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Area: English Language School: ………………………….

School Year:
Book: KID’S BOX 3 Target group (s): ………..


By the end of the year students will be able to:

Linguistic Component Sociolinguistic Component Pragmatic Component

Present information clearlyListen attentively, take Evaluate students’ own

in a variety of oral and turns speaking, and build and others’ work,
written forms for differenton other’s ideas when individually and
audiences and purposes engaged in pair, group, or collaboratively, on the
related to all academic full-class discussions on basis of a variety of
content areas. personal, social, criteria, and recognize how
community, and academic chosen criteria affect
Select a focus, topics. evaluation.
organization, and point of
view for oral and written Explain actions, choices, Recognize, explain,
presentations, and justify and decisions in social and evaluate, and analyze how
this selection. academic situations. structural features affect
readers’ and listeners’
Make predictions, Understand and use a understanding and
inferences, and variety of context-specific appreciation of text.
deductions, and describe oral communication
different levels of meaning strategies in American Write, using the
of literary works presented English for a range of conventions and features
orally and in written form, personal and academic of American English, to
including literal and purposes. effectively influence an
implied meanings. audience.

Read aloud with

confidence, accuracy,
fluency, and expression to
understanding and to
convey an interpretation
of meaning.

Reading Writing Listening Speaking

Identify relevant Reproduce simple Understand simple Recite poems and

information on sentences and texts oral messages and sing a song with the
written posters and using previously instructions and right pronunciation
simple maps. presented models. recognise familiar and intonation.
words and linguistic
Understand the Fill in a form or card structures. Make simple oral
general idea and with your personal presentations,
specific details data. Identify the gist and previously
about familiar some specific prepared.
subjects. Write short letters, information from a
e-mails or short situation from Cope in daily
postcards with repeated situations.
Describe a scene personal visualisations of the
and then colour in a information and oral text. Take part in spoken
drawing information about interaction which
accordingly. your immediate Recognise aural arises
surroundings. items such as spontaneously.
Read questions accent, rhythm and
about what the Write messages correct intonation Make simple
characters are presented in the in familiar and sentences to name
doing at that CD-ROM , varied contexts. what each
moment. vocabulary and character has.
structures and
linking letters and



Unit Hello Character names Greetings: Hello. What’s Rhyming words
(page 4) Numbers: 1-20 your name? My
Colors: black, blue, gray, name’s….. How old are
green, orange, pink, you? I’m (eight).
purple, red, white, I like (reading). What’s
yellow. her/his name? His
Toys: bike, camera, name’s.../ It’s called…,
computer, doll, game, Have
helicopter, kite, Present progressive fro
monster, train, truck. present actions
Prepositions: next to,
on, in front of, under,
between, behind
Can for ability
Unit 1 Family matters Family: aunt, uncle, Possessive ’s Long vowel sound “ay”
(page 10) daughter, son, Present Progressive for (baby) and sound “ar”
granddaughter, present actions (artist)
grandson, parents, Simple Present
grandparents Like, love, enjoy+-ing /
Describing people: nouns, want + infinitive
beard, curly/ fair/ Short answers Yes, I
straight hair, smart, do. / No, I don’t.
mustache, naughty,
Art: Portraits (page 16)

Unit 2: Home Sweet Number: 21-100 What’s your address? Long vowel sound “oa”
home Houses: apartment, It’s ….. (goat) and vowel sound
(page 18) balcony, basement, Present Progressive for “ou” (clown)
downstairs, elevator, present actions
stairs, upstairs Prepositions: above,
Places: city, town, below
country need
Geography: Homes Review 1-2
(page 24) (page 26)
Unit 3: A day in the life Routines: catch the bus, Simple Present for Long vowel sound: “or”
do homework, get routines: statements (horse)
dressed, get undressed, and questions
get up, go to How often…?
bed/school, put on, take Frequency adverbs:
a shower, take off, wake always, sometimes,
up, wash before, after never, every day
seven o’clock
Days of the week
Science: The Heart
(page 34)
Unit 4. In the City In town: bank, bus Prepositions: close to, Consonant sound: “s”
(page 36) station, hospital, library, across from (city, ice)
market, movie theater, Where’s the…?
sports center, store, Infinitives of purpose:
supermarket, swimming You go there to buy
pool food.
Must for obligation
Impersonal you
Can for permission
Math: Counting Money Review 3-4
(page 42) (page 44)
Values 1&2: Give and Values 3&4: Love your
Share (page V1) City
Grammar Reference (page V2)
(page GR1)


Unit 5 Stay Healthy Illness: a backache, a What’s the matter (with Rhyming words
(page 46) cold, a cough, an you/him/her/them?
earache, a headache, a I/ They have, He/She
stomachache, a has….
temperature, a My…. hurts.
toothache I’m not very well.
Positive and negative
obligations: must/must
Permission and ability:
Science: A Healthy body
(page 52)
Unit 6. A day in the In the country: field, Suggestions and offers: Short vowel sound: “e”
country forest, grass, lake, leaf, Should I….? (head) and long vowel
(page 54) picnic, plant, river sound: “ee” (eat)
Adjectives: bad, cold,
fat, hot, hungry, loud,
quiet, strong, thin,
thirsty, tired, weak
Science: Plants Review 5-6
(page 60) (page 62)
Unit 7 World of animals Animals: bat, bear, Comparative of common Consonant sound: “f”
(page 64) dolphin, kangaroo, lion, irregular and one-and (dolphin)
panda, parrot, shark, two-syllable regular
whale adjectives: bad/worse,
good/bad, -y, -ier, -er
Doubling of consonants:
Thin/ thinner
Geography: Animal
(page 70)
Unit 8 Weather report Weather: cloudy, cold, What’s the weather like Consonant sound: “w”
(page 72) dry, hot, rain, rainbow, (at the beach)? (why, were)
raining, rainy, snow, It’s….
snowing Simple past: was/wasn’t,
coat, scarf, sweater were/weren’t
Music: Instruments Review 7-8
(page 78) (page 80)
Values 5&6 Fair Play Review 7-8
(page V1) (page 80)
Grammar Reference Values 7&8 Help the
(page GR1) World
(page V2)


Kid’s Box challenges the pupils to engage actively in the learning process when dealing with any language content.
It presents the linguistic rules subtlety so that learners naturally make their own deductions and hypotheses,
drawing on the principles of Universal Grammar inherent in language acquisition.

Syllabus has been carefully selected to suit the age and level of student. Language is introduced in context and in
manageable chunks giving the opportunity to students to read and become familiar with meaning and sounds.
Students will read short sentences and expressions in book, workbook, and presentation plus, flash cards and in cd.

Students will listen to cd which contains material for the level, instructions, songs, chants, karaoke to follow.
Short stories, matching pointing in Audio, in interactive CD and also in Presentation Plus which covers main
contents of course.
All the listening activities are presented through different games and activities to work on vocabulary , structures,
pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.

Writing and Speaking

In accordance to CEFR guidelines, language is presented and used in a language portfolio as well as in workbook
and student book.
Phonemes and words are reinforced in every unit. Written and orally.
The use of scripts in Presentation Plus will reinforce the reading skills and also will provide speaking skills necessary
to use the new structures.
Photocopies and extra activities from teacher Resource pack and from dictionaries will be used along the student
book to provide a range of activities to develop writing and speaking skills according to level


● Kid’s Box Split 3A

● Teachers Guide
● Presentation Plus
● Fun for Starters
● Primary i-Dictionary
● Primary i-Box
● Audio CDs
● (All Cambridge University Press)


Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Extra Practice and Progress Tests. Eight of them will
evaluate student´s knowledge of key language areas taught in each unit test. This will test their knowledge of the
grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening presented in the unit.

Reviewing and recycling section will also be used to assess students periodically.

Formal tests will be done at the middle and at the end of the school year

________________ ____________________ ______________

English Teacher English Area Coordinator School Director


A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: Family matters (#1)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Family relationships

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about family relationships; talking about preferences using like, love, enjoy, want; describing
family members; giving opinions about portraits and still-lifes; talking about art and artists; talking about
the fact it is not necessary to have too many toys; talking about what they can do with toys; talking about
what to do with unnecessary toys

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to draw a family tree; talk about family relationships; talk about preferences
using like, love, enjoy, want; describe family members; distinguish words of one, two, and three syllables;
read about portraits and still-lifes; give opinions about portraits and still-lifes; talk about art and artists; talk
about the fact it is not necessary to have too many toys; talk about what they can do with toys; talk about
what to do with unnecessary toys; write about a family portrait; identify and spell words with -ght.

