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Useful Common Error Based on Grammar and Vocabulary Prepared and Compiled by Aamir Mahar - CSS Exam Desk Incorrect Correct TA] ONE WORD FOR ANOTHER His four fathers were great men. His fore-fathers were great men Heis given free boarding and lodging. He is given free board and lodging, ‘There is a bevy of boys. There isa bevy ofgiris. ‘This house is made of bricks This house is made of brick, ‘There is crowd of grapes. ‘There is bunch of grapes, He has not paid the fooding charge, He has not paid the food charge. Tenjoy freeship. enjoy free-studentship. He has applied for lecturership. He has applied for lectureship. He doesn't like teachery asa profession, He doesn't like teaching as a profession, ‘Atowny man gets alot of comforts, ‘Atownsman gets alot of comforts. ‘The house is beyond repairs. ‘The house is beyond repair. Youare aman of words. Youare aman of word. Heis true to his words. He is trie to his word. did all my works. Tid all my work. Thave sent a petition for casual leave, Thave sent an application for casual leave. Heis out of door, He is out of doors. Thave placed order for a book, Thave placed an order for a book. Hie is out of spirit. He is out of spirits. Tam out of sort. Tam out of sorts. Tam aman of part. Tama man of parts. He applied himself to study. He applied himself to studies. Tam resting in the shadow ofa tree, Tam resting in the shade ofa tree. There is no place on this berth, There is no room on this berth, Thave no rupees. Thave no money. He walked on his cycle. He rode on his cycle, Please credit this amount to my name, Please credit this amount to my account, Good bye, Ram, Lam glad to see you, Good evening, Ram, Tam glad to see you. Good night, sir, you are welcome. Good evening, sir, you are welcome. “The weather ofthis place suits me. The climate ofthis place suits me, He is devoted to gambling. He is addicted to gambling Youare addicted to Ierature You are devoted to literature, ‘There is lack of poverty here. ‘There is absence of poverty here, Tgave him a cheque of Rs. 500. Tgave him a cheque for RS 500. This great poem is very artful This great poem Is very artistic. Tlike your ehildish nature, like your childlike nature, Shakespeare was an imaginary poet ‘Shakespeare was an imaginative post. ‘Ashe is sick, heis absent. Ashe is il, he is absent. Please grant me filTeave. Please grant me sick leave. What's the cause for delay? What's the cause of delay? ‘There is no cause of complain. ‘There is no cause for complain. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 01 ‘She is somewhat tall for her age. She is too/ rather tall forher age ‘The great saint is notorious in the spiritual field, ‘The great saint is famous in the spiritual field You are a luxuriant man, You area luxurious man. Please shut the tap. Please turn off the tap, Bread is made of flour. Bread is made from-flour, He is very coward, He is a coward or is very cowardly Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 02 He rose by dint of sheer merit. He rose by dint of great merit. ‘They are fast enemies. ‘They are fast friends. ‘They are avowed enemies They are sworn enemies. Trichy deserve this honour, Thighly or greatly deserve this honour, Ie highly deserves this punishment. He richly deserves this punishment. tis utterly right, Itis wholly or perfectly ri Thave done good at the examination, Thave done wellat the examination, The thief stood in front of the judge, The thief stood before the judge. tis 4-30 in my watch, Ttis 4-30 by my watch, Teis totaly good. Itis wholly good. Itis totally clear to me, Itis perfectly or thoroughly clear to me. Teis torally right. Itis all right/perfectly right. The pot is vacant. ‘The potis empty. Tadmire her womanish virtues, Tadmire her womanly virtues, Itisa historical event. Itis a historic event. My tooth is paining. My tooth is aching. Ttook my admission. Twas admitted or 'got myself admitted. Ttook my birth in 1920. Twas born in 1920, He invited me but I denied. He invited me but declined. He denied to help me. He refused to help me. She gavea speech, ‘She made a speech. Alot of men suspect the existence of god. ‘A llotof men doubt the existence of god. Tdon’t like that he should go out. Tdon'tlike him to go out. ‘The ship was drowned in the sea. The ship was sank in the sea, Fish float in the river. Fish swim in the river. A piece of wood is swimming, ‘A piece of wood is floating. The picture was hanged. The picture was hung. Teannot rise it Teannot raise it Twill do it some way or another. Twill do itone way or another. Or some way or other. Please await me here. Please wait for me here, He jumped at.a conclusion, He jumped to a