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Nyxad Pathfinder

+2 Dexterity +2 Intelligence -2 Strength (0RP), Nyxads are a small and nimble race of fast learning night fey with youthful figures
who have mastered the little girl act, being the stable true breeding offspring of the Goddess Nyx and her Sylph Wife Evelyn.

Fey Type (1RP): Nyxads are Fey of the Night, the fey type gives them low light vision as a freebie, grants them eternal youth upon
adulthood, and qualifies them for fey specific options.

Slight Frame(0 RP) Nyxads are on the smaller end of the human spectrum and despite having the space and reach of a medium
creature otherwise count as small creatures due to their petite figures for all intents and purposes. .

Silent Hunter (2 RP) Nyxads are master adorable assassins with an inherently light step derived from their childlike figures, they
reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number
includes the penalty reduction from this trait).

Silver Tongued (3 RP) Nyxads have mastered the Immaturity Act as a survival mechanism to help themselves appear helpless and
innocent, they gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude,
they can do so up to three steps up rather than just two.

Darkvision 60 Feet (2 RP) Nyxads have massive pupils that absorb more light than normal, because of this, they can see in the dark
up to 60 feet. They may also see in magical darkness unhindered and discern color unlike most creatures with darkvision

Low-Light Vision (Freebie from Fey) Nyxads can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light

Normal Speed (0 RP) Nyxads have a base speed of 30 feet.

Pass for Human (0RP): Nyxads have no penalty to disguise themselves as female human or half elf adolescents and count as
humans or half elves for the purpose of qualifying for character options that have human or half elf as a requirement. All Nyxads are
biologically female and breed true with the males of other species, exclusively producing nyxad daughters

Languages (1RP): Nyxads Speak Common, Elven, and Sylvan. Nyxads with a high intelligence may learn any language excluding
Secret languages (such as Druidic) Nyxads may learn Drow sign language as if they were Drow as an exception to the forbiddance
of secret languages. Having their own variant derived from it.

Nyxad Diet: Nyxads live on Sugar, Carbohydrates and Calories, however, while this means they can draw complete nourishment
from a pint of rum with zero signs of inebriation. This has its own drawbacks, Nyxads who consume animal based fats like meat and
dairy are considered inebriated, with a glass of milk being equivalent to a beer.

Nyxad Age Categories

Reproductive Maturity: 8

Physical “Adulthood”: 14 (still smol)

Cultural Adulthood: 201

Middle Age: no such thing as a Middle Aged Nyxad

Old: Nyxads retain the Vigor of Youth and literally don’t have an old age either

Venerable: you are talking about a race that can live potentially for eternity with the vigor of an adolescent as long as not subject to
an accident, disease or murder. No venerable age either.

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