D. Overview/ Goals:
Draw a family tree; talk about family relationships; talk about preferences using like, love, enjoy, want;
describe family members; distinguish words of one, two, and three syllables; read about portraits and still-
lifes; give opinions about portraits and still-lifes; talk about art and artists; talk about the fact it is not
necessary to have too many toys; talk about what they can do with toys; talk about what to do with
unnecessary toys; write about a family portrait; identify and spell words with -ght.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in as

To talk about family LOOK, THINK, AND Add family members to a family tree, ask
relationships ANSWER and answer questions about a family
SB p8 tree, read and answer the questions
LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p8
To develop reading skills READ THE SENTENCES. Read and say who is speaking
SB p8
To draw a family tree and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: FAMILY Draw a family tree, write sentences
talk about family GAME about your family tree, listen/read and
relationships TE pT102 write the answers

To review new language LISTEN AND MATCH; Write the letters, match the vehicles to
COMPLETE THE the person, listen and check answers,
SENTENCES complete the sentences orally, write the
WB p8 sentences
To discern between true EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: TRUE Listen and do the correct action
and false statements OR FALSE
TE pT102
To talk about family LISTEN AND SAY THE Look and answer, listen and write the
relationships LETTER letters
SB p9
LISTEN AND COMPLETE Listen and complete
SB p9
To talk about actions at ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions about the
the moment of speaking SB p9 people and actions in the picture

To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Write questions and answers

TE pT102
To review new language ANSWER THE QUESTIONS; Ask and answer the questions orally,
READ AND COMPLETE write the correct words on the line, read
THE SENTENCES the text, complete the blanks
WB p9
To practice rhythm and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: CHANT Say a chant
pronunciation TE pT102
To answer questions LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, read and find the
about a picture ANSWER answers
SB p10
To develop reading skills READ AND CHECK Read and check answers
SB p10
To talk about preferences SAY YES OR NO Read and say yes or no
using like, love, enjoy, SB p10
To develop writing skills CORRECT THE WRONG Correct and write the sentences
SB p10
To develop EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Complete the column, answer yes or no,
communication skills SURVEY ask and answer questions
TE pT102
(Photocopiable Activity 1
TE pT90)
To review new language READ AND CIRCLE THE Read and circle the answers, match the
WB p10
To talk about preferences EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: CATCH Play a game, make a statement, throw a
using like, love, enjoy, AND SAY ball, respond to a statement
want TE pT102
To describe family COMPLETE THE SONG Look and answer, listen and point, say
members WITH THE NAMES. THEN the name, copy a song, listen and write
LISTEN AND CHECK the names, listen and point to the
SB p11 character
To practice rhythm and SING THE SONG Sing a song, act a part of the song,
pronunciation SB p11 mime a verse
To talk about family DRAW YOUR FAMILY Draw a family tree, write the names, talk
relationships TREE. TALK ABOUT YOUR about your family tree
SB p11
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: MY Write sentences, draw pictures to match
FAMILY descriptions
TE pT102
To review new language FIND AND WRITE THE Find and write the words, spell the
WORDS; ASK AND words, ask and answer questions,
ANSWER; COMPLETE THE complete a survey, transfer information
CHART AND THE to a chart, complete the sentences,
SENTENCES make and copy a class chart
WB p11
To practice spelling words EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, spell a word
TE pT102
To distinguish words of PRONUNCIATION: Say it Make syllable pairs, listen and point,
one, two, and three with Sally listen and repeat
syllables SB p12
LISTEN. REPEAT AND Listen and clap
SB p12
To talk about preferences ASK AND ANSWER. USE Ask and answer questions using picture
SB p
To write about WRITE SENTENCES Write sentences about a friend
preferences ABOUT YOUR FRIEND.
SB p12
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: BINGO! Draw a grid, choose four activities, draw
TE pT102 symbols, listen and cross out symbols
To review new language PUT THE WORDS IN Say the word, write the word in the
GROUPS; LISTEN AND correct column, listen and color
WB p12
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: STOP! Play a game, describe a picture
speaking skills TE pT102 incorrectly, say stop and continue the
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p13
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat,
reading skills SB p13 read and answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: ROLE Choose a role, listen and repeat, play a
speaking skills PLAY role
TE pT103
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences,
WB p13 color the face, talk about your sentences
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: FIND Play a game, listen and hit the word
TE pT103
To personalize a topic CONTENT LESSON: ART Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p14
To talk about portraits and LOOK AT THE FAMILY Discuss what you see, read and say
still-lifes PORTRAITS. WHICH IS your favorite, use prompts to talk about
YOUR FAVORITE? portraits
SB p14
To develop reading skills MATCH THE TEXTS WITH Read and match texts with paintings
SB p14
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: LISTEN Listen and draw
TE pT103
To review new language CHOOSE AND CIRCLE THE Read and circle the words, draw a
WORDS; DRAW THE STILL- sketch, write about a still-life, copy a text
LIFE; WRITE ABOUT YOUR with own options, read a text to a friend,
STILL-LIFE PAINTING listen and draw
WB p 14
To create a still-life EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: STILL Create a still-life with classroom objects,
LIFE vote on a favorite
TE pT103
To develop listening skills LOOK AT THE SELF- Listen and say the letter
SB p15
To talk about art and CHOOSE AN ARTIST. ASK Ask and answer questions about artists,
artists in a communicative AND ANSWER. guess the artist
activity SB p15

To complete a project to PROJECT Draw/paint your family portrait, write

consolidate concepts of SB p15 about your family portrait
portraits and art
To develop reading skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: WHICH Read a description, match the portrait
TE pT103
To review new language READ AND WRITE THE Read and write the names, look and
NAMES; CIRCLE THE ONE circle the one that doesn’t belong
WB p15
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: WORD Write words about a topic, make a word
TRAIN train
TE pT103
To talk about the fact that RESPONSIBLE Look and answer, read and answer
it is not necessary to have CONSUMERISM: Too many
too many toys and what toys
to do with them LOOK, THINK, AND
SB p16
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p16
To develop reading skills READ AND SAY YES OR Read and say yes or no
SB p16
To review new language READ AND COMPLETE; Read and answer, ask and answer,
COMPLETE THE CHART complete a chart, discuss your toys
WB p16
To develop THINK AND SAY Read and extend a dialog, act out a
communication skills SB p17 dialog
To develop reading and READ AND COMPLETE Read and complete the missing words
writing skills SB p17 using picture prompts
To develop LISTEN AND CHECK. THEN Listen and check answers, change a
communication skills ACT IT OUT dialog, act out a dialog
SB p17
To practice spelling words FIND AND SAY THE Look and underline, say the words, spell
WORDS WITH -GHT the words
SB p17
To review new language WRITE ABOUT YOUR Play a memory game, write sentences,
TOYS; COMPLETE THE complete sentences, unscramble letters
DIALOG; COMPLETE THE in words, complete a crossword puzzle
WB p17

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Pictures of people from magazines
Small papers with ’s and is written on them
Tape or chalk
Actions written on cards
Photocopiable activities
Balls of scrunched up paper
Nine different colored squares
Sticky tack
Three or four rolled up newspapers
CD of gentle classical music
Large papers for each student, paints, paintbrushes, water cloths
Family portraits
Text on large paper as example
Paper with train engine drawn on it, paper for wagon
Small pieces of paper
A3 paper
Realia (selection of toys)

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations
test their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) draw a family tree; b) talk about family
relationships; c) talk about preferences using like, love, enjoy, want; d) describe family members; e)
distinguish words of one, two, and three syllables; f) read about portraits and still-lifes; g) give opinions
about portraits and still-lifes; h) talk about art and artists; i) talk about the fact it is not necessary to have
too many toys; j) talk about what they can do with toys; k) talk about what to do with unnecessary toys; l)
write about a family portrait; m) identify and spell words with -ght.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director



A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: Home sweet home (#2)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Places to live

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about different places to live; talking about homes; talking about needs; talking about numbers,
colors, and location; exchanging personal information; talking about homes in different countries

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to talk about different places to live; talk and write about homes; read and
answer questions about a story; talk about needs; talk about numbers, colors, and location; distinguish
between and practice phonemes /er/, /aʊ/, /ɔ:/ and spellings of sounds; exchange personal information;
read talk about homes in different countries; complete a project

D. Overview/ Goals:
Talk about different places to live; talk and write about homes; read and answer questions about a story;
talk about needs; talk about numbers, colors, and location; distinguish between and practice phonemes
/er/, /aʊ/, /ɔ:/ and spellings of sounds; exchange personal information; read talk about homes in different
countries; complete a project.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in as

