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OCT-DEC, 2013

Campaign on Nature, Environment & Disaster Management from Bhopal to Sidhi

Nature, Environment K h a j u ra h o , Pa n n a , & Disaster Management Satna, Rewa, Sidhi. Campaign was Campaigns have been jointly inaugurated at organised all over India Bhopal Arera Colony for past few years. Till Centre Auditorium by Dr. now nine such campaigns Rakesh Dubey, Director, were organised one each Disaster Management in Gujrat, Maharashtra, Institute, Bhopal, Andhra Pradesh, Rajyogini BK Avdesh Chhattisgarh, two in Didiji, Director, Brahma Odisha, one in West Kumaris (Bhopal Zone) & Bengal & Jharkhand, one BK Mohan Singhal, in Haryana, Punjab and National Coordinator, J&K and another in Bhopal: Candle lighting ceremony during Campaign Inauguration program at Bhopal. Seen on dias (R to L) are BK SEW. Closing ceremony K a r n a t a k a & Gurusharan, BK Pius, BK Shailja, Dr. Rakesh Dubey, Director, DMI, Bhopal, BK Mohan Singhal, BK Avdesh, BK Mahesh, BK Tarika, BK Veda Vyas, BK Mohan, BK Julie of the campaign was M a h a r a s h t r a . Te n t h organised at museum Hall of Brahma Kumaris Sidhi Centre. Dr. Campaign was organised in Madhya Pradesh starting from 13th Mahendra Singh Bhaghel, Scientist, Krushi Vigyan Kendra and October 2013 at Bhopal and culminating on 30th Oct. 2013 at Mr. Lakshmi Narayan Dubey, Director, SIT College, Sidhi were Sidhi. The campaign covered various important cities and main guests. towns like Bhopal, Vidisha, Sagar, Bina, Guna, Shivpuri, Gwalior, Jhansi, Lalitpur, Tikamgarh, Chhatarpur,
(Contd. on Page 6)

National Energy Conservation Week celebrations at Brahma Kumaris

National energy conservation day is celebrated every year all over India on 14th of December, whereas the Energy Conservation Week is observed from Dec. 14th - 21st each year.
National Energy Conservation Week was celebrated at Brahma Kumaris, Mt. Abu from 14th to 21st December 2014. The energy conservation awareness campaign was inaugurated on national energy conservation day 14th December 2014 with programmes on topic Holistic approach towards energy conservation jointly organised by scientists & engineers wing (SEW), Radio Madhuban & Engineers Club, Abu Road. These programmes were organised at Pandav Bhawan (Omshanti Bhawan), Gyan Sarovar (Harmony Hall) & Shantivan (Seminar Hall). Mr Sunil Sood, founding member & former president of Indian Association for Energy Management Professionals gave an enlightening presentation on energy conservation. Various programs on energy conservation awareness were organised for colleges and industries in and around Abu Road during the one week celebrations.

Energy saved is Future saved...




OCT-DEC, 2013


Tips for Energy Conservation

Below are some of the tips for conserving energy in offices, households in various electrical/electronic appliances. Lighting System 01. One of the best energy-saving devices is the light switch. Turn off lights when not required. 02. Many automatic devices can help in saving energy used in lighting. Consider employing infrared sensors, motion sensors, automatic timers, dimmers and solar cells wherever applicable, to switch on/off lighting circuits. 03. As for as possible use task lighting, which focuses light where its needed. A reading lamp, for example, lights only reading material rather than the whole room. 04. Dirty tube lights and bulbs reflect less light and can absorb 50 percent of the light; dust your tube lights and lamps regularly. 05. Replace your electricity-guzzling ordinary bulbs (incandescent lamps) with more efficient types. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use up to 75 percent less electricity than incandescent lamps. 06. A 15-watt compact fluorescent bulb produces the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent bulb. Room Air Conditioners 01. Use ceiling or table fan as first line of defence against summer heat. Ceiling fans, for instance, cost about 30 paise an hour to operate - much less than air conditioners (Rs.10.00 per hour). 02. You can reduce air-conditioning energy use by as much as 40 percent by shading your homes windows and walls. Plant trees and shrubs to keep the days hottest sun off your house. 03. One will use 3 to 5 percent less energy for each degree air conditioner is set above22C (71.5F), so set the thermostat of room air conditioner at 25C (77F) to provide the most comfort at the least cost. 04. Using ceiling or room fans allows you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room. 05. A good air conditioner will cool and dehumidify a room in about 30 minutes, so use a timer and leave the unit off for some time. 06. Keep doors to air-conditioned rooms closed as often as possible. 07. Clean the air-conditioner filter every month. A dirty air filter reduces airflow and may damage the unit. 08. If room air conditioner is older and needs repair, its likely to be very inefficient. It may work out cheaper on life cycle costing to buy a new energy-efficient air conditioner. Refrigerators 01. Make sure that refrigerator is kept away from all sources of heat, including direct sunlight, radiators and appliances