conclusion. Neither of them saw each other. Neither of them saw the other. The two cars followed each other. ‘One car followed the other. My speech was broadcasted. My speech was broadcast. His words are as sweet as sugar, His words are as sweet as honey. Twent there especially to see him, Twent there specially to see him, Teannot stay here any more. Teannot stay here any Tonger. He went with me so far as Bombay. He went with me as far as Bombay, She refused to look at me, much more speak to me. ‘She refused to look at me, much less speak to me. He was hung for murder. He was hanged for murder. ‘The smoke is raising from huts, ‘The smoke is rising from huts. Thope that | shall fail. Tam afraid that I shall fal Columbus invented America. Columbus discovered America, You enjoy bad health, You have bad health. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 03 Tdidn’t approve this marriage proposal. I didn’t approve of this marriage proposal. ‘This scheme has been approved of by the ve. This scheme has been approved by the ve Tean't question his bona fide. Teant question his bona fides. Please excuse me coming late Please excuse my coming late told him good morning Twished him good morning. He tells me afool, He calls mea fool He stopped at my house fora week. Te stayed at my house for a week, He saw my certificates, Hie looked Into my certificates, The doctor saw my pulse, The doctor felt my pulse. Have you seem all the examination papers, Have you examined all the examination papers, ‘See this word in the dictionary. Look up this word in the dictionary. ‘The teacher told that the earth is round, ‘The teacher said that the earth is round, Whom are you speaking to? Who are you speaking to? His dear halfisill His better haif/ wife isl. ‘The matter shook in the balance, ‘The matter trembled the balance. He isas gentle asa cow, He is as gentle asa lamb/ dove. Heisas greedy asa cat. He is as greedy asa wolf Heisas faithful asa horse. Heisas faithful asa dog. He turned every stone, He left no stone unturned. ‘My friends tells that the Five-year Plan is good. My friends says/feels that the Five-year Plan is good, white as milk, Tt is as white as snow, Thave given examination this year. Thave taken/ appeared at examination this year. He broke the news of my grand success. He communicated of my grand success, Tcould not help to laugh. Teould nothelp laughing. My parrot speaks. My parrot talks. Ttis as heavy as stone, Tis as heavy as lead. Hie tatks English well He speaks English well He isas firm asa hill, Tieisas firmasa rock, Donotspeaka lie. Donottella lie Itisas soft as velvet. Ttisas soft as butter. Itisa forgone conclusion. Itisa foregone conclusion. She is as busy as an ant. She is as busy as abee. What to speak of helping he did not even see me. ‘Not to speak of helping, he did nat even see me, Itis an apple of contention. tis an apple of discord, He shook my hand. He shook hands with me or shook me by the hand. Except for your help | would have been ri Without/ but for your help | would have been ruined His name is full-known. His name is well-known, Ttisas clear asgold, Itisas clear as erystal/day. He made a goal. He scored a goal (B) SUPERFLUOUS WORDS ‘She isa mother of mine. ‘She is my mother. He is my own father, He is my father. The fact is ¢rue. Itisa fact Tam awaiting for your reply. Tam awaiting your reply. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 04 He picked upa quarrel He pickeda quarrel. Hie died at the age of seventy years. He died at the age of seventy. Tmet a child of five years old. Tmeta five-year old child. ‘The clock has struck six hours. The clock has struck six, tis almost quite right. Itis almost right or quite right. Heisa man of good position. He is aman of position, tis rather unique. Ttis unique. Tama man of good principle. Tam a man of principle, Twalked on my feet. Twalked on foot. Tehink myself. Think Tforbade him not to smoke, forbade him to smoke. Thisis just the right thing. ‘This is just the thing. Heis my cousin brother. Te is my cousin, Tordered for his dismissal Tordered his dismissal, He was proved to be wrong, He was proved wrong, Teonsider itas a good thing, Tconsider ita good thing. Tthink/consider him ¢o be a good student. Tthink/consider him a good student. ‘The train is behind due time. ‘The train is behind time. You are my only one friend Youare my only friend, ‘There is no other alternative, ‘There is no alternative. She made a fine figure. ‘She made a figure, ‘The poet describes about nature, The poet describes nature, Tsaw him on last week. Tsaw him last week Tdoubt as to whether hes honest, Tdoubt whether he is honest, Let us discuss about the problem. Let us discuss the problem, Tam