To talk about different LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, read the
places to live ANSWER questions and answer, make
SB p18 predictions
To develop listening LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
skills SB p18
LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and say the letter
SB p18
To organize words EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Complete mind maps with ideas,
CHAIN GAME copy mind maps
TE pT103
To review new MATCH. WRITE THE Match the words, write the words,
language WORDS; COMPLETE complete a crossword puzzle, say
THE CROSSWORD and spell the words
WB p18
To review syllables in EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Put the words in the correct columns
words FIND THE
TE pT103
To develop listening LISTEN AND ORDER Listen and put object on verse you
skills SB p19 hear, listen and write the sequence

To practice rhythm SING THE SONG Listen and repeat, sing a song, mime
and pronunciation SB p19 a verse
To talk about your TALK ABOUT YOUR Use a grid (model) to talk about your
home HOME home, tell your partner about your
SB p19 house
To practice rhythm EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and say, lead a chant, change
and pronunciation LETTER CHANT a chant
TE pT103
To write and talk about READ AND Read and write the words, say the
your home COMPLETE THE sentences, answer questions about
SENTENCES; WRITE the sentences, write about your
ABOUT YOUR HOUSE house or apartment using grid as
OR APARTMENT; prompt, read your text and compare
TALK TO YOUR with a partner, say same or different
WB p19
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Draw a picture, label a picture, read
MY a text, guess the picture
TE pT103
To talk about needs READ AND ORDER Look and answer, underline new
THE PICTURES words, read the sentences, write the
SB p20 sequence, read the text, answer
questions orally, explain new words
To develop listening EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and whisper, write the number
skills WHISPER AND word
TE pT103
To develop reading SAY YES OR NO Read and say yes or no
skills and discern SB p20
between correct and
incorrect information
To review new MATCH THE WORDS Read and match the words and
language AND NUMBERS; numbers, look and say what you
LOOK, READ, AND see, read and match, write the words
WB p20
To develop listening EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Listen and slap the word, copy the
skills BOARD SLAP numbers and words
TE pT103
To practice LISTEN AND SAY Say what you see, listen and repeat,
pronunciation and SB p21 say a chant
To develop listening EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and do, play a game
skills EVA SAYS...
TE pT104
To practice the LISTEN. WHAT Listen and answer
numbers 1-100 COLOR ARE THE
SB p21
To review numbers, ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions about
colors, and location SB p21 pictures
To develop TALK ABOUT WHERE Ask and answer questions about
communication skills YOU LIVE where you live
SB p21
To review numbers, EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Choose a preposition, draw an
colors, and location COMPLETE THE object in the right place, color the
PICTURE picture, tell where objects are and
TE pT104 colors of objects
(Photocopiable Activity
TE pT91)
To review new READ AND COLOR; Say what you see, read and color,
language ANSWER THE look and answer the questions, write
QUESTIONS the answers
WB p21
To recognize and use PRONUNCIATION: Say what you see, listen for the
the phonemes and Say it with Sally correct sounds, listen and point
phonetic symbols SB p22
/er/, /aʊ/, /ɔ:/
LISTEN AND REPEAT. Listen and repeat, point and say, say
POINT TO THE words with the same sound, say the
SB p22
To review and practice EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play a game, spell the words, say
the numbers 1-100 TIC-TACT-TOE the phone numbers
and the letters of the TE pT104
To develop ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions, fill out a
communication skills SB p22 chart, talk about your answers
To review new PUT THE WORDS IN Look and say the word, write the
language GROUPS; READ AND words in the correct column, read
COMPLETE THE and transfer information to the chart
WB p22
To review the letters of EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Receive a word, stand in
the alphabet WORD LINES alphabetical order
TE pT104
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p22
To practice the PRONUNCIATION Listen and point, point and repeat
phoneme EXTENSION: Say it
/ɔ:/ (sound and with me
possible spellings) LISTEN, POINT, AND
SB p88
To practice rhythm LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and repeat, clap and say a
and pronunciation, CHANT chant
focusing on the SB p88
phoneme /ɔ:/
To develop reading LISTEN, READ, AND Say what you see, read the text out
skills ANSWER loud, read and answer the questions
SB p88
To review new LISTEN AND CIRCLE Listen and circle the words, write the
language THE ONE THAT words in the correct columns, write
DOESN’T BELONG; the sentences, read the sentences
WB p88
To develop listening STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat,
and reading skills SB p23 read and answer
To develop reading EXTRA ACTIVITY Draw a picture, write a description,
and writing skills 1:READ AND DRAW read a description
TE pT104
To develop listening EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Choose a role, listen and repeat
and speaking skills ROLE PLAY roles, do a role play
TE pT104
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU Study the words, write the words
progress REMEMBER?; CAN without looking, spell the words, read
DO sentences, color the face, talk about
WB p23 your sentences
To activate prior CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
knowledge GEOGRAPHY
Do you know that...?
SB p24
To talk about homes in READ AND MATCH Read and match texts with the
different countries THE TEXTS WITH pictures, read and answer questions
SB p24
To develop writing EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Draw your house, write sentences
skills MY describing what the different parts of
HOUSE/APARTMENT the house/apartment are made of
TE pT104
To review new CHOOSE AND Look and answer, draw lines to
language MATCH. WHERE DO match, ask and answer questions,
THEY LIVE?; ASK color choices, complete the
AND MATCH; sentences
WB p 24
To develop reading EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write sentences, read the story
and writing skills CONSEQUENCES
TE pT104
To talk about people’s ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions using
homes SB p25 prompts

To develop reading LOOK AT THE Say what you see, look and
skills PICTURE AND complete the text
SB p25
To complete a project PROJECT Draw your dream house, label and
to consolidate SB p25 write about your dream house
concepts of different
types of homes
To develop reading EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Read a description, find the
skills WHICH DREAM matching house, vote on the best
HOUSE IS IT? ideas
TE pT104
To review new UNSCRAMBLE AND Unscramble the words, write the
language WRITE THE WORDS; words, complete a chart, categorize
WB p25
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words about a topic, make a
WORD TRAIN word train
TE pT104

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Words written on large paper
Three or four rolled up newspapers
Photocopiable activities
Phoneme card /ɔ:/
Six sentences about story on large paper
CD of Inuit or Mongolian indigenous music
Piece of paper for each student
Word train materials (paper with picture of engine, paper for wagon)

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations
test their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) talk about different places to live; b) talk and
write about homes; c) read and answer questions about a story; d) talk about needs; e) talk about
numbers, colors, and location; f) distinguish between and practice phonemes
/er/, /aʊ/, /ɔ:/ and spellings of sounds; g) exchange personal information; h) read talk about homes in
different countries; i) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director



A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: A day in the life (#3)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Daily routines

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about routines and times; naming the days of the week; talking about frequency of routines;
talking about people and their jobs; talking about how all jobs are important; talking about the importance
of being courteous to everyone

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to read and talk about daily routines and times; name the days of the week;
talk about frequency of routines; do a survey; distinguish between phonemes /ər/ and /ɜr/ and possible
spellings; read and talk about people and their jobs; talk about how all jobs are important; talk about the
importance of being courteous to everyone; spell words with double letters

D. Overview/ Goals:
Read and talk about daily routines and times; name the days of the week; talk about frequency of
routines; do a survey; distinguish between phonemes /ər/ and /ɜr/ and possible spellings; read and talk
about people and their jobs; talk about how all jobs are important; talk about the importance of being
courteous to everyone; spell words with double letters; complete a project.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in

as applicable)
To talk and read about daily LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and point, listen and say the letter, say
routines LETTER sentences using the simple present
SB p28
READ AND ORDER THE Say the times, read the text and write the
PICTURES IN ACTIVITY sequence, ask and answer questions about the
1 text
SB p28
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND DO THE Say the action, listen and do the actions
SB p28
To talk about the time EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Cut out hands, write numbers on the plate,
CLOCKS attach hands to make a clock, set the time, ask
TE pT105 and answer questions about the time
To review new language CHECK AND ORDER THE Check the sentences true for you, sequence
SENTENCES the activities
WB p28
To put actions in order EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Mime an action, say the actions in the right
MIME order
TE pT105
To develop reading skills LOOK AND READ. Read and write yes or no
WB p28
To talk about routines and LISTEN AND MATCH Look and answer, listen and match, write the
times SB p29 sequence

