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Subject: Inquiry Regarding Liquor License Application for Duck Club - Role of The Whitney Museum

June 22, 2023

Dear Human Resources Department,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the Chinatown Core Block Association in
Manhattan. Our association is responsible for, among other things, reviewing liquor license applications
within our community, ensuring they align with our neighborhood's best interests and quality of life.

Recently, we had the opportunity to review a liquor license application for a nightclub venue called Duck
Club, submitted by Mr. Tom Moore. As part of the application package, we received a letter on what
appears to be The Whitney Museum of American Art (The Whitney) letterhead, written by Nicholas
DiLeonardi, assistant manager, visitor and member experience, Whitney Museum of Art.

Our concern arises from the fact that while the application package was received in April 2023, the letter
from Mr. DiLeonardi is dated June 15, 2022 and uses your company letterhead. This has led us to
question the letter and whether it indeed represents an endorsement from The Whitney Museum of
American Art regarding the liquor license for Duck Club.

We kindly request clarification on the following matters:

1. Is the letter from Mr. DiLeonardi a legitimate document written with the permission and
endorsement of The Whitney Museum of American Art?

2. Does The Whitney Museum of American Art endorse the liquor license application for Duck
Club, as implied by the author of the letter.

3. What specific role, if any, does The Whitney Museum of American Art play in this application for
Tom Moore's Duck Club?

Understanding the relationship between The Whitney and this liquor license application is of utmost
importance to our review process. We aim to make well-informed decisions that prioritize the interests
and welfare of our community, and we base these decisions, in part, on submitted materials.

We understand the immense influence that The Whitney carries around the globe, and that it holds
significant sway in the public eye. Consequently, we are concerned that the inclusion of a letter on what
appears to be an official letterhead may inaccurately imply an official endorsement of this liquor license
application. It is crucial for us to ascertain the accuracy and intent of the letter in question and to
authenticate the use of The Whitney logo as normal protocol in this and future liquor license
applications should a similar letter appear before us or any other application in Community Board
district 3.
We anticipate that this liquor license application will be presented to the State Liquor Authority
commissioner later this year. Given the potential impact and public perception associated with The
Whitney we intend to inform the commissioner of the information we receive from you in response to
this letter.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and kindly request that you provide us with the
necessary information to clarify the involvement of The Whitney in the Duck Club (now renamed to
FLAGROUP) liquor license application.

Thank you for your cooperation. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please
do not hesitate to contact me,


The Chinatown Core Block Association

6 Doyers Street, Unit 130079
NYC NY 10013
(646) 751 8621

Attachment: letter

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