investigating into the case Tam investigating the case. Tam contesting fora seat. Tam contesting seat. Trecommended for him to the principal, Trecommended him to the principal, Her face resembles to her mother, Her face resembles her mother's. Wait here until do not return. Wait here until return, Unless you do not work hard, you will not pass. Unless you work hard, you will not pass My watch is in proper order. My watch isin order. She isina bad temper. She is ina temper. He is out of good temper. He is out of temper Tam forty years, Tam forty or forty years old He will return back ina week, He will return or come back ina week. (Q Words OMITTED This house is 200 years. This house is 200 years old. Please come to mine, Please come to my house/place/residence, Yours of the 10° instant is to hand, Your letter of the 10% instant is to hand, Tfind hard to do it. Tfind it hard to do. ‘Suffice to say. Suffice itt say. Tknow hima good man, Tknow him to be a good man. Teonsider wrong to use unfair means, Teonsider it wrong to use unfair means, Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 05 His services were dispensed. His services were dispensed with. Thave disposed the business Thave disposed of the business, She does not listen my advice She does not listen tomy advice, He does not know to read and write, He does not know how to read and write, Itis regarded sacred, itis regarded as sacred, Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 06 Thavea pen to write, Thave a pen to write with. You havea house to live, You have a house to live in, Hie resides ina boarding. He resides in a boarding house, Open page 15. Open at page 15. Twrote him to come. Twrote to him to come, Treplied him. [replied to him. Tpray god. Tpray to god. Go there and enjoy. Go there and enjoy yourself. He met an accident. He met with an accident. ‘She is five feet. ‘She is ive feet tall. ‘When she grows he will entera college. ‘When she grows up he will enter a college, ‘She avenged on her enemy. She avenged herseif on her enemy. (D) WORDS MISRELATED My family members. ‘Members of my family. Many worth seeing places. ‘Many places worth seeing. Tsaw a dead horse walking across the field. Walking across the field Isaw a dead horse, He shot himself dead, after bidding his wife good-bye, with a gun. After bidding his wife good-bye, he shot himself dead with the gun. He was murdered, sleeping in cold blood. He was murdered in cold blood, while he was sleeping. A large number of seats have been occupied by scholars that have no backs. A large number of seats that have no backs, have been occupied by scholars. ‘A motor car may be driven across the bridge which weighs less than two tons. ‘A motor car which weighs less than two tons may be driven across the bridge. The death occurred yesterday afternoon at his residence of Mr. brown. The death of Mr. brown occurred yesterday afternoon at his residence. ‘He gave a stool to the servant that had four legs. He gave the servant a stool that had four legs. Ttold him that he would fail as plainly as possible. Ttold him as plainly as possible that he would fail. The storm burst just when the king reached the shore with great violence. The storm burst with great violence just when the king reached the shore. Wanted a piano by a gentleman with carved legs. Wanted by a gentleman a piano with carved legs. Wanted a house by a government officer that has at least four bed rooms. Wanted by a government officer a house that has at least four bed rooms. Waiting for a taxi a lizard fell on his head. ‘As he was waiting for ataxia lizard fell on his head. While plucking flowers a wasp stung him. While he was plucking flowers a wasp stung him. Walking in the morning a snake bit him, While he was walking in the morning asnake bit him. Playing in the field a ghost was seen, While we were playing in the field a ghost was seen. ‘Standing on the roof a helicopter flew over me. While Twas standing on the roof helicopter flew over Miscellaneous errors He travels im third class, We travels third dass, He gavea speech. He made a speech, He made a lecture He gave alecture. He has given his examination, He has taken his examin: My tooth is paining. My tooth is aching. He has just returned back from England, He has just returned from England, Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 07 What to speak of food, even water was not available there, ‘Not to speak of food, even water was notavailable there, He does not know wrong from right. He does not know right from wrong. He asked from me whether Thad gone He asked me whether Thad gone there or not. there or not. “The hen has Tain six eggs, ‘The hen has laid six eggs. ‘He never said anything of the