To practice rhythm and SING THE SONG Listen and repeat, sing a song, mime an action
pronunciation SB p29
To practice saying the time EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play a game, say the time
TE pT105
To develop listening and ANSWER THE Ask and answer questions about the pictures
speaking skills QUESTIONS
SB p29
To personalize language ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions about your
about daily routines SB p29 partner’s routine
To talk about routines and LOOK AND MATCH; Match the times with the clocks, read and
times WRITE BEFORE OR write before or after, write two more
AFTER; WRITE TWO sentences using before or after, ask and
MORE SENTENCES answer questions about your partner’s routine,
WB p29 say same or different
To practice saying and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: SET Play a game, write six times, call out a time
setting the time THE TIME and set the time on the clock
TE pT105
To practice rhythm and SAY THE CHANT Listen and answer, listen and repeat, say a
pronunciation SB p30 chant, clap or snap fingers to the rhythm
To name the days of the LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and say the day, say the frequency
week DAY
SB p30
To talk about frequency of LISTEN AGAIN. CHOOSE Predict answers, listen and check answers,
routines THE RIGHT WORDS write the correct sentences
SB p30
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Write true sentences
TE pT105
To review new language FIND AND WRITE THE Find the words, write the words, spell the
WORDS; LOOK, READ, words, read the sentences and label the
AND WRITE pictures with the days of the week
WB p30
To personalize language EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Listen and go to the corner that is true for you
about frequency of daily HOW OFTEN?
routines TE pT105
To LOOK, READ, AND Say what you see, copy the song, read the
COMPLETE THE TEXT song, fill in the blanks
SB p31
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND SAY YES Listen and say yes or no, correct the wrong
OR NO statements
SB p31
To develop communication EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Cut out the word cards, match activities, ask
skills SCRAMBLED LETTERS and answer questions, make sentences, copy
TE pT105 sentences
(Photocopiable Activity 3
TE pT92)
To develop writing skills LOOK AND MAKE Look and write sentences, share sentences in
SB p31
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, answer the questions
TE pT105
PLAY BINGO; MAKE Play a game, make sentences and write them
THREE SENTENCES; in a grid, listen and check off words/phrases,
WRITE SENTENCES write sentences about your daily routine, use
ABOUT YOU; LOOK AT letters to make new words
WB p31
To recognize and use the PRONUNCIATION: Say it Listen and point, listen and chant
phoneme and phonetic with Sally
symbol /ər/ SB p32
To recognize the phoneme LISTEN. CAN YOU HEAR Listen and say yes or no
/ər/ /ər/? SAY YES OR NO.
SB p32
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer questions to complete a
skills SB p32 survey, write sentences using information
from the survey
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play game, say a sentence, say if it is true or
TE pT105
To practice pronunciation LISTEN AND CHECK THEListen and check or cross, clap strong/weak
WORDS WITH /ər/ parts of words
WB p32
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: MY Write and read pictogram texts
writing skills DAY
TE pT105
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p32
To listen to and say words PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat, point and repeat, say the
with the phonemes /ər/ EXTENSION: Say it with word, spell the word
and /ɜr/ me
SB p89
To practice the phonemes LISTEN AND READ. ACT Listen and repeat, act out a joke
/ər/ and /ɜr/ IT OUT
SB p89
LISTEN, READ, AND Listen and repeat, listen and answer, read the
SB p89
To identify letters in words LOOK AND COLOR THE Color the sounds, listen and check answers,
that make the sounds /ər/ andSOUNDS; LISTEN AND read and repeat, play a game, say the words,
/ɜr/ CHECK; PLAY THE circle the words
WB p32
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p33 answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role, play a
speaking skills ROLE PLAY role
TE pT105
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences, color
WB p33 the face, talk about your sentences
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Mime and guess the job
speaking skills MIME AND GUESS
TE pT105
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p34
To talk about people and LISTEN. WHO IS IT? Listen and point, listen and answer
their jobs SB p34
To develop reading skills LOOK AT THE Read and answer, read a text aloud
SB p34
READ AND SAY YES OR Read and answer yes or no, correct the wrong
NO statements
SB p34
To review job vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Guess the job, draw a picture and label it
TE pT105
To review new language LOOK, READ, AND Say what you see, read and write the job,
WRITE; WHERE DO match, give an opinion about a job, say your
THEY WORK? MATCH; favorite job and why
WB p 34
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Match and write words
TE pT106
To identify dangerous LOOK AT THE PICTURE. Look and answer the question
situations HOW MANY
SB p35
To talk about road safety MATCH THE Read the sentences and match the pictures
SB p35
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: WE Chant and do the actions
TE pT106
To complete a project to PROJECT Make a poster, cut and glue pictures, label the
consolidate concepts of SB p35 poster, write the answers
people who help us and their
To review new language CHOOSE AND CHECK Say the job, check the box, ask and answer the
THE BOXES; ASK AND questions, write the answers, say what you
CHECK; MAKE remember, match the sentence halves
WB p35
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words about a topic, make a word train
TE pT106
To talk about and recognize EDUCATION FOR Look and answer, ask and answer questions
the importance of all jobs PEACE: Imagine a world about pictures, discuss jobs
SB p36
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and point, listen and answer
SB p36
To develop reading and READ AND CORRECT Read and correct the sentence, write incorrect
writing skills THE SENTENCES sentences and swap, correct your partner’s
SB p36 sentences
To review new language LOOK AND WRITE; Look and write sentences, say and match jobs
COMPLETE THE to sentences, complete the job words using
CROSSWORD PUZZLE picture prompts
WB p36
To talk about the importance LISTEN AND READ. Listen and read, listen and repeat, act out the
of being courteous to THEN ACT IT OUT dialog
everyone SB p37
To practice spelling words FIND AND SAY THE ONE Read the words, say the word that doesn’t
with double letters THAT DOESN’T BELONG belong, write your own set of words with
SB p37 double letters
To review new language READ AND CHECK; Read and discuss, draw pictures and write a
CHOOSE AND WRITE dialog, complete the words, ask and answer
WB p37 questions

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
A paper plate, butterfly clip, paper (for every student)
Sample clock already made
School schedule
Photocopiable activities
Four strips of paper per student
A4 paper (for each student)
Colored pencils
Phoneme card for /ər/ and /ɜr/
Sounds on CD of police/ fire sirens
Large paper with word halves
Magazine pictures, scissors, glue
Word train materials

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) read and talk about daily routines and times; b)
name the days of the week; c) talk about frequency of routines; d) do a survey; e) distinguish
between phonemes /ər/ and /ɜr/ and possible spellings; f) read and talk about people and their jobs; g) talk
about how all jobs are important; h) talk about the importance of being courteous to everyone; i) spell
words with double letters; j) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director


A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: In the city (#4)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Places in the city

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about places in a city and their location; saying where you are; talking about obligations using
must; asking and answering questions; talking about money; saying prices

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to talk about places in a city and their location; say where they are; talk about
obligations using must; ask and answer questions; recognize stress patterns; read and talk about money;
do math in English; complete a project

D. Overview/ Goals:
Talk about places in a city and their location; say where they are; talk about obligations using must; ask
and answer questions; recognize stress patterns; read and talk about money; do math in English; complete
a project

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in

as applicable)
To talk about places in a city LISTEN. FIND EVA’S Say what you can see, listen and place object
APARTMENT on place, look and answer questions
SB p38
To say where you are READ AND SAY Read and answer, use the map to say a place,
SB p38 answer questions about where you live

