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Good Morning everyone, today I will share my views on the alarming issue
of Global Warming. The concern has only grown due to industrialization
and man’s attempt at modernizing the style of living. 
Let’s first understand what global warming is, it is basically the rise in
global temperature due to the greenhouse gasses that are released into
the atmosphere due to human activities or inventions. The greenhouse
gasses consist of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons. 

The human activities that contribute to the release of such gasses are due
to burning fossil fuels to generate electricity which is also the leading
cause of carbon pollution and coal industries contribute a great deal in
releasing such harmful gasses. And the threat will only increase in the
coming years which will make it difficult for future generations to inherit a
sustainable planet. 

This disruption of habitats due to climate change is the consequence of
Global Warming and if one wishes to curb this deadly cause that is
threatening every habitat on Earth we should take steps together along
with the government.
The pollution has to be controlled by all fronts, mainly air pollution, so
one can start using energy-efficient appliances and drive a fuel-efficient
vehicle that will reduce the harmful release of gasses into the atmosphere
to a tremendous extent. And whenever possible take a bicycle ride to

The government is also taking action by introducing electric

cars{CHEAOEST BEING TATA NEXON. Since all the other causes are due to
burning fossil fuels to provide electricity, we can do our bit by being
responsible for the use of electricity in our day to day life, like buying
bulbs that will use energy to do the same work, and we can also pull the
plug when not in use. The other way is to power our houses with
renewable energy and reduce our electricity consumption and bills. You
can effectively start doing this help reduce Global Warming and thus
conserving our planet.

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