lp3 Resume Writing

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Katie Wiese Katie Wiese CTE 464 (23-24)

Monday, March 4th, 2024

School to Work
Resume Ramen: Day 1 & 2

General Focus
The first two class periods of the resume lesson are devoted to introducing students to the purpose of a resume and how to craft one using concise language with a
professional, audience-centered approach.

1.3.4 Demonstrate efficiency and productivity by planning, prioritizing, and adapting work goals to manage time and resources effectively Idaho CTE (2021)
1.3.10 Demonstrate professionalism by meeting organizational expectations regarding work schedule, behavior, appearance, and communication Idaho CTE (2021)
1.3.3 Demonstrate continuous learning and adaptability by accepting constructive feedback and being open to new ideas and ways of doing things; continuously develop
professional skills and knowledge to adjust to changing requirements Idaho CTE (2021)

Academic & Content Language

Experience: Knowledge or skill that one gets from doing, seeing or feeling something
Occupation: A personʼs job
Qualification: An ability, characteristic or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity
Reference: A person who knows you and is willing to describe and usually praise you to support you when you are trying to get a job; a statement as to a personʼs character
or ability
Technical Skill: A set of abilities or knowledge used to perform practical tasks in the areas of science, the arts, technology, engineering, and math.
Soft Skill: personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. (MTCHS personal skills)

Students will be able to explain the purpose of a resume and create a first draft of their resume for their Sophomore Portfolio.

Students will demonstrate competency by completing a resume builder worksheet and drafting a resume using a template of their choice. This lesson will be followed by
peer editing, revision, and verbal 1:1 teacher feedback.

Prior Knowledge
Students will need to be able to brainstorm their past work/extracurriculars and identify personal skills with examples.

Anticipated Areas of Misunderstanding

I will need to be sure to be clear about what a resume is in general and what this specific resume is for. Things like the summary, contact info, and references will be a bit
different here than they would be if applying for a job using this resume.


Starter: (5min)
Students pick up KWL Chart on their way to seats
Have resume sample projected onto smart board as students enter. Does anyone know what this is?
A resume is a one-page summary of skills, education, experience
A well-written resume and the right skills can give you an edge on landing a job.
This week you will build your first HS resume to apply to your focus area for next year.
Engage: (10min)
Have students fill out the first two columns of KWL Chart. The last column will be completed during lesson closure. Use discussion to segue into objectives, terms,
and definitions
Explore: (15min)
Project Resume Ramen slides and discuss each slide up until Day 2 in detail.
On Day 2, review remaining slides
Practice or Application: (15mins)
After intro slides, direct students to the Resume Builder Worksheet and model first 2 Steps, gradually releasing students to work on their own and ask questions as
On Day 2, students will write a summary statement, create their resumes using a template of their choice, and transfer information from the worksheet into their
Students who complete the resume builder worksheet early may begin exploring the template offerings from the teacher, google, and microsoft. Those who choose
to use a non-teacher template will have the added challenge of making the required information fit into their template while maintaining formatting.
Closure: (5min)
Why is it a good idea to start building a resume now? Why is it important to personalize your resume? Students will return to their KWL chart and fill out the final
column. This will serve as their exit ticket.

KWL Chart (printed)
Resume Ramen PPT
Resume Builder Worksheet
Resume Grading Rubric
Peer Editing Checklist

Deliverables / Assessments
Students will get check-off grades for completing the resume builder worksheet, first draft of their resume, and peer editing checklist. The final graded assessment will be the
final draft of their resume after peer editing and teacher 1:1 feedback.

Modifications / Addressing Diversity

Students may be given extra processing time and access to a teacher-selected peer tutor.

1. What went well? Why?
2. What did not go as you planned/expected? Why?
3. If you were to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what changes would you make to your instructional strategies that would improve the student
learning? Why?
4. Did the students meet the objectives? How did you know?
5. How did you use feedback from the students to make instructional decisions while you were teaching the lesson?
6. How effective were your assessment tools in helping you monitor student progress? What modifications would you make to help students better demonstrate their
7. How did the feedback you gave students help address their needs in relation to the objectives?
8. Analyze your biggest challenge during the lesson. What did you learn from it?
9. How will that impact future lessons?
10. Based on the results of the lesson, what are your next steps?

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