1. [D. U:1953, 57, 61, RU. 156475 Equation to the bisector of first pair is roy 2 ean or, 2 y=... ee a o 0 By the given condition second pair 3*— = 2bxy S we 0 bisects the angle between the first pair. Hence comparing we hav or, ab = —1 Proved. : 4 Prove that two of the lines represented by the equation ax! + bay + cx*y* + nyt ey! = 0 will be at right angles if (6 +4) (ad +be) + (ae (@te+c)=0 Let ax! + bxty + cxPy? + day? + ey! = (x2 + key — y2) (ax2 + K xy — ey?) =0 ast + (K +k) xy + (mek Kay? + (Kae) x2 y? ey ee —ek—K =d, i ; : ss - A 0) —a—et+kk=c Find the value of kand from Istand 3rd equations, " k= b+) Ma~e), k’=— (ad +b) / (a—e) : ” Pair of Straight Lines a from (3), we have K’ =at+e+c d ad +be a ee atete 4d) (ad + be) + @— OF (a +6 + 0) proved. traight lines equally / frove the equation y*— x! + Sey (y— . (y — x) = 0, represents three 6! pone anther {C.U. (Hons) 19871 changing the equation y? — x3 + 3xy (y— x) =0 inpolar crordinates x= 10s, y= sin 0, we have sin’ 0— 1? cos) -en8)=0 «a, in? 005" O + 3 sin 8 cos (sin @—cos 0) =0 + ex, (6in 8005 8) [sin"® + 00570 + 4 sin O cos 6) = 0 qx, (an@—1) (tan?@+4tan@+1)=0 Either (tan 9 —1= 07.6.0 =45°. say 8,= 45° ... ae a in tar? +4 tan@ +1=0 ox tanO= (420 (16—4))/2=-2413 Lettan @,=—2+ (V3) = tan 165° = tan 0,=—-2— V3 = tan 75° = tan (—75") = tan Q gf - 75") = tan 8S i =e Now @,—0, = 165° —45° = 120" 6-0, = 285° — 165° = 120° 6,0, = 285° — 45° = 360° — 75° — 45° =— 120° Hence the straight lines are inclined to each ster at an angle of 120°. here RO is produced to OR’. Fig: 14 i that the equation ax* + 2hxy + by? + 2gx + Bfy + ¢ = 0 represents two parallel c)| h 1 b=gtf Also show that the distance between them is 2V {7° =] 0+ 37 sin 0, c05 0 (sin [N.U. H. 2006] presents two straight lines is We know the condition that the general equation re dition, 4 gh— of — bg? — ch? = 0 and it will represent two parallel straight lines if in a ht = 0 it | Now abe + 2fgh— af — bg? — oH? = 0 oF, Fe + 2fgh— aft — bg? — oH? = 0, Since ab = I or, bg? — Dfgh + af =0 rOrdinates—6 42 A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry or, bg? — 2fe V(ab) +afe= 0 (. W & ab) or, (Vbg —Vaf)? = 0 or, Vig = af = orf =p =a =n 2 Weab, on F =R afet -§ which are the equired conditions Let AB and CD be the lines Ix + my +1 =0, Ix + my +n; = 0 respectively. Take any point p (x1; y) on AB. Draw PM perpendicular to CD. Peameabn, =c,! (nm) =2¢. 2 by + my, +; =0 caf as (1) Ixy +myy+m mon = PM="Vit4 mt) ~V(2 +m) from (1) V((n + 4)? — Anim) age — 4c) _ Mage/a— fe) = VR +m) Vaeby Va +b) 22M? = ae) 5 (x2 ae. =Viaa+b) ~~ (a @ +b) Prove that the straight lines represented by the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? + 2gx + 2fy + c= 0 will be equidistant from the origin, if f4—g* = (b f*— ag*) [D.U. 1956, C.U. (Hons) 1977, C. U. 1981] Let the lines represented by the given equation be Ix + my +1 =0 and I'x+ my +n'=0 Since they are equadistant from the origin. nt n VE + m2) “V0? + m4) or, 12 (12 +m?) =n? (+m?) or, nt? — 172 = nn? — nm? or, (a + nl) (nl! —n'l) = (nm! + n’m) (n'm — nm’) or, (nl + n/N)? (nl! + n'1)? — 4nn'Il) = (nm! + n’m)!? {(n'm + nm ‘? —4nn’ mm'} Ae (2) Let ax? + Dhxy + by? + 2gx + fy +c = (lx + my +n) (Ux + m’y +1) comparing the co- efficients we have “I =a, mmf = b, nn’ =c, mn! + m'n = 2f, nl’ + n'l = 2g, Im! + m= 2h Putting the values in (2) we have 90g? —ac) =f (P— be) or, f*— gt =c (bf? — ag?) Ex. 8. Show that the lines joining the origin to the intersection of 7x? + 8x? — 7x2 + 6°—< 12y = 0 and 2x + y—1= 0 are at right angles. Making the first equation homogeneus with the help of 2x +y=1, wehave 7x2 + Bxy — 7x2 + (6x—12y) (2x +y) =0 or, 1922 — 10xy — 19y? = 0 which is the equation of the required straight lines. Since the sum of the co-efficients of x? and y? is equal to zero, the straight lines are at right angles. 