To talk about where places EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Draw a street and label five stores, describe
are on a street LISTEN AND DRAW the street, listen and draw your partner's street
TE pT106
To review new language WRITE THE WORDS; Write the words under the pictures, figure out
LOOK AT THE CODE. a code, complete the message, draw a picture
WB p38
To practice rhythm and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Sort words by syllables, clap rhythm of
syllable patterns PATTERNS syllables
TE pT106
To talk about places in a city LOOK AT THE PICTURE. Complete a mind map, look and find the
and their location LISTEN AND ANSWER places, listen and answer
SB p39
ASK AND ANSWER Ask and answer the questions about the town
SB p39
To develop communication LOOK AT THE PICTURE. Ask and answer the questions about the town
skills PLAY THE MEMORY by memory
SB p39
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and jump for true sentences
TE pT106
To review new language LOOK, READ, AND Read and write the store/place, spell the
WRITE. MATCH; words, ask and answer questions about your
ANSWER THE town, write the answers
WB p39
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: HOT Play a game, say clues, guess the place/store
TE pT106
To make predictions based LOOK, THINK, AND Look and answer, read and write answers
on pictures ANSWER
SB p40
To talk about obligations LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
using must SB p40
LISTEN AND SAY YES Listen and say yes or no
SB p40
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role, play a
speaking skills ROLE PLAY role
TE pT106
To review new language READ AND CIRCLE THE Read and circle the answer, say what you see,
BEST ANSWER; READ read and match
WB p40
To recognize word spellings EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Make a word search, swap and circle the
WORD SEARCH words, say the words
TE pT106
To develop reading skills READ AND MATCH. Match the sentence and pictures, write the
THEN LISTEN AND numbers and letters
SB p41
To practice rhythm and SING THE SONG Listen and repeat, sing a song, do an action
pronunciation SB p41
To talk about obligations EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Cut and color the cards, play a game, provide
using must CARD GAME a response for each card (can or must), match
TE pT106 cards
(Photocopiable Activity 4a:
TE pT93)
To write about obligations EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Make a list of rules, read the list, vote on the
using must CRAZY SCHOOL craziest list
TE pT106
To review new language READ AND CHECK. Read and choose the rules you like, compare
WHAT MUST CHILDREN preferences, listen and check, write the
WB p41
To recognize stress patterns PRONUNCIATION: Say it Listen and point, say the word, listen and
in one-, two-, and three- with Sally repeat
syllable words SB p42
LISTEN. REPEAT AND Listen and clap, repeat the word
SB p42
To discern between correct EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Decide if the sentence is true or false, correct
and incorrect statements TRUE OR FALSE false statements
TE pT106
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER. Ask and answer questions to find a time when
skills FIND A TIME WHEN they can play tennis
SB p42
(Photocopiable Activity 4b:
TE pT94)
To review new language LISTEN AND WRITE 1, 2, Listen and write the numbers, write the words
OR 3; PUT THE WORDS in the correct column
WB p42
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, listen and slap the word
TE pT107
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role, play a
speaking skills ROLE PLAY role
TE pT107
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences, color
WB p23 the face, talk about your sentences
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, mime actions for places, guess
speaking skills MIME GAME the place
TE pT107
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p44
To talk about money and READ AND ANSWER Listen and repeat, read and answer
SB p44
To do math in English READ AND DO THE Read and do the math
SB p44
To talk about money and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Write a problem, write the answers
TE pT107
To review new language THINK AND WRITE THE Read and write the words, spell the numbers,
WORDS; LOOK AT THE read the problems and answer the questions
WB p 44
To do math in English EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: IN Study a menu, answer questions
TE pT107
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER Look and say the price, ask and answer
skills SB p45 questions about prices
To complete a project to PROJECT Make a store, decide and label the prices
consolidate concepts of SB p25
money and prices
To review new language WRITE A SHOPPING Write a shopping list, “buy” items and
LIST. GO SHOPPING. partners’ stores, add how much you spent
SB p45
To develop memory EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Say a word chain
TE pT107
To review new language CHOOSE AND WRITE; Say the food, choose the prices and write, ask
ASK AND WRITE; READ and answer questions about prices, listen and
AND MATCH write the price, read and match the prices, say
WB p45 the price
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words about a topic, make a word train
TE pT107

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
CD script written on large paper
Photocopiable activities
Envelopes and scissors
Two or three rolled up newspapers
CD of a song about money
U.S. bills/coins
Large paper, colored pens, shopping magazines, glue
Word train materials

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) talk about places in a city and their location; b)
say where they are; c) talk about obligations using must; d) ask and answer questions; e) recognize stress
patterns; f) read and talk about money; g) do math in English; h) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director


A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: Stay healthy (#5)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Common ailments

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about common ailments; talking about obligations using must and must not; talking about how to
stay healthy; talking about the importance of keeping yourself healthy; interviewing someone about how
to stay healthy

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to talk and write about common ailments; read and talk about obligations
using must and must not; distinguish between and practice phonemes /u:/, /oʊ/,
/a/ and spellings of sounds; talk about how to stay healthy; talk about the importance of keeping
themselves healthy; interview someone about how to stay healthy; spell words ending in -tion.

D. Overview/ Goals:
Talk and write about common ailments; read and talk about obligations using must and must not;
distinguish between and practice phonemes /u:/, /oʊ/, /a/ and spellings of sounds; talk about how to stay
healthy; talk about the importance of keeping yourself healthy; interview someone about how to stay
healthy; spell words ending in -tion.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in

as applicable)
To make predictions from LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, read and predict the
pictures ANSWER answers
SB p48
To understand common LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check, listen and answer
ailments SB p48

To talk about common LISTEN AND DO THE Listen and mime, say a problem and mime it
ailments ACTIONS
SB p48
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, read a role, mime the actions,
speaking skills ROLE PLAY do a dialog
TE pT107
To review new language WRITE THE WORDS; Match and write, point and say, complete the
COMPLETE THE sentences
WB p48
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Draw a picture, label a picture
TE pT108
To talk about common LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and say the letter, mime and action, ask
ailments LETTER and answer questions about common ailments
SB p49
To write about common MAKE SENTENCES. SAY Read and make a sentence, listen and say the
ailments THE LETTER letter
SB p49
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Do a chant, mime an action, substitute with
CHANT your own ailments
TE pT108
To develop communication WHAT’S THE MATTER? Mime an ailment, guess the ailment
skills ACT IT OUT
SB p49
To review new language READ AND CIRCLE THE Read and circle the answer, match and write,
BEST ANSWER; MATCH complete the sentences
WB p49
To write about common EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Complete a sentence, draw a picture
TE pT108
To predict a situation based LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, read and predict the
on a picture ANSWER answers
SB p50
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p50
To talk about obligation COMPLETE THE Complete the sentence, say the sentence
using must and must not SENTENCES
SB p50
EXTRA ACTIVITY Play a game, turn over a card and make a
1:PLAY THE GAME sentence
TE pT108
(Photocopiable Activity 5:
TE pT95)
To review new language LISTEN AND WRITE THE Listen and write the number, say the sentence,
NUMBER; WRITE MUST write must or must not
WB p50
To talk about obligation EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write four rules, agree on the best rules in the
using must and must not CLASS RULES group, write the rules, agree on the best six as
TE pT108 a class
To read and talk about READ AND CORRECT Look and answer, read the text, read and
obligations using must and THE SENTENCES. correct the sentence, write the correct sentence
must not SB p51
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: DO Listen and follow instructions
TE pT108
To talk about obligation LISTEN AND COMPLETE Listen and complete the sentences
using must and must not THE SENTENCES. SAY
SB p51
To review new language LOOK AND MATCH; Draw lines to match, write the sentences
WB p51
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write a name and where he/she is, fold and
CONSEQUENCES pass a paper, respond to the prompts, open
TE pT108 and read the stories
To recognize and use the PRONUNCIATION: Say it Listen and point, say the sentences, listen and
phonemes and phonetic with Sally repeat
symbols /u:/,/oʊ/,/a/ SB p52
To practice pronunciation of LISTEN AND REPEAT. Listen and point, listen and repeat, match the
the phonemes POINT TO THE PICTURE sounds
/u:/,/oʊ/,/a/ AND SAY THE SOUND
SB p52
To talk and write about EXTRA ACTIVITY Play a game, say an ailment, write the word
common ailments 1:WHISPER AND WRITE
TE pT108
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER Mime an ailment, give a response, perform a
skills SB p52 conversation
To review new language FIND THREE WORDS Say the phoneme, find the words with that
WITH THE SAME sound, read and answer yes or no
WB p52
To review the letters of the EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Put words in alphabetical order, say the words
TE pT108
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p52
To practice words with PRONUNCIATION Listen and point, listen and repeat, listen and
/u:/ and /ʊ/ EXTENSION: Say it with say yes or no, repeat the words
SB p90
To practice pronunciation LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and repeat, say a chant
and rhythm CHANT
SB p90
To raise awareness that the LISTEN AND READ. ACT Say words for each sound, listen and read
letters that make the sounds IT OUT. along, act out a dialog
/u:/ and /ʊ/are not exclusive SB p90
to this sound but can make LISTEN AND WRITE; Listen and write the words, identify the words
another shorter sound LOOK AND WRITE; in phonetic script, write the words next to the
READ AND WRITE YOUR phonemic spelling, read a dialog, complete the
ANSWERS blanks, act out a dialog
WB p90
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p53 answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role
speaking skills ROLE PLAY
TE pT108
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences, color
WB p53 the face, talk about your sentences
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Turn over a card and make a sentence
TE pT108
(Photocopiable Activity 5:
TE pT95)
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p54
To read about how to stay READ AND MATCH Read and match titles with the texts
healthy SB p54
To develop communication DO THE QUIZ Read and write the answers, ask and answer
skills SB p54 the quiz questions in groups
EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Prepare a simple survey, ask and answer
CLASS SURVEY questions, say sentences about friends
TE pT108
To review new language FIND THE “HEALTHY” Say ways to be healthy, find the “healthy”
WORDS; CHECK OR words in the word search, read and check or
CROSS THE BOXES. IS IT cross the boxes
WB p 54
To talk and write about how EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write ideas in the correct columns, draw
to stay healthy LET’S BE HEALTHY pictures to support the text, find one idea you
TE pT109 didn’t think of
To develop communication LOOK AT THE Ask and answer questions about the pictures
SB p55
To sing a song about staying LISTEN AND MOVE. Listen and read, listen and do the action, sing
healthy SING THE SONG a song
SB p55
To complete a project to PROJECT Write a title, write sentences and draw
consolidate concepts of SB p55 pictures for each day of the week, color and
different types of homes decorate a book
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and follow instructions
TE pT109
To develop writing skills CHOOSE AND CHECK Say the actions, choose an action for the
THE BOXES; ASK AND children, ask and answer questions about the
CHECK THE BOXES information in your partner’s grid, record the
WB p55 new information
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Say where the words go, write the words in
SPELLING PATTERNS the correct column
TE pT109
WRITE SENTENCES Ask and answer questions about what you are
WB p55 going to do, write the sentences
To talk about the importance HEALTH EDUCATION: Say what you see, read and predict the
of keeping yourself healthy Help your body answers, say how to avoid health problems
SB p56
To develop reading skills READ AND CHECK Read aloud, check and discuss answers
SB p56
To develop listening and LISTEN AND SAY YES Listen and say yes or no, listen and answer the
speaking skills OR NO. ANSWER THE questions
SB p56
To review new language LISTEN AND NUMBER Listen and number the pictures, read and
THE PICTURES; READ complete the sentences, say how to stay
AND COMPLETE; WHAT healthy, write sentences, mime a sentence and
DO YOU DO? say it
WB p56
To develop listening and READ AND CHOOSE Read and answer, choose the correct words,
reading skills SB p57 read the sentences, listen and raise your hand
To develop listening and LISTEN AND CHECK. Listen and act out a dialog, write and act out a
speaking skills THEN ACT IT OUT. new dialog
SB p57
To develop writing skills SAY AND SPELL THE Look and say the word, spell the word,
WORDS ENDING IN - compare spelling/word patterns to L1
SB p57
To review new language ASK AND ANSWER; Listen and answer, ask and answer questions,
FIND THE WORDS write the names, read and circle the words,
WB p57 say which words are connected to staying
healthy, say how to avoid health problems