such as the oven, and cooking range. 02. Refrigerator motors and compressors generate heat, so allow enough space for continuous airflow behind refrigerator. If the heat cant escape, the refrigerators cooling system will work harder and use more energy. 03. A full refrigerator is a fine thing, but be sure to allow adequate air circulation inside. 04. Think about what you need before opening refrigerator door. Youll reduce the amount of time the door remains open. 05. Allow hot and warm foods to cool and cover them well before putting them in refrigerator. Refrigerator will use less energy and condensation will reduced. 06. Make sure that refrigerators rubber door seals are clean and tight. They should hold a slip of paper snugly. If paper slips out easily, replace the door seals. When its dark, place a lit flashlight inside the refrigerator and close the door. If light around the door is seen, the seals need to be replaced. 07. When dust builds up on refrigerators condenser coils, the motor works harder and uses more electricity. Clean the coils regularly to make sure that air can circulate freely. 08. For manual defrost refrigerator, accumulation of ice reduces the cooling power by acting as unwanted insulation. Defrost freezer compartment regularly for a manual defrost refrigerator.
(Contd. on Page 7)


OCT-DEC, 2013

Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

Stop bringing work home with you - get it done between nine and five with these productivity boosters. Weve all had days where it seemed like there just werent enough hours. Too much to do, not enough time to do it in is a common complaint. If you find that most of your days are like that, its time to brush up on your time management skills. Since the beginning of the recession, when companies laid off massive numbers of employees, the remaining (lucky?) few have had to shoulder the burden of their own workload plus the workload of the pink-slipped. Companies are expecting to do more with less, and dismissing those who cant handle it. The good news is, it can be done. usually. Stop Multitasking: When youre crunched for time, doing multiple things at once is the natural response but it wont save you time, really. It may even slow you down. Youll be more productive if you focus on one task at a time, moving steadily through the pile of TPS reports on your desk. The human brain just isnt built to section itself off, so when you try to do too much at once, you do it all poorly. It also takes longer, because as your attention turns from assignment to assignment, it takes you a second to get back into the groove of each piece. The result is a mediocre pile of barely completed tasks that took you way too long to do. If you do things one at a time, youre able to ride the groove from beginning to end, devoting your full attention to each project in turn. If you move from one to the next without getting distracted, you may be surprised how quickly and efficiently things get done. Prioritize: This ones easy. Everyone knows to do the most important thing first, but how often do you really do it? Is checking into Facebook really the most important thing you need to do today? So why is it the first thing you do when you sit down at your desk? Plan your work day according to whats due when, and how long it will take you to do. Aim to get things done ahead of schedule, so you have a built-in time cushion for when emergencies arise. Deal with Things: The easiest way to explain this productivity rule is as follows: When you check your mail, do you just drop it on the table and go about your day, planning on going through it later? Stop it. When you bring the mail in, go through it immediately. Ditch the junk, stack catalogs on the coffee table, in the bathroom, or wherever youll look through them. Open bills and write out the check, stamp it,