Kind. He said nothing of the kind. Athis sight [trembled with fear. At the sight of him | trembled with fear. The street was full of people from one end to another. ‘The street was full of people from one end to the other. He will divide the cake between you and J He will divide the cake between you and me. Take my dinner at@ p.m. every night Ttake my dinner at p.m. or take my dinner at8 every night. tis better to be late than never. Better late than never. We all didnot go there. ‘None of us went there. is house is made of bricks and stones. His house is made of brick and stone, ‘The river has over flown its banks, ‘The river has over flowed its banks. Neither of these writers can be called good essayists, Neither of these writers can be called good essayist, Heisa young man of twenty-five years old. He isa young man twenty-five years old. Or He isa young man of twenty-five. Generally, female nouns are formed by the sulfix ess, Generally, feminine nouns are formed by the suffixes, All males are of the Masculine Gender. All nouns denoting males are of the Masculine Gender. The ‘India’ is derived from the Indus. The name ‘india’ is derived from the Indus, ‘Ours was a friendship which we once hope and believed would never have grown old. ‘Our was a friendship which we once hoped and believed would never grow old. Four times five are twenty, Four times five is twenty, He gave me opportunity for reading the letter. He gave me an opportunity of reading the letter. He reached to the station in time, He reached the station in time. Tdo not know who are you. Tdo not know who you are. He has fallen sick He has fallen i, Itis half past four in my watch. Itis half past four by my watch, Heis true to his words. Heis true to his word, ‘The magistrate passed order for his acquittal, ‘The magistrate passed orders for his acquittal, Tie hesitated in complying with my request. He hesitated to comply with my request. My brother died since a fortnight. My brother died a fortnight since (ago). ‘The train will arrive just now. ‘The train will arrive presently. Everyone should be careful of one’s health, Everyone should be careful of his health, ‘Neither the students nor the teacher was there, ‘Neither the teacher nor the students were there. He as well as Tam wrong. ‘He is wrong as well asl Twant to inform his mischiefs to his father. Twant to inform his father of his acts of mischief. His arguments hold no water. Tis arguments will not hold water. Many kinds of fruit, such as apples, plums, pears, cherries, etc. grow in Kashmir. Many kinds of fruit, such asapples, plums, pears, cherries, growin Kashmir (If we use ‘etc’ we should omit ‘such as’) He told this news to his mother. He told his mother this news, Scouts wear half pants. Scouts wear shorts, ‘There is no place in the car. “There is no room in the car. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 08 Burn the lamp. Light the famp. Tsaw a theatre last night. Tsawa play last night. Let us goto see a cinema, Let us goto see a cinemarfilm (or picture). ‘The master tested the boy if he could speak English ‘The master tested ifthe boy could speak English He will spend his remaining life here. He will spend the rest of his life here. Treft playing [stopped playing, He has disposed off his property. He has disposed of his property, He is reading at the High School. He is at the High School. He wom his opponents, He beat his opponents. Thope she must come. Thope she will come. Or She must come. ‘The committee Is consisted of ten members. ‘The committee consists of ten members, Always fair out a written exercise ‘Always make a fair copy of a written exercise Open the light. Turn on the light. or Switch on the light. ‘Shut the light Turn off the light. Or Switch off the light. eis written in this letter... This letter says that... To tell in Briefs Inshort. He behaved cowardly. He behaved like a coward. He described the scene in details. He described the scene in detail. Twill write you from Delhi. Twill write to you from Delhi, He suggested me many plans. He suggested many plans to me, There are many advantages from this, The advantages of this are many. ‘There isa saying ia the Hindus. ‘There is a saying among the Hindus, He rides ona car. He rides ina car. ‘Due to illness, I cannot go to school. ‘Owing to iliness, | cannot go to school, Tmet him in the way. Tmet him on the way. Tet him on the road. Tmet him in the road. Hie is running fourteen, He is in his fourteenth year. ‘In my opinion Ithink itis right. Tn my opinion itis right. Or Lthink itis right. He sat under the shade of a mango tree. He satin the shade ofa mango tee, (@) Prot. J-Smith Esq. Prof. j. Smith (b) Dr. J. Smith Esq. Dr. J.Smith (Mr. J-Smith Esq. Mr. J-Smith (@F-Smith M.A. Esq. J-Smith, Esq., M.A, Tmet him on June the 5*, Tmet him on the 5 of June. Or Tmethim on june 5. Each and every boy of the class was present there. Every boy of the class was present there, Tie made many goals, He scored many goals. He told that he would surely come. He said that he would surely come, or He told me that he would surely come. ‘Sir, may Tcome in? ‘May Teome in, Sir? He is laid down with fever. He is laid up with fever. OF He is down with fever. Thave a too high opinion of his character. Thave a high opinion of his character. