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Bt cotton is not:
(a) A GM plant
(b) Insect resistant
(c) A bacterial gene expressing system
(d) Resistant to all pesticides
2. The site of production of ADA in the body is:
(a) Erythrocytes
(b) Lymphocytes
(c) Blood plasma
(d) Osteocytes
3. Assertion: Transgenic plant production can be achieved via recombinant
DNA technology.
Reason : An organism that contains and expresses a foreign gene is
called a transgenic organism.

A . If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct

explanation of Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct
explanation of Assertion.
C. If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D. If Assertion is false and Reason is true.
4. RNA interference technique involves
(a) synthesis of cDNA and RNA using reverse transcriptase
(b) silencing of specific mRNA by complementary RNA
(c) interference of RNA in synthesis of DNA
(d) synthesis of m RNA from DNA
5. X is granted by a government to an inventor to prevent others from
commercial use of his invention. When ‘X’ are granted for biological
entities and for products derived from them, these are called ‘Y’.
Identify X and Y.
(a) X – patent , Y - biopatent
(b) X – piracy , Y - biopiracy
(c) X – patent , Y - biopiracy
(d) X – piracy , Y - biopatent

6. Mention the source organism of the gene cryIAc and its target pest.
7. How does dsRNA gain entry into eukaryotic cell to cause RNA
8. State the role of C peptide in human insulin.
9. Expand GEAC. Mention the responsibilities assigned to this
10. What was the improvement in the quality of the product produced by
11. Expand the following and mention one application of each.
(a) PCR
12. State the initiative taken by the Indian Parliament towards biopiracy.
13. Name any two conventional methods of diagnosis of a disease.
14. How does silencing of specific mRNA in RNA interference prevent
parasitic infestation?
15. State any two possible treatments that can be given to a patient
exhibiting adenosine deaminase deficiency.
16. List any 4 advantages of GMO to a farmer.
17. How is rDNA technology helping in detecting the presence of mutated
genes in cancer patients?
18. (a)Given below is a single stranded DNA molecule. Frame and label its
sense and antisense RNA molecule.

5’ ATGGGGCTC 3’ sense

(b) How the RNA molecules made from the above DNA strand help in
silencing of the specific RNA molecule?

19. Explain how cry genes have brought beneficial changes in genetically
modified crops?

20. The recombinant DNA technology have made immense impact in the
area of healthcare. Justify giving reasons.
Extended learning
Collect information on Flavr Savr
Diagrams to be drawn in the note book: Fig – 12.3, Page – 211 –
Maturation of proinsulin to insulin

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