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Dialog written on large paper
Photocopiable activities
Phoneme flashcards
Paper (for each student)
Colored pencils, stapler, paper for project
Long strips of colored paper
CD of exercise-type music

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a)talk and write about common ailments; b) read
and talk about obligations using must and must not; c) distinguish between and practice phonemes
/u:/, /oʊ/, /a/ and spellings of sounds; d) talk about how to stay healthy; e) talk about the importance of
keeping themselves healthy; f) interview someone about how to stay healthy; g) spell words ending in -

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flash cards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director



A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: A day in the country (#6)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: The countryside

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Naming and talking about places in the country; completing a questionnaire; describing a scene using
adjectives; making suggestions; asking and answering questions; talking about plants; giving opinions

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to name and talk about places in the country; read a story about the country;
complete a questionnaire; describe a scene using adjectives; make suggestions; ask and answer questions;
distinguish between the sounds /a/ and /æ/; read and talk about plants; give their own opinions

D. Overview/ Goals:
Name and talk about places in the country; read a story about the country; complete a questionnaire;
describe a scene using adjectives; make suggestions; ask and answer questions; distinguish between the
sounds /a/ and /æ/; read and talk about plants; give their own opinions; complete a project.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in

as applicable)
To predict a situation based LOOK, THINK, AND Look and answer, read and predict
on a picture ANSWER
SB p58
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers, listen and answer
SB p58
To name and talk about LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and point, say the letter, ask and
places in the country LETTER answer questions about the picture
SB p58
To practice spelling words EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Answer and spell, write the word, spell the
SPELL IT words
TE pT109
To review new language UNSCRAMBLE AND Find the words, unscramble the words, spell
WRITE THE WORDS; the words
WB p58
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Complete a class brainstorm, write sentences
THINGS I ENJOY about yourself
TE pT109
To develop reading skills READ AND COMPLETE Read the text aloud, answer the questions,
THE SENTENCES complete the sentences orally
SB p59
To develop reading and COMPLETE THE STORY Complete the summary of the story orally,
writing skills SB p59 write the story
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and jump for correct sentences
TE pT109
To complete a questionnaire ASK YOUR FRIEND. Ask and answer questions, complete the
COMPLETE THE questionnaire, talk about your free time, write
WB p59
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Listen and draw, compare pictures in groups
speaking skills PICTURE DICTATION
TE pT109
To describe a scene using LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, read and predict answers
adjectives ANSWER
SB p60
LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers, listen and answer
SB p60 questions
To develop listening and PLAY THE MEMORY Listen and say the answers
speaking skills GAME. CLOSE YOUR
SB p60
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: FILLComplete the CD script, listen and check
IN THE BLANKS answers, write the text
TE pT109
To make suggestions FIND THE PAIRS AND Find the pairs, match the words, number the
NUMBER THE pictures, find the suggestion and complete the
WB p60
To develop communication EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Choose and mime a situation, guess the
skills MIME GAME situation and the suggestion
TE pT109
To use adjectives to describe LISTEN AND COMPLETE Scan the text and guess the missing words,
people SB p61 listen and complete, say the pattern
To practice rhythm and SING THE SONG Listen and sing, sing and mime
pronunciation SB p61

To develop listening and LISTEN AND WRITE. Listen and write the word, match the picture
writing skills MATCH THE WORDS
SB p61
To review new language EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Mime an adjective, guess the adjective
TE pT109
PUT THE WORDS IN Write the words in the columns, give an
GROUPS; LOOK AND example sentence, read and correct the
WB p61
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Cut the dice, decorate the faces, glue and
ROLL THE DICE make the dice, play a game, make sentences,
TE pT109 write sentences
(Photocopiable Activity 6:
TE pT96)
To recognize and use the PRONUNCIATION: Say it Listen and repeat, say what you see, listen and
phonemes and phonetic with Sally point, point and repeat
symbols /a/ and /æ/ SB p62
To practice the phonemes /a/ LISTEN AND REPEAT. Listen and point, point and say
SB p62
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER. USE Point and say a response, mime a situation and
skills THE WORDS IN THE respond
SB p62
To develop listening and ACT IT OUT. MAKE NEW Act out a conversation, invent and act out a
speaking skills SENTENCES situation
SB p62
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Listen and whisper, draw the word, say the
TE pT110
To review new language FIND THREE WORDS Say the words, identify the sounds, listen and
WITH THE SAME color, write answers
WB p
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Draw and label a picture
TE pT110
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p62
To increase vocabulary of PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat, identify the sound, write the
words with the sounds /a/ EXTENSION: Say it with sound under the correct heading, say a chant
and /æ/ me
SB p91
To develop reading skills READ AND ANSWER Read and answer the questions, say the words,
THE QUESTIONS add words to the correct column
SB p91
To develop listening and LISTEN AND READ. ACT Say what you can see, listen and read, listen
reading skills IT OUT and repeat, act out a dialog
SB p91
To review new language FIND THE WORDS; READ Find and circle the words, read and complete a
AND COMPLETE; LOOK text, look and write sentences to describe a
AND WRITE picture
WB p91
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p63 answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role, do a
speaking skills ROLE PLAY role play
TE pT110
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences, color
WB p63 the face, talk about your sentences
To develop reading skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Choose a sentence, say and demonstrate the
WHAT I CAN DO sentence
TE pT110
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p64
To talk about plants and give READ AND CHOOSE THE Read and answer, discuss a reading text
own opinions RIGHT ANSWER
SB p64
To give own opinions EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Complete a brainstorm, share and put ideas in
SHARING INFORMATIONthe relevant columns, exchange information
TE pT110 and complete a column
To review new language WRITE THE WORDS; Label the pictures, circle the words
WB p 64
To develop reading skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: DO Choose a fact and write it, read it and stick it
YOU KNOW THAT...? on the class poster
TE pT110
To develop reading skills READ AND ANSWER Read a text aloud, write the answer
SB p65
To complete a project to PROJECT Read and follow the instructions, note and
consolidate concepts of how SB p65 record experiment results, make a poster
plants grow
To record project results EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Draw a grid, write the dates, record the
PROJECT RECORD information, draw a picture
TE pT110
To review new language READ AND ORDER THE Read and order the words, write the sentences,
WORDS. MAKE match questions and answers
WB p65
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words by topic, make a word train
TE pT110

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box American English 3; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2 nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters,
Movers, Flyers; Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge
University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Adjectives written on small strips of paper
Photocopiable activities
Scissors, glue, colored pencils
Sample dice pre-made
A4 paper (for each student)
Phoneme cards
CD of gentle music
Realia (food from different parts of plants)
Large sheet of paper
Carrot top, plate of water, project materials for each group of four students
Word train materials

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) name and talk about places in the country; b)
read a story about the country; c) complete a questionnaire; d) describe a scene using adjectives; e) make
suggestions; f) ask and answer questions; g) distinguish between the sounds /a/ and / æ/; h) read and talk
about plants; i) give their own opinions; j) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.
……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..
English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director



A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: World of animals (#7)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: Wild animals

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Naming and talking about wild animals and their habitats; comparing animals using comparative
adjectives; talking about animals in Madagascar; talking about why it is important to be nice to insects;
talking about how to treat insects

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to name and talk about wild animals and their habitats; write descriptions of
wild animals, their habits, and habitats; compare animals using comparative adjectives; distinguish words
with the phonemes /ɪ/ and /aɪ/; complete a text; read about wildlife on Madagascar; talk about animals in
Madagascar; talk about why it is important to be nice to insects; talk about how to treat insects; identify
silent letters; complete a project.