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 09 ‘The picture was hanged on the wall. The picture was hung on the wall Good night, [am very glad to meet you. Good evening, Tam very glad to meet you. (Good night is parting salutation.) "Will you have atea?™ “Thanks Ihave just had it.” Will you have tea? No, thanks I have just had it." ("Thanks" means that 1 shall take it. The negative should be expressed by “No, thanks") Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 10 He is my cousin brother. He is my cousin. Tlive in boarding. live in the boarding house. Or Hostel, Have you brought your copy? Have you brought your note-book? Will you give me your motor for some time? Will you give me your motor-car for some time? (Atthe top of the letter) My dear brother, ‘My dear Brother. He called meat tea, He called me to tea, You should eata lot of vegetable and fruits. You should eata lot of vegetables and fruit. He sent me four books. He sent four books to me. thas been our custom from the times immemorial, Tthas been our custom from the time immemorial, ‘The doctor saw the pulse of the patient. ‘The doctor felt the pulse of the patient. He worked with heart and soul. He worked heart and soul. He has left Agra with bag and baggage. Tie has let Agra bag and baggage. Death does not distinguish between the rich and the Poor. Death does not distinguish between rich and poor. Tie fought with me tooth and nail. He fought me tooth and nail, shall reach by 2-30 0° clock train. shall reach by 2-30 train, (O'clock is used with full hours.) Tshall see you aftera week, I shall see you ina week, He has passed his B. A. from the Agra University. He has got his B.A. from the Agra University. Or He has passed B. A. examination from the Agra University. Hehas gone to Delhi for doing some important business, He has gone to Delhi on some important business, He goes on his work early in the morning and returns late in the night. He goes to his work early in the morning and returns late in the night. I shall meet you in this evening. [shall meet you this evening. I shall meet you in the noon. Tshall meet you at noon, My foot is paining. Thave a pain in my foot. ‘No mention. Please do not mention it. ‘We waste much time in trifles. We waste much time on trifles, Do not try to get down from the moving train. Donot try to get down the moving train “Thank you very much.” “No mention, please. ” “Thank you very much.” “It’s all right, please. ” Thave not seen you since along time. Thave not seen you for a long time. Or Thave not seen you since long. When did you see him before? ‘When did you see him fast? He appeared in the last B. A. examination, He appeared at the last B. A. examination, He went to see atheatre, He went to theatre. Or He went to see a play. Thave mind to go to Kashmir. Tintend going to Kashmir. Tn case ifhe fails. Incase he fails... Or Ihe fails. ‘Always tell truth, ‘Always speak the truth, Never speaka lie Never tell ali, ‘Our parents may be resembled toa tree which givescool shades, ‘Our parents may be likened to a tree which gives cool shades. Thavegot headache. Thave got a headache. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 11 Write with red ink by the pen. Write in red ink with the pen, Promotions will be given on the 10° April Promotions will be made on the 10% April, He went to Delhi by the rail. He went to Delhi by rail Thavea strong headache, Thave a bad headache, Teare a fig for him. Tdon't care a fig for him, Thave sent him a word to come. Thave sent him word to come. Where is your holder? Where is your pemholder? He wenthome day before yesterday. He went home the day before yesterday. With best respects, yours faithfully. With best respects, I remain, (beg to remain), Sir, Yours faithfully. Your's obediently. Yours obediently. Or Your obedient pupil. Tgo to sleep at 10 ovclock, Tgo to bed at 10 oclock. He wenthome for resting. Tie went home to rest. He was putting on a white shirt while on duty. He was wearing a white shirt while on duty, He was wearing a shirt when the wasp stung him He was putting on a shirt when the wasp stung him, Robert obtained passing