seal it, and put it back in the mailbox. Get it? Deal with things. Approach your whole day this way, and youre less likely to have a stack of work waiting for you at the end of the day. Set Alarms: Of course you wake up to an alarm, and you probably set alarms for important meetings and such. But using alarms to time your work tasks can keep you on track all day. Knowing you have a finite amount of time to get things done forces you to concentrate, and makes you less likely to end up browsing YouTube instead of working on that expense sheet. The thing is, you have to stick to your alarm. When it goes off, move on to another task. Dont just ignore it, because then you lose the entire benefit of the mini-deadlines it creates. Take Care of Yourself: If your body isnt running at its optimum level, your productivity will never reach its full potential. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise every day. Oh, and those productivity tricks we just talked about? Take one day a week and throw them out the window. This should be a day you dont have to work (obviously), so just do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it. Schedule nothing. Dont look at a clock. Nap in the sun, curl up with a book, play tag with your kids. Whatever you do to recharge, do it. Come Monday morning, youll be refreshed and ready to go. Blazing your way through the mountain on your desk, youll be done by happy hour. The human brain just isnt built to section itself off, so when you try to do too much at once, you do it all poorly. It also takes longer, because as your attention turns from assignment to assignment, it takes you a second to get back into the groove of each piece. The result is a mediocre pile of barely completed tasks that took you way too long to do.

OCT-DEC, 2013


News in views - Campaign on Nature, Environment & Disaster Management from Bhopal to Sidhi

Bhopal: BK Mohan Singhal giving interview to Media Personal at the Press Conference arranged at Bhopal.Also seen are (L to R) BK Julie, BK Veda Vyas, BK Shailja, BK Monica and others.

Vidisha: Campaign faculty & local organisers Inaugurating the public program during Campaign at Vidisha.

Sagar: BK Neelam presenting Godly Gift to Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Principal Gyanveer Institute of Management & Science, Sagar during campaign program at the college.

Bina: BK Veda Vyas giving lecture during Campaign program at Bina Civil Court. Also seen are (L to R) BK Saroj, BK Prasad, RK Devliya, 1st Class Magistrate, BK Mayarani & others.

Guna: (R to L) BK Mahesh, BK Veda Vyas, BK Resham and BK Prasad speaking with reporters during press conference at Guna.

Shivpuri: (L to R) BK Mayarani, BK Prasad, Mr, M.S. Sikarwar, SP, MP Police, Mr. R.K. Jain, Collector, Shivpuri, Retd. DSP Lahriji and others during program organised for Police Department.

Gwalior: BK Pius conducting campaign program for CRPF personal at Gwalior.

Lalitpur: BK Jyoti giving lecture during campaign program at District Bar Association, Lalitpur. Also seen (L to R) Adv. Manohar Singh Takur, President, Bar Association Adv Shembhu Dayal Sharma, Treasurer, Bar Association, BK Mohan, BK Veda Vyas & others.


OCT-DEC, 2013

News in views - Campaign on Nature, Environment & Disaster Management from Bhopal to Sidhi

... Contd.

Tikamgarh: BK Mohan speaking during campaign program at Govt. PG College, Tikamgarh. Also seen (L to R) BK Monica, BK Maya, Dr. K L Jain, Principal & others.

Chattarpur: BK Veda Vyas giving lecture during campaign program at Forest Department, Chattarpur. Also seen on dias (L to R) BK Mahesh, BK Prasad, BK Jyoti, BK Shailja.

Panna: BK Prasad giving oath to Police personal, during campaign program organised at SP office. All seen on the dias are (L to R) BK Shailja, BK Sita, BK Pius, Mr AK Pandey, SDOP, Panna and others

Satna: Public Program organised at Peace Park retreat centre at Satna. Seen on the dias are (L to R) BK Veda Vyas, Mr. Mahesh Parihar, Dr. B.D. Singh, BK Shailja, BK Pius, BK Mahesh

Rewa: BK Pius Conducting program for students of MBA Dept., APS University, Rewa. Also seen on dias BK Nirmala and others.

Sidhi: (L to R) BK Jyoti, BK Mahesh, Dr. Mahendra Singh Bhaghel, Scientist, Krushi Vigyan Kendra, BK Veda Vyas, Mr. Lakshmi Narayan Dubey, Director, SIT College, Sidhi & BK Rekha during candle lighting at the closing ceremony of the campaign at Sidhi.