D. Overview/ Goals:
Name and talk about wild animals and their habitats; write descriptions of wild animals, their habits, and
habitats; compare animals using comparative adjectives; distinguish words with the phonemes /ɪ/ and /aɪ/;
complete a text; read about wildlife on Madagascar; talk about animals in Madagascar; talk about why it
is important to be nice to insects; talk about how to treat insects; identify silent letters; complete a project.

Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in

as applicable)
To talk about wild animals LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you know, say what you see, look
and their habitats ANSWER and predict answers
SB p68
LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers, listen and answer
SB p68 questions
To recognize patterns LOOK AND COMPLETE. Identify the animals and guess the missing
LISTEN AND CHECK animals, listen and check answers
SB p68
To develop speaking skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Say a sentence, find your partner,say and
MATCHING GAME discuss your sentence
TE pT110
To practice putting words in PUT THESE ANIMALS IN Put the words in alphabetical order, write a list
alphabetical order ALPHABETICAL ORDER
WB p68
To talk about and name wild EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Copy the columns, put the animal in the right
animals ANIMAL CATEGORIES column, add more animals
TE pT111
To review new language UNSCRAMBLE AND Solve an anagram, draw lines to connect the
WRITE THE WORDS. animal words, answer the questions
WB p68
To develop reading skills READ AND MATCH Look and answer, read and match the pictures,
SB p69 write the numbers and letters, say the key
To write descriptions of wild WRITE DESCRIPTIONS Write a description of a wild animal
animals, their habitats and ABOUT OTHER
habits ANIMALS
SB p69
To develop communication PLAY THE GAME Read a description and guess the animal
skills SB p69
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play a game, listen and whisper, draw the
TE pT111
To review new language LOOK AT THE ANIMALS. Read a description and correct the wrong
READ AND CORRECT; information, write the correct information,
WRITE ABOUT YOUR create a mind map, write about your favorite
WB p69
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, listen and react to the sentence
speaking skills ANIMAL PROFILES
TE pT111
To make predictions about LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you see, look and predict answers
pictures ANSWER
SB p70
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers, listen for the
SB p70 missing words, listen and answer questions
To compare animals using WHAT DO YOU THINK? Read and say yes or no, put comparative
comparative adjectives READ AND SAY YES OR forms of adjectives in the correct column
SB p70
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Think of sentences, say sentences, decide if
speaking skills SENTENCES sentences are correct
TE pT111
To review new language READ AND MATCH. Match the simple and comparative adjectives,
THEN WRITE THE say a chant, write the adjectives in the correct
WORDS ON THE CHART; column, say what you see, read and respond to
LOOK AT THE PICTURE. the sentences, correct the wrong information
WB p70
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Listen and draw a picture, talk about the
speaking skills PICTURE DICTATION picture
TE pT111
To compare animals using MAKE SENTENCES. USE Make sentences about the pictures, write
comparative adjectives THE WORDS IN THE sentences on the paper, read and say if
BOXES sentences are correct
SB p71
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND ACT. SING Say what you see, listen and point, point and
THE SONG repeat, sing a song and mime an action
SB p71
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: OURWrite verses of a song, perform the verses,
SONG write and illustrate verses
TE pT111
To review new language COLOR THE PICTURE; Color a picture, describe your picture, listen
DESCRIBE AND COLOR; and color your partner’s picture, write
WRITE SENTENCES TO sentences about your picture
WB p71
To develop communication EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Answer the questions, write the results, talk
skills FINDING OUT about the results
TE pT111
To recognize and use the PRONUNCIATION: Say it Listen and point, listen and repeat
phonemes and phonetic with Sally
symbols /ɪ/ and /aɪ/ SB p72
LISTEN AND REPEAT. Listen and repeat, point and repeat
SB p72
To develop communication READ AND LSITEN. Read and listen, write the missing words
SB p72
(Photocopiable Activity 7:
TE pT97)
To review new language PUT THE WORDS IN Match the sounds and write the words
WB p72
To review the comparative EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Say and adjective and throw the ball, say the
and simple forms of CATCH AND SAY comparative and another simple adjective,
adjectives TE pT111 play a game
To review new language UNSCRAMBLE AND Solve the anagrams, unscramble and write the
WB p72
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Choose adjectives and write sentences
TE pT111
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p62
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p73 answer
To EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and repeat a role,
ROLE PLAY perform a role play
TE pT111
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Study the words, write the words without
progress CAN DO looking, spell the words, read sentences, color
WB p73 the face, talk about your sentences
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write the description of a wild animal as a
ANIMAL QUIZ group, read and guess the animals
TE pT111
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p74
To talk and read about the READ AND CHOOSE THE Read and look for the key words, choose the
wildlife on Madagascar BEST NAME FOR THE best title, read and underline interesting facts,
TEXT compare and discuss ideas
SB p74
To talk about experiences in READ AND MATCH Read the sentences and match them with the
nature SB p74 words in the box, discuss experiences
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Write definitions of words, read the
writing skills DEFINITIONS definitions, write the words
TE pT111
To review new language WRITE THE WORDS; Label the picture, check the correct box, listen
LISTEN AND CHECK THEand check answers
WB p 74
EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: ONE Choose the one that doesn’t belong, give
THAT DOESN’T BELONG reasons for answers
TE pT112
To make predictions about LOOK AT THE ANIMALS Say the animals, read and guess the answers,
animals in Madagascar and FROM MADAGASCAR. give a reason for the predictions
their habits/habitats ASK AND ANSWER.
SB p75
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p75
To complete a project to PROJECT Choose an animal, collect information about
consolidate concepts of wild SB p75 the animal, make an information page using
animals and their habitats your research

To develop communication EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Say interesting facts about the projects, ask
skills SHARING INFORMATIONand answer questions about the projects
TE pT112
To review new language LOOK AND COMPLETE Complete the sentences, spell the
THE SENTENCES; THINK comparative, complete a table using
AND WRITE information in a box, say the sentences, make
WB p75 fact files about other animals
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words by topic, make a word train
TE pT112
To talk about the importance ENVIRONMENTAL Talk about and name some insects, say what
of insects EDUCATION: Love bugs you see, read and predict answers to the
LOOK, THINK, AND questions
SB p76
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p76
To talk about the importance ANSWER THE Listen and answer the questions, give your
of insects and how to treat QUESTIONS own ideas
them SB p76
To develop communication SAY AND GUESS Describe a picture, listen and guess, talk about
skills SB p76 your own experiences
To review new language READ AND CHOOSE; Read and circle the correct words, discuss
WB p76
To talk about being nice to LISTEN AND READ. Listen and say the insects, listen and read,
insects THEN ACT IT OUT read and act out the dialog
SB p77
To identify silent letters LISTEN. SAY THE Listen and repeat, listen and say the word,
WORDS WITH THE listen and point, spell the word
SB p77
To review new language READ AND ORDER. Read and order the dialog, listen and check
THEN LISTEN AND answers, act out the dialog, discuss how you
CHECK; READ AND feel about insects, say how insects help us,
CROSS OUT THE SILENT read and cross out the silent letters, write the
LETTERS words and underline the silent letters, say the
WB P77 words

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box 3 ; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters, Movers, Flyers;
Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Pictures or drawings: kangaroo, dolphin, lion, panda, shark, whale, parrot, bear, bat
Cut up sentences
Four large pieces of paper
Photocopiable activities
CD of animal sounds
Map of the world
Project materials: paper for each student, colored pencils, reference materials, relevant Internet sites
Word train materials
Colored paper with lines drawn at bottom
Small cards (6 per pair)

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) name and talk about wild animals and their
habitats; b) write descriptions of wild animals, their habits, and habitats; c) compare animals using
comparative adjectives; d) distinguish words with the phonemes /ɪ/ and /aɪ/; e) complete a text; f) read
about wildlife on Madagascar; g) talk about animals in Madagascar; h) talk about why it is important to
be nice to insects; i) talk about how to treat insects; j) identify silent letters; k) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

……………………….. ……………………… …………………………..