marks, Robert obtained pass mark His birth date is forgotten His date of birth is forgotten Thegged a favour from him. Thegged of him a favour. ‘Open the book on fourth page. ‘Open the book at page 4 Open the book on page fourth. Please put your sign here. Please put your signature here. ie claims to have made a new discovery. He claims to have made a discovery. (New is superfluous for discovery is that which is new.) ‘The two parties are united together, ‘The two parties are united. (Together” is superfluous for ‘united’ itself means joined together’,) ‘This is the poor woman whose all children died of plague last year. This is the poor woman all of whose children died of plague last year, "Where have you come from. “Lam coming from Dethi, sir.” "Where have you come from.” “have come from Delhi, sir. My father has gone to Lahore, he will come back after a week's time. My father has gone to Lahore, he will eome after a week's time. We went to the well to wash our cloths: ‘We went to the well to wash our clothes. ‘Burn the lamp, itis getting dark. Light the lamp, itis getting dark. Tre will go to his home tomorrow. He will go his home tomorrow. We left playingat five o'clock. We left off playing at five o'clock (On the way we came at the house of Mr. Smith. ‘On the way we came to the house of Mr. Smith, This side to the village, please. ‘This way to the village, please, Tam not feeling well today. ‘Tam not well today. Or Iam feeling ill today. We were the first who came and the last who went. We were the first to come and the last to go. He ordered to withdraw the army. He ordered the army to withdraw. Tam afraid that she will miss the train, Tam afraid she will miss the train, He has applied for lecturership at the Allahabad University and hopes to be called for an interview. Te has applied for lectureship at the Allahabad University and hopes to be called in an interview. We should always love and help our neighbourers, ‘We should always love and help our neighbours. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 12 Will you go to some hill station in summer vacations? Will you go to some hill station in summer vacation? ‘Speakers after speaker came on the platiorm and spoke on the bill ‘Speaker after speaker came on the platform and spoke on the bill ‘The meeting was adjourned owing to the want of quorum. ‘The meeting was adjourned for want of a quorum. (Ofcourse she sings very well. She certainly sings very well. He reads in IPyear. He reads in I year. Or He reads in 2" year, Itis doubtlessly very pleasant. Tis doubtless very pleasant. ‘The play began at about 9 o'clock lastnight The play began about 9 o'clock last night. love him with his all virtue and weaknesses. Tlove him with his all virtues and weaknesses. tis much cold this evening Itis very cold this evening, He got nearly cent per cent marks in every subject. He got nearly full marks in every subject He prefers die rather than to live. He prefers dying to living. Thave not been at Delhi since long, Thave not been to Delhi since long. Hels not to be Blamed. He is not to blame. Nowhere such a house can be found. ‘Nowhere can such a house be found. Twish that could help you. Twish Tcould help you. Tehink that he will come. Tthink he will come. New Yorks larger than any city in the United States, New York is larger than any other city in the United States, Suppose he was the Principal of the college Suppose he were the Principal of the college, He was accompanied with her aunt. He was accompanied by her aunt, ‘The rain was accompanied by hail and storm, ‘The rain was accompanied with hail and storm, T should like to speak to my friend, thank you. T should like to speak with my friend, thank you. ‘The judge would like to speak with the convicted criminal, ‘The judge would like to speak to the convicted criminal He told to me that he was married four years. He told me that he was married four years ago, The reason is because he could not pronounce the words correctly. The reason is that he could not pronounce the words correctly, He could not do otherwise but obey the instructions. He could not do otherwise than obey the instructions. ‘The great the family, the large house is required. The greater the family, the larger the house that ts required. Teannot help but think that he isa fool Teannot help thinking that he isa fool. Thave never seen a clever man at engineering than him. Thave never seen a man cleverer at engineering than him. ‘Strict Rules to the students were passed. Rulles strict to the students were passed Itis none of my business to go there. Itis no business of mine to go there, Itis all the more better if he marries your daughter. Itisall the more good if ie marries your daughter, Siton the door. Sitat the door, Tie is getting full freeship, He is getting full studentship. ‘The Examination will commence from March 15, 1955, ‘The Examination will commence on March 15, 1955, shall try and come. T shall ty to come This book coasted me ten rupees. ‘This book cost me ten rupees, His speech was broadcasted from the A. 1. R. Station Delhi His speech was broadcast from the A. | R. Station, Delhi, No better place is possible to be found. Itis not possible to find a better place. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 13 It was under these circumstances that he pursued his studies. Tewas in these circumstances that he pursued his studies, You are kindly requested to let us know your decision at an early date, You are requested to let us Kindly know your decision at an early date. He receives Rs. 425 per year. He receives Rs. 425 a year. (per should be used only with Latin words, e.g. per annum) Please pass me over this book. Please pass over this book to me. He entered into the room. He entered the room. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 14 He does not seem to be aware as to his merits He does not seem to be aware of his merits, ‘Itis doubtful that he will succeed. His success is doubtful. ‘The new house comprises of four bed-rooms. ‘The new house comprises four bed-rooms, We do not know as to whether we should follow the resent or stick to the past. ‘We do not know whether we should follow the present or stick to the past. Tam tall, bat nothing like as tall as my cousin. Tam tall, but not nearly as tall as my cousin Tam suffering from a bad cold. Tam suffering froma severe cold, Yesterday, we had a good play of cricket. Yesterday, we had a good game of cricket. Tlove him from the heart of my heart. Tlove him from my heart of hearts. ‘The bill isin the process of making. ‘The bill isin the making. Between every blow of the hammer the blacksmith looked up at the door. ‘After every blow of the hammer the blacksmith looked up at the door. ‘The vehicle turned out to be the worst we had ever before travelled. ‘The vehicle turned out to be the worst we had ever travelled in. We almost never meet. We seldom meet. Many of the candidates got plucked in the examination, Many of the candidates failed in the examination. ‘The wound will Kill him, were it not for his great strength, The wound would kill him, were it not for his great strength. ‘A medical certificate is enclosed herewith, ‘A medical certificate is enclosed. ‘The ship was loaded with cotton. ‘The ship was laden with cotton, Objections to this proposal can be stated as thus. Objections to this proposal can be stated thus. The ceremony is coming into the vogue even among the higher classes. The ceremony is coming Into vague even among the higher classes. ‘The Russian lady landed on the English soil ‘The Russian lady landed on English soil Last, though not the Teast, they persist in refusing the honours due. Last, though not least, they persist in refusing the honours due, ‘They tore away the cards of admission, They tore up the cards of admission, Ttis wise ina tropical country to marry away girls before they reach the age of puberty. Teis wise in a tropical country to marry off girls before they reach the age of puberty. ‘After the two communities had been set by their ears, After the two communities had been set by the ears. ‘The Conquest of Somnath forms one of these cantos of this great epic. ‘The Conquest of Somnath forms one of the cantos of this great epic. He extended to him his hand of fellowship, He extended to him ¢he hand of fellowship. ‘The young lady lost the peace of her mind. The young lady lost her peace of mind. tis difficult for one to trace the present trouble to source. Itis difficult for one to trace the present trouble to its source. He declared at the top of the voice that it was not possible. He declared at the top of his voice thatit was not possible. Heis aright man in the right place. He is the right man in the right place. The object of the society is to stretch out the helping hhand to the man who is down. The object of the society is to stretch out a helping hand tothe man who is down. He travelled from one comer of India to the other. He travelled from one comer of India to another. ‘There has been a storm in the tea-cup at Coconada, ‘There has been a storm in a tea-cup at Coconada, Punishment to one for the deed of other. Punishment to one for the deed of the other. She invited to sit down, and offered me betels and smokes. She invited to sit down, and offered me betels and @ smoke. Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahar | 15

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