Route Map
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday

Route Chart
13.10.2013 14.10.2013 15.10.2013 17.10.2013 18.10.2013 19.10.2013 20.10.2013 22.10.2013 23.10.2013 24.10.2013 25.10.2013 26.10.2013 27.10.2013 29.10.2013 30.10.2013 Bhopal (Launching) Vidisha Sagar Beena Guna Shivpuri Gwalior Jhansi Lalitpur Tikamgarh Chhatrapur Panna Satna Rewa Sidhi



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Beena Vidisha Bhopal


OCT-DEC, 2013


Abu Road: Rajyogi BK Karunaji speaking during program on Holistic approach towards energy conservation at Shantivan. Also seen are (from L to R) BK Rohit, Mr. Ajit Jain, Secretary, Engg's Club, Abu Road, BK Golo, Mr. Sunil Sood, BK Dharampal, BK Dr. Anangpal Pandey, Engineer, Chattisgarh State Electrical Board, Korba

Abu Road: BK Veda Vyas conducting program with BK Kedar for students as part of energy conservation week at Govt. degree college, Abu Road.

Campaign on ...

(Contd. from Page 1)

Purpose of the campaign was to create awareness among people regarding environmental protection and missing dimensions in Disaster Management. Several Programs were organised at all these places to create awareness about missing dimensions in environmental protection and Disaster Management in various Industries, Universities, Defence Forces, Police, Civil Courts, Forest Departments, etc along with many engineering, Management, Nursing, Polytechnic, ITI, and degree colleges. Eminent Faculty from all over India having wide experience of covering multitude of relevant topics in various organisations and industries participated in the campaign. Press conferences were also conducted during the campaign in most of the cities benefitting millions of people. Over 80 programs were organised during this campaign. Some of the noted organisations where programs were conducted are HEG Ltd., Railway (C&W) dept., JP Power, MP Police, Forest Training School, ITBP, Amity University, CRPF, Paricha Thermal Power House, Tata Motors, Hotel Rama, AKS University, APS University.

Gurgaon: Group photo after energy conservation awareness program organised by Brahma Kumaris & SVEAR foundation at a public school in Gurgaon.

Inspiring ....
There were about 70 scientists working on a very hectic project. All of them were really frustrated due to the pressure of work and the demands of their boss but everyone was loyal to him and did not think of quitting the job.One day, one scientist came to his boss and told him Sir, I have promised to my children that I will take them to the exhibition going on in our township. So I want to leave the office at 5 30 pm. His boss replied OK, You're permitted to leave the office early today. The Scientist started working. He continued his work after lunch. As usual he got involved to such an extent that he looked at his watch when he felt he was close to completion. The time was 8.30 PM. Suddenly he remembered of the promise he had given to his children.He looked for his boss, He was not there. Having told him in the morning itself, he closed everything and left for home. Deep within himself, he was feeling guilty for having disappointed his children. He reached home. Children were not there. His wife alone was sitting in the hall and reading magazines.The situation was explosive, any talk would boomerang on him. His wife asked him Would you like to have coffee or shall I straight away serve dinner if you are hungry.The man replied If you would like to have coffee, I too will have but what about Children ?? .Wife replied You don't know?? , Your manager came here at 5.15 PM and has taken the children to the exhibition . What had really happened was The boss who granted him permission was observing him working seriously at 5.00 PM. He thought to himself, this person will not leave the work, but if he has promised his children they should enjoy the visit to exhibition. So he took the lead in taking them to exhibition The boss does not have to do it every time. But once it is done, loyalty is established. The boss here was none other than Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam .That is why all the scientists at Thumba continued to work under their boss even though the stress was tremendous.


Fusion of Gross and Subtle for Holistic Wellness
Friday, 9th May to Tuesday 13th May 2014 at Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu (Raj) - 307501

This Annual event will witness gathering of eminent professionals working in the field of science, technology and engineering from different organisations, institutions, industries, R&D centres, etc. There will be number of relevant & enlightening themes. Reception Session: Friday, 9th May 2014 at 5.00pm Conference : Saturday, 10th to Monday, 12th May 2014 Departure : Tuesday, 13th May 2014 by 10.00am


OCT-DEC, 2013 (Contd. from Page 2)

Tips for Energy Conservation ...

