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Variables Interpretation p-value Remarks

0.154 Low correlation 0.671 Not Significant
Return on Ratio
Asset Current
0.362 Low Correlation 0.305 Not Significant
0.255 Low correlation 0.477 Not Significant
Return on Ratio
Equity Current Negligible
0.083 0.820 Not Significant
Ratio Correlation

The result above presents the relationship between liquidity and profitability performance

of selected food and beverages companies listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange.

As revealed in the table, there is no significant relationship between the return on asset

and quick ratio (r =0.154 , p=0.671) as well as current ratio (r =0.362 , p=0.305). Moreover,

there is also no significant relationship between return on equity and quick ratio

(r =0.255 , p=0.477) as well as current ratio (r =0.083 , p=0.820). Although the results have

showed a low correlation between the variables, the p-values suggests that this correlation

coefficients are not significant at 5% level of significance.


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