English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director



A. General information:
Text: Kid’s Box 3
Unit title: Weather report (#8)
Classroom/ level: A1
Subject Area: The weather

B. Communicative Competence Components:

Talking about the weather; talking about the past using was and were; give opinions about music

C. Unit rationale:
To ensure learners are able to talk about the weather; talk about the past using was and were; distinguish
words with the phoneme /ɜr/; read about music and musical instruments; give opinions about music

D. Overview/ Goals:
Talk about the weather; talk about the past using was and were; distinguish words with the phoneme /ɜr/;
read about music and musical instruments; give opinions about music; complete a project.
Objective Content Learning Activities Days (fill in
as applicable)
To talk about weather LOOK, THINK, AND Look and answer, read and predict
SB p78
READ AND CHECK Read the postcards, find the answers
SB p78
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND SAY YES Listen and say yes or no, correct the incorrect
OR NO sentences
SB p78
To sort words by categories EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Put words in the correct column, complete a
TE pT112
To review new language LOOK, READ, AND Look and read, write the words, read and
WRITE; READ AND circle the correct words, read correct
CIRCLE THE CORRECT sentences aloud
WB p78
To talk about weather EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: OURCopy the weather symbols, write sentences
WEATHER underneath, write a sentence to describe the
TE pT112 weather now
To talk about the weather LISTEN AND MATCH Say what you can see, listen and write the
SB p79 numbers and letters, match the weather and
To develop communication ASK AND ANSWER. USE Ask and answer questions about the pictures
SB p79
EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Say the weather word and symbols, color and
WHAT’S THE WEATHER cut out the weather symbols, stick the symbols
LIKE? on the picture, ask and answer questions,
TE pT112 listen and stick the symbol on the picture
(Photocopiable Activity 8:
TE pT98)
To review new language LISTEN AND DRAW THE Listen and look, listen and draw
WB p79
To talk about weather EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Play a game, turn over cards and say the
MATCHING GAME weather, find matches
TE pT112
To talk about weather LOOK, THINK, AND Say what you can see, read and make
ANSWER predictions, answer questions
SB p80
To develop listening skills LISTEN AND CHECK Listen and check answers
SB p80
To talk about the past using LISTEN AND SAY Listen and say if sentences are past or present,
was and were YESTERDAY OR TODAY listen and say yesterday or today
SB p80
To develop writing skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Make sentences with prompts, write and say
HOW MANY the sentences
TE pT112
To review new language READ AND COMPLETE Read and complete the sentences, read a text
THE SENTENCES; LOOK aloud, decode a secret message, write the
WB p80
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Use a secret code to write a secret message,
writing skills SECRET MESSAGES swap and decode messages
TE pT112
To talk about the past using READ AND COMPLETE. Say what you can see, look and answer
was and were THEN LISTEN AND questions, substitute words for pictures, listen
CHECK and check answers, sing verses of a song
SB p81
To practice rhythm and SING THE SONG Listen and repeat, sing a song
pronunciation SB p81
To review new language MAKE SENTENCES Say a sentence and identify the picture, write
SB p81 the sentences
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Make a weather snake (wordsnake with
writing skills WEATHER SNAKES weather words), swap and find the words
TE pT112
To review new language ASK AND ANSWER. Read the phrases aloud, fill in a column with
CHOOSE WORDS FROM personal information, ask and answer
THE BOX; WRITE ABOUTquestions, write information in a grid, talk
YOUR WEEKEND about your weekend, write about your
WB p81 weekend
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Put questions/sentences in order, write the
writing skills LIVING LANGUAGE questions and sentences, cut up questions/
TE pT112 sentences and swap, animate new sentences

To recognize and use the PRONUNCIATION: Say it Say what you can see, listen and point, listen
phoneme and phonetic with Sally and repeat, say a tongue twister
symbol /ɜr/ SB p82
CAN YOU HEAR /ɜr/? Listen and say yes or no
SB p82
To review new language MAKE A QUIZ. ASK AND Answer questions, write questions for a quiz,
ANSWER ask and answer questions
SB p82
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play a game, guess the letters, guess the word
TE pT113
To review new language LISTEN AND CHECK THERead and say the words, circle the words,
WORDS WITH /ɜr/; choose the words and circle them, read your
CHOOSE YOUR LETTER letter, draw a picture to illustrate your letter
WB p82
To develop reading and EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write a letter to a friend, swap and read letters
writing skills LETTERS
TE pT113
To understand a joke JOKE BOX Listen to a joke
WB p82
To develop listening and STORY: Lock and Key Look and answer, listen and repeat, read and
reading skills SB p83 answer
To develop listening and EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Choose a role, listen and say a role, perform a
speaking skills ROLE PLAY role play
TE pT113
To evaluate learner’s DO YOU REMEMBER? Study the words, write the words without
progress WB p83 looking, spell the words
To review new language in a EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Stick the weather symbols on the picture, ask
communicative activity WHAT WAS THE and answer questions about partner’s picture,
WEATHER LIKE? listen and stick symbols on your picture, write
TE pT113 sentences describing weather using was
(Photocopiable Activity 8:
TE pT98)
To evaluate learners’ DO YOU REMEMBER?; Read sentences, color the face, talk about your
progress CAN DO sentences
WB p83
To activate prior knowledge CONTENT LESSON: Look and answer, read and think
Do you know that...?
SB p84
To talk about music and READ AND ANSWER Talk about music, read a text aloud, discuss a
musical instruments THE QUESTIONS reading, answer the questions
SB p84
To give opinions about LISTEN AND SAY THE Listen and write the letter, give reasons for
music LETTER choices
SB p84
To name and talk about EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Write the categories of musical instruments
musical instruments MUSICAL and draw examples for each
TE pT113
To review new language READ AND ORDER THE Say what you can see, read and order the
through reading activities PICTURES; READ AND pictures, answer questions about a reading
WRITE YES OR NO text, read and write yes or no, correct
WB p 84 incorrect sentences
To give opinions about EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Listen and draw a picture for each piece of
music MUSICAL PICTURES music, say what you drew and why
TE pT113
To talk about music and LISTEN AND SAY THE Say the instrument, listen and say the letter
musical instruments LETTER
SB p85
To complete a project to PROJECT Say what you can see, read the instructions,
consolidate concepts of SB p85 make a musical instrument, choose a song and
different types of music and play your instrument
musical instruments
To develop listening skills EXTRA ACTIVITY 1: Play a game, listen and slap the word
TE pT113
To review new language LOOK AND MATCH. Match pictures with words, categorize the
WHAT CAN YOU SEE?; words in the correct columns, read and answer
PUT THE WORDS IN questions, write the answers, ask and answer
GROUPS; ANSWER THE questions about your partner, say same or
WB p85
To review new vocabulary EXTRA ACTIVITY 2: Write words by topic, make a word train
TE pT113

E. List of sources:
Kid’s Box 3 ; Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, 2nd Edition; Storyfun for Starters, Movers, Flyers;
Primary i-Dictionary, Primary i-Box, Cambridge Picture Dictionary (All Cambridge University Press)

F. List of materials:
CD & CD player
Photocopiable activities
Colored pencils, scissors, sticky tack
Weather cards (six for each student)
Sentences cut into sections, one set for each pair
Recording equipment for the song (optional)
Questions and statements cut into single words
CD of gentle orchestral classical music
Project materials: Rice or beans, plastic bottles with caps
Word train materials

G. Assessment:
Students will be assessed formally through the use of the Evaluations for the series. These evaluations test
their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary presented in this unit.
The language portfolio, which reflects the students’ progress on their own terms, will also be used to
indicate students’ progress.
Informal evaluation will take place throughout the unit assessing the students’ ability to complete each of
the activities listed above, but ultimately their ability to a) talk about the weather; b) talk about the past
using was and were; c) distinguish words with the phoneme /ɜr/; d) read about music and musical
instruments; e) give opinions about music; f) complete a project.

H. Explanation of how the unit addresses a particular student profile:

Students will first work on the receptive skills, progressing slowly from receptive to productive skills;
students will be supported throughout the unit by images and flashcards; students will recycle new
vocabulary in a variety of ways throughout the unit; students will do extra activities as reinforcement for
new language; students will be engaged through meaningful contexts and by listening to stories / singing
Students who need reinforcement will complete the reinforcement worksheets for each unit, and students
who require more challenging activities will complete the extension worksheets for each unit.
Students will be assessed individually, in their ability to demonstrate not only linguistic development, but
also social and emotional development.

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English Teacher Area Coordinator School Director

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