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Patient Name : Ms.

KHUSHBU MODI Sample Registration Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42

Age/sex: 31 Years / Female Sample Collection Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Lab No. : 232002405 31-Mar-2023 Sample Acceptance Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Dr Name: Dr D. R. GANDHI DHMS Report Status: Final


Test Name Result Unit Biological Reference Interval

gm% SLS Photometric, WB 12 - 15

Haemoglobin 8.90
cells/uL Light Scattering, WB 4000 - 10000
Total W.B.C. Count 4790
% Light Scattering, WB 40 - 60
Neutrophils 55
% Light Scattering, WB 20 - 40
Lymphocytes 30
% Light Scattering, WB 2 - 10
Monocytes 6
% Light Scattering, WB 0-6
Eosinophils 8
% Light Scattering, WB 0-1
Basophils 1
% Calculated 0 - 3.13
Neutro-Lympho Ratio 1.83
cells/uL Light Scattering, WB 2000 - 7000
232002405-Ms. KHUSHBU MODI-31 Years-Female

Neutrophils (Count) 2610

cells/uL Light Scattering, WB 1000 - 3000
Lymphocytes (Count) 1430
cells/uL Light Scattering, WB 200 - 1000
Monocytes (Count) 290
cells/uL Light Scattering, WB <500
Eosinophils (Count) 400
cells/uL Light Scattering, WB 0 - 200
Basophils (Count) 60
10^6/uL Electrical Impedance, WB 3.8 - 4.8
RBC Count 5.09
% Calculated 36 - 46
P.C.V. (HCT) 31.50
fL Electrical Impedance, WB 82 - 96
M.C.V. 61.90
pg Calculated 27 - 32
M.C.H. 17.50
gm/dl Calculated 32 - 35
M.C.H.C. 28.30
% Calculated 11 - 15
R.D.W.-CV 20.70
fL Calculated 35 - 46
R.D.W.-SD 43.40
/cmm Electrical Impedance, WB 150000 - 450000
Platelet Count 492000
fL Light Scattering, WB 8 - 11.7
MPV 9.00
Remarks: Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia, Adv: S. Ferritin


Reported on: 31-Mar-2023 16:26 M.D (Pathology)
GMC No: G-15088

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Patient Name : Ms. KHUSHBU MODI Sample Registration Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Age/sex: 31 Years / Female Sample Collection Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Lab No. : 232002405 31-Mar-2023 Sample Acceptance Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Dr Name: Dr D. R. GANDHI DHMS Report Status: Final

Test Name Test Result Unit Biological Ref. Interval/Method

mg/dL Hexokinase, Flouride
Random Blood Sugar 88 70 - 150
(Plasma Glucose)
Done on COBAS Integra 400+ Roche ,

IU/ml Immunonephelometric, Serum

RA Test < 11.6 0 - 20


M.D (Pathology)
232002405-Ms. KHUSHBU MODI-31 Years-Female

GMC No: G-15088

Validated By: BHAVNA PATEL Reported on 31-Mar-2023 16:26

Page 2 of 4
Patient Name : Ms. KHUSHBU MODI Sample Registration Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Age/sex: 31 Years / Female Sample Collection Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Lab No. : 232002405 31-Mar-2023 Sample Acceptance Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Dr Name: Dr D. R. GANDHI DHMS Report Status: Final

Test Name Test Result Unit Biological Ref. Interval/Method

pg/mL ECL, Serum
Vitamin B12 Level 162 200 - 2000
Vitamin B12 is a cofactor for the conversion of methylmalonyl Coenzyme-A to succinoyl CoA. In addition, B12 is a cofactor in the synthesis of methionine
from homocysteine, is implicated in the formation of myelin, and along with folate, is required for DNA synthesis.
The cause of vitamin B12 deficiency can be three type: Nutritional deficiency, Malabsorption Syndromes and other gastrointestinal causes.
B12 deficiency can cause Megaloblastic Anemia(MA)(serum level is usually <100 pg/mL), nerve damage, and degeneration of the spinal cord. Lack of B12,
even mild deficiencies, damages the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerves which may lead to peripheral neuropathy.
The nerve damage caused by a lack of B12 may become permanently debilitating if the underlying condition is not treated. People with intrinsic factor
defects who do not get treatment eventually develop a Megaloblastic anemia called Pernicious anemia(PA).
The relationship between B12 levels and Megaloblastic Anemia is not always clear in that some patients with MA will have normal B12 level; conversely,
many individuals with B12 deficiency are not afflicated with Megaloblastic anemia. Despite these complication, however, in the presence of Megaloblastic
anemia (eg; elevated MCV) there is usually serum B12 or folate deficiency.
A serum B12 level below the normal expected range may indicate that tissue B12 levels are becoming depleted. A condition that is associated with low
serum B12 levels includes:- iron deficiency, normal near-term pregnancy, vegetarianism, partial gastrectomy/ileal damage, celiac disease, oral
contraception, parasitic infestation, and advancing age.
232002405-Ms. KHUSHBU MODI-31 Years-Female

* Therapeutic intake during preceding days - (oral- 3 days, parenteral 3 wk.) may lead to an increased level


ng/mL ECL, Serum
Vit D (25-OH) 8.17 >30.0
Deficiency : <10 ng/mL
Insufficiency : 10 - 30 ng/mL
Sufficiency : 30 - 100 ng/mL
Toxicity : >100 ng/mL
Note: 1. Vit D3 is synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol in response to sunlight, some part also comes from diet and supplements. Vit D2
comes essentially from , diet and supplements.
2. Both Vit D3 and D2 are converted in the liver to 25 OH Vitamin D.
3. 25 OH Vit D is considered the best indicator of Vitamin D nutritional status.
4. Vit D toxicity is recognized, but is a rare occurrence.
5. Kindly correlate all results clinically, REPEAT with fresh sample if indicated clinically.


M.D (Pathology)
GMC No: G-15088
Validated By JAGDISH SINOJIYA Reported on 31-Mar-2023 16:26

Page 3 of 4
Patient Name : Ms. KHUSHBU MODI Sample Registration Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Age/sex: 31 Years / Female Sample Collection Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Lab No. : 232002405 31-Mar-2023 Sample Acceptance Time: 31-Mar-2023 11:42
Dr Name: Dr D. R. GANDHI DHMS Report Status: Final

Test Name Test Result Unit Biological Ref. Interval/Method

ng/mL CMIA/ECL, Serum
Triiodohyronine (T3) 1.00 0.75 - 2.00
ug/dl CMIA/ECL, Serum
Thyroxine (T4) 9.88 4.00 - 11.50
uU/mL CMIA, Serum
TSH (Ultrasensitive) 2.1328 0.35 - 4.94
Biological Referance Interval during Pregnancy
1st Trimester - 0.1 - 2.5 uIU/mL
2nd Trimester - 0.2 - 3.0 uIU/mL
3rd Trimester - 0.3 - 3.0 uIU/mL

---------------------------- End Of Report -----------------------------


232002405-Ms. KHUSHBU MODI-31 Years-Female

M.D (Pathology)
GMC No: G-15088
Validated By: JAGDISH SINOJIYA Reported on 31-Mar-2023 16:08

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