Water Heater 01. To help reduce heat loss, always insulate hot water pipes, especially where they run through unheated areas. Never insulate plastic pipes. 02. By reducing the temperature setting of water heater from 60 degrees to 50 degrees C, one could save over 18 percent of the energy used at the higher setting. 03. Prefer solar water heaters in place of electric water heaters where possible. Solar water heaters store hot water for 24 hour use and save electricity. Microwave Ovens &Electric Kettles 01. Microwaves save energy by reducing cooking times. In fact, one can save up to 50 percent on your cooking energy costs by using a microwave oven instead of a regular oven, especially for small quantities of food. 02. Remember, microwaves cook food from the outside edge toward the centre of the dish, so if youre cooking more than one item, place larger and thicker items on the outside. 03. Use an electric kettle to heat water. Its more energy efficient than using an electric cook top element. 04. When buying a new electric kettle, choose one that has an automatic shut-off button and a heat-resistant handle. 05. It takes more energy to heat a dirty kettle. Regularly clean your electric kettle by combining boiling water and vinegar to remove mineral deposits. 06. Dont overfill the kettle for just one drink. Heat only the amount of water you need. Computers 01. Turn off your home office equipment when not in use. A computer that runs 24 hours a day, for instance, uses - more power than an energy-efficient refrigerator. 02. If your computer must be left on, turn off the monitor; this device alone uses more than half the systems energy. 03. Setting computers, monitors, and copiers to use sleepmode when not in use helps cut energy costs by approximately 40%. 04. Battery chargers, such as those for laptops, cell phones and digital cameras, draw power whenever they are plugged in and are very inefficient. Pull the plug and save.


05. Screen savers save computer screens, not energy. Startups and shutdowns do not use any extra energy, nor are they hard on your computer components. In fact, shutting computers down when you are finished using them actually reduces system wear - and saves energy.

OCT-DEC, 2013


New Delhi: Group photo of participants of lecture programme on Value based Life through Rajyoga organised as part of Vigilance Awareness Week at regional office of NFL.


Nangal: Mr. M.Sagar Mathews, Director Technical-NFL & Mr. K.K. Chaturvedi, CGM-NFL,Nangal Inaugurating Spiritual Exhibition. Also seen are BK Sushma,BK Vivek & Other Dignitaries.

Bhagalpur: BK Swathy delivering a lecture during National conference-2013 on psychological well-being organised by Indian Psychological Association (IPA) at Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University.

Mumbai: BK Pramila presenting Godly gift to Dr S P Garg, President, Atomic Energy Retiriees Welfare Association (AERWA). Also seen Dr R C Pant, Vice President, AERWA.

Scientists & Engineers Wing Annual meeting will be held at newly built retreat centre Gyan Mansarovar near Panipat, Haryana from Friday 21st March to Sunday 23rd March 2014. All the wing members are invited to attend the meeting. Kindly make sure to email in advance intimating your participation and travel plans so that suitable arrangements for receiving & accommodation can be made. Venue : Gyan Mansarovar, Panipat Email Arrival : Friday 21st March 2014 (by 5pm) Meeting : 21st evening & Saturday, 22nd March 2014 Seminar: Sunday 23rd March 2014 Contact : BK Sarla Behen 9416913910/ 0180-2696000 BK Bharat Bhushan 9416151842 BK Mohan Singhal 9414154812 /

Editor Ass. Editor Compiled by Published by Printed by

: BK Mohan Singhal : BK Vedavyas : BK Chandra Bhushan : Scientists & Engineers Wing : Om Shanti Press, Shantivan, Abu Road, (Raj) - 307510.

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Wings Office, Near Internet Office Above Conference Hall, Shantivan, Abu Road (Raj)- 307510

CORRESPONDENCE Scientists & Engineers Wing, Academy Office, Academy for a Better World, Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu (Raj) - 307501
Ph: (02974) 238788 to 90, Extn: 7609, Cell:9414154812, Fax: 238951, Email:; Website:

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