43 Pair of Straight Lines i eting at 49, The axes being rectangular, find the equation to the pair of sraight lines meeting Br which are perpendicular to the pair given by the equation ax?+ 2hxy + by*=0 ae pee ve nes represented by ax? + Ixy + by? = Obey —m,x = 0 and y—max = 0. the ae qa) mame 2pand mim =} ow the equations of the lines perpendicular to the above lines and passing through the gomy += Oand my +x=0 ‘air joint equation is omy +2) (mas +2) = 0, OF mam? + (my + my) xy + 22 = 0 2h on G thao by @ oxbe?—2ay +ay?= 0 Ans. ; Ex 10. The line joining the origin to the point P (2,3) is the diameter of a circle which cuts jnes Se?— Lazy + 3y*= 0 at Q and R. Find the combined equation of the lines PQ, PR. Pisa point (2, 3) and O is the origin. The circle on OP as diameter cuts at Q and R, the 0Q & OR and whose combined equations are 51?— 12xy + 3y? = 0. PQ and PR are pandicular to the chord OQ, OR respectively. Let Sx*— L2ay + Sy? P = =3y— mx) Y— mx) ®! R 5 sam tm = MM =F The combined equation of the perpendiculars snugh O to OQ, OR is (my +x) (my +x) =0 or, mymgy? + (rm + mt)xy + x* = 0 P by 1). Q a or, 5y2+ Ly +432 =0 Now the combined equation of the lines PR, PQ parallel to the lines represented by (2) is tained by changing the origin O to PQ, 3) orby putting x—2 for x and y—3 for y in (2) Therefore, 5(y—3)? + 12 (x —2) (y—3) +3 (x2? =0 OF, 332 + Try + Sy? — 48x — Sdy + 129 =0 {BT Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines. [N.U.H. 2005] 84 Dy + by? O and lx + my += 0 [N.UH. R. U. Hons. 1978; D. U. ‘60; C. U. Hons. 1991] let the lines represented by the given pair be y = myx and y = mx, so that my + m= 2k mim =F ony These lines will meet the, third line at points. bias _ ” “0! A Text Book "© “4 uh} on a.) ym Vn alse 77 the third vertex is clearly (y Tonmy 14mm triangle and +0), Me, which will be two vertice Sa ‘\ are of the tire Clee Per “a ae 1 = 54+ mm,) (+ mm) erm = Tm , 22. Ff(m, +) 4mm.) tn im = lm (mm, + m,) + Pm, mm, _ = tah_ oa “Gate bP 2h) ; seats off an intercept on the straight Hine fx $y Ex 12 The circle x* + y'= # show that 4(a? (2 +902) — 1] = [042 + m2) —p), "Whig subtends an angle of 45" at the orgins £907 the origing to the points of intersection The equation of the straight lines joining Li Beyee - re and [z+ my=1 “ i a Q isx2+y? =a? (x + my? or 2 (1—@2P) +y? (1— am) — 2a4lmay = 0 Let the angle between them be @ = 45° (given) 2N(Pi2at — (1 — a2) (1 — a?m?)} a8 § = ac eey AL : or, (1a?!) + (1 — amt) = 2 V(PiPat — (1 — a2?) (1 — a2m2)} OF, (2— a2 — atm?? = 4 (2? + a2? — 1) or, Afe2P + m)—1] = [(?+m?)—27 Proved. WW Prove that the tion m(x3-3xy2) 4 inclined to one anther PY) *¥° SHY = 0 represent three straight lines ene: [NUHI) (Buy?) + y3-3y2y 29 ql Since the equation (1) is a homog . through origin, f encous is of degree 3. So it represents straight Let y = x tand represented the equation (1) O=nb?-dt te) erete ate eee slope of the line represent => nix? — 3omtan29 + x35 4 ~adtano 8=0 =0 Pair of Otraight Linas ame tage tan30 = tanot let m = tana. penne ‘ goed, n#0,1,2 "A Ay BBi and CC makes an angles ayonand ag with x — axis ge0/3,n=0 ektgnet a weg t gine? angle between the lines AAy and BB is O2~6 =f rope ines By and CC i= = 9-45-55 #819 Angle between lines CCy and AAs is x- (03-01) an +01 ox 42 3 333 =n/3 three lines equally inclined to one another. So, spr at rf ins epnmieyenin af =O Pr ele between the othe tow ife-+64=0,b d= (NUH, 2000/0217 Solution : Given that wt a brdy + o2y? + diy? tay4 = 0 oh a i¢)) Since equation (1) is a homogeneous equation of degree 4. So, it represent 4 straight lines through origin. Let Ax? + 2Hxy + By?