Reflection Paper

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When I started this semester and got informed about how the course will be handled, I was

surprised that there are more things to do than just walking laps. I didn't know that we'll be doing
more than one type of walk, which I was also surprised with as I only know walks to be "slow" or
"fast". My literal expectation was just doing walking laps and the coach encouraging us to fasten our
walking pace. It was interesting to learn about these and know their specific benefits and how we
can effectively use them in our routine. We learned that there are walks that are similar or done
faster than jogging, and jogging is known to be an effective calorie burner, thus, I was happy and
really felt that I was exercising. Although I prefer doing the walking laps during class time, I’m also
satisfied that coach lets us decide how we will schedule our exercises throughout the semester.

Throughout the time of my walking exercises, I think the most wholesome thing I learned is
that walking can be a bonding activity. Whether it is with my friends, classmates, or family, it was
fun to do an academic task that allows me to have a companion to do it with. Slow walking is usually
a routine that I use with my family, as it allows us to loiter around malls and parks. Some of my
other walking routines were also conducted with my sister and my pet, and it became a weekly
thing for us during the weekends. I also remember doing a routine with my friend, and we were able
to walk on the academic oval and go to the College of Fine Arts to visit an exhibit. Aside from
another companion, the walking routine also allowed me to bond with myself. However, there were
only a few times I tried walking on my own outside, especially if it was far from my home. But I do
remember the moment of it being peaceful as I listen to the music while walking around the
academic oval.

However, the hard part of the course was following strictly the routine I made. I rarely get to
follow it due to other academic requirements. Because I'm not used to exercising, I often forget to
allocate an hour or two for my walking routine, which usually happens when I'm in my dormitory.
Moreover, because I'm not comfortable going outside in that place, it was hard for me to follow the
schedule I set, and I only get to do the routine if I have f2f class. That's why I prefer doing the
walking exercise at my home since I'm usually with my family and the place is more familiar to me.
But I’m glad I took this course as I was able to strive for a healthier day-to-day routine that doesn’t
involve 24 hours of just sitting, laying down, or eating. Even without my pedometer, I was
enthusiastic to walk with my sister for a long time, usually around our house or even just inside. I
didn’t notice it but because of my walking exercises, we created a regular bonding time for our
family. Usually we just went outside the house if there are events or celebrations, so I was happy
that they were joining me on my walking exercises and were supportive if I wanted to walk more.
Overall, the course was fun. I thank Coach Leslie for designing the course this way. Instead of
being forceful of what we should achieve at the end of the course, coach was supportive and simply
encouraged us to do our walking routines comfortably. It allowed me to spend time with people I
love as well as with myself. There are things I need to change to make my walking routine better.
Since summer is coming by, I believe there would be enough time for me to exercise regularly
without struggling to do the task given other academic requirements. I would 100% recommend
this class to other students because it’s not overly complicated. The only challenge I encountered is
following strictly the schedule, but this is a good course to take especially for those who already
have mentally exhausting academic tasks.

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