=0 a a os @ be the two of the lines represented by (1). According to the problem, other two lines represented by (1) is the bisectors of the lines represented by (2) tion of the bit of the two lines represented by Equator fel sectors (0 lines rept yy (2) A-B H > Hy2—Hy2- Axy + Bry =0 oes is i (3) at ebay eoyts dep? +ayt = (Ax? + Beay + By?) DE Hy? Any + Bey) woods baby + 8s? says Ald AR? Ary + ABHY sanaty ey? -2a0i2/ + TBERY? BEA? + Bary? +B 46 ‘A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry Equating similar Co-efficient from both sides a= AH,a=-BH,b=-A? + AB + 2H2, c= -AH~2AH + 2BH + BH, d=-2H?~ AB + BY AH=BH 3. A=-B . ¢+6a=-3AH + 3BH =~3AH + 3BH + 6AH =~3AH-3AH+6AH=0 =0 b+d=~-A?+ AB +2H?-2H?- AB + Bt =-A2+B2 =-A2+A2 [.B=A] = 0 Proved. AW} the equation ax? + hay + by? + 2px + 2gy + €=0 represents two straight lines, Prove that sauare of the distance of their point of intersection from the origin is “@+ >) ~ g? ab-h? IN.UH -2001) Solution : Given that . ax? + Dhxy + by? +2px + 2gy+c=0 (e)) Since equation (1) reprsents pair of st-lines Let lix+myy +nj =0 Q) and Ix + my +n =0 7 tn ) “a the two lines represented by (1) ax? + Zhxy + by? + 2px + Oly +c = (ix +myy +n)). (lox +m y +2) => ax2+ 2hny + by? + 2px + 2fy +e = Ialgx? + (lag + Jomy)xy + mymay? + (lang + Ipny)x + (mune + mam)y + Equating the similar Co-efficients from both sides Na 2 Ike = a,mymg = b, lymg + any = 2h, ling + lyn = 2g myn + mgny = 2f, nin =c. Now, hx +myy +n, =0 bx +my +2 =0 1 Me ee ee Sng — mgm M2 -— Mh “hmg- bm =nglj myn2- axe “ye ee ym Ss goin of intersection of the lines (2) and (3) say A, a a Nyl=naly le =]ymy ‘hm lpm, “ owe 0} (aes =o} Tym - lpm = Jim = lpm; me =mam? + (oglp-mal 2 - . (um - my) éemgny)?~ Amymy nyng + (gly + ng}? = 4h myn ae Taha Gkne a pe 4 aft Abe + 4g? — dca = bb = ant dab Layee Pghabenca lear ne eRS =~ hi-ab ™," Woy ea, P+ g2-ca tb) z =—hi-ab (Proved) ¥ Pair of Straight Lines ead ae 5 {wo straight lines represented by the equation (tan + costo) 2xytame + y?sin?p = 0 makes an angle o. and fi with x ~ axis respectively, then show that tana.—tanB “2. . [N.U.H-2003, 2008] Solution -Given equation »tante + cose) — 2xytang + y2sin2@ =0 ... 8 Ach qa) since the two lines represented by the equation (1) makes an angle a. and B with x-axis. So their equation are 2c Mama andy = Kian, + natn = Soe wae =2aing 1 cosp “sin2p = 2scep cosec and tana. tan = 2°24 int 1 aoe aie ae Se =sin’y + colo n9 7% Now, (tana. tan)? = (tana:+ tan)? — 4tana, tang, me aos = (2secy cocep)?—4, (sec + cot) = ay ad xg. HY%=0 it. rdinate Geomenty [A Text Book on © Ht ca resented by 2x? + Sxy + 2y2 sght ines through the On a fl eat siaige hy 26. If the two straight then find the combined eq! : Dae ‘4 are perpendicular to each other ip 2 say 42 OE iy ie Fa, through i : ert Dye oe cen gore ance 1 So Zi By. Icey ines, ax? + Diny + by? +2 6g hy heb) (MS arty as, GRTAITH R= — (04 bya, 8 een the straight t angles betws 27. Prove that the ang! tthe case whe? have the same pair of bisectors. Interpre R24 y= 0 Wea erate HATER % cae RU Honey, § S 2 0 represents a pair of strain If the tion ax? + Daay + bg? + 29x + 246% et dram the origin. show that agli @ eee ma rR =o attra Ol ITS | heap, ax? + hry + by? + 2g + By +6 [D.Ultons) 1959; C.U. Hag 92 —>»)) a 2gx + By +e = Orepresents two straight ine If the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? eh ade UCB g that pare cata ft os con om te ong SA ISEg ce Fe ere HR I A a ly + + DE 2A) 46 = OAT er (a+) —f— wer an Ca TCR GRO CATT TS HTH poe FD LUN Bay Show that the pair of straight lines joining the origin O to the intersections A anj3y the line Ix + my = 1 with the conic. az? + by? = 1 has the equation. (a — P) x?7— ding, —m)y=0 Ge + my =1 eR art + ye = 1 HAE CHL TAB A RR BRA, Cras CARR waite egy aaa TA (a— P) x2— Amey + (b— mW?) P= 0) IR U. (Pass) 1985; R. U. 1962, BL. OPMtG Ch, 32+ Axy + dy? —Sx —10y +4 = ORR Ax? — dy + y? + de —2y —3 = ON vat eh RTO OF FH | : 4 Prove that two of the lines represented by the equation axt + br'y + cx'y'+in ay! = O will bisect angle between the other two if ¢ + 6a = 0, b+d=0. (IN. U.HL 2000, 02, 09][ CH. 190.8 33. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles bétween the lines represented by (a) 1222 + 7xy —10y? + 13x + 45y—35 =0 nul Ans, 7 (282 + 25)? —7(23y — 43)? = 44 (23x + 25) 29-* (b) 2x2 + 7xy + by + 13x + 2y +2020 Add egy Phy eo _el Ruel 34. Prove that the angles between the lines joining the origin to the intersections line y = 3x + 2 with the curve. 2° + 3° + 2ay + 4x + 8y—11 = 0 is A Qty/3 35, Prove that one ofthe line represented by the equations ax? + bxty eexy'+ ff bisect the angle between the other two if (3a +c)? (be + 2ed — a+ Geka ea 20) 3a) al coord! PuEhee 54 A Text Book o" pect pair of straight lines, 2 gen 8 Oe sere AMA!) (D.U 199, 46. that 2+ xy — 28° * 20 ‘, i 1 Show tha @x-tay- ints of intersection Of the curves . (Grate @, x? + 4xY -2 + Show that the st. lines join 4 hay’ by? + 2px = Oand ax? + 2h “euate ; ir . lines which eas ayes 04 te ay uation bx? — 2xY a ee 48, Show that the eq) nt nb ms : : iven by eq! vant ge at + ay + Waa tm [D. U. 1976, R.U. 1978, ‘5 2204 ular to one of the lines WO yy, th 4 iat a =o will be at right angles. if 34, ing the oriBi to (Duy, 6 py tbat presents pai right angle to the pair gi (crate &, bx? — 2hxy + ay" FR A) di @irr one of the lines ax? + ay + nee 6 is 0. (RH. 1977) mone pp + 4 (ah + bit) (ah! + BR) = i + by? =0, prove that (aa’— bb? + Ch ide Hay + 0 AOL TRTAT TO ry [RH 1997) (8 ax? + Dhry + by? =0 gene AR Gy, OSA aN ch (aa’ — bb’ye + 4 (a’h+ DH) (ah! + VR) = 0) Seer pe vig) aoe say eees 502 NOT CS Ses -dinates of their point of intersection. straight lines if k= (e— a) (@— B). Find the co-or a eet avy a eps) + ay — 0) 2-4 B) YEE OUP MEAN SH aA k= (a—a) (6B). EMER HH CHT AAA |) [D.U.195] Prove that product of the perpendiculars from the point (t1, yi) om the lis ait Day + y= 0 ie ' [C.U. 1986; RU. 193] 0 aa ge CRN ax? + Dry + by? = 0 AAMAMA AB. CAAT ayx? + Qrxy + bay? = els ara Set AIS AA (aby — a,b)? = 4 (ah — aly) (6h — byh). J. &. seaa] [R. U. 1988; DU. 1999] * 53, IFS = ax? + 2hzy + by? + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0 represents a pair of lines, the area of th triangle Horaoed by thei bisectors and the axis of x is 4 lla — bp + i) cag? ~ a 2h ab — i mute [ CH. 1989; RU. 1982] (5 wi af sacaet BSw BA, CFG CH 4 a ra BIOTA TAS cores ReteraT x wc Aree fge BF a eae es lines given by the equations vents (L +m), (y— nna)? = o2 (14 m2) form a bus, re vertices A ". being at the origin, aati pone lie on the lines y = myx, y = mx, y = mgx the circumeet™ " 1e locus of the othe . Y= Oly! 3 aes + 05 8; + COS 85) = 0 (af ae centre is the line L, = x (sin 6 + sit: a RA Bota AR | OTA AR I Cr SGOT MATER y = myx, y = mY Fae GA L RA |) TE RM hs I way RAO

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